
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. -Steven Wright

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Started by Scott, April 04, 2011, 11:06:34 PM

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Screen Name:
Home State:
Current State:

(Seth, confusion is a different type of state)



Brief Salvation Story

Marital Status (This helps the Bachelors out there)

By the way - Single means Single, even if you are in a relationship

If your are single but in a relationship, say that you are Single but in a relationship.

If it is complicated, it is either a sin or not a relationship.  Either you are or you aren't! (Don't get me started)




Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.

Other info you wish to share:

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." (Vader)

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf (Orwell and Churchhill)

The Never Ending Battle


Name:  Scott - not my birth name, but a desk name I used at work for many years. Some know my real name.

Screen Name:  Scott

Home State: Michigan

Current State: Minnesota

Age: Over 18, under 100

Hobbies: Music (Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, French Horn, Drums, Flugelhorn, some training on the Piano, Guitar, and Clarinet), I play in a professional band, Church Band,  writing (several articles published), GP, Madden Football, Dabble in web design (not real good, I just dabble), Reading, collecting comic books, shooting (handguns and long guns) and sports.

Brief Salvation Story Raised in the church, when I was 15 I received the Holy  Ghost at camp.

Marital Status Married!

Children: 2 boys 16 and 21

Pets: Sammy the Dog!

Occupation: I was laid off last year while on sick leave. I am still out of work, but trying to do some insurance work on the side.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do. Licensed UPCI Minister, I teach the New Converts Class, Music ministry, Pulpit Ministry, I back up the sound board operators and the projection staff, I help the IT Staff, I work in outreach and whatever else needs to be done.

Other info you wish to share: I used to be the admin at that later became and eventually migrated over to GP.

Sis and Nikki were my mods @ and Seth was pretty much the same then as he is now.

Sis and Her husband are friends of ours - Minnesota folks and all.

I've talked to seth a few times on the phone, and have met a few people from GP in person as they came through Minnesota.

Some of you don't know me, but  I know some of your friends from FB and have seen pictures of you here and there.  (NOT TELLING!)
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." (Vader)

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf (Orwell and Churchhill)

The Never Ending Battle


Name: Bob Screen Name: five-oh, aka RoscoeHome State: ArkansasCurrent State: Arkansas
Age: 34
Hobbies: Cars, cooking,cars, guns, motorcycles, cars, harassing folks,....did I mention cars? :laughhard:

Brief Salvation Story  I was brought to a Pentecostal church when I was seven days old. I've attended the same church every since. I received the Holy Ghost at age 12, while my church was in revival with a Bro. Terry Barber. I don't know what he preached and haven't heard of him since to my knowledge.

Marital Status:  It's Complicated.  :laughhard: Very happily married

Children: Yes- One beautiful 4 year old going on 24 year old princess
Pets: One ancient weenie dog "Abby", one infernal pain of a chihuahu "Domino"

Occupation: cop, pig, five-oh, police officer, security guard- been called all of 'em  :laughhard:

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.  I'm currently the Teen class Sunday school teacher and assistant to the pastor in whatever he needs me for- jack of all trades, master of none.

Other info you wish to share: I recently accepted the call to preach that I've felt my entire life. Currently trying to learn all I can so God can use me in whatever capacity He wishes- from lawn mower to pastoring, I want to be prepared to do whatever He has for me. I've been blessed with a wonderful, Godly, supportive wife that helps me in every facet of life, from working beside me to provide for our family, to helping me with my walk with God. I waited a LONG time-  I was nearly 27 years old  before we began  dating, but it was worth the wait. God had the PERFECT woman for me, she's my best friend

Now, Boss, can I get a copy of that book I just wrote? :laughhard:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Name: Isaac
Screen Name: Psalm_97

Home State: Tennessee, the best of the best.  We are too far north for Florida's or Mississippi's summers, too far south for Wisconsin's winters, too far inland to get the full force of hurricanes, too far from the east and west coasts to get their smog... and we still have a Wal-Mart less than 30 minutes from almost everywhere.

Current State: Tennessee.  What, you expect me to LEAVE?  Anywhere else would be a downgrade! :P

Age: Between 20 and 50.  Sorry, I don't get more specific online ---- but at least you know you're not talking to a 10 year old kid or a 93 year old man.

