
Did you sleep well? No, I made a few mistakes. -Steven Wright

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Time to Fish or cut bait (newsman)- talk about it in Sharing 4-3-8

Started by Roscoe, June 05, 2011, 12:01:24 PM

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Seth, I think you should camp out there, since it's warm enough and just shoot them as they come along.   :2gun:

They don't come out till late anyways so you could get some sleep. 

Racoons are so smart.  We used to run a camp ground and they would wreak havoc in the dumpsters. 

the videos of raccoons are interesting...


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I may set steel traps, etc. tonight, and try to wait in the garage and see if anything shows up....  Can't see to shoot in the dark, but I can try.....


"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Quote from: five-oh on June 09, 2011, 03:02:50 PM
At work on my monday. Don't quite know how it happened, but I talked myself into more job related duties today. Our lead firearms instructor recently left the department , leaving just two of us certified to teach firearms. I got my certificate primarily to have, and to assist and haven't been actively involved in teaching. Talking with the chief today, I managed to let him talk me into a corner and out of my comfort zone. Now I'm the lead instructor... :o Lord, help us all.

Thats all.... *cough*
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


I'm getting a lot accomplished today. I got supper in the crock pot, I've washed, dried and put away three loads of clothes, I have two more to go, I'm burning CDs for the sign team to give out tonight, and I've cleaned the kitchen and shucked some corn. I've also made a few needed phone calls, and I'm about to get a shower and eat dinner, and go to church.

Yeah. I feel good about all that.

Still gotta pack for the weekend. Got to keep Livi tomorrow, help cook for the soup kitchen, then we have a girls lock-in at church, and then Saturday I'll be serving at the soup kitchen. After that it's a Youth staff meeting, then a nice long chat with one of my friends (yes we made an appointment!) then home late on Saturday and church Sunday!

Great weekend ahead! ;)
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I am scanning a bajillion sheets of church music to file for my missionary friend.  Anyone who wants some sheet music, just say the word, I can email it all to Though, it's 2 books worth.  A few songs in Spanish.

The Purple Fuzzy

I bet Adina and Ben would like the Spanish ones.  I'll try to remember to ask.


Laid in the floor and napped.  Gotta tend fowl a little, then clean up for church.  After which I shall come home and tend more fowl, and then try to stake out a death trap for any predator that is not dead and returns.


Does everyone have church on Thursdays?  I must be a heathen.  :updown:

I need some new recipes, I feel like I'm making the same meals over and over.


Quote from: MellowYellow on June 09, 2011, 11:41:49 PM
Does everyone have church on Thursdays?  I must be a heathen.  :updown:

I need some new recipes, I feel like I'm making the same meals over and over.

I don't! I have church on Wednesdays.

I've been in a out this week. I missed church Sunday PM, and last night; plus Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of work.
I spent just a lil bit to much time in the sun, and got 2nd degree burns on both my arms; from shoulder to elbow. I've been unable to move.

Worst pain in my entire life and I've been the lip.  :smirk2:

But I worked today and am on the mend. The silvadene is doing it's job!  :clap:
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Quote from: Psalm_97 on June 09, 2011, 04:20:32 PM
Psalty rocks!

That is all.
As in Psalty the Singing Songbook??

That is the only Psalty I know... and he DoEs rock!!  :hyper:

Feed The Bachelors 2010


Lady JennJenn,

   You Need to remember, that while you are a beautiful Sista, you are a fair-skinned Sista!

   I hope you heal quickly, and btw, you have a lovely smile in your new avatar pic!

John  :waving:

Quote from: MsJennJenn on June 10, 2011, 12:13:39 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on June 09, 2011, 11:41:49 PM
Does everyone have church on Thursdays?  I must be a heathen.  :updown:

I need some new recipes, I feel like I'm making the same meals over and over.

I don't! I have church on Wednesdays.

I've been in a out this week. I missed church Sunday PM, and last night; plus Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of work.
I spent just a lil bit to much time in the sun, and got 2nd degree burns on both my arms; from shoulder to elbow. I've been unable to move.

