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planning a wedding

Started by Heather, December 19, 2006, 09:06:13 PM

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I wore white satin slippers in my wedding and bought some for all of my maids too.  I wanted everyone to be comfortable.  I had stood in weddings with high heels before and didn't want my girls to have to go through that, rofl.


I bought new heels for my sisters wedding.  I seriously almost took them off in the middle of the ceremony.  I could barely stand it


Quote from: littlegal on January 07, 2007, 12:14:16 AM
I wore white satin slippers in my wedding and bought some for all of my maids too.  I wanted everyone to be comfortable.  I had stood in weddings with high heels before and didn't want my girls to have to go through that, rofl.

Were they all ok with that? I suggested that to my bridesmaids and they acted like I was imposing some great big tyranical law on them lol. *shrug* I'm a foot shorter than Tyler, gonna be shorter no matter what kinda heels I wear, might as well be comfy. I'm wearing ballet slipper thingys.


Amelia Bedelia

I think I'm gonna just save my bridesmaids from the whole ordeal and just run down to the courthouse...
use the money I woulda spent on setting up house
yep yep... maybe throw a good housewarming party afterwards instead...
and that way I won't be in such a rush to finish a reception and head off to the honeymoon...
I'd feel so bad for spending all that money and inviting everyone just to be wishing they would leave already.... 


I enjoyed my reception - I always love having all my family and friends together like that!! It was great!! I just made sure it finished around 9 so that there was plenty of time afterwards. Lots of people have receptions that finish at midnight - I didn't want that!! I was really happy with the length and everything - and I wasn't thinking the whole time "I hope this finishes soon" - I just enjoyed it while it lasted ;)

Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: nicolejoy on January 17, 2007, 02:39:11 AM
and I wasn't thinking the whole time "I hope this finishes soon" -
you're so nice and sweet and patient...

I'm not.  (well at least not all the time)

I'm going to be thinking "I hope this finishes soon" throughout the entire engagement/planning period... it won't matter if I'm engaged for 2 weeks, 3 months or 1 year... I'll be going "why didn't we set the date closer??"   


Maybe you're a perfect candidate for eloping ;)



My reception was great for the most part. Except my husband embarrassed me to death! He actually stuck his head all the way up under my dress to get the garter (or whatever it's called) lol. I was so embarrassed I went in the bathroom and cried for a min! LOL. It was pitiful.

Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: nicolejoy on January 17, 2007, 03:10:01 AM
Maybe you're a perfect candidate for eloping ;)
lol yeah, I think it would suit me
now watch, I'll end up marrying a guy that wants a big wedding   :roll:

now I should admit.. I used to daydream about a big fancy wedding and I used to draw up gown designs... but I've changed my mind in recent years

Quote from: Jennie-lynnie on January 17, 2007, 03:26:54 AM
My reception was great for the most part. Except my husband embarrassed me to death! He actually stuck his head all the way up under my dress to get the garter (or whatever it's called) lol.
:laughhard:  now see if moments like those could be guaranteed and I could be sure my groom wouldn't chicken out then I'd have a big reception and wedding just for all the shock value

I'm sorry it mortified you though


Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on January 17, 2007, 04:51:21 AM
Quote from: nicolejoy on January 17, 2007, 03:10:01 AM
Maybe you're a perfect candidate for eloping ;)
lol yeah, I think it would suit me
now watch, I'll end up marrying a guy that wants a big wedding   :roll:

now I should admit.. I used to daydream about a big fancy wedding and I used to draw up gown designs... but I've changed my mind in recent years

Maybe something along the lines of...the longer you wait the more impatient you get?  :updown:

:sing: I just wanna be with you
              Just want this waiting to be over
                     I just wanna be with you
                            And it helps to know the day is getting closer....
                                   Every minute takes an hour, every inch feels like a mile
                                          Til I won't have to imagine, and I finally get to see you smile... :sing:

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


QuoteMaybe you're a perfect candidate for eloping

Quote'm going to be thinking "I hope this finishes soon" throughout the entire engagement/planning period... it won't matter if I'm engaged for 2 weeks, 3 months or 1 year... I'll be going "why didn't we set the date closer??"   