Hobbies: Listening to christian music, making sourdough bread, preserving music from old records and tapes, cooking and baking in general, learning to play the keyboard, learning to play other instruments through the keyboard + computer, making soundtracks to sing with at church, lots of other music stuff.  Also attending any and all family get-togethers I can get to, because I have a great family, we like to get together a lot and they are all nuts so we have a lot of fun.  A family dinner is not to be missed!

On the music subject - I am a music omnivore.  I have a fine disregard for styles of music and I have a little of almost every style of christian music out there.  I don't have ALL of any style though, because I find about 70% of all christian music - in ALL styles - is just for show.  The 30% that is anointed is worth the search though.  And because almost everyone I know narrows down to two or three styles of music they like, I can almost guarantee I will have something in my collection that you will like, and something you cannot stand. :D

Brief Salvation Story: Grew up in church until my parents divorced, moved to east TN with mom at age 14 or so, moved back where I belong a few years ago, started going to church where I grew up.  It took me a couple or three years to get the Holy Ghost, but when I did I was sure of what I was doing and knew what I wanted and why.  It was on a Friday night and God had been dealing with me about speaking in the service (who, ME?!)  I basically preached a sermon on overcoming with your praise, then got the Holy Ghost in the back corner while everyone else was shouting.  I think I'm the only minister to ever preach a sermon right before I received the Holy Ghost. 

Marital Status: Single, not in a relationship, not putting any effort into finding one.  Matchmakers get flamethrowers used on them.  (Not really, but I hate matchmakers.)

Children: None, I'm not even married.  Shoot, I've never even been on a date.

Pets: Two mutts - one looks like a cross between a border collie and a blue heiler, the other looks like a cross between a Jack Russel terrier, a labrador and a box of lemons.

Occupation: Fast food factory worker.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do. How long do you have to read the list? :P Bus driver, children's church helper (I'm the bouncer, keep order while the teacher teaches,) missions director, bulletin typer, choir member, puppet team co-leader, sound booth techie, floor vacuumer, minister, praise singer... Did I leave anything out?  I also function as tech support for any and all computers involved, and music mix-master/repository for all groups involving music.

Tell you what though, if you do all you can for God you won't have time to do stuff you shouldn't be doing.  ;)

Other info you wish to share: Personally I'm having a ball.  I don't understand christians who complain all the time, and I don't want to.  It's natural to be down every once in a while, but if you always sing "I'm so glad Jesus lifted me" and make it sound like the elevator got stuck between floors, something is wrong and needs to be fixed.  I've about decided this God stuff is the hottest thing going and I think everyone ought to try it.   :clap:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Name:  Adina

Screen Name:  iridiscente

Home State: Texas

Current State: Guatemala

Age: born 1984

Hobbies: Languages, reading, writing, homeschooling, cooking, art

Brief Salvation Story: Raised in the church, I was 14 when I received the Holy Ghost.

Marital Status: Married since 2005

Children: 1 girl born in 2007

Pets: Not at the moment

Occupation: I teach in an international school in Guatemala.

Are you involved in your church? Help with Sunday School

Other info you wish to share: for daily life info.


Name: Freddie Fritzgerald Fronzenburger XIII

Screen Name: minnesota68, miniskirt, mini, jerms

Home State: Oklahoma

Current State: Oklahoma

Age: Over 30.  Younger than Five-Oh (AKA Roscoe)

Hobbies:  Pestering my wife.  Computers.  Photography.  Cars.  Giving money out to bill collectors.

Brief Salvation Story  Raised in church.  When I was in about 5th grade, I got the Holy Ghost.  Man, I had never felt anything like that.  One of the most wonderful times ever.  I sought a revelation of the Oneness too...and one day, God woke me up out of dead sleep and revealed that to me too.

Marital Status I am married.  Happily.  And she has complete access to every account I have, and a good aim... :)

Children: 2.

Pets: See above.  And count the dog.

Occupation:  Go outside.  Look up.  See the silver thing flying over?  Thats what I do.  I the silver thing is round, and looks like a UFO, it is swamp gas, and I am involved in the cover up.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.  Yes.  I am a UPCI licensed minister.  Assistant to the Pastor.  Sound, IT, Grounds keeping, building maintenance, worship leader, part time preacher, Sunday School teacher, small group leader, and toilet bowl scrubber, and carpet cleaner.

Other info you wish to share:  I have met a few members of GP, plan on meeting several more.  I am also currently campaigning for some office that I have yet to determine or define.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


I am enjoying this, I don't know about anyone else!