Worst pain in my entire life and I've been the lip.  :smirk2:

But I worked today and am on the mend. The silvadene is doing it's job!  :clap:


One thing I learned from surgery I had on tues, never tell a nurse you thought she was Shrek from the movies when you wake up from  the general anesthesia.  she might just poke ya where they had just cut ya!  back out to sleep while the pain medicine is working.
Only through faith in the Grace of God through Jesus Christ am I saved. No other means and no other actions changes the predestination of my soul.

UPDATE:  I finally did find my wife.  Just waiting now to bring her to the USA!


my vaccuum died, my blender is almost dead and my oven is broke.  I think I need to pray against the appliance devil... lol

God's good though!  I'm believing for a house this year!


Quote from: MellowYellow on June 10, 2011, 02:38:28 AM
my vaccuum died, my blender is almost dead and my oven is broke.  I think I need to pray against the appliance devil... lol

God's good though!  I'm believing for a house this year!

well not sure if this will help or not. just seen you wanted new ideas

Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.


Went to church, came home, tended fowl.  Laid traps for the predator....

Came in and did some incubator stuff, and went out to check  if it'd been around had...hasn't messed with the traps behind the garage yet...but it went through and tore up a snare dad set by the garage, and it had been down in the tractor shed (next to the bean crib where the baby geese used to be), because there had been an egg laying in there, and I had just left it.  And it has broke and ate that egg.

This thing is some mutant monster.....or thingS, I don't know how many we're talking ate 3 dishes of poison last night....or something did anyways.....good lands....

The live trap, as well as a bunch of steel traps are set behind the garage.... 

And I think it probably made it's rounds out past the dove cage out front again, because one of them had turned their water bowl over and was sitting in the floor instead of up on the perch. 

This is nuts.  :mad:


Howdy y'all.  Just got home and found another pair of shoes has arrived.  The leather ones actually make good dress shoes. :D
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Well. I am home. tonight was great. I am preparing a quick message to teach the young ladies tomorrow at our lock-in. I'm kind of nervous about talking to them. No matter It will work out in the end. There is so much left for me to do I'm totally about to pass out, but I have to finish gettin ready; At current I am listening to my bible on CD and drinking ice water. It's so good!!!
"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others." - Unknown


Holy. Stinking. Crud.

Well, one less coon at least.  Need to do an autopsy and get a toxicology report to see if that's the one that ate the poison and still lived or not. lol

Been up all this time coon hunting.....literally....  When I was a kid my dad hunted all the time, I went with him when I was little and almost too little to keep up with him through all the hills and, 25 - 30 years of time sure do change thangs....

So, what happened was, he went back out and refixed the snare, and put two out this time.  I came back in, did a few things, then I went out to put a piece of food next to the snares to make something to catch their attention so they'd slow down and not plow through so fast....  So I put that there, (out by the front corner of the garage), then I go back out across the front yard to the dove cages just to check things out again....lo and behold, I see eyes glowing on the side of the bean tree (catalpa tree) just outside the corner of the yard there...I hurry back in and grab the gun, and with my dim flashlight and poised gun go back out there, as I near, the coon goes up the tree. 

So I call into the house for backup, cause I needed a light to see with....  We have no lights worth hooey....again...25 or 30 years ago we used to have coonhunting lights a  So Dad pulls the car up in the yard as far as he can to use a spotlight that plugs in the lighter....couldn't see from that side for the other trees....  So I get the Trailblazer and pull around through what's presently a hayfield, up the hill to the other side of the tree, and we proceed to look and look and look and look trying to spot it.  Eventually, Dad sees it....  So then we proceed to shoot, and look, and look and shoot and this goes on for some time....  Then I go fetch a different gun with a scope.  And more shooting and looking transpires.

Somewhere in the middle of this, I do check behind the garage, and at some point, maybe before we ended up with the coon treed, if that was the culprit, or while we had it treed another one did it, but it threw all the steel traps and had them all in a knot next to where the bait of a peanut butter jar stuck on a rod was.  It had chewed on the jar, got part of the PB out, and everything, but didn't get caught, just threw all the traps...

Anyways, looking and attempted shooting takes place, trying to keep track of it up waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy in the top of the tree.  I come in for some red cellophane to cover the light with so maybe it'll be more apt to look at us....and we look and shoot and so on....  I don't remember how many attempted shots actually take place....  So then finally Dad goes in to get yet another gun, a shot gun this time, meanwhile I look and look....and am about ready to shoot when he comes back out, cause I've discovered its eyes again...  He comes out with the shotgun, I hold the light on the spot I saw the coon, and he blasts the tree with the shot gun, coon falls out, THANK GOD IN HEAVEN ABOVE FINALLY.  Ding dong the witch is dead.

