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Started by Niki, September 06, 2009, 08:22:03 AM

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Thinking of you this morning, Niki. And praying for you and your husband.

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Thank you.

Things have improved quite a bit since I last updated y'all. Over the past couple weeks or so my husband has gotten more affectionate with me. He tells me he loves me without me having to say it first, he kisses me first, hugs me first, etc. Now if he'd just get back in church.

I can't remember if I told y'all about the time my son asked my husband when he was going back to church and my husband said, "When I feel like it". Ugh. I still hate that. My son asks him every week if he's going to go to church with us. He asked him again either Saturday night or Sunday morning and my husband told him he wishes he'd quit asking him that. lol Kind of funny and sad at the same time.

Speaking of my son (who is 14 years old, for those who don't know), it makes me so happy to see how much he loves church. He sits on the front row and worships in the altar with the men in our church. Today/yesterday he was running around with a couple of the men. One Monday or Tuesday he told me he wished it was Wednesday so he could go to church. He is really into it. People at church compliment him to me all the time saying that it blesses them to see him worshipping God, that he's a leader for the other kids, that he's going to be a preacher (I realize that may or may not be true), that he's so sweet and such a good kid, etc. I can't help it. It makes my heart proud.

I'll be even happier than I am when my husband gets back in church and gets refilled with the Holy Ghost and when my daughter (who is 11) quits sitting there like a bump on a log and gets serious about God.

Our church services have been just explosive and on fire for the past couple months. I hate that my husband and others are missing out on it. Now is not the time to be backslidden or cold spiritually. God is coming soon and there's nothing more important than being in church, serving God and making it to heaven. Nothing!
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.



"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


It's not much, but every inch in the right direction counts. When I came home from church Sunday my husband asked me, "How was church?" I don't think he's asked me that since he came back home. I told him it was awesome. :D
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali



My son asked him a week or two ago if he ever misses church and my husband said, "Sometimes". Things may be going much slower than I'd like, but at least things seem to be moving forward.

Oh, and I had to laugh at this one. My husband listens to hard rock. (Blech!) Though never around me. Only with his ipod thingy and on the radio in his work truck. The other day he asked me if I knew who Linkin Park is. I told him yes. He then told me about some song called Messenger and how that it's about Jesus. I was just like, "Oh." (In an "well-that's-surprising-and-kind-of-interesting" tone.) I guess he wanted me to know that he likes a song about Jesus. lol I don't know. Just thought it was kind of funny and cute.

And in case anyone is curious, I haven't listened to the song or looked up the lyrics, so I don't know what the meaning or words of the song are.
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


We ran into a friend from church a few weeks ago. The three of us were talking about different things. Then she asked my husband, with a smile on her face, when he was going to come back to church. He said, "Oh, one of these days."

It hasn't happened yet, but I believe it will.

As far as our relationship goes, things are really good. He's back to his normal self in that department.

I may or may not post any new updates until he's back in church and refilled with the Holy Ghost. Y'all keep praying for him, please.

When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


What a great update!! God is amazing.

Looking forward to the news that he's back in church and living for God completely. :)

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


My mom told me today that my brother told her that when he called my husband the other day (something car related) that he (my brother) brought up church. (My brother is a backslider of many, many years and has been talking a lot lately about wanting to get back in church. His wife has never been saved and when he told her what kind of church we go to she said she could never go to a church like that. My brother needs to just go whether she goes or not. Him becoming serious about God could lead to her salvation.) He told my husband that he wants to get back in church and asked my husband, "Don't you miss church?" My husband said, "Yes." Then he asked him if he ever thinks about getting back in church and my husband said that he does want to go back to church.

I pray for my husband and my brother (and all backsliders) every night. Help me to pray for them.
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


I may have just shouted a little bit! Yay for progress!!
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


My daughter says she wants to get baptized tomorrow. When my son got baptized, my husband said that he wished he could've been there. I'm hoping and praying that he'll feel that way about our daughter getting baptized and will go to church with us. Pray he goes to church with us in the morning!
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


 :clap: for your daughter getting baptized, and that would be great if your husband would come too! :)

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


He said he wanted to go, but didn't because his stomach was hurting. *sigh* My daughter got baptized though, with or without her daddy there, and I posted pictures on Facebook. :-)
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


I don't post a lot in this thread because I usually have nothing to say.  But I do read it, and I rejoice with you.  :clap:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Quote from: Psalm_97 on December 02, 2012, 08:32:29 PM
I don't post a lot in this thread because I usually have nothing to say.  But I do read it, and I rejoice with you.  :clap:

Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


I hope and pray all your dreams come true. You are a faithful woman and I believe God is rewarding you for that! I pray your husband gets back to the house of God!
My hubby's nickname is shep and that would make me ladyshep. :)


My husband isn't back in church yet and I'm still waiting for my daughter to receive the Holy Ghost, but I do have some good news. My brother went to church today! His first time in many years. He didn't seek God, but he said he loved being there and seeing people worship and that he wants to keep coming.

Please, keep him in your prayers. Not only because he needs to be refilled with the Holy Ghost, but also because his marriage is rocky. His wife didn't go to a church of any kind growing up and has a low opinion of us (especially my mom; she's very disrepectful towards my mom; well, she's disrespectful to everyone really, but especially my mom) because we're Christians. Not just Christians, but Christians who are different from other Christians and well, I won't get into all of that. Just please pray for my brother and his wife. And also pray my daughter will receive the Holy Ghost and that my husband will get back in church and get refilled with the Holy Ghost.

Thank you!
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.