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." (Vader)

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf (Orwell and Churchhill)

The Never Ending Battle


Quote from: Scott on April 05, 2011, 01:17:32 AM
I am enjoying this, I don't know about anyone else!
Well, I was- up until Mr. Freddie Fritzgerald Fronzenburger XIII had to bring up the fact that I'm older than him. :pound:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Quote from: five-oh on April 05, 2011, 01:24:44 AM
Quote from: Scott on April 05, 2011, 01:17:32 AM
I am enjoying this, I don't know about anyone else!
Well, I was- up until Mr. Freddie Fritzgerald Fronzenburger XIII had to bring up the fact that I'm older than him. :pound:

We all have to be an age...
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." (Vader)

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf (Orwell and Churchhill)

The Never Ending Battle


Quote from: Scott on April 05, 2011, 01:31:50 AM
Quote from: five-oh on April 05, 2011, 01:24:44 AM
Quote from: Scott on April 05, 2011, 01:17:32 AM
I am enjoying this, I don't know about anyone else!
Well, I was- up until Mr. Freddie Fritzgerald Fronzenburger XIII had to bring up the fact that I'm older than him. :pound:

We all have to be an age...
True. I'll take consolation in the fact that YOU are obviously older than me, since you have a 21 year old child. :laughhard:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Name: Jason
Screen Name: Taco_Harvell, Taco, President_Taco
Home State:ALABAMA
Current State: ALABAMA

Age: Over 30, but not as old as Grandpa Moses.

Hobbies: Computers, Reading, Walking, Websites, Watching Football

Brief Salvation Story: When I was very young I had a minister stop me from praying and announced to me and the church that I had got the Holy Ghost. I knew I hadn't received it, and this turned me off to even seeking it for a long time. I felt like if that  happened with other people how did you really know if you got it or not?

So I didn't really even go to the altar much again till I was a teenager. The second time I went up to seek the Holy Ghost as a teen, another visiting pastor did the same thing to me. I got mad I quit praying and I stormed out of the church. Thank God for a youth minister who knew what happened and told my pastor. They both talked to me and told me no matter what anyone said, no matter what authority they felt they had here on earth, nobody could pronounce you with the Holy Ghost and tell you when to stop seeking it. It wasn't very long after this that on a Sunday night in March I got the Holy Ghost in the Youth Sunday School room. They had moved me there because I refused to stop praying and everyone else was ready to go home. So it was in that Sunday School class with my Dad, my pastor, and that youth minister that I got filled with the Holy Ghost. I was baptized in Jesus name a couple of months later. It was the second time I was baptized but that's a longer story.

Marital Status : Widowed, In a relationship

Children: None

Pets: Does the dust bunny that lives under the book shelf that talks to me when I am lonely count?

Occupation: Disabled, Student

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do: I do pretty much whatever they ask me from cleaning to teaching/preaching. I also take care of anything technical. I am the official web-minister for our church.

Other info you wish to share: It would be easier if you asked me what you wanted to know. not sure there is a lot more to tell.
In love with RainbowJingles


Name: Jennifer

Screen Name: MsJennJenn, MsJJ, Fairycakes

Current Country: Texas :up2:

Current State: Texas

Age: 25

Hobbies:  Graphic design, painting, art, reading fiction novels, playing tennis, shoes (I have over 100 pairs)

Brief Salvation Story Raised in church. Got the Holy Ghost at 8, but re-got it at 14 when I KNEW I had received it.

Marital Status Single and very picky and very much in like with if I knew he felt the same....:up2:

Children: N/A

Pets: 2 chihuahua/jack russell mix....Chubbs is the boy (more jack russell) Sissy is the girl (more chihuahua). They are siblings and fight as such.

Occupation:  The boss of a District Office for CVS/Pharmacy a.k.a a bonafide assistant...currently seeking new and improved employment ...sigh

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do. worship leader, soloist, chorale, combined chorale, choir, hopefully soon Youth choir director (Lord willing), Youth Staff member, Graphic designer for a LOT of stuff, party planner/decor!

Other info you wish to share:  My favorite color is case you didn't catch that....haha...I LOVE to sing... :sing:...Pretty much never stop.... oh and I'm def learning somethings about the few that have posted already that I didn't know!  :teeth:
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Name:  Seth
Screen Name:  Chseeads or cheese head as I have been known online since time immemorial
Home State: Indiana
Current State:  Indiana

(Seth, confusion is a different type of state)  :P

Age: 32

Hobbies:  Bird farming.

Brief Salvation Story  I was raised in church, but didn't get in church till I was 18.  God started dealing with me stronger than ever and I finally gave in.

Marital Status Single, utterly and completely so.

Children:  I have nary a one.

Pets:  200-300 birds.  :)  lol

Occupation:  Working for the Government - aka Unemployed.  It's been a great ride!!!

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.  Yeah, pastor, organ player, piano player, singer, sound and audio visual man, janitor, event planner, purchasing agent, treasurer, etc. etc. etc.

Other info you wish to share:  My toilet is white.  And it's a nice tall one that's easy to sit on and get up and down, not one of those super low ones that if I ever use one like that somewhere I absolutely hate.  lol



Name: Tina

Screen Name: upcchris

Home State: NSW, Australia, yes I live Down Unda

Current State: (see above)

Age: somewhere between 20 and 30

Hobbies: video games, reading, watching movies (think I'm a couch potato? lol)

Brief Salvation Story: Very first time I went down the front to pray when the altar call was called. I went down to pray for another reason and that prayer turned into a prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Two of my sisters came down to pray for me and God answered my prayer. Praise God!

Marital Status: Single - waiting on God, the only one who I would want as my matchmaker - all other matchmakers/male yentas (you know who you are) will be duly pounded  :pound:. All matchmakers offline will get an embarrassed and uncomfortable Look.

Children: 0

Pets: 0  :-(

Occupation: Library worker

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do. I'm involved in Créche

Other info you wish to share: I'm not going to sing the matchmaker song from Fiddler on the roof.

Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be



Name: Bev

Screen Name:  Dew-Ax-238

Home State: OhioCurrent State: Ohio

Age: 40 something

Hobbies:work Fill-It-In puzzels

Brief Salvation Story  was raised Apostolic until age 8, then was in the Assemblies of God got the Holy Ghost at the age of 17, then on Aug 8,1996 found myself at an old fashion Pentecostal alter crying, the next thing I knew that I was being baptized in Jesus Name and never have been the same, the Lord got ahold of my life that night!

Marital Status  SINGLE

Children:none, but have 3 nephews that I adore

Pets: Cat-SUzie, Bird, Spout

Occupation: I am disabled due to Asthma.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do. A little bit of everything. Teach SS, clean the church, fill in on the media center, sound, nursing home ministry, anything that I can do for the Lord, I do!

Other info you wish to share: I just Love the Lord with all my heart. He has been SOOooo good to me. He has been mercyful to me. He is my everything!
Isaiah 43:2    
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee: and through the rivers, when thou walkest through the shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned: neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Quote from: upcchris on April 05, 2011, 04:29:14 AM
Name: Tina

Screen Name: upcchris

Home State: NSW, Australia, yes I live Down Unda

Current State: (see above)

Age: somewhere between 20 and 30

Hobbies: video games, reading, watching movies (think I'm a couch potato? lol)

Brief Salvation Story: Very first time I went down the front to pray when the altar call was called. I went down to pray for another reason and that prayer turned into a prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Two of my sisters came down to pray for me and God answered my prayer. Praise God!

Marital Status: Single - waiting on God, the only one who I would want as my matchmaker - all other matchmakers/male yentas (you know who you are) will be duly pounded  :pound:. All matchmakers offline will get an embarrassed and uncomfortable Look.

Children: 0

Pets: 0  :-(

Occupation: Library worker

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do. I'm involved in Créche

Other info you wish to share: I'm not going to sing the matchmaker song from Fiddler on the roof.

*Yoop can faintly hear the Lady singing*
"Matchmaker Matchmaker
Plan me no plans
IÃ,Â'm in no rush
Maybe IÃ,Â've learned
Playing with matches
A girl can get burned
Bring me no ring
Groom me no groom
Find me no find
Catch me no catch"


Feed The Bachelors 2010


Name:  Wayne
Screen Name:   :idea:  rootbeer

Home State:  Texas
Current State:  same

(Seth, confusion is a different type of state)

Age:  over 50

Hobbies:  piano, writing music, science fiction

Brief Salvation Story  My Dad was a UPC minister; I received the Holy Ghost at age 13.

Marital Status (This helps the Bachelors out there)  yes  oh - married

By the way - Single means Single, even if you are in a relationship

If your are single but in a relationship, say that you are Single but in a relationship.