So that was part was over.  It was like a made for TV movie:  Mr. Magoo and Barney Fife Go Coon Hunting...I tell you what....  Oh, and in the midst of the shooting and looking, Dad also waited for the bus like 3 times. 

Anyways, so I reset all the steel traps around the peanut butter jar on a stick.  See if anything else happens there for the rest of the night.  It never had tripped the live trap this time yet, which was right next to the other traps. 



Oh, and bugs have eaten me up while all this was going on.  Cause I am noticing all the itching bites now that I have time to sit and let it sink in.  :P

Although, I did eat a few bugs while I was out there too, so I guess we're partially even.  :smirk2:


Quote from: Chseeads on June 10, 2011, 08:37:10 AM
Holy. Stinking. Crud.

Well, one less coon at least.  Need to do an autopsy and get a toxicology report to see if that's the one that ate the poison and still lived or not. lol

Been up all this time coon hunting.....literally....  When I was a kid my dad hunted all the time, I went with him when I was little and almost too little to keep up with him through all the hills and, 25 - 30 years of time sure do change thangs....

So, what happened was, he went back out and refixed the snare, and put two out this time.  I came back in, did a few things, then I went out to put a piece of food next to the snares to make something to catch their attention so they'd slow down and not plow through so fast....  So I put that there, (out by the front corner of the garage), then I go back out across the front yard to the dove cages just to check things out again....lo and behold, I see eyes glowing on the side of the bean tree (catalpa tree) just outside the corner of the yard there...I hurry back in and grab the gun, and with my dim flashlight and poised gun go back out there, as I near, the coon goes up the tree. 

So I call into the house for backup, cause I needed a light to see with....  We have no lights worth hooey....again...25 or 30 years ago we used to have coonhunting lights a  So Dad pulls the car up in the yard as far as he can to use a spotlight that plugs in the lighter....couldn't see from that side for the other trees....  So I get the Trailblazer and pull around through what's presently a hayfield, up the hill to the other side of the tree, and we proceed to look and look and look and look trying to spot it.  Eventually, Dad sees it....  So then we proceed to shoot, and look, and look and shoot and this goes on for some time....  Then I go fetch a different gun with a scope.  And more shooting and looking transpires.

Somewhere in the middle of this, I do check behind the garage, and at some point, maybe before we ended up with the coon treed, if that was the culprit, or while we had it treed another one did it, but it threw all the steel traps and had them all in a knot next to where the bait of a peanut butter jar stuck on a rod was.  It had chewed on the jar, got part of the PB out, and everything, but didn't get caught, just threw all the traps...

Anyways, looking and attempted shooting takes place, trying to keep track of it up waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy in the top of the tree.  I come in for some red cellophane to cover the light with so maybe it'll be more apt to look at us....and we look and shoot and so on....  I don't remember how many attempted shots actually take place....  So then finally Dad goes in to get yet another gun, a shot gun this time, meanwhile I look and look....and am about ready to shoot when he comes back out, cause I've discovered its eyes again...  He comes out with the shotgun, I hold the light on the spot I saw the coon, and he blasts the tree with the shot gun, coon falls out, THANK GOD IN HEAVEN ABOVE FINALLY.  Ding dong the witch is dead.

So that was part was over.  It was like a made for TV movie:  Mr. Magoo and Barney Fife Go Coon Hunting...I tell you what....  Oh, and in the midst of the shooting and looking, Dad also waited for the bus like 3 times. 

Anyways, so I reset all the steel traps around the peanut butter jar on a stick.  See if anything else happens there for the rest of the night.  It never had tripped the live trap this time yet, which was right next to the other traps. 


Best coon hunting story I have read in years...LOL  Bro Carroll would be proud of you!  LOL
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Don't remember all that drama last time I went coon huntin'. :lol:

Good Morning , all.  Here I am to work again... been busy of an evening the last few days and haven't checked in as much as normal. I see it's okay though, y'all haven't went wild posting so I'm not too far behind.  :waving:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison