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Cooking class

Started by InChristGirl, September 17, 2007, 01:36:03 AM

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Wow..........that looks reallllly good.


K, we didn't make soup and bread this week. We made this instead:

Salmon (with an herb rub)
Mushroom and asparagus Risotto with fresh basil (an Italian sticky rice)
Oven-roasted Rosemary and Italian herb potatoes (baby red potatoes halved and roasted face down in a pan of rosemary/garlic/basil olive oil and seasonings)
and mixed greens....

pictures coming soon. ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


And it was realllllllllll good! Even though I burned the roof of mu mouth with the risotto.  :fork:


Sorry folks, we have been cooking nothing but curry lately. I will post some pics soon. ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


We cooked Chicken con Diti again. Everyone semed to like it :teeth: We also made dutchess potatoes, squash :roll:, and a tomato and mozzerela salad with basil and spinach. Pics will follow as soon as we get the pics off the camera and onto Zizi's comp which isn't with us right now.


I've suddenly become popular at work because I made two strawberry cheesecakes, one cherry cheesecake, and a french silk pie for Christmas.  I now have the women at my work trying to marry me off....
Stupidity is a global epidemic.


somebody needs to

*cough* :hypocrite:
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Our tomato/mozzarella/spinach salad from the other day...

and friday night....we were dipping different stuff in chocolate...a hazelnut wafer cookie dipped in milk chocolate and coconut...WAY to good for my own good. ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


oo tomato mozzarella pasta is good!
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Quote from: zizi90 on October 05, 2007, 03:15:52 AM
but wait Sj, before this we made an Indian meal. Oh yeah!  As follows:

Chicken Curry over rice (homemade chicken curry...mmmm)
Fresh vegtables
Nan (Indian Bread) from the Indian restaurant right around the corner.

A few pics:

do you ladies happen to know how to make butter chicken?  just curious because i go to an indian restaurant quite often and its my favorite dish.  BUT, i've tried to get a good recipe online and all have flopped so far!  i would trade my left arm for that recipe! Another thing i'd like to learn to make is Palao Rice. it is served with indian food and is Basmati rice cooked with whole cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, bay leaves and clarified butter, and garnished with fried onions.  i think if GP has a big get together, we should all have a big ho down in the kitchen lol.  we'd all pack on a good 10lbs, but it'd be worth it  :fork:
Date me before i become famous :o  and for the people who say they can't see my avatar...


Quote from: lojack on January 06, 2008, 08:22:47 PM

do you ladies happen to know how to make butter chicken?  just curious because i go to an indian restaurant quite often and its my favorite dish.  BUT, i've tried to get a good recipe online and all have flopped so far!  i would trade my left arm for that recipe! Another thing i'd like to learn to make is Palao Rice. it is served with indian food and is Basmati rice cooked with whole cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, bay leaves and clarified butter, and garnished with fried onions.

Never heard of it....sounds good though. If we find a recipe and try it we'll let you know! ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


K, I made more Moroccan flatbread the other day (Matlouh). It was so good, and we found a recipe for black bean dip that Sarah tried was really simple, but very nice with the bread....

Here's the recipe. (they recommended pita bread, but it's better with Matlouh)
Black Bean Dip with Pita Wedges
This recipe makes:     12 servings     

1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon cumin
12 ounce can of black beans
1 tablespoon lime juice
salt to taste
freshly ground black pepper
6 pieces pita bread, cut into triangles

Cooking Instructions
1. Heat the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until the onion begins to soften, about 4 minutes. Add the cumin and cook until the onions are completely soft, about 3 minutes more.

2. Rinse and drain the black beans.

3. Puree the beans in a blender or food processor with onion mixture, lime juice, salt and pepper.

4. Serve with pita triangles.

Serving Size: about 2 tablespoons dip plus 2 pita triangles

Source ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


OMW! That was altogether toooooooo good for being that simple to make.

What a riot that was though.....I'm still laughing.


which part? LOL. I'm havin such a good day..but yeah, they were just too special the other night. ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


Oh....just some people's expressions were pretty funny..........oh yeah and..."Make a skinny kid happy"  :laughhard:

zizi90'll have to call me later girl.... :laughhard: ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


Hey hun! Looks like we havn't cooked anything since Jan. 10th.

What we doin?


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Hey Paulina! up for a trip to FL?

zizi90 ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


Looks like Mel-Mel needs a few meals cooked by Paula&Jean :biglaugh:



hey...what's the next recipe gonna be? ~Modest Clothing~ ~Mod Fashion Blog


Green onion cakes
Thai spring rolls
and some kind of fried rice


Quote from: zizi90 on December 01, 2007, 02:28:16 AM
K, we didn't make soup and bread this week. We made this instead:

Salmon (with an herb rub)
Mushroom and asparagus Risotto with fresh basil (an Italian sticky rice)
Oven-roasted Rosemary and Italian herb potatoes (baby red potatoes halved and roasted face down in a pan of rosemary/garlic/basil olive oil and seasonings)
and mixed greens....

pictures coming soon.

This sounds delicious.  I want the recipes please.


God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.