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Ask Melody galore... she's on thread number four!

Started by SippinTea, May 14, 2008, 04:41:37 PM

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It's sorta funny, and then really sad that after all that they couldn't work something out.


But WERE they cheating?  Really?  I mean, they were talking to their spouse...  Sure, they THOUGHT they were talking to someone else...

Food for thought...  What weird spins the 'net puts on life, huh?


Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 15, 2008, 03:06:03 AM
But WERE they cheating?  Really?  I mean, they were talking to their spouse...  Sure, they THOUGHT they were talking to someone else...

Food for thought...  What weird spins the 'net puts on life, huh?

Put yourself in the shoes of a married person. It says they found out when the 2 showed up for a date. If both of them were willing to go so far as to meet for an in person date, then I would say yes. I believe if I caught my husband meeting another woman for a date, I'd say that's running around. Also, if I were to meet another man for a date, the same applies. Also, I happen to know for a fact that 2 people truly can fall in love by talking to each other over the internet. God looks on the heart, and that's what He judges us by, not by what others see. We can get an idea of where their hearts were by their actions.

A person can be nice to someone they aren't mad at. A person can be understanding of someone they aren't mad at. The list could go on. Any problems they saw in each other and anything that hindered them from repairing the marriage, could be viewed differently in a person they weren't mad at. Marriage is about loving the other person and trying to understand their point of view and trying to help each other even when you're mad at them. So, while they seemed to think the other person was great while they were talking on the internet, neither had enough love for their spouse to try to understand their side.

They put "self" first and they would up with a mess.
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


 So mel mel what do you think about having another little niece ?


:hyper: <---- Thats what I think! I love babies!! (I just really hope she has Sissys good looks :hypocrite: )

And your BLUE eyes. :) 

Great post Mom! That was kinda what I was thinking, but yet I didnt know exactly what to say. So yeah...what you said works great.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: Sister_Mom on July 16, 2008, 12:38:37 PM
Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 15, 2008, 03:06:03 AM
But WERE they cheating?  Really?  I mean, they were talking to their spouse...  Sure, they THOUGHT they were talking to someone else...

Food for thought...  What weird spins the 'net puts on life, huh?

Put yourself in the shoes of a married person. It says they found out when the 2 showed up for a date. If both of them were willing to go so far as to meet for an in person date, then I would say yes. I believe if I caught my husband meeting another woman for a date, I'd say that's running around. Also, if I were to meet another man for a date, the same applies. Also, I happen to know for a fact that 2 people truly can fall in love by talking to each other over the internet. God looks on the heart, and that's what He judges us by, not by what others see. We can get an idea of where their hearts were by their actions.

A person can be nice to someone they aren't mad at. A person can be understanding of someone they aren't mad at. The list could go on. Any problems they saw in each other and anything that hindered them from repairing the marriage, could be viewed differently in a person they weren't mad at. Marriage is about loving the other person and trying to understand their point of view and trying to help each other even when you're mad at them. So, while they seemed to think the other person was great while they were talking on the internet, neither had enough love for their spouse to try to understand their side.

They put "self" first and they would up with a mess.

*puts on her devil's advocate hat*

BUT they WEREN'T talking to someone other than their spouse online.  lol  :hypocrite:
They even met their spouse in person.  Technically speaking, they were talking to the alter ego of their spouse.
Kinda like if I were married, and my husband began to love RJ the clown more than he loved ME.  :bigcheese:
Yes, they had an affair of the heart...  with one another!!!  Shouldn't that have brought them closer together??

*pulls of devil's advocate hat and snickers*


Hey Mel... had any text msgs from interesting guys lately?
Any phone calls?

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 16, 2008, 06:42:24 PM
Quote from: Sister_Mom on July 16, 2008, 12:38:37 PM
Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 15, 2008, 03:06:03 AM
But WERE they cheating?  Really?  I mean, they were talking to their spouse...  Sure, they THOUGHT they were talking to someone else...

Food for thought...  What weird spins the 'net puts on life, huh?

Put yourself in the shoes of a married person. It says they found out when the 2 showed up for a date. If both of them were willing to go so far as to meet for an in person date, then I would say yes. I believe if I caught my husband meeting another woman for a date, I'd say that's running around. Also, if I were to meet another man for a date, the same applies. Also, I happen to know for a fact that 2 people truly can fall in love by talking to each other over the internet. God looks on the heart, and that's what He judges us by, not by what others see. We can get an idea of where their hearts were by their actions.

A person can be nice to someone they aren't mad at. A person can be understanding of someone they aren't mad at. The list could go on. Any problems they saw in each other and anything that hindered them from repairing the marriage, could be viewed differently in a person they weren't mad at. Marriage is about loving the other person and trying to understand their point of view and trying to help each other even when you're mad at them. So, while they seemed to think the other person was great while they were talking on the internet, neither had enough love for their spouse to try to understand their side.

They put "self" first and they would up with a mess.

*puts on her devil's advocate hat*

BUT they WEREN'T talking to someone other than their spouse online.  lol  :hypocrite:
They even met their spouse in person.  Technically speaking, they were talking to the alter ego of their spouse.
Kinda like if I were married, and my husband began to love RJ the clown more than he loved ME.  :bigcheese:
Yes, they had an affair of the heart...  with one another!!!  Shouldn't that have brought them closer together??

*pulls of devil's advocate hat and snickers*

But they had intended one meeting on someone else. the Bible says whats in the heart will come out.

