
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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Seth needs a salad fix in Sharing 446

Started by Lynx, September 05, 2011, 11:19:19 PM

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Well I'm glad you didn't share anything while I was gone. 

Went to the church and cleaned....  Made a dent in it....Didn't even get into the sanctuary yet tho....eek....


I am tired. 12 hours today...15-18 tomorrow...this job is going to kill me...

BUT the good side is...I've lost almost 3 sizes...
I'm just me, round and bubbly like a lil honey bee!


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


That's awesome, ISG. I bet you're stronger too.

The Purple Fuzzy


Sandra, I finally got a chance to pop back in and noticed you'd asked about Olivia's arm. It apparently isn't broken, 'cause she was using it on Saturday and Sunday. And as far as I know her parents decided not to take her in for x-rays. So I'm assuming they figured out she was just badly bruised or whatever. *shakes head* Those crazy kids. It was a wild 4 days, lemme tell ya! ;)

Don't have time to try to catch up on everything else. I miss you all. *sigh* Our current schedule is about to kill me.

*Hugs* to all my lovely friends who haven't forgotten me, even when I'm MIA. :)

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


Quote from: Chseeads on September 24, 2011, 12:04:42 AM
Well I'm glad you didn't share anything while I was gone. 

What, my post don't count?  :P

Oh, & Nathan got stuck for a moment in the attic opening.  They kids were laughing so hard! It didn't help that I "tried to help" by poking, I mean pushing him on the bum with a hanger. He was very vocal about that.  Hehehe

Made a fire tonight, it was cozy.

Oh! & Andrew informs me that light colored jeans are Not in style. I'm out to prove him wrong, or make him wear them anyway to get over himself.  He needs jeans & I don't have extra $ to get some right now & a cool kid gave these to him.


You guys hear about Bishop Haney? I can't cut & paste from my phone. He was just preaching here on Sunday. :(


Quote from: MellowYellow on September 24, 2011, 04:14:10 AM
Quote from: Chseeads on September 24, 2011, 12:04:42 AM
Well I'm glad you didn't share anything while I was gone. 

What, my post don't count?  :P

No, it doesn't.  Cause I wasn't gone when you posted it.  :smirk2: 


You could dye the jeans, if you wanted to make them dark...but, if you want to torture him and make him wear them light, by all means, please do.  :freaky2:

Yeah, I heard that about Bro. Haney.....

For those that haven't heard, they found a tumor on his brain and doctors have only given him a few weeks.  That may not be what God gives him, of course.


I hadn't heard. Not having Internet on moms phone is the pits. I'll say a prayer for him...

I was thinking yesterday, I am actually doing ok without a phone of my own. Dad and I went out to the store last night and I had forgotten to take Moms phone with me, and I didn't realize it till I was in the store looking around...I happened to think of something to tell Krissy, and realized I couldn't...but then I thought about it, and it was actually very freeing of sorts to realize I was out and about and NO ONE could contact me at all. In any way. I didn't freak out like I normally do...I actually enjoyed that fact.

Weird I know.

Especially for ME.

Plus I haven't been online at all since Thursday. I get the FB updates through texts on Moms phone, but other than that, I havent been on. It's kinda nice. ;)

*HUGS* Ruby.

We are selling donuts today again. Supposed to be at church at 7. It is now 7:36 and not one other person is here yet. :smirk2:

AND...the transmission went out on Dads van, so he is using the truck today. That means he dropped me off at church and I am stuck here. No vehicle. So I really don't know how I'll get back home. I guess I'll ride the church bus when Wes takes the kids home after Youth festival tonight. *shrug*

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Donuts should be sold early...what's wrong with those lazy no-show bums?  :crazy:

I need to go back and clean more at church after I tend fowl and such....


The Morrises from Jamaica are going to be at church tonight.

Ya mon.


Writing my preview for the M90 Scripture Memorization Challenge we're presenting to the church.
Then I gotta write the skit we're doing....

