
Did you sleep well? No, I made a few mistakes. -Steven Wright

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The things people say when you're pregnant

Started by Jennie-lynnie, April 03, 2007, 06:41:17 AM

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Arctic Rose

When I was Pregnant with my Youngest in 94, I was doing laundry and all my shirts were dirty, So I decided to wear my Baby 92 Sweater. I had a lady come up to me and said "Wow, you sure are carry that baby a long time."  I was holding the baby 92 in my arms at the time she said that.  I just told her "Yeah, the baby didn't feel like meeting anyone yet.. LOL  2 months later I had the youngest. :)

I am not Spoiled.... Just well Loved!


Another one I've heard since we found out we are having a girl is "There you go one of each, no you can stop!" lol. And I just smile and grin. Because I would like 3 kids. And have no intention on this being the last. Although just for the record... I will be waiting a lot longer before trying again. like 3 or 4 years :)*


yeah Jennie-lynnie, NOW that you know what CAUSES that!!

JUUUUUSSTTT KIDDDING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I just couldn't resist!!!!

Just ask Rainbow, I'm an instigator!!  But only if it's too good to pass up!!!!



Quote from: Jennie-lynnie on April 06, 2007, 04:32:58 PM
Another one I've heard since we found out we are having a girl is "There you go one of each, no you can stop!" lol. And I just smile and grin. Because I would like 3 kids. And have no intention on this being the last. Although just for the record... I will be waiting a lot longer before trying again. like 3 or 4 years :)*

LOL, that's what I've been hearing a lot this week. "Maybe you'll have a girl and then yall can stop." We want 4, these two will be 2 years apart, then we're going to wait 4-6 years and see if we're ready for 2 more.


Miranda, that was our original plan.  Westley and zakary are 21 months apart.  We were going to wait 4-5 years before we had the third.   But zakary and anthany are 3 years apart and now i can't have any more.  But we're hoping to adopt when anthany turns 2.


Miranda, that was MY original plan... to have 2 that were around 2 years apart and then wait 4-5 years and have 2 more that were 2 years apart.  Josh only wanted 3 and I didn't want ONE to be MUCH younger than the others so we had Isabelle sooner rather than later.  I think it worked out well... it's hard sometimes now but I'm sure it'll be better when they are older.


My hubby originally wanted three, but after seeing the way my little brother got left out (he was 7 years younger than me and 5 years younger than my sister), I had made up my mind that I didn't want any of the kiddos to be left out. That's when we came up with the two at a time plan. lol I don't think I could handle 4 little kids all at once, so we figured it'd be nice to spread them out, but them still have a playmate their age.


That was exactly my thinking... yet now here I am with an 11 month old, a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 year old... my life in INSANE most days!!!  LOL


I have 4.....the older 2 are a little less than 15 months apart.  Then there is a 3 year gap then  23 months between the last 2.  PERFECT!

World Traveler

I have none... some would call that PERFECT!

Ha ha  :up2: :laughat:.

(Looks for place to hide before the baby bottles come flying at him....  :couch:
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


Watch it Vince, you might have a stampede of angry women headed your way!!  (of course you  wouldn't mind if they were RedHeads!!) he he

Now it's my turn to hide!!!



QuoteI have none... some would call that PERFECT!

If not perfect, then pretty darn close!   :great:


Quote from: CRStrom on April 09, 2007, 05:16:10 PM
That was exactly my thinking... yet now here I am with an 11 month old, a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 year old... my life in INSANE most days!!!  LOL

lol I can imagine, but I bet it's fun to always be busy. It gets a little boring sometimes here with just me and Ethan, he's gotten so independant lately and he doesn't want me to help with anything.  :-( My baby isn't a baby anymore! lol


I got quite a few comments from people when I was pregnant. Not too many with my first, but, with my second.

Everyone commented on having them so close together. In my opinion....2 years is NOT close together. If I would have had my way, they prolly would have been only about 15 months apart!!!! LOL!!!!!

"Well, you're quite the baby factory aren't ya?"
"Don't you have anything better to do with your time?"
"You'll regret this."     Ummmmm.........regret having a baby? ? ? I don't think so!!!!!!
"Haven't you heard of birth control?"   
"You're just little Fertile Mertel (sp?) aren't you?"

I just looked at people and rolled my eyes!!!!!
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


Quote from: NessasMama on April 10, 2007, 01:35:56 AM

"You're just little Fertile Mertel (sp?) aren't you?"

I've gotten that one too! lol


I think Myrtle is the correct spelling.........for all the grammar queens (and kings)




I sometimes think the ones making the comments may be just a bit jealous that it's not them that are pregnant? ? ? ? I may be wrong, but, that's just a guess on my part!!!!!
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


You know, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them WERE jealous.    There is a large minority of women (with their husbands) who are trying and trying to have that first baby.  It is hard to conceive of "trying for a baby" as being anything less than "fun" but trust me, when you get to a certain place, sex DOES stop being fun and becomes a desperate act.

There are so many sides to this.  We (my wife and I) truly do not want any kids and have taken measures to make sure that will never happen.  Then there are those who DO want kids, but in moderation, and those who want as many as their poor bodies can pop out.  THEN there are those, like the ones who are attending our ex-church, who want kids but now feel obligated, thanks to the pastors instructions, to have as many kids as they physically can.  So there are women becoming pregnant with 3 - 6 month old babies.  And will so again when their new babies are 3 to 6 months old. 
We actually stopped making humorous comments to these women because we know how serious the situation is.  Of course they are looking at US as murderers because of the assumption that my wife COULD have 10+ kids if we let nature take its course.  And because we are not, we are effectively "murdering" the children that will never be.

It makes me want to bring up this video:


The funniest thing said to me was from my 5 yr old nephew, Westely....I was sitting down at church and he walked up and pointed to my stomach and said," Aunt Juju, that is a chunky tummy" pastor picked that moment to walk over and shake my hand...he had to walk away because he was laughing so hard....oh the joy of children :laughhard:


Well last night we got our first "real" comment like that..the assistant pastor came up and patted Brandon's stomache and asked when the baby is due, he said he didn't know but mine was due in October. Then we got the "Don't yall know what causes that?"...Brandon promptly responded with, "No, and no one will tell us either!".  :laughhard: The poor man was standing there with no clue what to say, he just kind of smiled, coughed, and excused himself. lol


I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


maybe thts y ppl stopped asking me...i kept saying ididnt do nething, and i dont know what causes
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain

USAF Wifey

I had the cutest thing happen at McDonalds today!! I was standing in line and this little boy comes up to me and goes "excuse me....excuse me, I looked down and him and he pointed to my belly and goes "I know whats in there!" I was like " Really? whats in there?!?" He whispers to me " A BABY!!" It was SOO adorable, then he had to go tell his mom and grandma that were with him.  I was like awwww!!!



Dis is for my gurls... Jennie and Miranda...

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?