~You will never save the world by being like the world~


Shhhh!!!  I'm trying to get under SisMom's skin.  :hypocrite:
Whose side are you ON!?!  :glare:


Quote from: SippinTea on July 16, 2008, 06:54:49 PM
Hey Mel... had any text msgs from interesting guys lately?
Any phone calls?


If you count Justin and Jason as interesting...I have had several texts and phone calls from them. And I talked to EricShane last night.

But no one else. :sadbounce: juicyness here.

I DID send a 3 page text to another guy. :freaky2: I got a one word response though, and nothing else after. Thats all.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: MelodyB on July 16, 2008, 08:57:39 PM
Quote from: SippinTea on July 16, 2008, 06:54:49 PM
Hey Mel... had any text msgs from interesting guys lately?
Any phone calls?


If you count Justin and Jason as interesting...I have had several texts and phone calls from them. And I talked to EricShane last night.

But no one else. :sadbounce: juicyness here.

I DID send a 3 page text to another guy. :freaky2: I got a one word response though, and nothing else after. Thats all.

You have to send a text in order to get a text.  :grin:
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 16, 2008, 06:42:24 PM
*puts on her devil's advocate hat*

BUT they WEREN'T talking to someone other than their spouse online.  lol  :hypocrite:
They even met their spouse in person.  Technically speaking, they were talking to the alter ego of their spouse.
Kinda like if I were married, and my husband began to love RJ the clown more than he loved ME.  :bigcheese:
Yes, they had an affair of the heart...  with one another!!!  Shouldn't that have brought them closer together??

*pulls of devil's advocate hat and snickers*

An affair of the heart is an affair, that's why it starts with the word "affair". An affair requires action. Essentially, they had a relationship that was not family or just friendship, we can assume they saw each other as a potential partner or they would have never agreed to meet. Whether the person they had an affair with was a spouse or not doesn't matter when in their heart and in their mind it was someone they were NOT married to.

If you look at the heart as what your loyalty, affections and devotions are focused on, then you put them in priority as to what is most important to you, that is where your love is. I have relationships with men that are not my husband. I have a Dad, I have sons, I have friends. But when I allow my loyalty to be more toward any of these than with my husband, I have put my relationship with my husband at risk, putting my marriage in second place to another relationship which makes it an act of infidelity.
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


Quote from: Sister_Mom on July 17, 2008, 04:46:25 PM
Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 16, 2008, 06:42:24 PM
*puts on her devil's advocate hat*

BUT they WEREN'T talking to someone other than their spouse online.  lol  :hypocrite:
They even met their spouse in person.  Technically speaking, they were talking to the alter ego of their spouse.
Kinda like if I were married, and my husband began to love RJ the clown more than he loved ME.  :bigcheese:
Yes, they had an affair of the heart...  with one another!!!  Shouldn't that have brought them closer together??

*pulls of devil's advocate hat and snickers*

An affair of the heart is an affair, that's why it starts with the word "affair". An affair requires action. Essentially, they had a relationship that was not family or just friendship, we can assume they saw each other as a potential partner or they would have never agreed to meet. Whether the person they had an affair with was a spouse or not doesn't matter when in their heart and in their mind it was someone they were NOT married to.

If you look at the heart as what your loyalty, affections and devotions are focused on, then you put them in priority as to what is most important to you, that is where your love is. I have relationships with men that are not my husband. I have a Dad, I have sons, I have friends. But when I allow my loyalty to be more toward any of these than with my husband, I have put my relationship with my husband at risk, putting my marriage in second place to another relationship which makes it an act of infidelity.

lol  DING!  You win this round.  I don't feel like making it go another round.  Sometimes I get weary of playing devil's advocate.  He jes' don't need one.

**HUGS** SisMom



*curtsies* Thank you! Thank you! *Hugs* to all of you

Just remember, it's not just our eyes and ears that we have to guard in order to remain pure.
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


You know, I think someone should make a movie out of this man and woman's exchanges and give it a happy ending where they end up realizing that they both had valid complaints against one another and that they now really understood one another, and were ready to look at things and really work it out and even forgive one another for the affair...

Me and my sappy Cinderella mindset.

Sooooooooooooooooome daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay my prince will come
La da da da da dum....

:chairspin: :bustamove:
(they were the closest things I could find to a pirouette)

Hey, MEL!!!!  We've :pwink: ed your thread!!!  Aren't you proud to have a :pwink: ed ask thread??  How cool is THAT!?!?!?!
You should be proud that your ask thread is interesting enough to get :pwink: ed!


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


 :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:
Hi Melodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: RainbowJingles on July 17, 2008, 05:01:26 PM
You know, I think someone should make a movie out of this man and woman's exchanges and give it a happy ending where they end up realizing that they both had valid complaints against one another and that they now really understood one another, and were ready to look at things and really work it out and even forgive one another for the affair...

Me and my sappy Cinderella mindset.

Sooooooooooooooooome daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay my prince will come
La da da da da dum....

:chairspin: :bustamove:
(they were the closest things I could find to a pirouette)

Hey, MEL!!!!  We've :pwink: ed your thread!!!  Aren't you proud to have a :pwink: ed ask thread??  How cool is THAT!?!?!?!
You should be proud that your ask thread is interesting enough to get :pwink: ed!

Thats a great idea for a Lifetime movie. LOL

I am pleased that my thread was :pwink: -ed. Its a high honor. ;)

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: iridiscente on July 18, 2008, 05:09:07 AM
:pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:  :pinkwink:
Hi Melodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Hi Dina! :hi:
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Tricia Lea