Then my Young Adult Worship team is doing the music Sunday night in because we are singing at a Texas Hyphen even called Fuel that they have every October next weekend.

Busy ministry weekend! Pray for me ya'll - despite almost 98% done with this cough, I've now been congested for 2 days! I need healing seriously in my body! I've been praying for 3 weeks for healing. I need some relief! In Jesus Name!
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


was supposed to get up and go biking with the church today but considering i was in the ER with APB's mom til 3 friday morning....I needed sleep. Badly.

Bought groceries for the 1st time in 2 weeks. I'd never been so excited to buy cheese and milk before.

Doing laundry. APB is coming over later to HOPEFULLY fix my car and I'm making us dinner.
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


Howdy y'all.  Went to work, went to cook, came home after 3:00am.

I got a good night's sleep though.  Bro. David and Sis. Pattie were there until after 3:00am and they had to be back at the church to help with something else at 8:00am.  I didn't find this out by them grumbling about it though.   :cool:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Purple Fuzzy


 Whew! Been a busy couple of days, as I'm sure you know if you read the "Adventures of Mini and Roscoe" thread. I really enjoyed myself yesterday, and enjoyed being with my friends in person once more, even if only for a short time. And it was a double treat to meet Pa Miniskirt.... Good people, all of 'em.
  Last night Chey was running a fever, so the majority of my evening was spent cuddling her- she's a little cuddle bear when she's sick and only wants her Daddy. She seemed to feel better today, and we went to the library and the mountain for the swap meet before coming home to attempt to win brownie points with Mom by mopping the floor and cooking dinner. Mom's a bit bent because she had to work and missed her shopping partner (Chellebelle), and Chey's unhappy because she didn't get to see Brennen- notice she said nothing about the rest of the family. :laughhard:

Now I'm cooking bbq'd chicken breast, garlic mashed tators, ranch beans, and a blueberry caramel cheesecake- see,sunlight, I'm branching out. :laughhard:

That is all. :waving:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Went to the church and cleaned more....Not done yet....  Sanctuary from the ceiling halfway down the wall and stuff on the walls is cleaned....bottom part of the wall and everything that sits on the floor left...  :P  Swept the most obvious of crud up. 

I must confess....

I play CDs over the sound system sometimes while I'm cleaning or doing things at the church...and there is one that is just a CD of organ's a Hammond sales CD actually....  The last song on it is just shouting music, and when I'm there alone, everytime it gets to the point that that one comes on, I have the overwhelming urge to jump up and dance....

So I do. LOL  :P

I CANNOT for the life of me do the black man dance I just do the poor white dance till I get tired. lol

Today I was up on a ladder cleaning a ceiling fan when it came on, so I got down off the ladder and danced a jig. 

And no, if you're wondering, it's NOT in the spirit I'm afraid.


That is all.

I have to get ready for church shortly though.


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


bahahaha Seth that's hilarious....

I dance all the time to my black gospel...

Direct the choir that's singing on the song...

ad lib like I'm a black sanger...hahaha

 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Wow! I totally just got a great visual. That's awesome!
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



I was actually visualizing what would have happened if he did the jig while on the ladder. lol
In love with RainbowJingles


Making dinner.

Car still isn't fixed.

Oi vey....
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


I'm glad you all enjoyed my jig.  :freaky2:

Went to church, came home and all that....have to tend fowl in a minute...

Lordddddddd.....  The well pump died right before church.....  I don't THINK that the well is dry, it's been raining...I'll have to check the water level, but regardless whether it is or is not, something has been wrong with the stupid pump for a long time and I've been putting off doing anything to it...there's been no water pressure and just a pitiful trickle....  So either way, something has to be done to the stupid thing.....  Along with my list of 90,000 other things....Criminitely. 

I'm going to move those to the top of my priority list.  Maybe if I take care of the Good Lord's Honey Do List, He'll send the Amish to build my chicken pen.  :smirk2: