
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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dingbats can count to three in dingbats thread # 33

Started by JonathanHarper, May 16, 2008, 04:42:28 AM

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Some minds are like concrete
Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


oh Mel... should we just start every thread out with that being the 1st post?

You do have it already typed somewhere right?

~You will never save the world by being like the world~


Quote from: Just_in on August 19, 2008, 03:39:11 AM
oh Mel... should we just start every thread out with that being the 1st post?

You do have it already typed somewhere right?

I second that motion. . . I think they should put the "what's a dingbat" in the welcome email they send out , explaining who and what we are, however the who and what would be an email all in itself.  :frustrated:


Quote from: practicalme on June 25, 2008, 05:58:40 PM
OK, I'm sure everyone else already knows this, but tell me what makes you guys dingbats? ;)

Quote from: Sister_Mom on June 25, 2008, 06:18:46 PM
Actuallyl, I thin Melody gives the best answer on this one, especially since she was an "original" Dingbat.

But I'll try to satisfy your curiosity until she comes in with a more clear answer.

The Dingbats were originally a group of people who met up in Pensacola FL who found common ground when the "Ding"  :idea: became a "visible ding". When the light started coming on for the whole group, they all began to have understanding of hidden meanings and inside jokes and all around goofiness, the ding was visible everywhere and they became the Dingbats.
The group decided to stay in touch via GP and here they are were.  :-(

The Dingats were once thought to be a group of Floridians, but there was one in Texas and one in Indiana, then others wanted to be dingy...... er, ummmm, I mean, join the Dingbats, so now the Dingbats are from all over the states, and could become worldwide Dingbattiness. :silly:

Most of the Dingbats know each other in person, but many of them no longer post here and others have been adopted or didn't want to be adopted and became honorary Dingbats (truthfully, I think they are in Dingbat denial). So the commonality between the Dingbats? That remains to be the unanswered question.  :biglaugh: Maybe Melody can help there.  :freaky2:
Quote from: MelodyB on June 26, 2008, 08:49:39 AM
Ok..the Dingbats...

Yeah, in Aug of 2004, Justin and I went to Pensacola and met up with some friends of ours and went to Singles conference. We had a blast! And I took like 4 hours worth of hilarious video! It was awesome! During the course of the weekend, there were TONS of blonde moments provided by Jolene and Tiffany, and a few by my own self...when the light bulb did finally appear, we would shout "DING!" There are a few of those moments actually caught on the tape...

When the weekend was over, I convinced Jolene to join GP, and she did, Tiffany did too, but she fell by the wayside, and never posted after the first week. But Jolene was a staple here for quite awhile. She has since deserted us, but I will tell her to come back and make an appearance and post the picture of the 7 original Dingbats when I talk to her tomorrow. We made a thread here when we got back, and we called it the "Florida Dingbats" Thats how the name was born.

Since then, there have been many people here that we have convinced to become a Dingbat, but none have stuck around...Justin and I are the only remaining original ones that still post, with guest appearances by the one she will make tomorrow. :)

If I can ever get the Dingbat video on DVD, I will be posting the highlights of it on YouTube, and yall will have some awesome stuff to laugh at. :)

There yall go... TWO explainations. ;)

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: almondjoy on August 18, 2008, 01:15:19 AM
She didn't say "still small voice" :P

She said the "little VOICES"...that's plural   :hypocrite:
Maybe she's trinitarian...



We're leaving for vacation tonight. So I won't be back on here til Sept. 1st. I will miss ya'll! *HUGS*


Bye Jennie!! Have fun!!

Dont forget to stop by Florida! ;)

Or call me, that would be ok too...for now. :)
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



i had to read the last three post three times to get what was being said... oh well.  :smirk2:



Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


   She's growing. . . the tummy is getting larger... we're coming to Panama City tomorrow to do some grocery shopping and to see aunt Neil and aunt pat. . .maybe you could meet up with us at Sombreros.


That actually sounds like a great idear. I was supposed to go there for dinner tonight but plans were changed. My cousins couldnt come to Youth service. Call me tomorrow.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


The Purple Fuzzy


Thanks for a great visit Jonathan, and I was glad to see yall at church tonight.

I love that little baby bump! Her kicked me! ;) YAY!
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

The Purple Fuzzy


Yup! I ate a late lunch with Jonathan and Sissy yesterday, at Olive garden, then they came over to the house and we watched old videos and looked at pictures and then played Scrabble. Then we were gonna go to dinner, but the place we wanted was closed and we were not all that hungry anyway, so we parted ways...but I felt the baby move a LOT.

And Jonathan... Here is your N can you PLEASE take your turn now?  :laughhard: :laughhard:
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Well its official, World Culture Communication/ A Strategy for Crosscultural Evangelism class is boring. The same ole things are talked about every class which has caused me to bring my laptop and get on the internet and surf the web.

~You will never save the world by being like the world~


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?