Godplace/Mission238 forums

Open Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: mini on September 09, 2013, 09:53:21 PM

Title: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 09, 2013, 09:53:21 PM
Now, let the rumors about Allen begin!

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 09, 2013, 09:54:38 PM
Allen once ate a whole carton of ice cream in one setting...WITHOUT GETTING A BRAIN FREEZE!!!

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 09, 2013, 10:45:05 PM
That's nothing. Make it Blue Bell ice cream and I could do the same thing. :D
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 09, 2013, 11:15:02 PM
Allen once bought some magical beans.

Hey. Mel, you may want to give Allen Mini's number.  There are lots of guy things he may need guidance on... BBW

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 10, 2013, 12:17:21 AM
 I heard Allen was a former Hells Angel now in the Witless Protection Program...:P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 10, 2013, 12:55:08 AM
Oh, wow.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 10, 2013, 01:15:39 AM
Mel you have got to get this guy online so we can interrog... er, learn more about him.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 10, 2013, 01:21:24 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 10, 2013, 12:55:08 AM
Oh, wow.
What?  :hypocrite: Mini said let the rumors begin. Didn't say they couldn't be exciting and fanciful.  :P Wait 'til you hear what he's in the Witless Protection Program FOR.  :lol:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 10, 2013, 01:50:43 AM
I heard Allen is a Hindu that owns a steakhouse.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 10, 2013, 02:02:36 AM
Poor fellow. He's not even around to defend himself.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 10, 2013, 02:04:17 AM
We're building him.... Up.  Yeah. We're speaking in faith of his awesomeness.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 04:25:43 AM

First of all its ALLAN, with an A. Spell my mans name right for crying out loud!

This reminds me, I need to tell him the Kevin story. Haha.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 10, 2013, 04:36:19 AM
Buahahaha! I was just going to say "For pity sakes, people, if you're going to start rumors, at least get his name right!".... but Mel beat me to it. ;)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 04:38:13 AM
Thanks for having my back. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 10, 2013, 04:44:00 AM
Any time, dahling. ;)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 10, 2013, 12:20:58 PM
I heard Allan's real name was Allen.  He just goes by Allan around Melbs to impress her because she thinks its more exotic.


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 10, 2013, 01:09:24 PM
Morning, all.  I think Melbs is too busy to worry about us much. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 10, 2013, 03:14:05 PM

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 03:47:01 PM
Hi there.

I still care about yall...I just dont have much to say unless its about Allan. lol

Dad is doing well with is recovery...he is not doing physical therapy yet, cause he has both hyperbarics and dialysis. So he doenst have the time in the days for PT. The drs want him to do the hyperbarics above anything, and he has to do dialysis to live. So there isnt time for PT at all. But he can do that later.

Tonight Im making chicken and pasta alfredo stuff...its one of those frozen bertolli bag dinners with everything already included. Allan brought it over and thats what he wants. And the Ramseys just gave me a whole raw chicken. So Ill do that tomorrow night.

Life is good, and I am happy.

Im not sure yet if I want Allan on GP. LOL He knows I have a "Message board" where I talk to my friends, but he has yet to learn the site addy or the name of the board. But he is rarely on the computer anyway. He doesnt have one of his own yet, and his iPod with WiFi is messed up. We may be getting new phones soon, he wants an iPhone and yall know I NEED one, and he wants me on his plan with him, so we will see. Then I may introduce him here. Ive been open and honest with him about everything and I dont have anything to hide, so I dont think I care if he is here, but I just havent officially invited him here.

Yall might harass the poor guy to death. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 03:49:40 PM
Oh, since dad has not done the PT yet, his hospital stay may be more than the original three weeks planned on. He is still in a regular room as of right now, they havent even moved him to the therapy floor. And usually when you get moved to that floor, you stay there for the three weeks.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 10, 2013, 03:57:35 PM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 03:47:01 PM
Hi there. Hi yourself, you twitterpated person, you. :lol:

I still care about yall...I just dont have much to say unless its about Allan. lol No! Really? Funny how that works. :hypocrite:

Dad is doing well with is recovery...he is not doing physical therapy yet, cause he has both hyperbarics and dialysis. So he doenst have the time in the days for PT. The drs want him to do the hyperbarics above anything, and he has to do dialysis to live. So there isnt time for PT at all. But he can do that later.

Tonight Im making chicken and pasta alfredo stuff...its one of those frozen bertolli bag dinners with everything already included. Allan brought it over and thats what he wants. And the Ramseys just gave me a whole raw chicken. So Ill do that tomorrow night. I'm coming for dinner. Tomorrow. *lol*

Life is good, and I am happy. Happy looks good on you. :)

Im not sure yet if I want Allan on GP. LOL He knows I have a "Message board" where I talk to my friends, but he has yet to learn the site addy or the name of the board. But he is rarely on the computer anyway. He doesnt have one of his own yet, and his iPod with WiFi is messed up. We may be getting new phones soon, he wants an iPhone and yall know I NEED one, and he wants me on his plan with him, so we will see. Then I may introduce him here. Ive been open and honest with him about everything and I dont have anything to hide, so I dont think I care if he is here, but I just havent officially invited him here.

Yall might harass the poor guy to death. ;) Yes. We will. With glee and happiness and delight. :bigcheese:

Oh, and hurray for a longer break in caring for your dad. ;)

My own sharing (which does not involve Allan, thankfully *ahem*)....
Getting the carpet redone in Bella's room today. Which means the house is torn up, but oh well. It really needs to be done. I don't want her learning to crawl on the current carpet. :o

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 10, 2013, 04:00:35 PM
Lost that many sewing needles in it, did you?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 04:05:37 PM
Involving Allan in your share post is NOT a bad thing. :nono:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 10, 2013, 04:06:59 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 10, 2013, 04:00:35 PM
Lost that many sewing needles in it, did you?
Ouch, that hurts thinking about it, Isaac. :o
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 10, 2013, 04:39:11 PM
Actually.... it's because the former renters must have used that bedroom as a kennel. We've lived in this house for two years now, and I've done pretty much everything I can think of to get the smell out (and this was AFTER it was professionally cleaned). Anyhow. Recently I was in there sorting/organizing some stuff, and was kneeling on the floor, and hours later could still smell animal nastiness on my clothes. :yell: I REALLY didn't like the thought of Arabella learning to crawl in there and having her face and hands right down in it, so... talked to the landlord and he's getting the carpet replaced. Thankful. :)

Quote from: MelodyB on September 10, 2013, 04:05:37 PM
Involving Allan in your share post is NOT a bad thing. :nono:

Oh. Well in that case, I'll make up some juicy rumors too. :cool:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 10, 2013, 06:39:02 PM
Ah, you're renting.  That explains how it happened.  I couldn't picture y'all messing the carpet up that bad.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 10, 2013, 08:29:38 PM
 Spelling his name "Allen" is all part of the Witless Protection Program.  :hypocrite:  See, "Allan" may be what he goes by NOW, but the gang knew him as Allen. That was before he killed the leader of the gang, one Kevin Bishop, in a wild fight while riding on a wild Boar. Said fight was supposedly over the affection of a Ms. Peach...
Sadly, he discovered that she abandonded him when he was forced to flee from the gang after the killing. When he finally located her, he found that she had taken up with a chicken plucking card salesman.  :noo:
While "Allan/Allen" may have a past from which he is fleeing,and a gang, Ms. Peach is far from innocent herself. While whiling away her time playing with the heart of the hapless card salesman, she has laundered money and interferred with police matters, by refusing to share information on other criminals.  :o
I know this to be true, as I have witnessed it myself. :hypocrite:

Now that Outlaw Allan and Ms. Peach are reunited, there is no telling what dastardly deeds they have planned....but now they've got the WPS backing them... :sadbounce:

:thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 10, 2013, 09:44:19 PM
I thought I posted earlier. 

I'm so super excited for you Mel!!  But in all the excitement, I feel a little lost. You and Allen went from cousins to your pet project to in love. What was the turning point?  Should expect seeing a ring or have you just begun to date/court seriously?  And many more questions but I just wonder if its ok to know some more of the great love story  :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 11, 2013, 01:07:30 AM
In response to Sethers last post in the last thread: I doubt it. Lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 11, 2013, 01:16:17 AM
Ruby: there is a picture on my FB. whenever I get home from vacation I'll post it here. Brandon designed it himself and had it made.  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 11, 2013, 01:58:47 AM
Missed it somehow. But I just went and found it. Gorgeous! He did good. :D

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 11, 2013, 04:00:16 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 10, 2013, 09:44:19 PM
I thought I posted earlier. 

I'm so super excited for you Mel!!  But in all the excitement, I feel a little lost. You and Allen went from cousins to your pet project to in love. What was the turning point?  Should expect seeing a ring or have you just begun to date/court seriously?  And many more questions but I just wonder if its ok to know some more of the great love story  :)

You have it right, it happened fast...Hes NOT my cousin, we just share an Aunt and Uncle. Weird I know, but it true. Then Kimber and I decided to befriend him, and help him, and then he kept flirting with me...big time. So then I asked him if he had intentions or were we just playing a game? Cause at the time, to me, we were friends and I was just play flirting back. He said he was serious and I said that was ok, but I was NOT serious. I thought we were playing and I didnt want to lead him on. Then God touched me. And Im not just saying that...I heard him pray...I had heard him pray lots of times before, but this time was so much different and I began to fall for him. The presence of God came into my room while I heard him pray on the other side of the wall at 5:30am. It was incredible. I was so attracted to him in that moment. I cant describe how it makes me feel when he prays and worships. I love him more and more when I see and hear that. Im sure yall know what Im talking about.

THAT was the turning point. At that time we had already went out a couple of times, and I didnt see those dates as really dates till now. To me at the time I thought we were just friends. But he had other intentions that I didnt realize. After that, we started spending more and more time together, and he convinced me that he loves me for ME. And I realized I loved him too. I fought it hard, but I finally allowed myself to love and be loved. We were gonna wait to be officially dating, cause I needed to take things slow...but then I got a few calls and talks from Pastor and Sis R, and Mom and Dad, and several others gave their immediate approval. These people I trust and I just decided Sunday night to tell him that we can be officially dating. I wanted to wait, but when you know, you know.

And I know Im going to marry him too...but we are not engaged yet. And there wont be any rings. Our district doesnt do rings.

So. Thats basically the short version...Any more questions?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 11, 2013, 04:09:58 AM
Oh, and I went thru the last thread and read to Allan all the things that we said about him. I have no secrets from him and he may join the forum sometime in the future. Cant say when cause he doesnt have a computer of his own. My brother took my other laptop to his father in law, and he is supposed to be fixing it where it will get on the internet again...so maybe when I get that back, then Allan can use that and we can get on GP together. So yall can really get to know him. He is amazing.  :updown:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 11, 2013, 05:15:13 AM
You poor dear twitterpated soul, you. Tsk, tsk. *shakes head sadly*


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 11, 2013, 05:25:55 AM
MelodyB about the computer: Hit any key to continue.  With a hammer.  Won't make it work right but you'll feel better. :D
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 11, 2013, 11:39:54 AM
Twitterpated...Tsk, tsk.

Morning, all. Back at work. Have a blister on my left arm from one of the ejected shell casing yesterday- stupid thing hurts unbelievable. :mad: But life is good.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 11, 2013, 11:40:21 AM
Struggling today, friends, but God is still great.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 11, 2013, 11:50:14 AM
Quote from: Newsman on September 11, 2013, 11:40:21 AM
Struggling today, friends, but God is still great.
Praying for ya, bubba
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 11, 2013, 12:57:09 PM
Good morning people!

Headed out again. Ive been up, prayed, took Allan to work, went to the bank for Dad, and now Im headed to the store and bank for Mom. Gotta get gas while Im out, come back, start dinner in the crockpot, go back out and run some errends/pay bills when things open after 10, and then I can come back and relax till Allan gets off. Then we eat dinner and have church prayer tonight. Ill prolly have to take mom up and drop her off at the hospital before prayer so she can visit dad. He has a long day today with Dailysis and hyperbarics.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 11, 2013, 01:22:37 PM
:hi: Morning.

Roscoe try putting Aloe Vera on that.

John, saying a prayer for you.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 11, 2013, 02:54:38 PM
Was going to finally put brakes on the car.....but my lugnuts are wore out and rounded off and I can't even get two of them off the first wheel....I may just have to have them put on and forget it.  Bah.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 11, 2013, 03:21:29 PM
Rut roh.

Just got a text from Pastor. Allan and I are being summoned to his office after prayer tonight.

I have been summoned before, but not for this reason. :o

I'm not worried though, they already gave us their blessing...this is most likely the rules and guidelines we need to follow for a healthy relationship to develop. Plus they are leaving town for a week starting Friday so I'm sure it has something to do with that too. Rules while they are gone and can't supervise. LOL

....at least I hope.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 11, 2013, 03:30:08 PM
my days are currently full of laying on the beach and eating too much food.. which in my mind males them awesome! I am being kinda good though and reading one of my school books while I'm lounged out. that's good right?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 11, 2013, 03:41:21 PM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 11, 2013, 03:30:08 PM
my days are currently full of laying on the beach and eating too much food.. which in my mind males them awesome! I am being kinda good though and reading one of my school books while I'm lounged out. that's good right?

How many mind males do you have?  :eyebrow:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 11, 2013, 03:59:06 PM
Busted Melbs!!! ha  :nono:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 11, 2013, 04:39:23 PM
Quote from: Chseeads on September 11, 2013, 03:41:21 PM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 11, 2013, 03:30:08 PM
my days are currently full of laying on the beach and eating too much food.. which in my mind males them awesome! I am being kinda good though and reading one of my school books while I'm lounged out. that's good right?

How many mind males do you have?  :eyebrow:

Buahaha! You beat me to it.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 11, 2013, 05:02:50 PM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 11, 2013, 03:21:29 PM
Rut roh.

Just got a text from Pastor. Allan and I are being summoned to his office after prayer tonight.

I have been summoned before, but not for this reason. :o

I'm not worried though, they already gave us their blessing...this is most likely the rules and guidelines we need to follow for a healthy relationship to develop. Plus they are leaving town for a week starting Friday so I'm sure it has something to do with that too. Rules while they are gone and can't supervise. LOL

....at least I hope.

Allan has probably asked for marriage advice and the pastor is going to talk to you about getting hitched.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 11, 2013, 05:05:51 PM
Speaking of Allan, I heard he was one of only a few people able to recite Pi out to the 10,000th number.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 11, 2013, 05:06:40 PM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 11, 2013, 04:39:23 PM
Quote from: Chseeads on September 11, 2013, 03:41:21 PM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 11, 2013, 03:30:08 PM
my days are currently full of laying on the beach and eating too much food.. which in my mind males them awesome! I am being kinda good though and reading one of my school books while I'm lounged out. that's good right?

How many mind males do you have?  :eyebrow:

Buahaha! You beat me to it.


I'm a bit sunbaked plus typing on my phone most the time.  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 11, 2013, 06:12:30 PM
God has surel done a work in me over the years. A lot through a good pastor with good teaching. 

I cherish the foundation and application of what most label as standards.  I have and will always be against legalism in both extremes.  I'm so thankful for grace over the years as I've sought for what is really what, right, and why. And boy did God give me answers.  I don't even know if most women care or desire to know about this stuff that much but I wasn't about to be a mindless drone. And now I have a burden. A burden to share the beauty and liberty of God's ways in all subjects and this one is no different nor in some special "avoid with caution" category.  Excet on GP. Hehehe.

So that's all I'll say about that. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 11, 2013, 08:10:09 PM
I heard MellerYeller made a batch of brownies once...


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 11, 2013, 08:29:30 PM
The ones that she made when we went to see her were not "normal" brownies, for sure.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 11, 2013, 08:43:00 PM
It's raining, it's raining! Yipee! We needed it so bad. :clap:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 11, 2013, 08:51:23 PM
Lol. You sillies.

Sandra, I owe you guys another try at raw cheesecake.  I have made it before and since and only messed it up that once!  Lol. I made it last week in fact and got compliments again.  I feel so bad it didn't turn out right that time.   I owe you a dessert!  :) 

For anyone curious, this is what raw cheesecake is.
http://roostblog.com/roost/in-the-raw-meyer-lemon-vanilla-bean-cheesecake.html (http://roostblog.com/roost/in-the-raw-meyer-lemon-vanilla-bean-cheesecake.html)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 12, 2013, 03:16:23 AM
*...wonders who's Mel & Allen's chaperone is...*   :P

God is good ALL the time!  I may be able to make a little extra $$ cleaning homes.  We'll see though.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 12, 2013, 03:23:23 AM
Figures Mel will update eventually...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 12, 2013, 04:01:38 AM
Again I was right. Its was the couple talk that Pastor gives everyone. Flee fornication and dont get in situations where you can be tempted to let your flesh get out of control. All the usual stuff. Plus, we discussed our future plans with them. Time frames and wot not. How we want the wedding to be and different things. Plus practical stuff like jobs and living arrangements and what to do with my parents.

And about while they are gone next week, we are not to be in their house alone together. I am allowed to be there during the day to take care of the dog, and he takes care of the dog in the morning and evening, but Im not to be there when Allan is home. Not because they dont trust us they said, but because it IS the pastors home, and if everyone knows he is out of town, it wont look right me going in and out of the house with Allan there alone. No matter what we are doing.

It went well. Allan was relieved. He was worried a bit beforehand, but I knew pretty much what it was about, and Im glad I was right! 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 12, 2013, 05:11:17 AM
"Not because they dont trust us they said, but..." 

Exactly.  It's not that they think you might do something, it's that people will assume you did something.  I'm glad y'all are taking precautions against gossip.  Tongues start wagging so easily.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 12, 2013, 05:18:42 AM
Oh Mel, your love story is so much fun. Thanks for letting us GPers hear about and rejoice with you over it. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 12, 2013, 11:32:50 AM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 12, 2013, 05:11:17 AM
"Not because they dont trust us they said, but..." 