If it is complicated, it is either a sin or not a relationship.  Either you are or you aren't! (Don't get me started)

Children:  4, 3 sons and a beautiful daughter, all married, finally

Pets:  Reba - a Sheltie;  Trixie - a poodle

Occupation:  utility plant operator;  previously, too many to mention.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.   I go when I'm not working

I have only met 2 or 3 people in person that have been on here.  I don't know Scott's real name or how old Sis is.  I attend a church that is UPC but several years ago I attended a church for about 6 months that was not UPC.  I like southern gospel and I prefer it fast and lively.  I don't like a lot of contemporary Christian music.  I also listen to bluegrass and some classical stuff.  I don't play classical but I am trying to learn one.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.


Name: Geri
Screen Name: um...Geri lol
Home State: Ohio
Current State: Ohio

Age: 28

Hobbies: Singing, knitting, baking, candymaking, anything crafty really.

Brief Salvation Story: I was raised in church, off and on. There were periods of time when my mother was very strict about standards and attending church and being involved, and others when we didn't go to church for a month, or my dad and I would go alone. When I started at a new church school, we started going to that church and I really started deciding to serve God because *I* wanted to. I had been baptised at my first church, and received the Holy Ghost at the new church. I was heavily involved in the youth group, though I wasn't accepted by many of the youth themselves. This "being a part, but not really" kind of thing, a continued until I went away to college where I was struggling with whether I even wanted to go to church anymore. Through GP chat, I met my now husband and I feel that God set up that meeting because I started going back to church, at first to spend time with a new friend, but once I was in the door, I started giving my life back to God, and feeling the fire again. I was renewed in God, and I praise Him for the direction He has led my life, and the people that He has put in it.

Marital Status: Happily married for 3 years. (Didn't consider myself single when I was in a committed relationship with my now spouse.....but that's just my opinion for what it's worth)

Children: One daughter turning 3 this June.

Pets: None, but would like to have a dog someday.

Occupation: Software tester extraordinaire. (ok, so I added the extraordinaire, but it just sounds better! lol)

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.
Yes I am. I am a Sunday School teacher to a group of 5-11 year olds, and finding lessons and activities to challenge and entertain all of them is next to impossible.  I am a member of the "praise team" (basically our choir but it's really small lol), and sing specials as well. My husband is the sound technician, so I help him out whenever I can too. I also help with special Sunday School presentations and am one of the candy makers for our annual Easter candy fundraiser. I love our church and have been blessed with the opportunity to be involved and accepted.

Other info you wish to share: "Brief" is a hard concept for me. LOL


One of the candy makers for the easter fundraiser hmm?  Do you perchance take mail orders?  :D
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Name: Niki

Screen Name: Niki

Home State: North Carolina. Yay!

Current State: North Carolina. Yay!

Age: 38

Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, walking in the woods at the park, photography, working on the family tree, my blog.

Brief Salvation Story: I was raised in the church. Received the Holy Ghost 8-7-83 at the age of 10 at my then church in Raleigh, NC (pastor Wayne Huntley). Baptized 8-10-83.

Marital Status: Married, but separated very much against my will. The husband backslid several years ago, then walked out in August 2009. As long as there is breath in his body I will not give up on him. I love him for better or for worse. This is the worst and I still love him with everything that is in me and am still faithful to him. No matter what. God brought us together and I believe God will bring him home.

Children: Sean (he'll be 14 on Saturday) and Kelly, age 11.

Pets: 3 cats - Sadie, Evie and Sam. A toy poodle named Pippin. And my husband's Jack Russell (about 5 months old) who is now living here most of the time instead of where my husband is staying with his sister. The dog's name is Milo. I gave him the middle name Aggravation. He chews up everything and annoys our other pets like crazy. They really  hate him. Our cat Evie, who has always been sweet and mild-mannered, literally attacks Milo to the point of drawing blood.

Occupation: Homemaker/Housewife/SAHM/Keeper of the Home.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do.

Other info you wish to share:

Like someone else said, ask me what you want to know. I can't think of anything right now.

