dingbats can count to three in dingbats thread # 33

Started by JonathanHarper, May 16, 2008, 04:42:28 AM

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WIC is an off chute of Welfare. I've never seen women in fur coats using it. Just a bunch of Hispanics, many of which are illegals, I'm sure (Around here, that's the way it is).

Most people don't wear real fur coats anymore, anyway. They don't like paint dumped on them. And faux fur coats can be purchased for as little as $20.  I gave one to the Goodwill once. I think they sold it for $10.


Quote from: Jonathan on November 21, 2008, 05:32:51 AM
Quote from: MelodyB on November 20, 2008, 05:24:10 AM
I dont know. When are yall doing it?

Did you call me today? I tried to call you back. I was at work when you called.

yea i tried to call today . . . if you haven't heard sissy has started dilating . . so we're expecting a baby any day now, if she has progressed by the 28th, they said she could have them induce labor, which is probably what she is going to do . . . on another note, we found out yesterday that we make way too much money for WIC. . . I was like what, apparently  WIC is only for unmarried can't hold a job type people (no offense to anyone here, but if you could have seen someone of the people that are legible you'd understand my comment, people with fur coats riding on 20's , ugh . . . but the Lord is good, i don't know a lot of peers who make too much for WIC, but God has truly blessed us.  We have more things now then most people have later on in life.  God is great, i know this life is not about worldly possessions, but it sure does make this life a little easier knowing that you have blessed in the green area.
We had the same issue.



We did not qualify for WIC either, and we were living on one income.   I quit my job to be a stay at home mom and we were "over incomed" by like 3 dollars a month!  woo wooo.........ughhh.   I do feel proud in knowing that we fed our kids thousands of dollars worth of formula and kept them in diapers.......all with our own money and not from the government.  We cut back to the "bare minimum" on stuff like the cell phone, cut off the internet, etc etc etc.  We MADE it work because we wanted me to be home.

There are REAL legit people who need wic.........but it's the liars that make me the maddest.  I know of MANY people who were MUCH richer than us (ha ha on rich) and they would only claim the "lowest" income spouse to qualify!!  That would just gripe my gut!!  Then I'd see them in their fancy cars and much nicer houses and I'd be more irritated.  In a town our size, everyone knows EVERYONE's Business...........so the "higher ups" knew who were lying to get it and I'm just grateful that I chose not to lie...........

So, live as frugally as possible.  Buy lots of stuff second hand (lots of babies have too many clothes to even WEAR once, let alone a second time) so stuff is just like new!!!!!  I had some of the CUTEST gymboree stuff that I KNEW cost $40 bucks an ourfit or more and I got for $5 or less!!!

Don't be afraid to take used clothes from others.  Things can usually be washed.  I just  would wead through and keep what I wanted and pass on the rest (or lay it to rest if it was unsuitable for passing on.)

Babies are expensive..............but when they give you that toothless grin at 2 AM.......there is NO amount of money on earth to buy the feeling that those smiles bring!!!!



Quote(ha ha on rich)

Yeah, I hadn't heard of many policemen being rich.  Even if they're the head honcho.

This society has turned most people into a get it for free, I'm entitled, society. My dad's generation was really proud. They wouldn't accept anything without working for it. Even during the depression, they wouldn't take charity. And those who did were frowned upon.

We have come to expect something for nothing. If it says "Free Take One" most will take one handful.


Quote from: Envelope on November 22, 2008, 04:45:35 AM
We did not qualify for WIC either, and we were living on one income.   I quit my job to be a stay at home mom and we were "over incomed" by like 3 dollars a month!  woo wooo.........ughhh.   I do feel proud in knowing that we fed our kids thousands of dollars worth of formula and kept them in diapers.......all with our own money and not from the government.  We cut back to the "bare minimum" on stuff like the cell phone, cut off the internet, etc etc etc.  We MADE it work because we wanted me to be home.

There are REAL legit people who need wic.........but it's the liars that make me the maddest.  I know of MANY people who were MUCH richer than us (ha ha on rich) and they would only claim the "lowest" income spouse to qualify!!  That would just gripe my gut!!  Then I'd see them in their fancy cars and much nicer houses and I'd be more irritated.  In a town our size, everyone knows EVERYONE's Business...........so the "higher ups" knew who were lying to get it and I'm just grateful that I chose not to lie...........

So, live as frugally as possible.  Buy lots of stuff second hand (lots of babies have too many clothes to even WEAR once, let alone a second time) so stuff is just like new!!!!!  I had some of the CUTEST gymboree stuff that I KNEW cost $40 bucks an ourfit or more and I got for $5 or less!!!

Don't be afraid to take used clothes from others.  Things can usually be washed.  I just  would wead through and keep what I wanted and pass on the rest (or lay it to rest if it was unsuitable for passing on.)

Babies are expensive..............but when they give you that toothless grin at 2 AM.......there is NO amount of money on earth to buy the feeling that those smiles bring!!!!


I know what you mean about people needing it.. it's not that we need it, i mean formula is expensive, but my wife plans on breastfeeding (feels weird typing that in a singles thread, oh well, this is where some of my irl friends post) and we've been blessed with diapers galore.  God has been extremely good to us this year.  In our first year of marriage, we've bought a new car, i gotta boat, and we're having a baby, and more importantly we're not living beyond our means (this is started before the baby is born, lol).  God has given both of us, two very well paying jobs, who pays 100% of our insurance, and co-pay are like thirty or forty dollars. God is good. 

