Lay off my soup! This bowl is all mine, mel made me soup in Sharing 459!!

Started by kmymbir, March 15, 2012, 05:04:00 PM

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Are you sure you can't come to the meetup, Lady JennJenn? The already great beauty of the Ladies gathered there would be increased by your presence!

John  :waving:

Quote from: MsJennJenn on March 28, 2012, 01:35:09 AM
Quote from: SippinTea on March 27, 2012, 09:33:30 PM
If you're feeling like Seth, it would have to be a fowl mood. :P

Seriously, I'm sorry, Jenn. Those days aren't nice. *HUG*


Thanks Ruby darlin'

And where Sethers is concerned it could go either way lol....that's why I referenced him!


Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


John, exactly.  I wish Jenn, Heather, & Ruby could get there.  I think I miss you guys already & I've never even met you... Lol

Perhaps for Ruby's birthday bash you gals can come.  :)



Aww thanks sir John! But alas...until a Texas meet-up happens....I probably won't be able to make it!

Melodya - I still am planning on going to STL soon though! lol
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-

The Purple Fuzzy

:hi:  Had to go to the dentist this morning for a cleaning.  Now at work trying to catch up.


Quote from: MellowYellow on March 28, 2012, 01:29:06 PM
John, exactly.  I wish Jenn, Heather, & Ruby could get there.  I think I miss you guys already & I've never even met you... Lol

Perhaps for Ruby's birthday bash you gals can come.  :)

Like I told Mel last night unless a miracle car happens by then :(

Reading about it all makes me wish I could go so much.
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


If you can get down as far as southwest TN you can hitch a ride with me and Grandma.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:




Quote from: Psalm_97 on March 28, 2012, 06:14:52 PM
If you can get down as far as southwest TN you can hitch a ride with me and Grandma.

I can't even get around my little corner of northeast tenn much less anywhere else lol
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


I'm so angry. We've been married almost two weeks now... Jeremy just got a court summons for a car that his ex-wife took off with and never paid another dime on like...3-4 years ago. I'm ticked. She should be thankful she doesn't live here. But apparently they won't go after her...just him. Hopefully on his court date we can get favor and they will finally serve her some of the trash she's left him. Please keep this situation and us in your prayer. We cannot afford to pay off her debt. :(



I'm sorry Nelle-- I have a friend going through the exact circumstance.  :(

And morning, all. We forevermore had an awesome service last night. Tongues and Interpetation, the power of God all over the place- simply awesome. Got to hear my former youth pastor, Bro Ron Pickard preach- kinda, until God drowned him

Back at work. :hi:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy



 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-

The Purple Fuzzy




 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-



"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others." - Unknown


Trying to get started today. I stay sleepy. I can't sleep well at night yet.. Waking up multiple times unable to go back to sleep.

Jeremy's uncle (also boss & pastor) looked over the summons and is taking him to see an attorney at 1:30. It appears to ME that in their divorce agreement, she was awarded/ took possession of the car legally, and then allowed it to be in my humble thought, that should clear Jeremy since the failure to pay and repossession happened after their divorce was final. Hopefully the courts will agree with what seems so simple! Ready to hear what his attorney has to say. Hoping that God grants us favor in the courts eyes!