
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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We Bid a Fond Farewell to Kevin in Sharing 487

Started by mini, September 09, 2013, 09:53:21 PM

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 Eat your heart out, Meller.. fresh squeezed from da cow milk....with a THICK cream floating on the top....and it's ALL MINE! :P

And having thus jabbed the Herbgrower- I'm back to my couch-potato evening.. :hypocrite:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


I am thoroughly jealous.  Enjoy. Boosts your immune system and everything.


Man.... is it morning already?!?  :pound: I SO do not wanna be here at work today. In fact, I don't know where I wanna be, 'cause "home" would just be more work. I'm thinking a cabin in the middle of around 500 acres, on top of a mountain, with a creek running from a spring , trickling over a waterfall while the trout play in a pool at the bottom. And no phones. Maybe a little bluegrass softly playing in the background. Yeah. That's where I wanna be.  :thumbsup2:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

The Purple Fuzzy

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Wow, that's quite an echo...


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Quiet over there, you addle-pated mud turtles!  Some of us still trying to sleep. 

Bobby:  Well, with modern solar power to run the audio system you could have all that, right up to the music in the background.  Wouldn't even need a big solar panel.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Purple Fuzzy

Hey, if I have to be up, then you should too. :girltongue:



Gonna make a meatloaf in a bit. And a cake...well mix the meatloaf, not cook it till closer to dinnertime.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 03:54:47 PM
Hey, if I have to be up, then you should too. :girltongue:
Give me four more days and I won't care.  I start day shift next week. 

But you remind me of a famous director who had to make a daybreak appearance on the movie set.  As he was walking through the parking lot in the early morning twilight he passed a tree that had a bunch of birds sleeping in it.  He started hitting the trunk of the tree with his cane and yelled "When I'm up, everybody up!"
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


A lady from our church gave us a bunch of fresh eggs, and then the Ramseys gave us their eggs (flesh and storebought) before they left on vacation. So we have an over abundance of eggs present. I boiled half of them, which was 16, peeled all of those, made some egg salad for mom and I for lunch, and then the others I have Im going to start putting in Allans lunch. He says he will eat them.

We still have 15-16 left. I bought some bacon today when I went grocery shopping and so Im thinking tomorrow we will have a nice breakfast for dinner. Eggs, bacon, biscuts and tomato gravy. :)
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Allan once had a chia pet.  He got tired of it and threw it in the yard.  Now, remorse keeps him from mowing.

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


I heard sunlight is planning on naming all 14 kids (8 adopted, btw) Fred.  Even the girls.  Its easier to call one name for dinner.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


I heard MelBs is furious with sunlight about the 14 kids and naming them all Fred.  Cause it was MelB's idea first!

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


On this spot in 1873, nothing happened.  But you should have been here in 1783.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller

The Purple Fuzzy

Mini, are you sure that helicopter didn't knock you in the head and not just the lip?


Quote from: SippinTea on September 12, 2013, 08:04:14 PM
Quote from: Psalm_97 on September 12, 2013, 07:39:01 PM
What to do?  Well there's the sink-or-swim method... leave them to their own devices and see how they get along. 

Sorry, I didn't say that, you didn't read that, carry on.  :hypocrite:

That! :bigcheese:

I agree with this too...
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on September 17, 2013, 06:56:31 PM
Mini, are you sure that helicopter didn't knock you in the head and not just the lip?

Im bored.  Which usually leads to something...

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Quote from: mini on September 17, 2013, 06:41:22 PM
I heard MelBs is furious with sunlight about the 14 kids and naming them all Fred.  Cause it was MelB's idea first!

Bol! Awesomeness!

Mini... Did you ever post a picture of your beard?
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!