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We can't go with out our fix - Scruff #6

Started by Backseat Radio, April 27, 2008, 05:49:06 AM

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Maybe you should just buy him a blue shirt!


A blue shirt won't help him get hotter unless it's blue flannel, and that won't get him hot enough to win the contest.  Nope.  He needs a heater.  That's my final answer.


lol  Do you brothers just set your razors permanently to "scruffy/not quite all the way shaved" or something??  lol 




Quote from: Tsalagi on May 12, 2008, 09:59:20 PM

Okay, that, right there^... You've got a very ornery twinkle in your eye. What were you up to?

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air



QuoteDo you brothers just set your razors permanently to "scruffy/not quite all the way shaved" or something??




Quote from: coolguy on May 12, 2008, 10:24:56 PM
QuoteDo you brothers just set your razors permanently to "scruffy/not quite all the way shaved" or something??



Razors are an invention of man (or woman). God prefers facial hair. Thank God. LOL


QuoteYou've got a very ornery twinkle in your eye.

I'm afraid I almost always have a very ornery twinkle in my eye lol

The left side is considerably more animated than my right.  I had a very very mild case of Bell's palsy, which is why I have a smirk or crooked smile unless I think about it :D


Dood, gimme a break. They're the kind that have to find a face in every abstract painting. Or is that you that has to find the face? uh, well, whatever. lolling


Quote from: TRAV on May 12, 2008, 10:28:44 PM
Dood, gimme a break. They're the kind that have to find a face in every abstract painting. Or is that you that has to find the face? uh, well, whatever. lolling


Wow...  makes for a very interesting contrast when looking at it from that perspective (covering one half at a time).  I looked at each side individually, and it's quite intriguing.  I also imagine that you're ornery even without that look in your eye, though.  :eyebrow:


Ooooh... that IS intriguing!
Quote from: RainbowJingles on May 12, 2008, 10:34:29 PM
Wow...  makes for a very interesting contrast when looking at it from that perspective (covering one half at a time).  I looked at each side individually, and it's quite intriguing.  I also imagine that you're ornery even without that look in your eye, though.  :eyebrow:


Quote from: Tsalagi on May 12, 2008, 10:27:12 PM
QuoteYou've got a very ornery twinkle in your eye.

I'm afraid I almost always have a very ornery twinkle in my eye lol

The left side is considerably more animated than my right.  I had a very very mild case of Bell's palsy, which is why I have a smirk or crooked smile unless I think about it :D

When? Lately?


you know, the other day i was people watching in the cafeteria.. and i was worrying about how off my face is with one side of my smile being so much bigger than the other half (not something i do all the time, not sure why i did that day, but was glad of what i learned). As more people walked by, i noticed first one person, and then another... and then i noticed that the longer i looked, the more people i saw that had little quirks, a droopy eye here, a slight lift on the left here, a dimple on the right here- but not on the left....

I started looking at everybody there, and what did i notice? Not a single person i looked at had a symmetrical face... one side (what i noticed most was the eyes... and i saw a lot more than i had ever realized) was always a little if not a lot of difference in between their 2 eyes. It literally suprised me. I knew there was a difference in the right and left side of most peoples face, but i didnt realize how well everyone really blends in with everyone else.

yeah, so about that scruff :freaky2:
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


I've noticed that before, too, Chel.  :-)  It's pretty rare that someone has a totally symmetrically balanced face.

The Purple Fuzzy

Quote from: SippinTea on May 12, 2008, 10:17:33 PM
Quote from: Tsalagi on May 12, 2008, 09:59:20 PM

Okay, that, right there^... You've got a very ornery twinkle in your eye. What were you up to?

Now that photo appears to show American Indian heritage...except I don't think indians have much scruff. ;)


The Cherokee and Kiowa among others grew beards, pre-European contact.

That's nothing, you should've seen pop's old folks.  Deep sunk eyes, super high cheekbones and noses the size of nebraska lol



  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


My right eye always squints. I hate that about myself. It ruins pictures. :smirk2:
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

The Purple Fuzzy


Quote from: sunlight on May 13, 2008, 05:13:19 AM
no it isnt!
Yeah, what mom said. Nebraska's a big thing to have hanging on your face. But I'm sure Soggy appreciated you for taking up for his cuteness anyhow.