Exactly.  It's not that they think you might do something, it's that people will assume you did something.  I'm glad y'all are taking precautions against gossip.  Tongues start wagging so easily.
Boy, ain't that the truth... :biglaugh:
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 12, 2013, 03:16:23 AM
*...wonders who's Mel & Allen's chaperone is...*   :P
If they were closer I'd volunteer....:ugly:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 12, 2013, 11:53:09 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 12, 2013, 04:01:38 AM
How we want the wedding to be and different things.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 12, 2013, 12:54:06 PM
I think Jeremy is still in shock.

Sometimes I am too, still. Such a huge turnaround for me. Thats ok though...I like it!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 12, 2013, 01:29:41 PM
Yes im in shock!  You have been dating 37 minutes and you are talking wedding plans?!?  Boy, if Seth had ever got off high center and winked at you, you would be on your 4th dozen of kids by now!  LOL
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 12, 2013, 01:46:47 PM
Quote from: mini on September 12, 2013, 01:29:41 PM
Yes im in shock!  You have been dating 37 minutes and you are talking wedding plans?!?  Boy, if Seth had ever got off high center and winked at you, you would be on your 4th dozen of kids by now!  LOL
:laughhard: :laughhard:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 12, 2013, 01:53:33 PM
That's great, Jeremy! :rofl:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 12, 2013, 02:01:53 PM
I sure am glad I didn't have anything in my mouth when I went to check the forum this morning.  Reading this thread can be dangerous.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 12, 2013, 02:23:00 PM
When it's right and you know, why wait?! We KNOW this is right. And we are not getting any younger. It will still be April or so before we marry. We are just talking things thru. Pastor likes to know and be involved as well.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 12, 2013, 03:04:33 PM
LOL, Chel didn't wait THAT long.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 12, 2013, 03:23:40 PM
I have no room for opinion, I married in my senior year of high school.  If it's of God and you're getting good marital teaching and living for God, it'll all work out.  Getting into church saved my marriage. Actually living for God in a serious way, made my marriage wonderful.

Cloudy day today but no rain yet.  I wish it would just storm already.  I'm not cleaning that house after all.  I'm sort of relieved, it was a friend's referral and I'm already awkward around new people and to go in their house and clean it?  Is pretty overwhelming actually.  But I still would have done it... lol  People don't realize how nervous I actually am 99% of the time.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 12, 2013, 03:36:02 PM
I for one highly recommend against extended engagements.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 12, 2013, 03:44:10 PM
Quote from: mini on September 12, 2013, 03:36:02 PM
I for one highly recommend against extended engagements.
Lou and I went on a first date in June-ish,  proposed in August ( I think), married the 5th of September. Just passed the ten year mark, and know without a doubt it was the best thing to ever happen to me. When it's right, you know it....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 12, 2013, 03:55:41 PM
Roscoe is all about short engagements.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 12, 2013, 03:58:09 PM
Nicely played, Mini. Roscoe walked right into that one. :bigcheese:

Mel, I'm dancing on tiptoe with happiness for you. *HUG* :)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 12, 2013, 04:48:06 PM

Thanks for yalls support. The only person grumpy about this is Seth. lol

Im headed out. Gotta pay the phone bill and get some more of dads money from the bank for Tithes and offering and rent. LOL Since he isnt with me, I can only withdraw $300 at a time from the ATM per day...so its taking multiple days to get the bills paid. Usually he can get it all out himself, but I cant.  So Its off to the bank again today and tomorrow too.

I just text Allan to see if he needs me to bring him lunch. He usually doesnt eat lunch every day, but its hot and I worry he will pass out or something going all day without food, and I know he didnt take anything with him today.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 12, 2013, 07:36:56 PM
Allan and I went to Sonic for his lunch break, (99 cent hotdogs today only!) and then I went to the bank and forgot about paying the phone bill. OOPS! Oh well, I can pay it tomorrow.

Making chicken and yellow rice for dinner. Im making it now cause poor mistreated left-out-cause-Mel-has-a-boyfriend now Mom is hungry, God forbid. She could have eaten something here, but because I went out and ate with Allan, she decided not to eat lunch so she could whine. :roll:

What to do, what to do with these parents!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 12, 2013, 07:39:01 PM
What to do?  Well there's the sink-or-swim method... leave them to their own devices and see how they get along. 

Sorry, I didn't say that, you didn't read that, carry on.  :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 12, 2013, 07:48:34 PM
My previous marriage was dating in June, proposed in December, and married in April. And we all know how that worked out.  :roll: I'm fully aware that mine and Brandon's relationship is not usual especially my 'church' standards but I will not put myself into that situation again. It makes me happy that some quick relationships work out but it's not just for me.....

We had jelly fish issues yesterday [including mom getting a bit stung on her arm] but not issues today. Everyone is cleaning up from the day on the beach and we are hitting the buffet and putt putt this evening.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 12, 2013, 08:02:57 PM
Long or short engagement, it's integrity that keeps a marriage. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 12, 2013, 08:04:14 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 12, 2013, 07:39:01 PM
What to do?  Well there's the sink-or-swim method... leave them to their own devices and see how they get along. 

Sorry, I didn't say that, you didn't read that, carry on.  :hypocrite:

That! :bigcheese:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 12, 2013, 08:47:41 PM
At some point, Mel, they're going to have to understand that you have your own life, too.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 12, 2013, 08:50:53 PM
I know we all help each other, but anyway... this verse came to mind.

Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not yours, but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
2 Corinthians 12:14
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 12, 2013, 08:55:56 PM
[sarcasm] Fuzzbucket, you must OBVIOUSLY be taking scripture out of context. [/sarcasm]

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 12, 2013, 10:07:15 PM
Mmmpht.  Somebody got the Word!  *shakes hanky*
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 12, 2013, 10:49:37 PM
Thanks for the prayers!

Congratulations, Lady Melody.

Seth, Our Lady of the Fairycakes is the last single woman to have described at least a passing fondness for you. You've seen how quickly the last two forgot about you, sooo.....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: taco_harvell on September 12, 2013, 11:19:48 PM
Mel and Chel make me and Elona look like we had cold feet or something. lol

I have somethings I would like ya'll to pray about:

A better work environment or new jobs.

Our boss to get saved. Also,

I am having several health issues I need to see a doctor about but we can't afford to pay for a visit right now and I am really low on meds I need. Please pray for healing or provision. Thanks!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 13, 2013, 12:13:06 AM
Quote from: taco_harvell on September 12, 2013, 11:19:48 PM
Mel and Chel make me and Elona look like we had cold feet or something. lol

No kidding! And Chris and I had a much longer engagement than you two. *lol* Although...... if he'd proposed two weeks after the Oklahoma trip I likely would have married him on the spot. :bigcheese: And just THINK of all the family drama we could have avoided! Oh wait. It would have created more. *LOL*


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 13, 2013, 03:42:36 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 12, 2013, 03:44:10 PM
When it's right, you know it....

Or you think you do.....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 13, 2013, 03:43:17 AM
Thanks for that, Sandra. :) *HUGS*
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 13, 2013, 03:52:29 AM
For Isaac and his non-FaceBook existence. ;)


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 13, 2013, 04:06:03 AM
*waits for Mini to come and tell his (mis)adventure.... in detail*

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 13, 2013, 05:14:41 AM
That's AllAn?  Nice looking guy.  Looks like the smile is something he's used to doing. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 13, 2013, 08:09:10 AM
Those smiles rarely leave our faces these days. In fact I told Ruby that my face hurts! I'm not used to all this smiling and grinning!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 13, 2013, 11:33:41 AM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 13, 2013, 04:06:03 AM
*waits for Mini to come and tell his (mis)adventure.... in detail*



Well...We have had a helicopter crew (based out of Oregon no less) staying at the ol' airstrip for the past month.  Last night the pilot flew back in, and seeing how we had popup thunderstorms all in the area, we ran out to help him get the helicopter back in the hangar quickly.

Usually, I am on the nose of the aircraft, but last night, it so happened that I was handling the tail.  Now, imagine a 3 legged stool with wheels on 2 of the legs, and the third leg in your hand.  You have to keep constant downward pressure on the third leg or else it will not roll, and if you let go, the front of the helicopter will drop.  So, as we rolled in, the wheels connected with the railing the doors of the hangar rides on in a rapid BAM BAM succession, jerked the tail around and rearranged my face.

At first, I thought "Man, I bloodied my nose."  But no, cut myself from my nostril to the top of my lip in a huge C.  I must have shed a gallon of blood.

Dummy me thought "Well, this will stop bleeding in a few minutes."  I had already promised to help a friend with a car purchase, and he was waiting on me when it happened.  Of course, he started making jokes and laughing.

So, we rode over to pick up his car, and the thing bled, and bled, and bled and...well you get the picture.   On our way back, we stopped and ate, and everytime I would take a bite, I had to worry about it.  Annoying thing...LOL

Finally, on my way back, I called my wife (who was visiting my friends wife) and asked her to meet us at a junction so we could run to ER.  I just knew they were gonna put stitches in me.  And I was so very nervous.  The last time I had stitches was when I was about 4 or 5 years old.  All I remember is screaming, and the dr putting me in some kind of velcro device that held me down.

So, we get to the ER, and the nurse asks Chelleebelle: "Are you gonna take credit for punching him that hard?"  LOL  When I told them it happened when I was putting a helicopter in the hangar, you would have thought I was a rock star.  I guess it was the end of a long night, and they hadn't ever met a guy who got slapped around by a helicopter before.

When the Dr came in to start putting stitches in, I asked him "Will this mess up my modeling carer?  He laughed and said, "It will for sure hinder your next photo shoot."  I forgot to ask if I can still play the saxophone.  Not that I ever could play the saxophone before.

Let me tell you, when the DR tells you "The shot to numb you will sting a little" he is LYING.  That hurt worse than the accident.  8 stitches later, Im good as new.  Other than the fact I cannot shave for 7 days.  Ill look like grizzly adams and duck dynasty all rolled into one.


And for the record, its not nearly as funny as Roscoe getting attacked by a moth.  LOL

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 13, 2013, 12:28:37 PM
 Ouch...Mini, you have one upped me and the moth. I have no intention of topping that escapade. Morning. We are fixin to take Chey to school.. Then I will try to pick up Lou for her lunch, and piddle around doing God knows what. Not alot I HAVE to do today. Alot I SHOULD do, but....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 13, 2013, 01:08:23 PM
You left out the part where you cried like a baby. :cry:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 13, 2013, 01:15:20 PM
I have quite a bit to do today.

Ive already been up and showered, got ready, went to morning prayer, took Allan to work, went to the bank, went to the store for bread and bananas, and came home and gave Pastor Dads tithes and offerings and the rent money. Now Im chillin in my room catching up on online stuffs.

Now I need to go unload and reload the dishwasher, eat another banana cause those stupid charlie horses are coming back so I need to eat more potassium, and do some laundry. I need to go ahead and wash the sheets and stuff on my bed. Its time for that again. And I have to sweep and mop today before Mom has a cow.

Tonights plan is that when I pick Allan up, we go get his check cashed, and then pick up Subway for the four of us (Dad included) and then take mom up to the hospital and eat with Dad. We havent been up there much cause dad has been busy, but tonight we are going to make it up to him.

OH! And I still need to pay the phone bill. I would go do it now, before I get started on the rest of my day, but they dont open till 10, so maybe Ill have the other stuff done before I go pay it.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 13, 2013, 01:20:34 PM
The youth are going camping today. It'll be 50* tonight so I hope they pack enough bedding.  I'm making cinnamon rolls for their breakfast and picking up whatever else.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 13, 2013, 02:08:32 PM
Wow, 50 sounds nice.  It's still getting in the mid 90s here during the day.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 13, 2013, 02:12:47 PM
/me dreams of 50 degree weather.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 13, 2013, 02:26:50 PM
It's a high of 78* today. Perfect.  However, farmers almanac expects an exceptionally brutal winter so yay for cool weather, BOO to the snow storms were supposed to get. I'm just going to enjoy today, like I have been whether it's 100 or 78. 

seems like its crazy these days but I HATE waiting for the AC to actually start making a difference in the car, that I never even use it. And it's been close to a hundred for what seems like weeks now. It's just now cooling down.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 13, 2013, 03:29:07 PM
MelodyB:  You left out the part where you mow the yard, paint the outside of the house and fix the roof...

Morning y'all.  I cast my vote for Bobby's moth being funnier, but I can't quite picture a strong guy like mini being smacked around with a helicopter so that might have actually been funnier. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 13, 2013, 03:42:35 PM
So I just saw a yahoo news report about "the new superfood."  I wonder what happened to the old ones.  Are they not as good as they used to be, or is this one just better?  And if every new superfood is better than the one before, how can we get much better at this point?

I have the same questions when I hear about the latest diet too, but that's another story.

EDIT:  Speaking of which, http://thedoghousediaries.com/5085 
Scroll to the bottom.  I've been thinking that for a long time... with one serving a day of all the foods you are supposed to eat to be healthy, you would eat far too much to be healthy.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 13, 2013, 03:50:15 PM
Almost submitted Mini's name to "operationsmile.com". But, it's not that bad.   :P

Dough rising. I suspect that soaking the grains does the same thing as adding gluten that some recipes call for, but I only if I'm using whole wheat flour.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 13, 2013, 04:20:53 PM
Last day of vacation. My sister and her friend left this morning. Mom is sunburnt. Dad has a funky rash which is a reaction due to his meds. Brandon has only slept around 2 hours thanks to a tooth ache. I'm just ready for some alone time. Don't get me wrong I love my family and I love Brandon, but there is a reason I like to go run or go to the gym or store by myself. I have to have alone time.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 13, 2013, 05:25:44 PM
 Bah. I can tell it is Friday the thirteenth. I drove the Corvette to take Chey to school. 'nuff said. We came home on a trailer. :mad: Then while unloading the peice of junk, it rolled away from us and smacked on of my shop door, damaging the door, and the bumper. This thing needs to burn on the side of the road sometime, with us safely out of it. Piece of junk.

And since it quit me while I was turning around to check on a boy in my church who had a wreck, hitting a State Trooper, I know I'm not the only one having a bad day. I'm gonna camp out in the house and stay away from sharp objects...:sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 13, 2013, 05:39:01 PM
oh my  :o
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 13, 2013, 06:00:52 PM
Yikes! Sorry, Roscoe. :-(

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 13, 2013, 11:17:46 PM
we may be the gathering place of clumsy/accident prone people......
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 14, 2013, 01:08:21 AM
You might be onto something there. :updown:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 14, 2013, 01:09:35 AM
Then what in the world am I doing here?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 14, 2013, 01:45:17 AM
Picking the rest of us up off the floor?  :lol:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 14, 2013, 02:32:07 AM
:rofl: help, I've fallen & I can't get up

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 14, 2013, 03:05:55 AM
Im waitin for the bus!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 14, 2013, 03:22:27 AM
My word I made too many cinnamon rolls and I made them big. I could only fit 6 in a cake pan to take to a neighbor. Who consequently told me his life story. Lord help me reach my neighborhood. Next week, I'll make too much of something else and take them to a different neighbor. 

Hannah finally got Nathan to watch Despicable Me and them two, I tell you, they laugh at the same things in the same way. It makes me giggle just watching them. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 14, 2013, 05:12:42 AM
Okay... "too many" and "cinnamon rolls" should never be used in the same sentence unless there is a "you can never have" in there somewhere.  I can eat almost my weight in the things.  :D

On the other hand... if you have too many at any time in the near future, I could give you my address. :fork:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 14, 2013, 01:42:40 PM
*almost passes out at Isaac offering address*


Out to coffee with a friend at Panera's.

Coffee coffee coffee COFFEEEEEE!!!!!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 14, 2013, 01:53:43 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 14, 2013, 01:54:13 PM
Some here know where I live.  Pick yourself up off the floor.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 14, 2013, 02:27:44 PM
I do! LOL

Im waiting on my Kira to get here. Gonna babysit her while her parents do their outreach stuff today.

I got up early and Allan and I got breakfast out before I took him to work. I came back and took the Ramseys dog out, and then talked to Granny and her Daughter for awhile. Now I wait for Kira.

My Brother John is on his way here to visit dad.

Dads situation isnt looking good. His foot isnt healing like it should, and he isnt coping well with that. Maybe John being here will cheer him up.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 14, 2013, 02:38:41 PM
 Ugh. It is beautiful and cool outside, and I've wasted a good part of the morning laying in bed. Just got up....now to get Rusty out and me and Chey are gonna putter around a bit. Nothing major I'm gonna do today...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 14, 2013, 02:47:15 PM
It is beautiful and cool here and I got up far too early, simply because I couldn't sleep.  I foresee a nap in my future, just as soon as my body will wind down enough to allow it... which will probably be early afternoon.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 14, 2013, 05:40:57 PM
I'm 24 minutes from a Chicken Express. I get to go there...therefore I am very happy.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 14, 2013, 06:49:23 PM
Do you get their sweet tea? It's famous around here.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 14, 2013, 08:18:31 PM
I've learned a lesson over the years and relearn it a times as well.

When a Christian is complaining about other Christians or Apostolics in general and how they don't have kindness and patience towards sinners, well. They just told on themselves.  Fruit of the Spirit isn't discriminate, carnality is. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 14, 2013, 09:38:44 PM
We are home. It's awesome yet sad at the same time. I really look forward to the day we do not live with Brandon's family. We came home to onion peels all over the kitchen floor. His dad can't even blame the dogs because they are boarding where I work. Getting ready to unpack and head to the gym. I need some alone time and to work off the greasy food I subjected my body to this week. Plus I drank waaayyy too much soda. My kidney is not happy.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 14, 2013, 09:46:15 PM
I know Ruby found it on FB but here is my ring if anyone wanted to see it. I have alway been against diamonds and Brandon actually listened. lol. They are all sapphires on a white gold band.

(http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o287/rockintheescort/cf2cf5eb-d67e-41c3-ba8f-214ee159df7c_zps4c5fa1ed.jpg) (http://s123.photobucket.com/user/rockintheescort/media/cf2cf5eb-d67e-41c3-ba8f-214ee159df7c_zps4c5fa1ed.jpg.html)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 14, 2013, 10:30:09 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 14, 2013, 08:18:31 PM
I've learned a lesson over the years and relearn it a times as well.

When a Christian is complaining about other Christians or Apostolics in general and how they don't have kindness and patience towards sinners, well. They just told on themselves.  Fruit of the Spirit isn't discriminate, carnality is. 
That reminds me, there is this one couple, I'm telling you they won't even give visitors a break!  They're all the time...


Never mind.  :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 14, 2013, 10:38:41 PM
HeatherB:  Congratulations on the ring and on your good taste.  Rubies, emeralds, etc used to be used more for jewelry, but diamonds replaced them because the lighting in public places improved, so glitter became more important (or at least easier to get attention) than color. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 14, 2013, 10:48:40 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 14, 2013, 10:30:09 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 14, 2013, 08:18:31 PM
I've learned a lesson over the years and relearn it a times as well.

When a Christian is complaining about other Christians or Apostolics in general and how they don't have kindness and patience towards sinners, well. They just told on themselves.  Fruit of the Spirit isn't discriminate, carnality is. 
That reminds me, there is this one couple, I'm telling you they won't even give visitors a break!  They're all the time...


Never mind.  :hypocrite:

Hehehe. I know, it can go round and round. Lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: taco_harvell on September 15, 2013, 12:38:40 AM
Ever notice state capitols usually are located in cities with high crime rates? Our nations capitol has outrageous crime rates. Some of these cities were created just to become the seat of government and politics for the state or nation.

Knowing these things one must assume that politics increases crime.  So, to increase public safety all politicians should be jailed. This is obviously needed to reduce crime.

Just my random thought of the night.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 15, 2013, 12:41:16 AM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 14, 2013, 10:38:41 PM
HeatherB:  Congratulations on the ring and on your good taste.  Rubies, emeralds, etc used to be used more for jewelry, but diamonds replaced them because the lighting in public places improved, so glitter became more important (or at least easier to get attention) than color.

I just see no point in paying that much money for something. Especially something that doesn't come from the best of backgrounds. I don't like the thought of child slavery to get something shiny on my finger. Plus did I mention the cost?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 15, 2013, 12:48:32 AM
My sharing:  I am at a honest to goodness point where I cannot shave.  Due to the stitches in my lip, I cannot save my lip area.  My wife and I have discussed several options but we are afraid anything used will get in the wound.   I personally hate the idea of a mustache, and goatees are not a option.  So, I have a beard.  And this will be the first time I have ever been to church with a beard.  And I am more apprehensive about that than I have ever been about ANYTHING.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 15, 2013, 12:59:17 AM
I LOVE beards!!! I was sad when Brandon had to shave his last month. But it will return....eventually....  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 01:08:07 AM
Quote from: mini on September 15, 2013, 12:48:32 AM
My sharing:  I am at a honest to goodness point where I cannot shave.  Due to the stitches in my lip, I cannot save my lip area.  My wife and I have discussed several options but we are afraid anything used will get in the wound.   I personally hate the idea of a mustache, and goatees are not a option.  So, I have a beard.  And this will be the first time I have ever been to church with a beard.  And I am more apprehensive about that than I have ever been about ANYTHING.
we need photos! :demand:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 02:18:11 AM
You could always go with a Hitler-stache. 


I agree about pictures. I understand the platform standard but facial hair is so masculine.  I don't know any guy that doesn't look more competent with well groomed facial hair.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 15, 2013, 02:24:09 AM
Quote from: mini on September 15, 2013, 12:48:32 AM
My sharing:  I am at a honest to goodness point where I cannot shave.  Due to the stitches in my lip, I cannot save my lip area.  My wife and I have discussed several options but we are afraid anything used will get in the wound.   I personally hate the idea of a mustache, and goatees are not a option.  So, I have a beard.  And this will be the first time I have ever been to church with a beard.  And I am more apprehensive about that than I have ever been about ANYTHING.
Since I come from the same type of background, I understand....Reminds me of when I crushed my left hand in a machine at work. Thanks to the bandaging, I couldn't dress myself with anything that had buttons. Going to church in sweatpants and a t shirt, and "Jesus shoes" was nearly more than I could handle. I was never so happy to go to church in jeans as I was when I was finally able to button them. :laughhard:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 15, 2013, 03:44:20 AM
I tend to forget that some of you go to THOSE kinds of churches. :updown: At my church, it's pretty common for men to arrive with beards and/or mustaches.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 03:45:19 AM
Let us help you out Bro.Mini...

(http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/b44e94f2-f5d6-4d25-9135-7bad80d3c12e_zps8172e683.jpg)  (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/47ace6b1-20d4-48c6-bcd7-3c5477312c10_zps466d951e.jpg)

(http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/facetache2_zps3fe34048.jpg)    (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/facetache1_zps66c17a4a.jpg)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 03:53:01 AM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 03:53:38 AM
Chelleebelle looks happy with all of them...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 03:56:32 AM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 15, 2013, 03:44:20 AM
I tend to forget that some of you go to THOSE kinds of churches. :updown: At my church, it's pretty common for men to arrive with beards and/or mustaches.


Yep.  I think climate must make a difference.  Though there are men everywhere who don't associate the hair God gave them on their face with some kind of rebellion, it seems the warmer the region, the less the facial hair, over all
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 03:58:07 AM
Until hunting season comes...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 03:59:02 AM
Your church guys grow it out then? 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 04:04:43 AM
I have a cousin that just moved to Milan, TN.  Any good churches there that ya's know about?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 04:17:47 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 15, 2013, 03:59:02 AM
Your church guys grow it out then? 
some guys that I know do
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 04:20:43 AM
Well, if some of your church guys do then maybe it's a urban vs. rural thing?  Very few do here and none on the platform.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 15, 2013, 04:27:24 AM
Mini: I have not one, but two chicken express's that are barely 10 mins away. Hehe.

On other notes: facial hair? Love. Masculine, hot, attractive.
But yea, not accepted down here. Prayin for a burley northern man to sweep me up up and away.  :freaky2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 04:32:02 AM
It's not really accepted... Especially on the platform.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 15, 2013, 04:37:59 AM
Well the south always has been slow to change.  Mostly we respect our elders, and our elders still have a thing about facial hair, so we still have standards against it in most places. 

Yes, I just basically said we're waiting for our old folks to die off so we can wear beards again.  :P  Personally I don't like all that hair itching me, but some guys are just waiting...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 15, 2013, 11:47:07 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 15, 2013, 03:45:19 AM
Let us help you out Bro.Mini...

(http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/b44e94f2-f5d6-4d25-9135-7bad80d3c12e_zps8172e683.jpg)  (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/47ace6b1-20d4-48c6-bcd7-3c5477312c10_zps466d951e.jpg)

(http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/facetache2_zps3fe34048.jpg)    (http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa218/MeloYellow79/facetache1_zps66c17a4a.jpg)


With the exception of the Hitler mustache, I look rather dashing!  LOL  All I need is a derby hat, and I would be right at home.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 15, 2013, 11:48:33 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 01:08:07 AM
Quote from: mini on September 15, 2013, 12:48:32 AM
My sharing:  I am at a honest to goodness point where I cannot shave.  Due to the stitches in my lip, I cannot save my lip area.  My wife and I have discussed several options but we are afraid anything used will get in the wound.   I personally hate the idea of a mustache, and goatees are not a option.  So, I have a beard.  And this will be the first time I have ever been to church with a beard.  And I am more apprehensive about that than I have ever been about ANYTHING.
we need photos! :demand:

Im afraid if I post pictures the scruff thread will start a revival.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 01:35:21 PM
Quote from: mini on September 15, 2013, 11:48:33 AM

Im afraid if I post pictures, it will start a revival.



Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 15, 2013, 01:54:05 PM
our Pastor allows well maintained scruff on the platform.  no mountain man beards. neither Bro Ketron nor any of the elders keep facial hair but they do allow us younger folks a bit more leeway in standards (such as facial hair, wedding/engagement rings, etc).
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 03:53:25 PM
MY, you are a nut! :D
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 15, 2013, 06:20:06 PM
mini you don't look as happy as you did down in Arkansas.  Maybe you should move, I think the air there might be bad for you. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 15, 2013, 06:47:27 PM
It's the beard.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 15, 2013, 07:19:46 PM
 I agree with Isaac. You should move. To Arkansas.  :P "Come home, come home, it's supper time....." ** With apologies to Gov. Jimmie Davis**
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 15, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
If it's supper time, *I'll* be there.  :D
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 15, 2013, 09:29:11 PM
Buahaha! GP crazies are alive and well. :bigcheese:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 15, 2013, 09:37:38 PM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 15, 2013, 09:29:11 PM
Buahaha! GP crazies are alive and well. :bigcheese:


Thanks queenie.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 10:23:23 PM
When you finally shave, it's going to be a mess.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 15, 2013, 11:24:55 PM
I'm sad that anyone treated you different. It's obvious there's a logical explanation.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 11:50:00 PM
It's probably the grumpy look he wore. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 16, 2013, 01:33:52 AM
Maybe it's just proper grooming.  Coincidentally, I found this news byte just tonight.
Might help.  :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 16, 2013, 02:28:02 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 11:50:00 PM
It's probably the grumpy look he wore. ;)

Could be. Lol. For a guy that is in a pickle to have facial hair, you're not doing to bad.  Nathan's grows kinda patchy and reddish like Shaggy on Scooby Doo.  Lol. But I still like it.  I guess cause its masculine and in the Bible. Feels timeless like doing something Moses did.

Anyway. Great day. I'm enjoying the month off praise singing.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 16, 2013, 11:48:29 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 16, 2013, 02:28:02 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 15, 2013, 11:50:00 PM
It's probably the grumpy look he wore. ;)

Feels timeless like doing something Moses did.
Yeah, well, he killed a man too....and walked hundreds of miles leading a pack of brats. All that, and he STILL didn't get to set foot in the Promised Land.  :hypocrite: Nope, don't wanna be like him.. :laughhard:

Morning, all. I am back at work, clean shaved and saved, unlike our resident sinner, aka Mini... :hypocrite: God moved last night in our little church....not as dramatic as I would like, but sometimes what is going on under the surface beats anything seen on top of the water. Our two new couples were there again- we have just claimed them, and apparently they have claimed us.
I get SO impatient sometimes though....I just want them to run up to the altar and TAKE the gift God is giving them. Have to remind myself it's all in God's time, and simply  preach what God gives me.
Anyhow...y'all have a GREAT day!  :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 16, 2013, 01:30:42 PM
Morning. :hi:

It was a nice weekend. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 16, 2013, 02:09:50 PM
Didn't get out of church until 9:30 last night. Seeing as a normal time we normally get out is around 8-8:15....I'm tarred. Crazy service. :sleep:

We also signed on a new building this past week. 6.5 acres, 38,000 sq foot.
We have to build a sanctuary on the front. But it's ours. Signed sealed delivered! :clap:
And it's right off of the highway so people will see it! Current tenants have a year left on their lease. So they'll pay US rent.

We have to sell our current building before we can start construction on the new sanctuary.
Nazarene church next door to us has looked at ours 3 times. Pray they can find the financing for it!  :great:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 16, 2013, 02:58:45 PM
Bobby:  Speaking from personal experience, the hardest part is NOT adding to what God gave me to preach because I think I know what they need preached at them.  Ever caught yourself doing that?  I've put some points in the sermon that I thought would be really good, then God said take them out. I STILL think they were really good points...

Jenn: It can happen.  When we were trying to get a certain church building, another church that kind of dislikes us was at the auction too, and they had announced their intention of getting the building no matter what.  But at the auction we were the only bidders.  Nobody else said a word.  Only thing we can figure is, God held their tongues.  ^.^
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 16, 2013, 03:04:22 PM
Silly Roscoe.

That is awesome Jenn!!!  Our church went through that process right before we moved here 7ys ago. God has a plan!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 16, 2013, 04:01:06 PM
We had an awesome service yesterday too! 1 filled with the Holy Ghost. People shouting and speaking in tongues that usually just stand in the back. Half the praise team running.

Been to the gym. Now to get my head wrapped around the fact I'll be in school this evening. Of course I got housework to do too. Plus mentally prepare for work tomorrow...I don't wanna go back....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 16, 2013, 04:22:48 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 16, 2013, 03:04:22 PM

That is awesome Jenn!!!  Our church went through that process right before we moved here 7ys ago. God has a plan!

Oh I know he does. Every thing for the new church has literally fallen into place.
We got the land and the building for under 2 million. In the city of Euless (where our church is) that is a STEAL. Literally. God has truly found favor in us.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 16, 2013, 05:26:38 PM
I have an issue. Brandon and I like going to 2 different churches. I'm way excited he likes to go. Please do not get me wrong. He likes going to a charismatic church where I used to go and I know everyone. We have agreed to have our wedding there and the Pastor has agreed to counsel us and to perform the ceremony. However I like going to a UPC church [it's ingrained in me. I can't help it.] Service times are different so I can attend both twice a week. [Judah-his church-meets at 1030 on sundays and 7 on wednesdays. My church is Sundays at 330 and Tuesdays at 7] But I do feel torn at times. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? If none just pray for us.  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 16, 2013, 06:45:19 PM
I do.


Start there.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 16, 2013, 06:55:20 PM
Bobby, mini and anyone else having a bad day now or in the near future:  I found the perfect comic strip for you.

"Well you've done all you can do."
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 16, 2013, 09:31:28 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on September 13, 2013, 02:12:47 PM
/me dreams of 50 weeks with Seth.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 16, 2013, 09:37:57 PM

Quote from: MellowYellow on September 15, 2013, 03:53:38 AM
Chelleebelle looks happy with all of them...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 17, 2013, 01:47:25 AM
 Eat your heart out, Meller.. fresh squeezed from da cow milk....with a THICK cream floating on the top....and it's ALL MINE! :P

And having thus jabbed the Herbgrower- I'm back to my couch-potato evening.. :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 17, 2013, 03:03:33 AM
I am thoroughly jealous.  Enjoy. Boosts your immune system and everything.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 17, 2013, 11:35:19 AM
Man.... is it morning already?!?  :pound: I SO do not wanna be here at work today. In fact, I don't know where I wanna be, 'cause "home" would just be more work. I'm thinking a cabin in the middle of around 500 acres, on top of a mountain, with a creek running from a spring , trickling over a waterfall while the trout play in a pool at the bottom. And no phones. Maybe a little bluegrass softly playing in the background. Yeah. That's where I wanna be.  :thumbsup2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 01:12:39 PM
Did I see on FB that Brannon got married?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 03:26:09 PM
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Wow, that's quite an echo...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 03:36:44 PM

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 17, 2013, 03:39:16 PM
Quiet over there, you addle-pated mud turtles!  Some of us still trying to sleep. 

Bobby:  Well, with modern solar power to run the audio system you could have all that, right up to the music in the background.  Wouldn't even need a big solar panel.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 03:54:47 PM
Hey, if I have to be up, then you should too. :girltongue:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 17, 2013, 04:05:56 PM

Gonna make a meatloaf in a bit. And a cake...well mix the meatloaf, not cook it till closer to dinnertime.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 17, 2013, 04:07:01 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 03:54:47 PM
Hey, if I have to be up, then you should too. :girltongue:
Give me four more days and I won't care.  I start day shift next week. 

But you remind me of a famous director who had to make a daybreak appearance on the movie set.  As he was walking through the parking lot in the early morning twilight he passed a tree that had a bunch of birds sleeping in it.  He started hitting the trunk of the tree with his cane and yelled "When I'm up, everybody up!"
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 17, 2013, 04:26:15 PM
A lady from our church gave us a bunch of fresh eggs, and then the Ramseys gave us their eggs (flesh and storebought) before they left on vacation. So we have an over abundance of eggs present. I boiled half of them, which was 16, peeled all of those, made some egg salad for mom and I for lunch, and then the others I have Im going to start putting in Allans lunch. He says he will eat them.

We still have 15-16 left. I bought some bacon today when I went grocery shopping and so Im thinking tomorrow we will have a nice breakfast for dinner. Eggs, bacon, biscuts and tomato gravy. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 04:38:29 PM
Hows Allan?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 17, 2013, 05:15:27 PM
Sandra - yes, B got married. :)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:20:34 PM
I heard Allan was really a fashion model.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:23:39 PM
I heard Roscoe is trying a new diet.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:25:13 PM
Allan once had a chia pet.  He got tired of it and threw it in the yard.  Now, remorse keeps him from mowing.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:36:21 PM
I heard sunlight is planning on naming all 14 kids (8 adopted, btw) Fred.  Even the girls.  Its easier to call one name for dinner.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:41:22 PM
I heard MelBs is furious with sunlight about the 14 kids and naming them all Fred.  Cause it was MelB's idea first!

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:44:02 PM
On this spot in 1873, nothing happened.  But you should have been here in 1783.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 06:56:31 PM
Mini, are you sure that helicopter didn't knock you in the head and not just the lip?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: sunlight on September 17, 2013, 06:58:55 PM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 12, 2013, 08:04:14 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 12, 2013, 07:39:01 PM
What to do?  Well there's the sink-or-swim method... leave them to their own devices and see how they get along. 

Sorry, I didn't say that, you didn't read that, carry on.  :hypocrite:

That! :bigcheese:

I agree with this too...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 07:10:31 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 06:56:31 PM
Mini, are you sure that helicopter didn't knock you in the head and not just the lip?

Im bored.  Which usually leads to something...

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: sunlight on September 17, 2013, 07:19:18 PM
Quote from: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:41:22 PM
I heard MelBs is furious with sunlight about the 14 kids and naming them all Fred.  Cause it was MelB's idea first!

Bol! Awesomeness!

Mini... Did you ever post a picture of your beard?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 17, 2013, 07:24:32 PM
And yes, dear old B went off and joined the mindless flock of those mating and building nests.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 17, 2013, 07:25:27 PM
Quote from: sunlight on September 17, 2013, 07:19:18 PM
Quote from: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:41:22 PM
I heard MelBs is furious with sunlight about the 14 kids and naming them all Fred.  Cause it was MelB's idea first!

Bol! Awesomeness!

Mini... Did you ever post a picture of your beard?

Yes.  Then I took off the picture and shaved the said beard.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 17, 2013, 08:42:33 PM
Quote from: mini on September 17, 2013, 04:38:29 PM
Hows Allan?



Need I say more?

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 17, 2013, 09:00:41 PM
*gag* Okay, m'dear. Even I wasn't THAT bad. :pound:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 17, 2013, 09:03:17 PM
Seriously - good heavens! :shakeno: lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 17, 2013, 09:05:46 PM
Haha! ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 17, 2013, 09:08:46 PM
He asked how Allan was. I just told the truth.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 17, 2013, 09:30:26 PM
You are all so silly.  Lol

Poor Mini, couldn't handle the pressure.  Backslid for one day, so glad you shaved prayed through. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 17, 2013, 10:14:59 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 17, 2013, 09:30:26 PM
You are all so silly.  Lol

Poor Mini, couldn't handle the pressure.  Backslid for one day, so glad you shaved prayed through. ;)
So, Meller, you subscribe to the "once shaved, always shaved" camp? :P

And *barf* Mel, ya besotted buffon... :pound:

I'm fixing to go to bed, because I have to get up at 1 am to work a weird shift tonight and tomorrow night....filling in for people.  :waving:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 17, 2013, 10:29:01 PM
Hehehehehe  what a riot.

Tell us about your new diet, Roscoe Fräulein.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 17, 2013, 10:50:05 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 17, 2013, 10:29:01 PM
Hehehehehe  what a riot.

Tell us about your new diet, Roscoe Fräulein.
# 1- I am definatly NOT a Fraulein. :pound: And #2- Min doeth tell untruths and the truth is not in him.
Or it maybe in him, cause he sure ain't letting it out.  :pound: Only diet I'm on is the proverbial see food diet- anything I see appetizing, I eat.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 17, 2013, 11:07:52 PM
Good grief Mel! Even I almost upchucked at the gooey-ness of that post. And I'm over here planning my wedding.....

I'm giggling at the 'once shaved, always shaved' comment. That was a good one.

I'm drowning in a sea of homework since starting bible college last night. And a week late at that since I was on vacation.

Also my first day back at work ended up being an open to close since one of my coworkers had to leave due to the runs. How did they survive a week without me? One of the doctors hugged me first thing this morning and thanked me for coming back. lol.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 17, 2013, 11:14:59 PM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 17, 2013, 11:07:52 PM
Good grief Mel! Even I almost upchucked at the gooey-ness of that post. And I'm over here planning my wedding.....

Right?! *LOL*

"He's coming to take her away! Haha! He's coming to take her away!"


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 18, 2013, 01:26:34 AM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 17, 2013, 11:14:59 PM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 17, 2013, 11:07:52 PM
Good grief Mel! Even I almost upchucked at the gooey-ness of that post. And I'm over here planning my wedding.....

Right?! *LOL*

"He's coming to take her away! Haha! He's coming to take her away!"


To the Allan farm, where life is beautiful... and
Quote from: MelodyB on September 17, 2013, 08:42:33 PM

all the time
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 18, 2013, 01:45:58 AM



Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 18, 2013, 03:47:30 AM
OK folks, doth not Mini protest his brief-lived facial growth too much?

Is he not the original user on this site of whatever compound made up his BBW?

He could just have changed the second word 'bikini' for 'beard'!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 18, 2013, 08:24:18 AM
Bah. What a way to start my day. I'm minding my own business, already borderline ticked because my usual morning stop isn't open this early, therefore I get no Dr. Pepper- when two deer jump out in front of me. Missed the first one, but the second got me. Stupid thing. Just enough damage I HAVE to fix (headlight and grill) but probably not enough to make filing an insurance claim worthwhile. Bah. I hope hunters wipe them out this year. :mad:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 18, 2013, 09:24:09 AM
You should've just pulled your gun and shot it.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 18, 2013, 09:54:13 AM
 "A member of an elite group of Arkansas law enforcement officers could face potential investigation for allegedly using a highly unusual way to grill a deer, weeks before the season was to get underway..."
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 18, 2013, 01:22:06 PM
Quote from a comedian I heard once:
"There are three ways to hunt a deer.  There's the stand hunt, that's where you wait in a tree stand until a deer comes by.  There's the stalk hunt, that's where you try to sneak up on the deer of your choice.  Then there's the drive hunt - that's where you hit a deer with your truck.  For those of you taking notes, the third one is the easiest."
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 18, 2013, 01:31:11 PM
Morning, all. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 18, 2013, 04:12:53 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 18, 2013, 04:38:39 PM

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 18, 2013, 04:49:19 PM
This place is h o p p i n g.  :roll: :smirk2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 18, 2013, 05:34:15 PM
Hopping! Bouncing! OH BOY!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 18, 2013, 07:25:10 PM
To quote a famous philosopher:  Weirdos.  :smirk2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 18, 2013, 07:52:50 PM
Oh my goodness, Kale trumps collard and mustard greens by far. Great breakfast is bacon, onions, garlic, cabbage and kale sautéed in it. :drool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 18, 2013, 08:44:23 PM
I think you just went redneck.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 18, 2013, 08:59:44 PM
Lol. Just as much as any of you that like kielbasa & sauer kraut, or pot/shepherd's pie, went yankee. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: taco_harvell on September 18, 2013, 10:14:09 PM
Please keep praying concerning my job. We lost 4 possibly 5 people the last 2 days. It's been crazy. Most of all pray for my bosses salvation!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 19, 2013, 01:37:48 AM
Quote from: taco_harvell on September 18, 2013, 10:14:09 PM
Please keep praying concerning my job. We lost 4 possibly 5 people the last 2 days. It's been crazy. Most of all pray for my bosses salvation!

*scratches head* I thought you were working for Chick-fil-A, and I guess I naively assumed that they would hire christian people for the most part - especially in any leadership/managerial role.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 19, 2013, 02:39:49 AM
I have family who work at Chick fil A and no they do not hire only christians. On that note my sister worked there for a couple years in high school. I wouldn't say she's a complete heathen but we are definitely different.....

Got to church early tonight. Since we had some spare time my friend Hannah decided to show me the 'ropes' on the media computer. After about 10 minutes and ALOT of information it was then decided I'd run the thing this evening  :o !!! Sure enough the music went into a 4th song I knew the title of. Then they broke into 2 NEW songs that weren't even typed in there.....AAAAHHH! That's a job that'll keep you on your toes. Especially with our music minister...

Oh and I got yelled at at work today by my boss because I wasn't working. Ironically I was the only person in the building who in fact was working while most of the staff were on their cell phones texting. Go figure. I told Brandon tonight he needs to find a new job so I can go back to Autozone....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 19, 2013, 03:34:48 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 18, 2013, 08:59:44 PM
Lol. Just as much as any of you that like kielbasa & sauer kraut, or pot/shepherd's pie, went yankee. 

Glad to see you're still keeping up with the pot.  :hippy:

In the way of old updates, my uncles house next door finally sold recently, and it has become what I call a "hippy commune."  The hippyfied guy up the holler that lives in a shed and eats gourds bought it....or him and his friends, or something, I dunno...and I'm not sure who actually "lives" there, cause there's various people that come and go, and I don't know which ones permanently live there, if any....thus, the hippy commune statement....

And I am not acquainted with it well enough to recognize the smell for sure, but of an evening sometimes, I smell smoke coming from over there, if I'm down in the chicken pen...or even tonight plum up in the yard...  I don't know if it's pot smoke or not....  I don't see no fire and it doesn't smell like wood smoke....


If it is pot smoke and I can smell it that much over here, they all ought to be higher than kites.

I don't know if that's what it is or not, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were.

My chickens are going to turn into stoners being in proximity of it all the time if that's the case.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 19, 2013, 06:00:43 AM
In which case they would no doubt lay eggs in psychedelic colors. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 19, 2013, 08:28:15 AM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 19, 2013, 06:00:43 AM
In which case they would no doubt lay eggs in psychedelic colors.
Oh well, there is Seth a new market- pre-colored Easter Eggs.  :P Groovy, dude.

Once you smell weed burning and know what it is,Seth, you will never forget it. It has quite a distinctive smell....
And morning, all. I am back at work. Get off at 11 ish, which gives me a jumpstart on my weekend. :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: taco_harvell on September 19, 2013, 10:18:43 AM
Quote from: SippinTea on September 19, 2013, 01:37:48 AM
Quote from: taco_harvell on September 18, 2013, 10:14:09 PM
Please keep praying concerning my job. We lost 4 possibly 5 people the last 2 days. It's been crazy. Most of all pray for my bosses salvation!

*scratches head* I thought you were working for Chick-fil-A, and I guess I naively assumed that they would hire christian people for the most part - especially in any leadership/managerial role.

I wish that were true!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 19, 2013, 01:20:00 PM
Howdy, all. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 19, 2013, 01:41:48 PM
After Nathan's phone updated, I "updated" his ringtone to some kind of Mexican opera yodeling.

I hope he gets lots of phone calls today....
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 19, 2013, 04:22:32 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 19, 2013, 08:28:15 AM
Once you smell weed burning and know what it is,Seth, you will never forget it. It has quite a distinctive smell....
And morning, all. I am back at work. Get off at 11 ish, which gives me a jumpstart on my weekend. :P
So who do you get to identify that as weed burning?  I don't know anyone who smokes it.  Or maybe I do and I just don't know it... *sniff sniff*

And what do you mean, get an early start?  You get a whole day early start every week. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 19, 2013, 06:51:59 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 19, 2013, 01:41:48 PM
After Nathan's phone updated, I "updated" his ringtone to some kind of Mexican opera yodeling.

I hope he gets lots of phone calls today....

Feel free to message his number to all of us. We'd be happy to help. :hypocrite:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 19, 2013, 06:54:09 PM
I kept expecting her to do just that, but so far she's been... much too kind to Nathan, it seems.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 19, 2013, 09:53:56 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 19, 2013, 08:28:15 AM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 19, 2013, 06:00:43 AM
In which case they would no doubt lay eggs in psychedelic colors.
Oh well, there is Seth a new market- pre-colored Easter Eggs.  :P Groovy, dude.

Once you smell weed burning and know what it is,Seth, you will never forget it. It has quite a distinctive smell....
And morning, all. I am back at work. Get off at 11 ish, which gives me a jumpstart on my weekend. :P

I know I have been where someone who shall remain nameless was smoking it at least once, but I honestly can't remember the specific odor of it.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 19, 2013, 10:00:36 PM
I got a new phone!!

Allan and I both got new iPhones! Whoot!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 19, 2013, 10:46:11 PM
The statue that was B's moms car is gone! Thank ya Jesus! She parked it out here 2 years ago because it wasn't running right. We couldn't get the title for it because she'd taken a loan out against it. The title loan company wouldn't come get it because who knows why. Brandon put it on eBay and some fine gentlemen from WV came and took it away and even paid us 200 for it. Woo-hoo! Plus we've sold the Honda 'I'm a death trap' Prelude and a gentleman is coming to pick it up next week and giving us 450 for it. Which is good because we need the money to repair my car.....again.....The computer is going out. It apparently makes your car do all sorts of wacky things.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 20, 2013, 01:11:13 AM
When you said "the computer went out," I perked up. Then I realized you were talking about the car computer...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 20, 2013, 01:20:26 PM
Well, I'm at work and we are getting some much needed rain.  The problem with that is that I would much rather still be in bed.
Oh wait, that's every morning... the rain just makes it worse.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 20, 2013, 02:05:47 PM
Good morning!

Im sleepy as well. But Im fixing to go start the dishwasher and put the meatballs and sauce in the crockpot so we can have a nice meal tonight.

Im updating my new phone to the brand new OS.7 software. Everyone thats updated says they love it.

And Im listening to songs to figure out a good song do with the sign team for our upcoming anniversary service. Its our 25th Pastoral anniversary, and we are having a HUGE shindig, so it has to be good and big and powerful!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 20, 2013, 02:07:56 PM
We got 3in yesterday. It was nice.

I'm waiting for it to get past 51* this morning. Brrr.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 20, 2013, 02:54:45 PM
MelodyB:  "So you would know" by Brooklyn Tabernacle?  Or perhaps "I never lost my praise" by the same...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 20, 2013, 02:55:57 PM
We sing I Never Lost my Praise
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: sunlight on September 20, 2013, 04:19:55 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 20, 2013, 02:54:45 PM
MelodyB:  "So you would know" by Brooklyn Tabernacle?  Or perhaps "I never lost my praise" by the same...
I love both of these... Especially the second one.

We are doing "oh what a mighty god" by the steeles? Is the new song we are learning to sing.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 20, 2013, 04:32:39 PM
Is that the one that repeats "Oh what a mighty God... we serve" as the chorus? 

Born as a babe in Bethelehem's stable
The king of all glory came down to the earth
Raised up in Nazareth, the son of a carpenter
Preparing himself for his salvation work

Or something like that...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 20, 2013, 04:48:28 PM
The reason I ask is because I found that song on an old mix tape many years ago, really liked it, but I never knew who sang it. It's still sitting in the "Unknown" folder.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 20, 2013, 05:24:39 PM
*considers getting out winter clothes*

I don't know why but summer's 65° and fall's 65° feel totally different. When fall moves in, there's like an extra chill under the temperature.  I remember enjoying this temp at the beginning of spring/summer.  Now I want to bake and drink more hot tea. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 20, 2013, 05:29:46 PM
It's still raining here! :D

Maybe they will be able to drop the burn bans.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 20, 2013, 06:28:21 PM
Raining here as well. Bah.  :pound:

I don't like rain on my days off. Not only does it make for a dreary day, but it renders my relaxation technique (cruising in Rusty) invalid, 'cause his one little wiper makes it unenjoyable to cruise in the rain, plus the added risk of someone banging into him because of the rain.
And the ham radio generally is rendered less than enjoyable over the weather noise. That leaves- eating, a good book and a computer. The internet is slow- thus reading and eating. I've read all my books a few dozen times- thus eating. And you all know what I look like, and that is the LAST thing I need to do all day. But I am anyway. :P
Hope y'all are enjoying life.  :waving:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 20, 2013, 07:50:16 PM
I'd killlllllll to be off on days it rains. BEST, most relaxing days ever!

I've been running around IN the rain today. Getting a cake. In and out of that store.
In and out of Olive Garden for manager's meeting lunch. In and out of the managers meeting place.

I've been soaked today. More than once! lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 20, 2013, 07:53:40 PM
Here's a different kind of car.

It almost looks like you're driving a cordless mouse. ;)


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 20, 2013, 09:24:41 PM
You watch the video?  The metal scrapes the pavement when it turns. Somebody got ripped off.  Lol

Have any if you made snickerdoodles with cinnamon chips in them?  I am wondering if that will be 1. Too much sweetness or 2. Too much cinnamon?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 20, 2013, 10:05:58 PM
I survived my 1st week back to work. It was touch and go there for a bit.

We are getting the rain tomorrow. Which is interesting because it's the weekend of Rhythm & Roots. A big outdoor music festival in my hometown.

Brandon had 5 teeth pulled today. He's good for now but the numbing hasn't wore off. I feel like we're gonna have an interesting weekend. Lots of mashed potatoes.  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 21, 2013, 01:09:14 AM
Fuzzy: I saw that car on Yahoo News, and immediately thought the clearance was not enough. Sure enough, when I watched the video, when it made a turn it scraped the ground.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 21, 2013, 02:08:04 AM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Kim on September 21, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
Hello all!!! Been working and canning, haven't had time to post.  And Bobby,  did that by any chance happen to be daddy's truck that hit the deer?  Seems you forgot to mention that to me when we talked earlier. Guess you had more important things on your mind.....such as the home made apple butter.  What do ya'll think about this....  I canned only 8 pints of that stuff, and my little brother thinks he should get at least 6 of them.  He THINKS he's THAT special.  Hr even threatened to break into my house to get it. :o  Talk about feeling safe just because your little brother is a cop..........
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 04:32:02 AM
Quote from: Kim on September 21, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
Hello all!!! Been working and canning, haven't had time to post.  And Bobby,  did that by any chance happen to be daddy's truck that hit the deer?  Seems you forgot to mention that to me when we talked earlier. Guess you had more important things on your mind.....such as the home made apple butter.  What do ya'll think about this....  I canned only 8 pints of that stuff, and my little brother thinks he should get at least 6 of them.  He THINKS he's THAT special.  Hr even threatened to break into my house to get it. :o  Talk about feeling safe just because your little brother is a cop..........
Uhhh...Oops. Yeah, it is Daddy's truck that nailed the deer. And re: Apple Butter- YOU made two major mistakes. 1) you only canned 8 pints and 2) you brought one to me. Really?!? One?!? Like that has a chance of satisfying me. As delicious as that stuff is, you should be REQUIRED by law to make me 8 pints per week.

And I didn't threaten. I merely told you that such an event could take place, and you'd have only circumstantial evidence to prove it was me.  :hypocrite:
Obviously, I have your best interests at heart, warning you of burglary risks and what have you. :hypocrite: Being such a kind caring brother should be fairly compensated. Maybe with another couple pints of Apple Butter?  :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 21, 2013, 05:13:07 AM
That must be what passes for a subtle hint in Arkansas.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 06:14:14 AM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 21, 2013, 05:13:07 AM
That must be what passes for a subtle hint in Arkansas.
Betcha it works. To a degree.. :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 21, 2013, 02:38:36 PM
first night in a week that I wasn't wide awake after just a few hours. was nice to   sleep through the whole thing.

rains here.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 02:43:50 PM
 Well. It is morning, and has dawned a beautiful, sunny, cool morning at that. And I slept til 9. My day is going mahvelously, dearies...
:p I found, the other day, a remaining loaf of Isaac's sourdough bread hidden deep in the deep freeze, under some other things. Having thawed it out and enjoyed a couple of fresh pieces, I was using it sparingly, until Lou attacked and made garlic bread with some of it, and sliced the rest of the loaf up. Since it was sitting so forlorn in the fridge, it got turned into some of the tastyest French toast you can imagine. That, and two Petit Jean hot dogs, sliced in half longways and fried, comprise the delicious breakfast I am now enjoying. :fork:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 21, 2013, 02:57:14 PM
I slept until 9am too.  Then some @*$# fool called on the phone and woke me up.  Oh well, I needed to get up anyway - I'm no longer a second shift dude.  Last night was THE last night.  I'm a morning person by nature... I can adapt to nights if I maintain the same sleep schedule during the weekends, but if left to my own devices I'm a morning person.  Now I am finally on day shift.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 04:01:38 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 21, 2013, 02:57:14 PM
I slept until 9am too.  Then some @*$# fool called on the phone and woke me up.   I'm a morning person by nature... I can adapt to nights if I maintain the same sleep schedule during the weekends, but if left to my own devices I'm a morning person.
Yeah...it looks like it.  :P About like I am . :laughhard:

But seriously, congrats on the dayshift move...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 21, 2013, 04:26:59 PM
Today is not "left to my own devices," today is "I worked night shift last night."  You better watch it or I'll start calling and waking you up at 6am. :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 04:54:08 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 21, 2013, 04:26:59 PM
Today is not "left to my own devices," today is "I worked night shift last night."  You better watch it or I'll start calling and waking you up at 6am. :P
If it is 6 am...by all means call me. cause I am late...lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 21, 2013, 05:31:54 PM
By all means call you at 6am... on your day off?  You sure about that?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 21, 2013, 10:38:49 PM
It's a good thing our closest Hobby Lobby is 40 minutes away. I'd get into serious trouble there. I did buy my 1st hot glue gun though. I'm way to excited about it. Got alot of good decoration ideas for the wedding though.

Chili in the crockpot. [Thanks rain].

Brandon is already in a much better mood after having the teeth pulled.

Now onto homework. [Quit distracting me GP!]
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 02:08:38 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 02:43:50 PM
Well. It is morning, and has dawned a beautiful, sunny, cool morning at that. And I slept til 9. My day is going mahvelously, dearies...
:p I found, the other day, a remaining loaf of Isaac's sourdough bread hidden deep in the deep freeze, under some other things. Having thawed it out and enjoyed a couple of fresh pieces, I was using it sparingly, until Lou attacked and made garlic bread with some of it, and sliced the rest of the loaf up. Since it was sitting so forlorn in the fridge, it got turned into some of the tastyest French toast you can imagine. That, and two Petit Jean hot dogs, sliced in half longways and fried, comprise the delicious breakfast I am now enjoying. :fork:


What kind of freezer you have? Your clothesline broke?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 02:10:56 AM
I had a pretty good day.

Gonna make beef tips and rice for lunch tomorrow. I doubt it will be to Dubois standards, but it will be good Im sure.

Waiting on a phone call now. :chairspin:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 22, 2013, 02:30:48 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 02:08:38 AM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 21, 2013, 02:43:50 PM
Well. It is morning, and has dawned a beautiful, sunny, cool morning at that. And I slept til 9. My day is going mahvelously, dearies...
:p I found, the other day, a remaining loaf of Isaac's sourdough bread hidden deep in the deep freeze, under some other things. Having thawed it out and enjoyed a couple of fresh pieces, I was using it sparingly, until Lou attacked and made garlic bread with some of it, and sliced the rest of the loaf up. Since it was sitting so forlorn in the fridge, it got turned into some of the tastyest French toast you can imagine. That, and two Petit Jean hot dogs, sliced in half longways and fried, comprise the delicious breakfast I am now enjoying. :fork:


What kind of freezer you have? Your clothesline broke?

I don't understand this. Lol. What am I missing?  A deep freeze can be pretty big. As soon as we get one, we wil be splitting a cow ASAP.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 02:33:08 AM
It was a conversation from years ago...a few will understand. I know Seth remembers...maybe Jenn...we will see. lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 22, 2013, 02:44:32 AM
I wondered if you thought he had a body in there or something at first...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 03:22:04 AM
He may be cleaning out the freezer to hide Kim if she doesnt hand over the apple butter.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Kim on September 22, 2013, 03:24:45 AM
Glad I wasn't the only one who didn't get that...thought I was losing it there for a minute.  And Bobby, as for it working ... to a degree... you are absolutely right.  You can pull my heart strings when nobody else can!  Of course, the degree will be only a couple of more jars, but if I had some more apples.... I could always make more! :P 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Kim on September 22, 2013, 03:27:33 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 03:22:04 AM
He may be cleaning out the freezer to hide Kim if she doesnt hand over the apple butter.
Hey, I didn't think about that! :o
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 22, 2013, 03:47:22 AM
If you had some more apples... :D :D :D :D :D :D

Excuse me, I'm gonna call a Wal-Mart down in mid-Arkansas and see if they'll do a home delivery of five truckloads of apples.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 22, 2013, 03:51:55 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 22, 2013, 02:33:08 AM
It was a conversation from years ago...a few will understand. I know Seth remembers...maybe Jenn...we will see. lol

Comprende.  :freaky2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 22, 2013, 11:45:35 AM
 Well, I am in the dark on the whole deep freeze thing...:lol:  But no, I would NEVER hide Kim in the freezer. I love her too much for that. Plus, if I did, she'd be in the way whenever I wanted to get something out of the freezer. Too much trouble.  :P

And after tasting the apple butter, there will be many apples bought the first chance I get...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 22, 2013, 12:38:06 PM
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 22, 2013, 12:51:15 PM
/me puts Roscoe's other things in the freezer.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 22, 2013, 04:27:08 PM
Quote from: Chseeads on September 22, 2013, 12:51:15 PM
/me puts Roscoe's other things in the freezer.
/me pushes Cheese into the freezer and slams the lid.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 22, 2013, 05:37:58 PM
What will his birds do? :o
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 22, 2013, 05:41:43 PM
They'll form a committee to elect a new ruler.  And have an Independence Day celebration.  And they'll send one bird out to conduct an investigation into Seth's demise, but it will only be for the sake of appearance.  Birds are heartless that way.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 22, 2013, 06:25:10 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 22, 2013, 05:37:58 PM
What will his birds do? :o
They're in there with him. And to answer your question concisley- they'll do for dinner. :fork: :fork:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 22, 2013, 06:26:57 PM
Awesome church this morning. Had a mexcian fiesta after service for the Pastor's bday.

Now it's housework and homework that I didn't finish yesterday. Hope to get to the gym for a good run this evening.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: sunlight on September 22, 2013, 09:03:27 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 20, 2013, 04:32:39 PM
Is that the one that repeats "Oh what a mighty God... we serve" as the chorus? 

Born as a babe in Bethelehem's stable
The king of all glory came down to the earth
Raised up in Nazareth, the son of a carpenter
Preparing himself for his salvation work

Or something like that...

Yes! Can you type out the other 2 verses? I'm missing words on them and can't find them anywhere on google...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 22, 2013, 10:00:17 PM
Walking along by the seashores of Galilee
Healing the sick and raising the dead
To all of the thirsty He said I am the water
To all of the hungry He said I am the bread

Carried the cross on His back up to Calvary
Bore in His body our sin and our shame
Wrapped up in grave clothes and buried forever
But on the third day He rose from the grave

Ascended to Heaven and began interceding
Pleading the case for you and for me
Ready right now to step out on a cloud
And with the trumpet of God, His church to receive

Sending you an email, that I have to say (for legal reasons) might or might not have an unspecified audio attachment. :coollook:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: sunlight on September 23, 2013, 03:04:44 AM
Thank you so much!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: sunlight on September 23, 2013, 03:08:39 AM
That is definitely the Steels... Exact same version on YouTube.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 23, 2013, 11:26:57 AM
Good Morning....:hi: It's gonna be a good day, it's gonna be a good day,  it's gonna be a good day, it's gonna be a good day, it's gonna be a good day, it's gonna be a good day.

Well, maybe if I say it enough, I'll believe it. :smirk: You have a better idea, feel free to tell me.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 23, 2013, 01:24:03 PM
Morning. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 23, 2013, 03:55:12 PM

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 23, 2013, 04:32:08 PM
That's right!  It is almost Christmas.

14 weeks.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 23, 2013, 04:39:37 PM
It's a very good day here. First shift is a lot easier on the furnace line than 2nd shift. One of the two people on the other end of the line offered to stop the line if I got behind. On 2nd shift, you just have to scramble to keep up.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 23, 2013, 05:30:23 PM
Oh good gravy.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 23, 2013, 05:34:09 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 23, 2013, 04:32:08 PM
That's right!  It is almost Christmas.

14 weeks.

I personally think anyone who reminds others of how many days/weeks/months it is till Christmas before the Friday after thanksgiving should be jailed.


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 23, 2013, 08:01:58 PM
Well, dont everyone go all quiet on that point.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 23, 2013, 10:21:26 PM
 :stupid: As the smiley says, I am, indeed, in full agreeance with Stupid. :ugly: I hate to think about Christmas before Thanksgiving. In fact, I dislike thinking about it after Thanksgiving too. Bah, Humbug.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 23, 2013, 11:38:16 PM
:couch: peeking in but don't have anything interesting to share.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 24, 2013, 12:21:11 AM
Well if we plan in gong anywhere or buying anything or having a specia meal, I have to save up. So it may not matter to you affluent folk but it was on my mind today that along with my growing kid that need winter clothes and that the heat bill will be going up, and thanksgiving is before that, there are 14 paychecks to put aside from.  It isn't wise and I hate the conviction that we are struggling after the holidays because we didn't use the brains and $$ He gave us, to be wise/stewardly.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 24, 2013, 01:56:11 AM
 WHERE'S THE AFFLUENT FOLK?!? I'm gonna hit 'em up for a donation. :lol:
If I think about it, I get depressed. I'm lucky that we have a three paycheck month before Christmas. That'll provide our few little gifts and a good Christmas dinner. If it weren't for that we'd be hosed. Here lately, we are staying so close to the bone that I couldn't put back a few bucks a paycheck if I had to. :sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 24, 2013, 02:29:53 AM
Not to mention someone keeps eating up the apple butter over there...

I also would like to meet these affluent people.  I'm going to be running on a shoestring going to GC, and thank God my father is going with me.  He'll pick up half the cost of gas and room.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 24, 2013, 02:47:51 AM
Well Roscoe Maxamillion, I'm being optimistic. Nathan is working construction so weekly paychecks aren't a given.

BUT my God is so good to us that all the extras really don't matter. We'll be celebrating no matter what! 

Some of the time I'm embarrassed at how sad our finances look that I don't want to sound chronically poor minded by always saying how God brought us through again... But good Lord, He so has!  Idk how we've made it, and able bodied through it all. OH that I could bear lots of good fruit and make Him proud!!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 24, 2013, 11:30:56 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 24, 2013, 02:47:51 AM
Well Roscoe Maxamillion, I'm being optimistic. Nathan is working construction so weekly paychecks aren't a given.

BUT my God is so good to us that all the extras really don't matter. We'll be celebrating no matter what! 

Some of the time I'm embarrassed at how sad our finances look that I don't want to sound chronically poor minded by always saying how God brought us through again... But good Lord, He so has!  Idk how we've made it, and able bodied through it all. OH that I could bear lots of good fruit and make Him proud!!
Trust me, I know all about sad looking finances.  :biglaugh: God has blessed us SO much though....But I promise, WHEN we get some of the unwise choices I've made paid off, we will not get back into a hole this deep...
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 24, 2013, 02:29:53 AM
Not to mention someone keeps eating up the apple butter over there...

I also would like to meet these affluent people.  I'm going to be running on a shoestring going to GC, and thank God my father is going with me.  He'll pick up half the cost of gas and room.
LEAVE MY APPLE BUTTER OUT OF IT! I know you are just trying to figure out how to finagle some.  :pound: :pound: (Related to that, I have a guy here at work that says he thinks he can get me a couple of bushels of locally grown apples. Apple Butter, here we come. :fork:)

  And in sharing- Good morning all. I am back at work. Nothing tremendously special go on in life right now. Other than the fact that I am now in trouble with Bro Wilson. My Uncle is coming down this weekend and bringing his kids and grand kids, as is my aunt, so we are gonna have a little family reunion. Unfortunately, this is also the weekend for an Arkansas fellowship meeting. Due to the family coming in, I won't be going to the meeting, which Bro Wilson really wanted me to. Oh well. Truth be told I really couldn't afford the tank of gas it would take to go to it anyway, to say nothing of the babysitter.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 24, 2013, 01:05:35 PM
Hello everyone!

Been a great weekend! We had three baptized and some amazing church! Yesterday was long and busy, and I wasnt able to check in.

I babysat for my Livi and Kira all day, and that was fun. Dad had another surgery at the spur of the moment that we knew nothing about until it was planned and they were about to take him into the OR, but at least Mom got off her rear and went. Now she knows how it feels to be there completely ALONE for HOURS while dad has a surgery. She left me like that last year when he was in here and I near about went crazy being there that long by myself.

Then after I got done with the kids, I came home and cleaned up and Allan and I had planned a dinner date out. We went, but we should have went straight to the ER. Before dinner.

A car fell off a jack yesterday at his job, and crushed his left hand between the fender and  the tire. He was very fortunate that someone was nearby and could raise it back up. It was pretty brusied and swollen, but he convinced me it didnt hurt and we could go on our date...By the time dinner was over, I could SEE the pain and we ended up waiting in the ER from 7:30 till after 10pm. Its not broke, but he really did a number on it.

Today Im washing clothes, and going shortly to get my phone fixed. Last night the speaker decided it wouldnt work. So Im gonna see if they can get it taken care of.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 24, 2013, 01:34:05 PM
I'm at work. Missing my kiddos.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 24, 2013, 04:40:51 PM
MelodyB: With regard to smartphones, my aunt Ann keeps forgetting to take hers out of her pocket and she keeps washing it in the washing machine. When she goes to get a new phone they keep trying to sell her an expensive one. She tells them, "No thanks, I just wash the cheap ones. A cheap one will wash just as well as an expensive one."
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 24, 2013, 05:47:35 PM
Well I didnt have to go to the phone place after all...It was 8:30am and the phone magically started working again. The Phone place didnt open till 9, so I didnt go. Its been fine ever since.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 24, 2013, 06:29:16 PM
I wonder if it's a loose connection...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 24, 2013, 06:37:54 PM
It kept saying the headphones were hooked up. But there was no headphones plugged in, nor had there ever been on this new phone.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 24, 2013, 06:48:00 PM
If it does that again, insert a headphone cord plug, then pull it out. Maybe it will register that the headphone has been unplugged.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 24, 2013, 06:58:21 PM
My husband's phone was acting wonky kinda like that and the connection was loose inside.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 24, 2013, 08:51:09 PM
Can I take a wild guess which person took the phone apart to check it?   :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 24, 2013, 08:53:03 PM
He had replaced the screen in the IPhone and didn't get the wire in snugly, so he took it apart and fixed it.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 24, 2013, 08:54:45 PM
Work. Homework. Church.

Pretty much sums up my life currently.   :cool:

I go for my endoscope on Thursday if you'll remember me in your prayers. Thanks.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 24, 2013, 09:34:17 PM
Endoscope... >.<

Will do.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 25, 2013, 12:29:32 AM
Guess we (my family) have made the devil mad

Two wrecks, a breakdown in the middle of the freeway, a slashed tired and health stuff.
Jesus be a fence!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 25, 2013, 01:59:14 AM
The lady who last spring told me Brandon was full of devils came up and told me congradulations tonight on our engagement...I'm taking it in stride and moving onward..

Homework then maybe sleep. Why did I go back to school again?.....  :roll:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 25, 2013, 04:09:43 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 23, 2013, 11:38:16 PM
:couch: peeking in but don't have anything interesting to share.

When did you ever?



My grandma turned 98 today.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 25, 2013, 10:48:14 AM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 25, 2013, 01:59:14 AM
The lady who last spring told me Brandon was full of devils came up and told me congradulations tonight on our engagement...I'm taking it in stride and moving onward..

Homework then maybe sleep. Why did I go back to school again?.....  :roll:
Some believe it is because you are insane.  Others disagree, citing a desire for a better life someday. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 25, 2013, 11:36:18 AM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 25, 2013, 10:48:14 AM
Quote from: HeatherB on September 25, 2013, 01:59:14 AM
The lady who last spring told me Brandon was full of devils came up and told me congradulations tonight on our engagement...I'm taking it in stride and moving onward..

Homework then maybe sleep. Why did I go back to school again?.....  :roll:
Some believe it is because you are insane.  Others disagree, citing a desire for a better life someday. 
I vote for the "insane" camp.  :P

Morning, all. Surely the demons of morning hath best me today. Not in any major way, but they've pinned my ears back and zapped my energy- and my want-to. I wish now, I'd put in to take a  couple of days off, as the Fall Swap meet starts today. All I could think of when I got up, is that I had a perfectly good excuse to take off, and didn't. I could be sleeping right now.....:cry:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 25, 2013, 11:58:49 AM
Thats what you get when you dont honor your spiritual heritage...next time take off for the swap meet!

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 25, 2013, 12:04:46 PM
Wisdom for today; You know your growing in grace when people notice that you've stopped correcting there mistakes,
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 25, 2013, 01:21:23 PM
Quote from: Chseeads on September 25, 2013, 04:09:43 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 23, 2013, 11:38:16 PM
:couch: peeking in but don't have anything interesting to share.

When did you ever?



My grandma turned 98 today.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 25, 2013, 08:47:01 PM
Quote from: mini on September 25, 2013, 12:04:46 PM
Wisdom for today; You know your growing in grace when people notice that you've stopped correcting there mistakes,
You must get the cybersalt digest.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 25, 2013, 09:00:38 PM
I feel really out of touch with the board now.  Dropped by to discover this place has weddings and rumors of weddings.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 26, 2013, 01:16:21 AM
Today has been a challenge to say the least. We went over our current money situation to see where we are getting groceries this week from. Well between the 2 of us we have $70, no groceries and 1/4 tank of gas in each car. This has to last us until not this Friday, but NEXT Friday. To put that in perspective just going to church and work in the past 3 days I've went through $35 dollars in gas. So for the next 9 days, which is how long we have until expected money comes in, I could easily go through 105 in gas. We are hoping the guy comes for the Prelude that bought it. That would be awesome.