When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


Quote from: Psalm_97 on April 05, 2011, 04:10:55 PM
One of the candy makers for the easter fundraiser hmm?  Do you perchance take mail orders?  :D

I very well could if the shipping was cost effective. ;-)

Chocolate suckers, shaped chocolate pieces (small bunnies and such), cake pops, chocolate covered pretzels, peanut butter eggs.....hungry yet? lol


Name: Heather aka Heather Awesome
Screen Name: autopartsgirl [formerly baristagirl]
Home State: Tennessee
Current State: still in Tennessee, I can't imagine leaving my awesome mountains here in the east

Age: 28

Hobbies: knitting, crochet, hula hooping, hiking, theatre

Brief Salvation Story: was shuffled to whoevers church that would give me a ride as a kid. was raised mostly Church of God by my aunt and uncle. Went to my first apostolic church when I was 18. Tomorrow is actually my HG b-day. Been in and out of church since then. Im in again and intend to stay that way.

Marital Status: Single [technically Divorced, but it's been quite a few years...]
Children: none!!

Pets: Topher, my 4 year old kitty cat.

Occupation: auto parts girl. i pull parts to send to other auto parts stores.

Are you involved in your church? Yep, I take up my spot on the pew. Just got back in so I'm just a saint in the pew for now  :cool:

Other info you wish to share: I think I'll save that for the sharing thread :)

Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


Name:  Ben James...

Screen Name:  BenJammin...

Home State:  Beautiful SE Oklahoma...

Current State:  Oklahoma - seriously, why would I want to leave???

Age:  Old enough to know better.  No, really, I'll be 44 this year...

Hobbies:  Spending time w/ my son, cooking, working too many hours in one week, fishing, practicing w/ my pitching wedge for when I get back on a golf course...

Brief Salvation Story:  I began attending an Apostolic church in July 1973 when I went to live w/ my aunt.  On December 31, 1979 (I was 12 1/2 yrs old) at a Watch-Night Service, Bro. John McDaniel (a very old man, even then) was preaching.  He preached a message about the love of God, and my young, tender heart wanted to experience that kind of love 1st hand.  I remember making my way to the altar and raising my hands, and the next thing I knew, it was like a weight had been lifted off me and I heard someone speaking in a language I could not understand...then, suddenly realized it was my voice.

Marital Status:Separated, in the process of a divorce after 17 yrs...

Children:  One son - Tommy, who will be 3 on June 6...

Pets:  None at this time...

Occupation:  Correctional Case Manager at an all-male Maximum Security Facility...

Are you involved in your church?  Not at this time...  If so, tell us what you do.  In the past I have been High School Sunday School Teacher, Youth Leader, Song Leader and worked w/ the Outreach Program.

Other info you wish to share:  I think this will be good for now...
"Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys." ~Anonymous~

"Courage is not the absence of fear; rather the understanding that something else is more important than fear" ~Ambrose Redmoon~


Name: Sarah Leigh.
Screen Name: Kloey.  Previously, it was Relevant_Grace.
Home State: Florida.
Current State: Florida.

Age: Twenty-seven.

Hobbies: Reading, swimming, jammin' out (of tune) in the shower, baking, going to church, and pretending "real" ninjas don't need sleep.

Brief Salvation Story: I was born two months prematurely.  Attended my first Apostolic service when I was released from the hospital at the tender age of two months old.  Obviously, I was right on time and I've been going strong since.  I've had my moments, but at the end of the day, I know He's my bread and butter.

Marital Status: Single.  Let it be known, though, that I'm perfectly willing to bite the bullet and marry as long as he's tall enough to reach things for me.  :freaky2:

Children:  I no longer have custody of my nephew, so technically, no, but he and I are a package deal.

Pets: I have two cute kitties, but don't be fooled.  Ms. Lady Ma'am and The Bebe Molly Sue are deadly.  Ms. Lady Ma'am disfigured my UPS guy, so he changed routes... :sadbounce:  They're the reason Lucifer took so long to rebel.  He was terrified of 'em, what with them being evil and all.

Occupation: Communications Officer/Trainer, VP of my local chapter of Crime Stoppers, and FT Ninja Empress of the Universe.

Are you involved in your church? If so, tell us what you do: Well, I'm transitioning from one church to another, so officially, I'm not involved in anything, but I am one mean worshipper.  Hell itself trembles when I get my praise on.  Not sure what the future holds for me at this new church, but come what may, "His will be done."

Other info you wish to share: I prayed for patience.  Ended up with road rage.

I am activated to pursue His kingdom, not for what it is, but for the absence found within.


Just think what you would have gotten had you not prayed for patience!!! :flamingmad:
"Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys." ~Anonymous~

"Courage is not the absence of fear; rather the understanding that something else is more important than fear" ~Ambrose Redmoon~