   I am just scared that when she turns sixteen she's expecting a brand new car, then I will be happily to say "honey, neither me nor your mother owned a brand new car until after we were married."  I hope that doesn't spurt her on to find a beau. Good Lord Help me. 


Shoot! We weren't able to get a new car until we were married 20 years.


I am an RN and nursing my baby was VERY important to me...............but NOT as important to my babies!!!!  LOL  They refused!!!!

The formula we bought 6 years ago was 22.78 a can and it's higher now.  We went through 2-3 cans a week.  LOL  OUR babies "ate" better than us!!  We had bologna!!  (well, it wasn't quite that bad!!)

Good luck on your Endeavours!!  God Will bless you!!! 




Justin...I forgot I was supposed to post these for you. This was the coat Mom got for 17.00!! And look how long her hair is getting!! WOOT!

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


have the dingdongs..........I mean Dingbats, disbanned??

awwwwwwwww man!!!!



Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


No but Im gonna post Jos wedding pics later. When I get to a computer.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Ok...Here I is!

This was Jolenes wedding this weekend. For those who didnt get to attend. :)

These are the ones I took. They are not THAT good, but you get the general idea. :) I stood right next to my friend Vals Mom who was taking the actual pics, so I got a lot of the same ones she did, but they were mostly looking at HER. LOL

ALSO, I tried to get the red eyes out, but some of them didnt come out. Im sorry. :(

So without further delay...

Jo, pointing someone in the direction of something...I forget...LOL (Jolie standing watch)

Jo and Neice Sara

Me and Jo

Blurry one

Praying? Yoga? WHAT? ???


Shawnas dress was having malfunctions...D was helping set it right

These girls...I dont know who they were, but I fell in love with them, SOOOO adorable. Names are Brooke and Angel, but I dont know which was which.

D's BIG HAIR. :o

Lets all adjust our dresses gals!

Thats better!

Add the guys

Add Jonas

My little man! Love it! (And someones butt lol)

Chillin and waiting for the next pose

I LOVE THIS ONE!!! I wanted to just squeeze him to peices! I did later! ;)

We tried to get the girls to kiss him, the older one wouldnt, and the younger wanted to, but wouldnt cause her sister didnt want to.

FINALLY she kissed him...he was lovin that! ;)

They lost Rodney for awhile, they finally found him and toted him in for pictures.

They finally got him up there.

They might not have kissed Mo, but they didnt hesitate to kiss Rodney!

Bro Kinsey and Bro Grace

Microphone is ON!

Check it out...Will is talking to Ashley, but he was CRYING later. It was soooo sweet. :)



Waiting on Jo.

Here she is!!

Lovin the shoes!

Unity Candle.

The CAKE!! It matched her dress!

Grooms cake! This was TOTALLY AWESOME!

My Mo Mo!! Yay! He was SOOOO handsome! (He was thrilled, cant ya tell?)



Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


This was Jasons wedding that I went to later that day.

I didnt get many of Jasons. Just a few cause Anastacia was late getting there, and they didnt do pics BEFORE the wedding, and we couldnt stay till they got done with them. So I didnt get many.

First time EVER I have seen Russell in a suit! AND he got a haircut! He said it was the shortest it has been in 15 years! AWESOME!

Anastacia cut his hair. He was sooo handsome, but NERVOUS!

See how short Russells hair is? WOW. (This pic was a set up of course.)

Bro Dad and Sis Mom's Great Grandson (the baby)...in a suit thats just a little too big. ;)

Looks like a prison lineup, haha.

During the wedding...This was in the middle of a song, I forget which.

They are married! YAY!

I just happend to catch this one.

:) That baby is sooooo cute! And you can really tell how proud Nick is.

Jason had a Seminole cake too. I didnt get a pick of the other cake, they had like 6 teirs of cheesecake for the actual wedding cakes.

Anastacia's sister did Sis Arms hair, and she was SOOO proud of it. :)

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: MelodyB on February 23, 2009, 10:23:50 PM

ALSO, I tried to get the red eyes out, but some of them didnt come out. Im sorry. :(

Photobucket will get the red eyes out.  It's under the edit button, I believe. I've done it to several pics. It works great.

Who's Joline?  Not the one who used to post here, she's already married.  None of these people post, do they?


Yes, actually they do.

Jolene IS the one that used to post here as DQPcola, she has never been married before now. She is one of the original Dingbats who this series of threads was started by/for. And Jason is also a member. He posted once upon a time a couple of years ago as Heavensent.

But I didnt post these pics for their benefit, I posted them for the benefit of the rest of the Dingbats who still post here sometimes, and know them and didnt get to come to the weddings. Like Jonathan, Jennie, Justin, Trisha, Mom and Dad.

Mary has also met Jolene, and knows most of the people in the pics.

Ill have to try the edit thing on PB. I forget that it has one too. I used the photo program on the computer.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8


Yay! The wedding pics! Awwe thank you for posting! How gorgeous!


Lady Melody,

   Would you please pass along my congratulations to Lady Jo, and my wishes for a lifetime of happiness and the blessings of the Lord for her and her husband?

John  :waving:


   Hello everyone (Jo-Nathan here)  We're moving within the next couple of weeks.  We're going to be building a house here in Wewahitchka (inmates call it wewillhitya)


Hey Jonathan. :hi:

New pics of my new Neice would be great. ;)
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


here's on that justin took while he was here last week... tell me that's something beautiful .

The Purple Fuzzy