Also today Brandon got an email from one of his teachers. Thanks to his professors computer system he has been accused of plagarism for copying the words to the poem he had to write about. She is filing paperwork to have him suspended from the university. He has shown me the paper and I'm not a scholar but all the parts highlighted  by the program show that the parts 'plagarized' are the exact quotes of the poem.

Tonight at church every member of our praise team was out except our drummer and bassist. So I got to learn how to run YouTube videos. It's confusing because I'm a PC person and everything at church is ran on Mac. 2 services into running the media and even the pastor joked I'm learning everything the hard way.

I won't even start on work......and my mom is trying to back out of taking me for my procedure tomorrow and I can't drive myself nor do I have anyone else to take me.......
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on September 26, 2013, 02:49:08 AM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on September 25, 2013, 09:00:38 PM
I feel really out of touch with the board now.  Dropped by to discover this place has weddings and rumors of weddings.


And famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 26, 2013, 08:37:02 AM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 26, 2013, 11:39:09 AM
 Howdy! :waving:

Morning, all. Bah. I wanted to take off today. Boss said no. A pox upon his house.  :pound:

And in sharing, last night, Bro Proctor preached for us. Being as how he is one of those people God talks to, alot, I ALWAYS get nailed when he comes and preaches for us. This time, he had Bro Wilson send me a text yesterday that read "Your behind is mine." :o  I was a little concerned, and instantly asked if he'd consider a bribe. He said if I showed up with Petit Jean Summer Sausage, he MIGHT consider accepting it. When I walked in the butcher shop after work to buy lunchmeat- there it was. A four inch long link of Petit Jean Summer Sausage. So I got it for him.  :hypocrite:  Not the foot long sausage he was thinking.  :laughhard:

He walked to the pulpit, and announced to the church that I had brought him a peace offering, but he didn't see that anyone else had... After a good laugh, he proceeded to preach one of the most uplifting messages I have ever heard. "God's in love with you." Absolutely awesome.  I really enjoyed the service, and getting to visit with one of the most Godly men I've ever met. He's been coming to our church evangelizing for right at 18 years. He's busted my hide more than probably any preacher other than Bro. Wilson, but he's always done it with love. People like that are invaluable.
Hope everyone has a great day. Even Ol' Birdbrain. :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 26, 2013, 01:03:09 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 26, 2013, 01:27:16 PM
That's a sweet story that made me smile, Roscoe. 

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 26, 2013, 01:37:21 PM
Morning. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 26, 2013, 01:43:26 PM
Our church has rented a local pumpkin farm for 3hrs right after church on Sunday. $10/person.  Since it's right after church, there's NO time to go home to eat and we just spent $30 to go to this thing so we cannot "go out" to eat in any shape or form. Their concession stand there is amusement park food prices and it's junk.

*sigh*  I'll be happy when Hannah moves on to the youth group.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 26, 2013, 01:46:58 PM
Everything is getting so expensive. I picked up a few food items at Wal Mart and spent nearly $30. Everything is going up except my pay. *sigh
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 26, 2013, 02:09:51 PM
Yes it is.

This whole Obamacare fine is irritating. To have it gives them the right to necessitate things for your kids. That's maybe not a big deal until we realize the huge push for the immunization for the the one that's a std virus they claim causes cervical cancer, (haha my phone auto corrected that to "cervical anger") which is highly debated and Australia stopped using it bc of the deaths & side effects. But they are still pushing it here!! Almost passed it in some states' public school mandates. 'Assuming everybody is going to be promiscuous. Baah

So I do NOT want it. But I'll have to pay a fine even though I don't go to the dr but rarely and pay cash/payment plan. They assume I'm going to get a serious illness.  Something WRONG with that thinking.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 26, 2013, 03:50:28 PM
Anyways... On a lighter note. I accidentally sprayed my pastor in the face with Windex the other day. Thankfully, my pastor is gracious & kind. He laughed while wiping off his face and told me to stop apologizing. 

Goodness, I almost cried I felt so bad. But then he was laughing so much that it became funny. Per Adina's idea I might get him those silly glasses with windshield wipers. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 26, 2013, 04:12:28 PM
I was sure hoping we could work out a way for you and Adina to meet while she was in, but maybe next time.  I just know y'all would get along great.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 26, 2013, 04:40:45 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 26, 2013, 05:20:27 PM
*HUGS* Tia... so when are you getting married? Hurry and get you a husband while the gettin is good! ;)

Dad may come home tomorrow. His last day of therapy is today. Im not sure Im ready for him to be home. He is already arguing with us about what he can and cant do, and most of it is just him being himself, and doing whatever he wants, no matter what the drs advise. He just wont listen and there is no talking to him reasonably. He is gonna end up with that foot busted wide open and having his leg cut off after all if he does what he wants.

And rest assured, he WILL do what he wants. No matter what. :smirk2:

Yall mark my words. Check this date. This is my prediction today. We will see how it goes in the future. I dont want to have to say I told him so, but I did, and unless GOD does something major, he will lose his leg cause of his bull-headedness. Thats FACT.

Anyway. I got chicken boiling, gonna make chicken and rice. I never did make Liver and onions while dad was gone cause I found out two disturbing things about Allan...He doesnt eat liver and he loves Pepsi. UGH. The Pepsi thing was almost enough to be a deal breaker...but I guess Ill let it go. *sigh*

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 26, 2013, 05:49:30 PM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 26, 2013, 05:20:27 PM
*HUGS* Tia... so when are you getting married? Hurry and get you a husband while the gettin is good! ;)

who said I needed a husband?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 26, 2013, 05:51:42 PM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 26, 2013, 05:20:27 PM
Anyway. I got chicken boiling, gonna make chicken and rice. I never did make Liver and onions while dad was gone cause I found out two disturbing things about Allan...He doesnt eat liver and he loves Pepsi. UGH. The Pepsi thing was almost enough to be a deal breaker...but I guess Ill let it go. *sigh*


Thus begins trouble in paradise...

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 26, 2013, 06:14:03 PM
That means he has good taste! :D

Hooray for Pepsi! ;) Yuck for liver and onions.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 26, 2013, 06:38:40 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 26, 2013, 06:14:03 PM
That means he has good taste! :D

Hooray for Pepsi! ;) Yuck for liver and onions.

I must be weird then cause liver and onions sounds good to me
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 26, 2013, 06:47:44 PM
I think liver and onions sounds good too, & I never did like Pepsi. But as long as he doesn't make you drink Pepsi, I guess it'll be okay.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 26, 2013, 07:15:44 PM
I like liver and onions too.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 26, 2013, 07:25:46 PM
I'm pretty sure I don't like liver... *cough* confederates *cough*. :P

Pepsi far beats Coke in my book but I don't drink it anymore because of the "flavor enhancers" which could be in every pop, idk. But I can't bring myself to drink it. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 26, 2013, 08:25:47 PM
I'm out of my procedure and finally awake enough to sit up. My mom did work it out that she could take me. Brandon was there for a bit until he had to leave for school. I was very nauseous for awhile after but have finally been able to eat a bit. They did find 2 spots [1 in my stomach and 1 in my esophagus] that they are doing biopsies on.

Also mom gave me a bit of money to get us through. After thinking about it I'm gonna go ahead at work and take another loan. Enough to get my 350 computer needed for my car and to put toward my wedding dress [shopping day is Saturday the 5th.]. I have at least 2 extended dogsitting jobs lined up for October so that will definitely help.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 26, 2013, 09:04:54 PM
He likes the onions and gravy...just not the liver.

*HUGS* Heather. Praying for you.

Tia...I didnt think I needed one either...God has a way of changing our minds. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 26, 2013, 09:19:16 PM
I don't need a partner until I need one.  When I need one, I will have one.  If that sounds illlogical, consider the source.   :updown:

All joking aside, I have good reason to believe I will have a partner when the time comes I need one.  Won't get into why, but I know I will.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 27, 2013, 12:34:50 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 26, 2013, 09:04:54 PM
He likes the onions and gravy...just not the liver.

*HUGS* Heather. Praying for you.

Tia...I didnt think I needed one either...God has a way of changing our minds. ;)

Not met a guy yet that sweeps me off my feet and convinces me he's Prince Adaquate.  At this point in time I doubt I ever will.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 27, 2013, 03:22:12 AM
Thats what I thought....

And now look...Ive turned into THEM. :o *points to Ruby, Elona and all the other happy sappy ladies...*

Anywhooo. I should have NEVER showed Allan the EdBassmaster YouTube videos...now all he says is "Look at that, just look at it!" But I must admit, he does a great impression. ;) I should video HIM. Hahah!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 27, 2013, 03:40:30 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 27, 2013, 03:22:12 AM
Thats what I thought....

And now look...Ive turned into THEM. :o *points to Ruby, Elona and all the other happy sappy ladies...*

Anywhooo. I should have NEVER showed Allan the EdBassmaster YouTube videos...now all he says is "Look at that, just look at it!" But I must admit, he does a great impression. ;) I should video HIM. Hahah!

go for it as long as we get to see the video  :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 27, 2013, 03:55:51 AM
Hahaha!!  I wanna see it!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on September 27, 2013, 12:04:40 PM

I hate waking up early.  If you agree, I think you should text Roscoe and make sure hes up too.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 27, 2013, 12:19:29 PM
I had no choice but be up early today.  Have to be at work at 9 AM.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 27, 2013, 12:27:53 PM
Quote from: mini on September 27, 2013, 12:04:40 PM

I hate waking up early.  If you agree, I think you should text Roscoe and make sure hes up too.
:pound: :pound: You is evil...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 27, 2013, 12:38:23 PM
I get up at 4:30 so I can fix Allans lunch, shower and get ready. Then I go to prayer from 5:30-7:00, and then take him to work. Dad comes home today, so Ill be getting up at 4 on dialysis days, and take him at 5. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 27, 2013, 12:59:18 PM
we are having family conference this weekend with Bro and Sis Burton from Nashville. I'm excited. I was a bit stressed with wanting to go to conference but having quite a bit of school work due Monday. thankfully the big paper I had to writes due date has been pushed back to the 14th of Oct.

back to work today. I spent the majority of yesterday asleep thanks to the anesthesia.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 27, 2013, 01:24:11 PM
It's Friday. :D
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on September 27, 2013, 01:56:40 PM
Busy weekend. Young Adult Practice tonight.
Going to Justin, Texas (about 45 mins away) to sing at a outreach singsperation type deal the church there has tomorrow. Sunday church.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 27, 2013, 03:47:40 PM
Quote from: MelodyB on September 27, 2013, 12:38:23 PM
I get up at 4:30 so I can fix Allans lunch, shower and get ready. Then I go to prayer from 5:30-7:00, and then take him to work. Dad comes home today, so Ill be getting up at 4 on dialysis days, and take him at 5.

Has he been in the hospital for a month already?!  Wow. That time FLEW.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 27, 2013, 04:30:33 PM
He was in for 3 weeks and 2 days. He really does NOT need to be coming home today. He is going to end up right back in there. Y'all mark my words. I have seen this too many times before with him. :smirk2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Nelle on September 27, 2013, 06:19:02 PM
I'd only ever eat liver if I absolutely had to eat it to survive.. and even then, I'm afraid I'd get sick on it.

Pepsi in a can rules. Coke fountain rules. Pepsi fountain is blech, Coke can/bottle is TOO strong.

Ready for Christmas!!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 27, 2013, 08:20:25 PM
Dad is home. So far so good.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 27, 2013, 08:53:50 PM
All this talk about liver is making me hungry for a plate full
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 27, 2013, 10:32:22 PM
liver is gross

there are no words to rightly describe work today. I'm very very thankful that it is over and that I don't have to go back til Tuesday.

sitting in the church parking lot shoving French fries in my gob so my stomach won't start growling during service.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 27, 2013, 10:55:59 PM
Made enchalada casserole for a family and homemade Mac n cheese for mine. 

Oh that I could bake the world a pie and let them know they're loved. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2013, 02:17:24 AM
Quite the day....fall car show/swap meet with Uncle Ron and cousin, then to the motel to visit with them and aunts....just got home. Tomorrow I have nothing I have to do. Probably won't even go back to the mountain. Wouldn't do any good anyway, I'm too broke to buy anything. And of course this is the ONE time someone would bring something I want- a 1940's teardrop camper to pull behind Rusty- and price it attractively. Bah. I hate being broke. :pound:
Could be worse, at least the bills are paid.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 28, 2013, 02:35:46 AM
MY-I would LOVE a pie!!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 28, 2013, 03:46:03 AM
Haha! Heather beat me to it. I was just going to post.... I volunteer! but... she beat me. Oh the sadness. ;)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 28, 2013, 11:22:11 AM
I thought about saying something like that, but I have enough sweets around here to last (at my current rate of consumption) more than half a year.

Bro. Bobby:  A teardrop camper at a low price?  NO!  Take out a loan or something man!  Don't let that get away.
Oh well.  As you said, at least the bills are paid.  The glass is half full.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 28, 2013, 12:06:20 PM
If pies could be mailed, I so would!

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 28, 2013, 12:12:19 PM
Fried pies can be mailed...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 28, 2013, 01:23:09 PM
I hate cold achy mornings  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2013, 03:45:57 PM
 Woke up with my left shoulder hurting again. Bad. Seems like it happens every few months. No idea why, but lord. And it is  keeping me from doing much. I'm debating whether or not to go to the last day of the car show/swap meet.... it just don't seem right to have one and me not be there for every day..
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 28, 2013, 04:20:42 PM
Oh yeah... I forgot your phone doesn't get text messages too good when you're out in the boondocks at your house.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2013, 05:48:49 PM
 Bah. What appeared to be turning into a decent day just headed south. :mad: I had an old ham radio that I'd bought in a bunch of other things...decided I'd see why it didn't work. I found the problem, fixed it...had it working perfectly. I went to put the covers back on it, turned it on, and poof. Pretty smoke....apparently I pinched a wire somehow in putting all those tiny parts back together. Now my $300+ radio that I was gonna use as a back up or sell is either dead, or at the very least requiring some parts ordering...and now it might be past my abilities to repair. :sadbounce: Apparently it was already past my ability. :smirk:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 28, 2013, 06:43:06 PM
Cleaned the church on this wonderfully rainy day. Just started some lunch and go ahead and making some pumpkin muffins or banana bread.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 28, 2013, 07:21:48 PM
Mowed the yard.  Now to take a shower and scare up something for lunch.  I'm thinking a sausage burger.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 28, 2013, 07:26:39 PM
So are you gonna go scare a pig to death?

Split sessions this morning was awesome. Service last night was amazing. As soon as it's loaded on YouTube I'll post the link. After lunch today we went and had worship/sign team in the mall. It was cool. Now I'm home. Brandon's neice is staying with us tonight. I've got a bit of homework and housework to do.

I hope everyone is having a blessed weekend!  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2013, 09:01:16 PM
I'm now cooking....to continue my play by play today. :lol: Somebody gave me a "recipe" for a dessert that I couldn't resist trying. Chocolate chip cookie dough, rolled out and placed in a cake pan, oreo cookies layer over the dough, fudge brownie mix made up and spread over the concoction, then bake. Serve topped with vanilla ice cream. Should be about a gazillion calories per bite.. :fork:

And I'm thawing some porkchops that will be sliced and placed in a rice/flavoring/pasta blend skillet. Nothing fancy. And the rain isn't here yet.

** UPDATE*** The gazillion calorie dessert is deeeeeee-vine! I'm probably gonna go into a sugar induced coma after that piece, though. But what a way to go... :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 28, 2013, 09:20:53 PM
I'm off work for the night  :clap2:  probably take the cheat way on getting food tonight and just order it. Hate cooking for 1.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 28, 2013, 09:24:01 PM
Sausage burger:  Sausage meat made into a patty about the size of a standard burger, fried and eaten the way you would usually eat a burger.  Pre-formed burger patties won't work.  For the record, sausage burgers are very good on whole wheat sourdough bread, with some mayo and dill mustard. 

Bobby:  You're unnervingly close to what I'm making for the church dinner tomorrow.  Crust of crushed chocolate cookies, bottom layer of homemade chocolate pudding, middle layer of light chocolate, whipped topping and cream cheese, top layer the rest of the whipped topping.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 28, 2013, 09:27:08 PM
I'll have to make those. :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 28, 2013, 09:32:09 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 28, 2013, 09:27:08 PM
I'll have to make those. :hypocrite:
Make sure you have insulin, or a medical professional, or both handy. Lord, that's rich.. :lol: But divine... I may cut it into "bars" and let Lou take them to church for potluck, sans my beloved ice cream.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 28, 2013, 10:43:51 PM
Thankful for the rain. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on September 29, 2013, 04:28:32 AM
I didn't see my wife today  :sadbounce:

Y'all all giver Bobby a hard time!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 29, 2013, 11:27:40 AM
Quote from: Newsman on September 29, 2013, 04:28:32 AM
I didn't see my wife today  :sadbounce:

Y'all all giver Bobby a hard time!
:pound: :pound: I already have a hard time. No need to give me another, it'd be redundant.

And in sharing- back at work. Arm still hurts. And it is raining. Bah.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 29, 2013, 11:35:45 AM
Oh... well, we don't want that.  I've already had the Department of Redundancy Department on my back... twice!  :roll:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on September 29, 2013, 12:47:32 PM
Good Morning  :hi:

Headed off to church here shortly.  I'm helping out in the teen class this morning. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 29, 2013, 05:45:50 PM
Read this morning about a church in Camden TN burning down last night. Preachers getting shot in the pulpit. It's getting to be those kind of days I suppose.

I've been put into the booth at our church. Meaning I won't get a single service to worship. I will always be running media unless somebody else [preferably 3 somebodies so we can all rotate] steps up. But where I've been going to UPC church in JC at least I get a chance every now and then to worship and be a part of service. Sis Burton is finishing family conference this afternoon. Then we are having a dinner after.

Here's the link to TPOJC's YouTube page for video from family conference:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 29, 2013, 06:18:15 PM
:hi: howdy, all.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 29, 2013, 11:02:17 PM
Yo, Bro. Bobby, check it!
Any bets on what Rusty would have been worth?  (Not that you'd sell him of course.)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 30, 2013, 12:53:40 AM
If he'd been at that auction, where people had more money than brains, probably $50k. :lol: That auction was obscene. People were buying the hype. Yes, many of the cars and trucks were "brand new" as in no miles- but 50+ years of Nebraska winters and springs, stored outside, left most of them as rusty hulks. An acquanitance that lives in the area said most of them wouldn't even make good parts cars, 'cause they were so rusted. Sad.

And in sharing- my mother in law nearly made me bawl tonight. I walk into the church fellowship hall after work, to the potluck. My mother in law, not knowing of my shoulder issue, comes walking by me and does something TOTALLY out of character for her. She grabs my left arm- the sore one- and put me in an armbar takedown, a manuever that forces the arm up the middle of the back.
I nearly blacked out.  She knows the move because she works at a mental facility. She is either very good at it or I was hurting worse than I thought. Lord, the pain...now, three hours and a pain pill later, it's settled to a dull throb...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 30, 2013, 01:24:52 AM

That is some MIL.  Sis. Roscoe keeps you in check I'm sure.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 30, 2013, 01:56:33 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on September 30, 2013, 01:24:52 AM

That is some MIL.  Sis. Roscoe keeps you in check I'm sure.
It was so out of character for her, it'd have been funny if I hadn't been in agony. :lol:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 30, 2013, 01:57:47 AM
Bobby:  Yeah, I was wondering about the rust factor... All those years can't be kind on metal.  Didn't want to say anything though, and ruin a potential Chevy fanboy's dream.  ;)

And Bro. Bobby, check your PM.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on September 30, 2013, 02:03:36 AM
I didn't make it to the last service of conference. My car decided to die 3 times before i could get it out of the parking space and another 4 trying to get it out of the driveway. I did however get all my homework and housework done. Brandon made it home and we went to the gym. Cardio is much easier to do when there is football on the TV. IMO.

Day off tomorrow. Hopefully getting my advance and ordering that stupid part for my car. I told Brandon tonight that if this $330 part fixes everything wrong with that hunk o' Honda I was gonna have a Holy Ghost shout down. He laughed but knew I was serious.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on September 30, 2013, 11:36:38 AM
Morning, all.....:hi: Feeling a bit better today, not as much pain.  It's a drizzling day though.....and for some reason, why I don't know, I felt like I needed to wear my bulletproof vest today. I ain't put that thing on in two years. I hope it is completely unnecessary today. And Isaac, I got the p.m. Will do.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on September 30, 2013, 11:52:11 AM
50* is not warm. :(  time to pull out our winter clothes and hurry up and get the kids coats.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 30, 2013, 02:17:08 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on September 30, 2013, 11:36:38 AM
It's a drizzling day though.....and for some reason, why I don't know, I felt like I needed to wear my bulletproof vest today. I ain't put that thing on in two years. I hope it is completely unnecessary today.
:o We sure hope it's unnecessary too.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on September 30, 2013, 03:31:37 PM
Saying a prayer, Bobby, just in case.

I think folks should pay attention to those promptings.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on September 30, 2013, 09:31:01 PM
*prays for Roscoe*
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on September 30, 2013, 11:52:15 PM
Anyone hear from him today? Ive text him with no reply as of yet...that was better than a hour ago.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on September 30, 2013, 11:59:49 PM
Phone reception at his house stinks.  Texts won't get through.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 01, 2013, 12:20:27 AM
I am touched that y'all care so much. Thanks for the prayers. The vest was indeed un-necessary today, but I've learned over the years to listen to those gut instincts. They've kept me safe a couple of times in the past...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 01, 2013, 12:54:38 AM
Wear it tomorrow too...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 01, 2013, 01:07:10 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 01, 2013, 12:54:38 AM
Wear it tomorrow too...

I agree.  There are a number of things throughout the Body happening enough that I don't feel it's random.  It certainly feels like an escalation in spiritual warfare.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 01, 2013, 02:50:09 AM
Yes, please. Do wear it tomorrow. If for no other reason than the friends who care and are praying. And we shall continue to hope and pray that your week is boring, uneventful, and that the vest is completely unnecessary. :)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on October 01, 2013, 02:50:46 AM
My latest share:

Allan and I got stuck in a graveyard tonight. Had to walk back to church and get the van and go back and jump off the truck. Haha. It was hilarious! We did all that, and still made it a mere ten minutes after curfew. We did good. ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 01, 2013, 10:55:25 AM
MelodyB:  Almost sounds like a Ray Stevens song.  :cool:

In local news, I'm packing to go to General Conference.  No, I'm not wearing my cape (not cold enough) but I will be taking two of the shirts with a pocket in the shoulder, and of course I'm wearing my toe shoes.  I think that's plenty weird er... individualistic for this trip.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on October 01, 2013, 11:14:05 AM
I think Roscoe should wear his vest AND stay away from Dr Pepper/fast food today.  Call it a gut feeling...


Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 01, 2013, 11:37:00 AM
Quote from: mini on October 01, 2013, 11:14:05 AM
I think Roscoe should wear his vest AND stay away from Dr Pepper/fast food today.  Call it a gut feeling...


And I think you done bumped your head. Vest- yes. Dr. Pepper? Dream on..... :pound:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on October 01, 2013, 01:08:21 PM
Keep up with the Dr Pepper and fast food and you will have a gut...feeling...

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 01, 2013, 01:20:24 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 01, 2013, 02:08:41 PM
Quote from: mini on October 01, 2013, 01:08:21 PM
Keep up with the Dr Pepper and fast food and you will have a gut...feeling...

:roll: Nothing more spiteful than a reformed Dr. Pepper addict. I think you are just jealous.

And for those of you that don't know...pray for Taco. He 's in the hospital. :sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 01, 2013, 02:35:56 PM
Quote from: mini on October 01, 2013, 01:08:21 PM
Keep up with the Dr Pepper and fast food and you will have a gut...feeling...


I'll keep my Dr Pepper and fast food habit .

Feeling really groggy.  Got plenty of things to do today if I can get the fog cleared out of my brain.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 01, 2013, 02:52:00 PM
lol  GP Morning silliness makes me smile.  :biglaugh:

Yet oh so true.  I have things I need to never consume again but sometimes I'm just plain carnal and act like God's really fine with me trashing my body but don't want to hear about I caused the consequences of it.  LOL  God is so kind.  I tell myself that I'm just being balanced and not legalistic with food... lol  We're all human.

Half cloudy humid day here today.  I pulled out all our winter clothes.  How can I have clothes and still hardly anything to wear?  It's like I have random things that don't go together. LOL  Wish women's apparel was as simple as mens' sometimes. 

But with cold weather comes....

KNEE SOCKS!!!  I love me some cozy- fun patterned knee socks. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 01, 2013, 03:25:40 PM
Checked my cell phone a few minutes ago to discover a message from mom informing me that my grandmother fell this morning and had to have 911 come help her back up.   :sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on October 01, 2013, 05:24:34 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on October 01, 2013, 02:52:00 PM
But with cold weather comes....

KNEE SOCKS!!!  I love me some cozy- fun patterned knee socks. 

Glad I dont have knee socks.  Them dudes would be long if they were to reach my knees... LOL
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 01, 2013, 06:59:13 PM
Quote from: mini on October 01, 2013, 05:24:34 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on October 01, 2013, 02:52:00 PM
But with cold weather comes....

KNEE SOCKS!!!  I love me some cozy- fun patterned knee socks. 

Glad I dont have knee socks.  Them dudes would be long if they were to reach my knees... LOL
I'd be able to use em for pants...:sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 01, 2013, 08:37:23 PM
Quote from: mini on October 01, 2013, 01:08:21 PM
Keep up with the Dr Pepper and fast food and you will have a gut...feeling...


I had a different type of fast food related gut feeling today.... the gut wrenching feeling of discovering my purse was still at KFC.  Thankfully someone at KFC found it and tucked it in the office for me until I could return to retrieve the purse.

I'd like one purse to go please  :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on October 01, 2013, 11:02:25 PM
Hmmppphhhh!!!!!n Y'all all need investigated!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 01, 2013, 11:08:46 PM
Quote from: Newsman on October 01, 2013, 11:02:25 PM
Hmmppphhhh!!!!!n Y'all all need investigated!

Not seen or been in one of those in a long time  :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 02, 2013, 03:31:58 AM
I'm in St. Louis, MO, at General Conference.  I kinda thought General Conference would not be as ear shattering loud as Youth Conference or Youth Retreat.  For the youth, they turn it up for the hype factor, right?  But I brought a pair of earplugs just in case.  Sure am glad I brought them. 

Some sound man is deaf, and by the end of this week a lot more people probably gonna be deaf...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 02, 2013, 03:44:55 AM
That loud of volume would drive me crazy too.  My church is small enough that we don't even us the mic or sound system on Sunday night and Wednesday night.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 02, 2013, 01:36:58 PM
 I can't STAND it when it's too loud.  It hurts my ears and I can't get a thing out of the service.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 02, 2013, 04:17:08 PM
Isaac - move to a different section for tonight. :) Sounds like you were in a "hot spot".

Oh, and my brother and cousin are there, so wave at them, okay? :)

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 02, 2013, 06:12:45 PM
I always wondered how that worked?  I only have seen this with older people. Seems like the same older folks that are hard of hearing are the ones complaining it's too loud. Lol

Muggy day today but it started off hilarious with an impression of EdBassmaster by the infamous Allen.   :great:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 02, 2013, 06:31:04 PM
I'm not hard of hearing.  Both Dina and I have very sensitive ears... she can't take the loud either.  Talia seems pretty sensitive, too.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 02, 2013, 06:43:32 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on October 02, 2013, 03:31:58 AM
I'm in St. Louis, MO, at General Conference.  I kinda thought General Conference would not be as ear shattering loud as Youth Conference or Youth Retreat.  For the youth, they turn it up for the hype factor, right?  But I brought a pair of earplugs just in case.  Sure am glad I brought them. 

Some sound man is deaf, and by the end of this week a lot more people probably gonna be deaf...

Besides that, how are you enjoying GC?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 02, 2013, 07:01:10 PM
I'm tarred and wore out. 

Dad's been in the hospital since Sunday...  Long story short, he's got a bad case of swimmer's ear.  It can take old people a long time to get over.  Hopefully he's headed toward the better side of it now at least....

Yesterday I was going to get groceries but a woman threw up in the store as I had just started to shop and that did me in, I put back the few things I had and hastily left.  Ugh.  I still just feel scarred for life from that....plus all the hospital things and various afflictions.....my word....

Been to Bedford today and mom stopped at the doctor's office for something and to the feed store and grocery store...  Eating something now, then we'll go to the hospital. 

Lord, help us all. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 02, 2013, 07:24:45 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 02, 2013, 06:31:04 PM
I'm not hard of hearing.  Both Dina and I have very sensitive ears... she can't take the loud either.  Talia seems pretty sensitive, too.

My mom has super sensitive ears, and so does Sean. They both seem to need earplugs even when it's normal levels for the rest of us. And I'm definitely not someone who turns music up so loud it's damaging. I could see where my Dad has significant hearing loss from all the years in construction and whatnot. But I don't think the rest of the family would really have an "excuse". I guess some people just have ultra-sensitive ears. It's been really frustrating for my mom, I know.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on October 02, 2013, 09:52:06 PM
I'm a sensitive guy *cough*
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 02, 2013, 10:00:48 PM
Got word this afternoon that my Grandma is in the hospital with a compression fracture in her L1 vertebrae from the fall she took yesterday morning.  Sounds like she's in for another surgery and rehab stay.   :sadbounce:

Ended up with a Red Tailed Hawk in the lawn and garden department at work.  Don't know how they got it back out of the store.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 02, 2013, 11:03:43 PM
Quote from: SippinTea on October 02, 2013, 04:17:08 PM
Isaac - move to a different section for tonight. :) Sounds like you were in a "hot spot".

Oh, and my brother and cousin are there, so wave at them, okay? :)

I know what you mean, but unfortunately there were no cool spots.  The sound man was half deaf, but he was very good at evenly covering the auditorium.  Covered loudly, but covered evenly.

As to your relatives, how will I recognize them?
Quote from: MellowYellow on October 02, 2013, 06:43:32 PM
Besides that, how are you enjoying GC?
Pretty good.  David K. Bernard preached the first night on "In the name."  In the business meeting this morning we had a bit of debate (okay, 2.5 hours of debate...) over the whole TV/media resolution, but at the end of it the person who was directing the business meeting made a point of saying "Don't go home saying "We lost this one" or "We won a great victory over them."  We're all on the same side, AGAINST worldliness."  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 02, 2013, 11:10:52 PM
Quote from: Backseat Radio on October 02, 2013, 10:00:48 PM
Got word this afternoon that my Grandma is in the hospital with a compression fracture in her L1 vertebrae from the fall she took yesterday morning.  Sounds like she's in for another surgery and rehab stay.   :sadbounce:

Quote from: Psalm_97 on October 02, 2013, 03:31:58 AM
I'm in St. Louis, MO, at General Conference.  I kinda thought General Conference would not be as ear shattering loud as Youth Conference or Youth Retreat.  For the youth, they turn it up for the hype factor, right?  But I brought a pair of earplugs just in case.  Sure am glad I brought them. 

Some sound man is deaf, and by the end of this week a lot more people probably gonna be deaf...
Hope you are enjoying G.C.... And I know what you mean. PEAK is always so loud, I've quit going. It's worse than shooting a .357 snubnose without ear protection.

And in sharing/whining from my end...Had computer problems last night which took forever to troubleshoot...turned out they changed my dial-up password and didn't tell me, the morons. Second time they've done that. :pound: Then today was range day again. Firing a pistol is NOT a smart thing to do when you can't raise your left arm without crying...it hurt. But now I'm happily high on pain meds, and fixing to go to church. So help me Lord if someone grabs my arm or punches it, you WILL hear of me on the news. I will shoot them with my pistol using my good arm and feel not the least bit bad.
Anyhoo.....see ya later. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 03, 2013, 01:15:14 AM
Dad's had a rough day. If it's not one thing its another.  Lord help us. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on October 03, 2013, 01:35:45 AM
my car gave up the ghost today. thankfully brandon made me take his this morning since mine has been deemed 'unsafe for you to drive'. sure enough he barely got it home. last night it started to die everytime we turned right. i told him it just thought it was a nascar car. lol. it's died a few dozen times on him getting it home from work today. a drive that normally takes 20 minutes tops was around 45 minutes. hopefully we have found the part on ebay since the manufacturer has decided not to make them anymore [thanks Honda]. it's amazing what all computers control.....

i'm super frustrated with brandon and i's church. i've been told i'm pretty much permanently stuck in the media booth. which is awesome because that means I never get to worship or be a part of service and i can guarentee that Brandon will stop coming because he isn't exactly the best with social situations. and I can't go to the UPC church because I have no car......
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 03, 2013, 02:07:11 AM
Tell them.  They are probably trying to make you feel an important part without realizing your apprehensions. Just tell them. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 03, 2013, 03:03:47 AM
Bobby I thought I told you how to deal with that kind of church service.  Take a pair of earplugs and cut them in half.  Color the cut-off end with a black sharpie marker.  They won't stick out of your ears so far and nobody will be able to see them.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 03, 2013, 10:15:06 AM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 03, 2013, 12:48:46 PM
A very energetic adorable little girl is staying with us this week while her folks are at GC. I will be taking long nap on Saturday. :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on October 03, 2013, 02:58:08 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 03, 2013, 03:31:51 PM
Well, it's Friday eve...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 03, 2013, 04:12:56 PM
I've not been to UPCI General Conference in years.  I think the one and only time my family went to the conference was when it was in Indianapolis years ago... I would have been a grade schooler I think.  I vaguely remember the hugeness of the RCA Dome and my family's comments about being annoyed over they took up an offering every hour for this or that.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 03, 2013, 04:51:20 PM
Quote from: Newsman on October 02, 2013, 09:52:06 PM
I'm a sensitive guy *cough*

I nearly spewed my hot tea all over my laptop screen. :P

Quote from: MellowYellow on October 03, 2013, 12:48:46 PM
A very energetic adorable little girl is staying with us this week while her folks are at GC. I will be taking long nap on Saturday. :)


Quote from: MellowYellow on October 03, 2013, 02:07:11 AM
Tell them.  They are probably trying to make you feel an important part without realizing your apprehensions. Just tell them. 

Yeah. That. Heather, you're juggling a lot of stuff here. It sounds to me like you just need to tell them no. Politely, kindly, NO. And stick with it. *Hugs* to you! I'm sorry about the (still continuing) car situations. It sounds eerily familiar to what Chris and I have been dealing with where cars are concerned.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 03, 2013, 04:54:50 PM
Oops! Almost forgot to answer you, Isaac. Umm... David is my brother, and he's well over 6 ft and skinny as a rail. He'll be wearing a suit. And has glasses. (Um, yeah, that narrowed it down a lot for you, didn't it?) Jordan is my cousin, shorter than David, also wearing a suit. (Yep. That should help a lot. Two guys hanging out, wearing suits, one guy taller than the other.) If you were wearing your cape, David would find you. I told him you were planning on going. :) Oh, and I'm sorry about the sound. It's no fun when you can't find a quieter spot.  :-?

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 03, 2013, 06:39:59 PM
I'm fairly certain I will not know them if I see them.  Don't think this meeting will happen.  I am wearing my toe shoes, but they are the black leather ones and usually nobody notices them.  Those guys would look a bit odd if they stood at the front door looking intently at everyone's feet as they passed.  ;)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 03, 2013, 09:42:09 PM
They put a feeding tube  in dad today cause he hasn't been able to eat hardly anything.  Long story short.  Prayers appreciated
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 03, 2013, 10:28:20 PM
I will pray, Seth.

Isaac, just look for Ruby, only as boys.   :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 03, 2013, 10:44:19 PM
I couldn't even find my own father at General Conference.  I mean literally, he fell behind and got separated by the crowd and I realized he wasn't beside me anymore and I could not find him.  I had to text him to meet me by the first aid station.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on October 04, 2013, 12:01:51 AM
Praying, Seth.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 04, 2013, 12:57:35 AM
Praying, Seth.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 04, 2013, 01:43:44 AM
Thanks all
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 04, 2013, 01:27:36 PM
I love seeing all the pics and clips on FB from GC. Wish I could get the CDs.  Especially Raymond Woodward, God really uses him.

Beautiful morning here. Cool breeze coming through the window and the sun is almost up.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 04, 2013, 02:35:15 PM
I am glad that my supervisor will be back from China on Monday. :o
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on October 04, 2013, 04:10:16 PM
Hello peoples!

So much going on, I havent been around much.

I still read though.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 04, 2013, 04:13:20 PM
My grandma came thru her back surgery yesterday and is recovering.  From what family tells me she woke up hungry which is a good sign.  For a long time we've not been able to get Grandma to eat much.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 04, 2013, 07:34:25 PM
A great sensible amendment from the upci.  Dare I say, finally?  Anyway, I enjoy Chester Wright's posts and he posted it and commented... lol  He's such a spitfire.  :)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 04, 2013, 07:43:10 PM
:waving: Took Chey to school, and went grocery shopping.  Popped pain pills for my sore shoulder, which is NOT co-operating and getting better. And,lands, things are expensive. I spent near a $100 and didn't get hardly anything it seems. The hamburger meat was especially pricey.I ask the butcher to grind me 5 lbs, and he got carried away. I ended up with 7 lbs of fresh ground. There went a $20 -but we eat alot of hamburger and this'll do us for a couple of weeks.
I stopped and test drove a used car I'm thinking of purchasing for work. The Canyon is getting ALOT of miles on it, and it is not in the best of shape. Given the miles I drive, I like to have a reliable ride, I don't like walking. :lol:
I have discovered I am getting old. Where used to, I was all about Camaros, Mustang, sporty cars- today's testdrive was the ultimate in old man rides. A '99 Lincoln Town Car, Cartier edition....loaded. Man. It was like driving a very nice living room down the road. In real nice condition too, and on the highway it'll get 26-28 mpg, better than the Canyon. Now, if the old goat with the car lot will bargain down to a price I can swing... and that's sharing in my world.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 05, 2013, 01:38:38 AM
My Grandma is back home from the hospital now and recovering from the injury and the surgery.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 05, 2013, 04:51:20 AM
I was attacked by a dog today.

Dad was perturbed in the hospital today.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: BeccaBoo on October 05, 2013, 06:30:52 AM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: taco_harvell on October 05, 2013, 06:37:13 AM
Out of critical care after 4 days. Planning my break to preach Spanish service Sunday. Still in much pain and confusion.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 05, 2013, 01:23:01 PM
It's so funny to me what culture does. Eating lamb or goat isn't eventhe slightest bit weird to me.  And neither is greens. Although, since perhaps I picked up eating cabbage and bacon for breakfast, it ony make sense to eat greens for breakfast.   :fork:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 05, 2013, 01:57:39 PM
Quote from: taco_harvell on October 05, 2013, 06:37:13 AM
Out of critical care after 4 days. Planning my break to preach Spanish service Sunday. Still in much pain and confusion.
Glad you are out of Critical care...You focus on getting better. There will be someone who can preach Spanish service if necessary. Been praying for ya bubba. And since you are ill, I shall let the opening you gave me about being confused pass by untaken. :hypocrite:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: mini on October 05, 2013, 02:00:48 PM
Praying for your dad Seth.  And you too taco.

And in other news, I have sausage cooking for sausage gravy and biscuits fixing to go in the oven...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 05, 2013, 02:08:18 PM

And in other news, I have sausage cooking for sausage gravy and biscuits fixing to go in the oven...

We'll be right over. It's "breakfast with the pastor" Saturday, isn't it?  :P
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 05, 2013, 03:35:52 PM
Shew.  I am tarred and weary.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 05, 2013, 09:37:19 PM
Dad's deal may be a shingles type of thing. My sister asked them about that last week.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 05, 2013, 11:17:48 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on October 05, 2013, 02:08:18 PM

And in other news, I have sausage cooking for sausage gravy and biscuits fixing to go in the oven...

We'll be right over. It's "breakfast with the pastor" Saturday, isn't it?  :P

Sounds good to me too  :fork:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 06, 2013, 12:30:11 AM
 Hmmf. "Breakfast with the pastor" apparently was "conceal said breakfast from Roscoe." :pound: Peasants. Chey and I took a short ride in Rusty, with her making me stop so she could pick tiger lillies and whatever other late summer/early fall wildflowers she could find. After getting back home, while she played with the neighbor kids, I played with my forlorn, abandoned Studebaker.
Nearly four years ago, I pulled the old car into the rv port and switched it off, just for the weekend. Then I had to go out of town, then Daddy, who was helping me redo the old thing, died, and I just lost the heart to mess with it. I've gone out a couple of times and cranked it, but never got it running..
Today, I decided to see what I could do. Nearly changed my mind when I opened the door to discover a four foot long SNAKESKIN in the floorboard- but after a little caution, it appeared that the former occupant of that skin had left long ago. I discovered the fuel filter was cracked- this was discovered when it let fuel spill onto the distributer, starting a fire.  :o Fortunantly, I was able to put it out without anything being burned, but it DID raise my heart rate a bit.  :P Long story short, I was successful in getting the ole girl to run again. It sure was good to hear it settle into its usual  whisper quiet idle. Now, I need to get off'n my butt and paint it. And several other things..
And now, Lou is in bed, Chey is at Grandmas since Lou and I both have to work tomorrow, and it is currently raining like the proverbial cow-on-the-flat-rock.
Having bored all of you to tears- GO HOGS, BEAT MEL'S GATORS! And goodnight. :waving:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 06, 2013, 01:21:06 AM
Mom called me a bit ago and gave me a hilarious YouTube clip to watch

7 Tuba Pileup

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STB7PsAHqj4&feature=share (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STB7PsAHqj4&feature=share)
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on October 06, 2013, 01:37:33 AM
House sitting this weekend. Bought my wedding dress today.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 06, 2013, 02:26:52 AM
If one more computer
Gives me one more bit of trouble
It will be sent
Through more than one wall

In other news, I'm finally home.  Before I left Dad's town I stopped by the Aldi there and racked up a lot of really good dark chocolate to take home.

General Conference was really good.  I can't say it was the best ever because it was the first ever GC I've attended, but it was good this year. 

About that issue you referred to MellowYellow - there were some real hard-liners on each side, and some snide comments I would not have expected from christians in my church, let alone ministers who should be holding themselves to a high standard of conduct.  Tempers were not improved by the convolutions of the process - we had the initial resolution which was discussed at great length, then an amendment to the proposed resolution which was also discussed at great length, then an amendment to the amendment which was also discussed... so we discussed and voted on the amendment to the amendment, then we discussed and voted on the amendment... and then someone else proposed another amendment, which we had to discuss and vote on... then we had to have another round of discussion about the original resolution...

It took so long for that one issue that after the final vote on the resolution more than half the ministers left to go get lunch, though we still had business to take care of.  The guy who was going to bring the next proposed resolution to the floor stopped and regarded all the people leaving, and commented mildly "an exodus only to be rivaled by the one seen in Egypt."

One thing Bro. Bernard noted, that should be mentioned here:  This was not a victory for some faction in the UPCI or a defeat for some group of ministers.  We are on the same side, against the influence of evil.  As he pointed out, when ministers disagree it is more than "I think this and you think that," we have a habit of saying "I 'feel' this way or that way" which implies "God told me this is right, so if you disagree you must be wrong and not in God's will."  We have to remember (and sometimes we all have to be reminded) that we are all on the same side here.  Just because we disagree does not mean some of us are wrong, apostate and downright evil, and just because the vote didn't go the way you thought it should does not mean you should turn in your membership card.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 06, 2013, 02:34:33 AM
Bro. Bernard is awesome and I'm Godly proud of what I was told of my pastor's input.  Sounds like it was a good step forward all around.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 06, 2013, 03:58:05 AM
Maybe someone could share what the whole topic of discussion was which you're speaking of.
Your comments are all very vague.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 06, 2013, 04:09:48 AM
Discussions on standards aren't allowed here, Jenn. :)

BECCA!! *attackhug* Long time no see!

Sethers - what happened with the dog attack?  :o

Jason - Praying for you!

Isaac - Glad you had a good time at GC!

Heather - Hurray for wedding dresses! :bigcheese:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 06, 2013, 04:15:57 AM
I sent her a PM.

So I'm exhausted. Very. But I keep waking up. Lol
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 06, 2013, 05:37:20 AM
Shrewby:  Regarding the dog attack, it was one of my client's dogs where I clean their yard.  Normally their dogs are always in the house, I've never even seen the dogs before.  I got there and walked around the house like normal, when I came around the back, the dogs, who were somewhere up around the deck apparently, started barking and came running...  I didn't think that was any big deal, normal reaction of a dog seeing someone.  I didn't see them until they came past the bushes up to where I was, it was a bigger dog like a golden retriever or something, and a small dog like a Boston terrier or something of that nature. 

It was the little one that was vicious...  It just ran straight at me, jumped up and bit the side of my leg below the knee.  I was shocked and didn't know what to do.  I automatically shoved it away.  Then I ran back up the few little steps that lead from the driveway into the back yard.  Then whoever was home called them back and they immediately went back to where they came from. 

It broke the skin, but it just pinched it through my pantleg...  The teeth did not puncture the fabric. 

It's like a dime sized spot.  Hopefully I don't have rabies..... :freaky:  I since the fabric was a buffer between it's mouth and my leg. 
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 06, 2013, 12:10:30 PM
Sue them! Sue them! Sue them!  It's the American way! :D

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 06, 2013, 11:57:08 PM
We have a minister's conference coming up the 25th. It's called "Passing the Mantle" and it's open and free but most of all, powerful.  Any of you that have a passion for ministry, whether you are in it or going that direction, inviting you right here and now. :). Art Wilson is one of the speakers.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 07, 2013, 04:35:38 AM
Yikes, Seth! Freaky. But don't worry, if you have rabies, Heather will help you out. :bigcheese:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 07, 2013, 11:28:55 AM
Quote from: SippinTea on October 07, 2013, 04:35:38 AM
Yikes, Seth! Freaky. But don't worry, if you have rabies, Heather will help you out. :bigcheese:

I'll help him too. I saw how to handle that situation on "Old Yeller". :freaky2:  We'll pin him in the corn crib, then when he begins to go mad.......boom.  :hypocrite:

Morning all. I am at work sans Dr Pepper. For the second day, although yesterday was a cheat, I got a Coke. Today it's water.  :waving:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 07, 2013, 02:20:39 PM
Quote from: MellowYellow on October 06, 2013, 04:15:57 AM
I sent her a PM.

So I'm exhausted. Very. But I keep waking up. Lol


and seriously - GP has been around so long, that Scott's considered shutting it down.
surely we could have a discussion w/out reprimand. suppose that's the issue with having an open forum and not an invite-only one. Can't have healthy debates/discussions on topics we're all talking about in metaphors anyway! :roll:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 07, 2013, 02:53:51 PM
Mondays come too soon...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on October 07, 2013, 10:44:57 PM
hahahaha. funny thing is I go this coming Thursday to start my series of Rabies vaccinations. So when someone jokes if I bite I can say that yes I have literally had my rabies vax.

We finally decided on a 'theme/design' for our reception. I'm pretty excited about it.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 08, 2013, 03:28:38 AM
glad I've got the next 2 days off to get caught up on stuff around my house
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 08, 2013, 11:37:51 AM
Lawd I am dragging this morning....Didn't sleep worth a flip last night. I saw every hour on the clock at one time or another. Oh well, I'll survive. :waving:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 08, 2013, 01:16:07 PM
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 08, 2013, 05:00:22 PM
 :hi: :hi: I am a fan of Church's Chicken....freshly deep fried chicken tenders- yum. :fork: :fork:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 08, 2013, 05:18:48 PM
Post post post!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 08, 2013, 05:36:47 PM
OK. :D
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 08, 2013, 05:54:11 PM
Its my day off and I'm feeling like my energy is all drained out  :sadbounce:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 08, 2013, 06:48:31 PM
Sorry, I was trying to vector in on Mellowyellow, not you. Maybe I should check my vectors...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 08, 2013, 06:59:56 PM
Quote from: MsJennJenn on October 08, 2013, 05:18:48 PM
Post post post!

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Backseat Radio on October 08, 2013, 08:15:59 PM
Starting to feel more like a human now.  Gonna go get me a sandwich then get started on attacking the junk in this house.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on October 08, 2013, 08:54:22 PM
post!!!  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 08, 2013, 08:57:25 PM
My head hurts... I think it's just sinus pressure.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Heather on October 08, 2013, 08:59:04 PM
want me to pop ya in the face with a skillet?  :cool:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 08, 2013, 10:37:54 PM
That's cheerful!
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 08, 2013, 11:24:14 PM
Quote from: HeatherB on October 08, 2013, 08:59:04 PM
want me to pop ya in the face with a skillet?  :cool:
Well, then...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 09, 2013, 01:45:51 AM
My lord. At sleep clinic. Im wired like frankenstine. how will i sleep?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on October 09, 2013, 02:23:24 AM
For the record...AGAIN...I AM NOT A GATOR FAN!!! Seminoles ALL THE WAY BABY!!

When will you boys learn that! Sheesh!

Anyway...Ive been busy. And things around here are not paradise anymore...oh things are peachy with me and Allan...thats NOT a problem. Its dad. He has seemed to go crazy on us, and Im NOT exaggerating. He is depressed, and bitter and mean and hateful, and if I repeated some of the stuff he has said in the last few days, yall also would wonder if he had lost his marbles. Allan is so mad at how he has treated me. I have been called every name in the book without being cussed at, and basically Furbys poo is given better treatment. Dad and I are on our third day of not speaking to each other, unless you count the yelling. *SIGH*

He honestly needs to be committed. Somewhere. He needs counseling or some kind of mental help. Or an exorcism.

Allan and I have a car secured. From a friend of mine who offered it to me at a great price. But it may be a few weeks before we can get it cause its in another state. That causes a whole other set of problems with the vehicle situation. If I got into all the drama and mess that we are in right now with dad, Id be here all night and Id end up feeling worse and crying myself to sleep again. So I wont.

We may be getting married sooner than we thought. As soon as we get this car, and get an apartment for me to live in, we will marry and get away from this craziness. I am about ready to run off and elope. Just cause of the way that dad is acting.

Anyway. I miss yall, when things slow down Ill post more. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on October 09, 2013, 02:34:23 AM
BTW...why is this open still?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 09, 2013, 02:39:18 AM
Seth is sick & his dad is still in the hospital, John is busy chasing waitresses & doing news & no one else seems to care much...
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 09, 2013, 02:43:43 AM
Chasing waitresses... lol

By the way Melody, what will become of your mother and father when you move out?  Does the situation revert to the sink-or-swim method I mentioned earlier?
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: SippinTea on October 09, 2013, 04:15:26 AM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 09, 2013, 02:39:18 AM
Seth is sick & his dad is still in the hospital, John is busy chasing waitresses & doing news & no one else seems to care much...

That pretty much sums it up. :teeth:

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 09, 2013, 04:25:22 AM
I do not see GP surviving w/o Mel-Mel.

On the other hand, despite the struggles Mel, I am so happy and hopeful for you. What a wonderful new chapter. And really, I don't know any good marriage that didn't have to face "the world" together to be successful. Every situation is different but the adversity drove us closer just the same.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on October 09, 2013, 06:11:09 AM
It's complicated. Yes they will just have to do without me. They "released" me last week, and I don't take dad around to his dialysis anymore...there is a guy here at church who helps him and is glad to do it. But that has also caused some major drama issues. It's just complicated all the way around and if I had that car, and a place of my own or at least somewhere to go, Allan and I would totally get married tomorrow and let them sink or swim. They have actually pressed me (well DAD has, not mom) to that point.

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MelodyB on October 09, 2013, 06:16:32 AM
And I agree, Melodya...Allan and I have become super close, faster than I expected because of all the drama. Most days I am counting down the minutes till he is home and can just hug me. When he does, it's like all the drama of the day just melts away and all is ok again, but when he is at work or not here at the church with me, I'm a nervous wreck. I was shaking and crying so bad yesterday that I almost wasn't able to drive. But I had to cause dad was chasing me thru the church parking lot on his stupid power chair, screaming at me.

With two of our new converts outside the church building who witnessed it...real show of Christianity right there...Pastor was NOT amused. And I'll just leave it there. :smirk2:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Melody on October 09, 2013, 12:45:43 PM
I know it's not funny but the word picture of him chasing you in his powered chair is slightly hilarious.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Roscoe on October 09, 2013, 12:54:12 PM
 Aw, Mel, I hate it that you are going through this. But apparently God may have sent you someone at just the right time to help you through it.

And I am home after the sleep study. I think I finally dozed off at 12:30- woke up several times, and they got me up at 4:45. Said I'd get the results in a few days. They hooked a gazillion wires to me, and used this awful sticky gel substance in what is left of my hair. Took forever to wash it out. And lord-some of the leads, when they pulled them off this morning- well, I'll just saw Mini has a reason to avoid BBW's. I can't believe people actually PAY to have body hair ripped out. If the tech hadn't been so nice, I'd have probably been arrested for punching her on the second "rip"....:mad:
I know this- I am as tired as if I had gotten no sleep at all last night, so I am fixing to go to bed. :hi:
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: The Purple Fuzzy on October 09, 2013, 01:07:43 PM
/me hugs Mel
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Lynx on October 09, 2013, 02:17:55 PM
Sleep study? I could show them how to sleep. I'm a semi pro at it. They could study me sleeping all they want.
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: MsJennJenn on October 09, 2013, 02:24:05 PM
Quote from: Roscoe on October 09, 2013, 12:54:12 PM
Aw, Mel, I hate it that you are going through this. But apparently God may have sent you someone at just the right time to help you through it.

Yea that.
Thus the reason why it's called a help-mate.

:hug: Melbs
Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Chseeads on October 09, 2013, 05:33:45 PM
Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on October 09, 2013, 02:39:18 AM
Seth is sick & his dad is still in the hospital, John is busy chasing waitresses & doing news & no one else seems to care much...

Title: Re: We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487
Post by: Newsman on October 18, 2013, 06:02:23 AM