"Viva.... Vivvvaaaa........"

Amelia Bedelia

I have books on how to plan a wedding and wedding bargains and blah blah blah and I have computer generated sketches of dresses and I used to have like a database of people that specialized in gowns and I had my side of the guestlist made up...

and the amount of money it would cost, even with all the bridal bargain book tips... is crazy for just a 20 minute ceremony, wear-once dress and fancy dinner party... and the only reason my extended family goes to weddings is to get sloshed... they would all be so disappointed... myself and the groom would be the only ones allowed to be 'besotted' LOL
my best friends from my life and childhood live far away and money is tight for them - they would either be unable to come or it would be a hardship

just wouldn't be practical and wouldn't be worth it for me... I'd rather pay closing costs or have a larger downpayment on a house or buy furniture... its taken me too long to build up my savings to blow it on a party  (esp. a party that I'm going to wish would hurry up and end!!!)

now if I marry a billionaire I might change my mind..... but I doubt it  LOL
or if I could get corporate sponsors.... but that can be tacky  lol


I was the opposite, Amelia - I NEVER thought about weddings hardly at all until I got engaged, then I HAD to think about it... I used to always say that I wanted to elope, but when it came down to it, I loved my wedding day, and my reception and I wouldn't have changed it at all... and even though it was expensive, and the money could have gone towards a house or furniture or something, I wouldn't change it for anything!!

I do think that sometimes eloping works better for some people, or for some people, it might work better to go to Fiji and come back married or something like that... (like an eloping holiday that you can invite your parents or close friends to, maybe 20 people or so)... it all depends on the individual situations...


I considered eloping, but Nick wouldn't hear of it.

What MAN doesn't want to elope!??  Come on, now!


Quote from: Elfin on January 17, 2007, 03:46:14 PM
I considered eloping, but Nick wouldn't hear of it.

What MAN doesn't want to elope!??  Come on, now!

Oooooo.......  *watches as BQnick gets BURNED.....*


LOL...........the ONLY reason we didn't elope is that our families would have Shot us!!!  So, we had a small ceremony at a bed and breakfast with 41 people in attendance.  It was GREAT!!!!!  We didn't spend a lot of money, but it turned out soooo pretty!!!


Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: Envelope on January 17, 2007, 04:03:41 PM
the ONLY reason we didn't elope is that our families would have Shot us!!! 
didja make them pay for it?

they can shoot me or pay for it  :grin:

I'll still be rushing for it to be over though... I know how I get
"Hi! So glad you could come! Bye!"   :biglaugh:


I'm the "all-inclusive Figi" type that NicoleJoy was talking about....a beautiful wedding without all of the stress... :great:


The only problem with that is that it costs a lot for your guests to go...

One of my friends married a girl and she was from Samoa, so when they got married, they did a Samoa wedding - but hardly any of their family/friends from over here could make it over there...


I was thinking about having pyrotechnics at my wedding just to make sure it was memorable...then again, just the idea that TRAV:is getting married would make it memorable an deven somewhat unbelievable for most of the population.

I don't know. Maybe I should have the party at a castle or something...


you mean a jumping castle? For all the kids??



although kids are a very cool idea. :thumbsup2:

Amelia Bedelia

kids are supposed to come at least 9 months AFTER the wedding

least thats what my mom always told me  :-\


okay, i have to confess i only read the last page or so and i only came in here because yesterday or the day before i saw trav and amelia both posting in "i kissed dating goodbye" and then today i saw them both posting in "planning a wedding".    :o

i just had to know if john had this investigation under control . .  .

although, it sounds like it's all ok since amelia wants to elope somewhere quickly and trav is looking for a castle. 

i don't think one can quickly get a castle . . . although i have heard of one reserved in france for such an occassion . . 

yeah, pyrotechnics is a good idea and whoever you marry ought to be wearing tennis shoes so she can duck from the papparazzi when needed.
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


Forgive me for being blonde, but what's pyrotechnics???? lol
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-