
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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Ask Melody galore... she's on thread number four!

Started by SippinTea, May 14, 2008, 04:41:37 PM

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Quote from: iridiscente on June 17, 2008, 12:02:30 AM
Mel, I didn't know you used to be the SoBe Countess. I tried that, just because you recommended it way back when and liked it too.

Hold remember me being the SoBeCountess? Who were you back then?
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


My name was simplycomplicated, but afterwards, someone ELSE stole that name for a while.


Quote from: iridiscente on June 17, 2008, 06:25:29 PM
My name was simplycomplicated, but afterwards, someone ELSE stole that name for a while.

:o You were simplycomplicated?! I remember pm'ing either you (or the "someone else") and remarking on how I liked your sn.

Was that you?

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward."

- Kierkegaard


It may have been me. I had a lot of people who said they liked it. I wasn't on the forums much though, mainly on chat.


Do you prefer small towns or large cities?
What color would you want your kitchen painted?
Do you like barbeque or baked chicken better?
Do you like chicken or beef better?
Ever been to a restaurant where they cook your food at the table?
Do you like oranges or apples better?
Do you ever compare apples to oranges?
What is your favorite color?
Who is your hero?
What is your middle name?
What did people call you when you were a child?
Do you have a favorite song?
Favorite verse of scripture?
Favorite book of the Bible?
Favorite children's song?


Quote from: teacheroftheLord on June 23, 2008, 06:12:59 AM
Do you prefer small towns or large cities?
I love small towns...I like the family feel, and the laid back slowness to everything

What color would you want your kitchen painted?
I dont really know. Maybe like a blue color

Do you like barbeque or baked chicken better?

Do you like chicken or beef better?

Ever been to a restaurant where they cook your food at the table?
Yes...a Japanese one

Do you like oranges or apples better?

Do you ever compare apples to oranges?
No cause oranges are compariasion

What is your favorite color?

Who is your hero?
No, seriously, I have lots of heros. I admire and respect many people, and some of my biggest heros are my closest friends. And also my Pastor

What is your middle name?

What did people call you when you were a child?
My Dad called me Pie Lady. I dont know why...he started that the day I was born, so it wasnt cause I liked pie or somthing...and my Grandpa called me Maydene, or Maisy Daisy. My Mom called me Sister. My brother called me Fire. Haha.

Do you have a favorite song?
I have LOTS of favorite songs. One that holds the best memories for me though is Ill Fly Away/Wont We Have a Time/Goodbye medly. It has to be done in that order though, and I will cry every time. I did tonight at church, eventhough we didnt go into the third one, but, yeah, that one is very near and dear to me. 

Favorite verse of scripture?
John 3:8, and Gen 6:8

Favorite book of the Bible?

Favorite children's song?
The B I B L E.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Tricia Lea


It was great! Thanks for asking.

Im really really tired. I slept all day yesterday, and again today, and I am trying to catch up from my weekend.

I got viturally NO sleep this last weekend...just 3-4 hours at a time, and then drove home and worked, and I am just worn out and trying to catch up.

I still have to upload pics, and re-cap the weekend. *sigh*

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Tricia Lea



What DIDNT we do??

Lets see...we got in at 4am on Friday morning, we hugged, unloaded the car, and then went to bed. We got up Friday morning and got showers and dressed and stuff, and Mom made us pancakes, and we ate and talked, and then Anastacia came over, and her and Jason and I went to the store to get the stuff for Pumpkin cake, and then we all went to Morganton to the new church and stayed there for a few hours and visited with all the family and friends that were there. Anastacia and I walked down to Wendys by ourselves and had a chance to get to know each other some while Jason hung out with her Pastor, and helped him do some stuff at the old church. Then we went out to eat at Cicis pizza with Mom and Dad, John, and Anastacia and her Brother in law and Sister, then we all went to the baseball game at 6. We stayed there till about 11:30, and watched the fireworks show there. Then drove 45 mins back to Moms house, said bye to Anastacia, and Mom and I went to back, ate some ice cream, and Dad and Jason went to bed, and then Mom and I stayed up talking till about 2:30 while I made pumpkin cake. Then I jumped on GP and then went to bed myself.

That was just Friday... LOL

Saturday morning, I got up first and started breakfast, I made bacon, tomato gravy and biscuits, and then we ate and Jason and I left and went to Morganton to go bowling with Anastacia and her friends and her sister, we get to her house, and she had called and found out the bowling alley was closed, so we drove to WM, and walked around there. We would have went to the Greenway (kinda an outside mall thing) but it was raining, so we didnt. Then we all drove back to Mom and dads to get ready for the cookout. Everyone started arriving and we had a great time. I made a bunch of new friends, and had a great time being chased by Roy and dodging watermelon rinds and then chasing John with the supersoaker. Then later after most everyone left, we stayed up till after 1:30 talking to Nick and Sam, and just visiting with them. Then we went to bed.

Sunday, Giggles and her Husband came by and picked me up, and I went to church with them and Jason and Anastacia in Morganton, Mom and Dad went to Gastonia where Dad preached. I sang at church, and then when we were in the alter, the pastor had me come up and praise sing too. Then Giggles and Steve and I went to Steves moms house for lunch and then back to Mom and Dads house for our afternoon service..where I sang again. LOL Then Mom and Dad and I went to church that night in Gastonia, and Jason stayed in Morgonton all day. Mom went thru and got me some BoJangles and we went home and ate it...Jason came home, and we all sat around and talked and talked and talked...then we went out and said goodbye to Anastacia for the last time, and we went in and Jason and I stayed up for another hour talking about stuff, and then we went to bed.

Monday, we got up at 6:30, packed the car, and left about 8:15. Drove home, and then we hung out with Justin all evening, and then I went to work. Justin went with me, and Tuesday morning when I got home, I crashed. I was exausted.

I am STILL tired. This was a very long weekend, but well worth it...we were SOOOO busy. But I would do it all again if I could. We had so much fun, and I laughed so hard that I am still sore.

*contented sigh*

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



Mom has been talking about BoJangles ever since she first went up there in December to see Tricia. Its a chicken place...kinda like Popeyes, or Churches...BUT BETTER!! They have some cajun chicken that it AWESOME! And I liked the biscuits. Dad said they were old, but I liked the crispyness. LOL

Im pretty sure Tricia is to blame for Mom likeing BoJangles...THANKS TRICIA!  :thumbsup2:
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



Melody, is there something you would like to tell me about the handsome young man on the right in the above picture? Something you think I may not already know?
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


Doesn't he look sweet? Would you like for me to give him your phone number?  :freaky2:
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


:lurk: haha! :grin:
* sunlight awaits the answer... REG
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!




God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.

Tricia Lea

The Purple Fuzzy

* practicalme grabs a chair and sits down to watch...


He may just get the phone number anyway. Who would stop me?  :up2:

Shall we take a vote since she is being silent on the subject? Who votes for me to go ahead and give the phone number to the handsome young man?  :grin:

Next question Melody:
Do you like having sisters?
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.