
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. -Steven Wright

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Cats like Sardines - It's Sharing 518!

Started by MsJennJenn, June 05, 2023, 03:54:29 PM

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Dragging here also. I don't want to be out of bed. And I'm afraid I might be getting sick.  :smirk2:

So glad it's Friday.
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Well. Saturday was enjoyable. Did flea market crawls with the wife after a nice breakfast at the Waffle House. While at the "Awful Waffle" I enjoyed talking to the staff who over 50% of have came/ been coming to church. My spirit was encouraged, especially when one informed me that not only would she be back hopefully tomorrow, her son, who doesn't really believe in ANYTHING to do with religion, had watch our service online, and now had questions. I made sure she had my number to give the young man, and I'll roll out to talk to him one on one anytime!
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

Backseat Radio

It's been an interesting day here. Bro Joseph, the media team leader at my church, preached the 10AM service this morning. Before reading his first scripture, he had tease me from the pulpit by telling the church...

"Sis Celestia's back there by herself this morning and she's a little worried about following me with the cameras. I told her not to worry about it because I'm not as energetic as Pastor is so I think she'll be ok"

The camera didn't give me any trouble while he was preaching, but the slider camera gave him payback during the 11AM service by dying on him several times.


I don't wanna work today. I don't wanna work any day.

I have an interview tomorrow for a position on the Caremark side. Also, still waiting on Aetna. Sigh.

Turkey day is just me and the hubbs. Just making a few favorites. Tators, corn, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, ham, macaroni. lol bought a walmart punkin pie. gonna make lemon crinkle cookies.

Boss is off Friday so I'll "work" bahaha.

My parents are coming for Christmas so...
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Shew. Day off. Rainy. Cold-ish. Spent the vast majority of the day cleaning out my shop and moving the Model A into it in preparation for an alternator swap. Tinkered a bit with Sam's grill. It's giving me heartburn- no holes line up. It keeps messing with me, I'll break out the drill bit set and MAKE it fit.
Cleaning on the house and about to make a meatloaf..
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


When no holes fit for me, either I'm putting it on upside down or I'm using the wrong part.

Considering what you know about cars, neither of these causes seems probable. But why would the holes not fit?
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

Backseat Radio


Quote from: Lynx on November 21, 2023, 10:52:49 AMWhen no holes fit for me, either I'm putting it on upside down or I'm using the wrong part.

Considering what you know about cars, neither of these causes seems probable. But why would the holes not fit?
The old trucks were assembled to a loose tolerance. While all parts look the same, there were variations- it wasn't computer controlled like now. Thus, parts can have holes a 1/4 " off- and that's before 70 years of abuse and grandpa ramming the barn by mistake. So basically, since I'm doing a 50 foot job, I have to make it look right, more so than focusing on exact to factory specs. While theoretically, the holes should be in the same places...they often aren't. Like Johnny cash said "when we put in the bolts all the holes were gone. But with a little help from an A-Dapter kit..."  :biglaugh:
It's much different redoing a 70-year-old truck and redoing a 25-year-old car....
I'm back at work. I've seen 4 of my scheduled 17 people today...the rest of the day should go by quick.  :laughhard:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

Made deer chili and waiting for the first batch of kiddos to arrive.


Yay for deer chili!

Even picky people love it... If you forget to tell them it has deer.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

Backseat Radio

I got eliminated in the first round of questions for potential jurors yesterday so I'm working the Black Friday setup at Walmart today


Shew. So over today. Ready to go home. I'm probably going to be totally antisocial and plead feeling poorly instead of going to family Thanksgiving with Lou tomorrow. I'm simply peopled out....

I AM going to throw a turkey on tonight and let it slow smoke over night.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


I'm about to clock out early.

I was supposed to go back to my ceramics class today at 430 cus the bowls I made Monday cracked  :'(
but since i'm off early i asked her if i could come sooner. waiting on a response.

hubbs is at work until probs midnight or one getting ready for black friday.

Might pull out the christmas trees.

hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Decent day. Good turkey. Just got back from Little rock- had an elderly saint have an amputation and I had to go check on her..
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Due to schedules of different family members, we are having Thanksgiving tonight.

I have to w*rk today, so I boiled the eggs last night and will mix up the deviled egg filling this morning. Cream cheese, a touch of blue cheese, a dash of vinegar and a sprinkle of basil... That will make a good deviled egg this time, I think.

Best part about deviled eggs - making a sandwich with the leftover filling.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I did my deviled eggs like Mom does: the yolk all smashed, dash of mustard, mayo, salt/pepper, splash of Worcestershire, and a splash of pickle juice. Delicious.  :clap:
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Quote from: MsJennJenn on November 24, 2023, 02:38:43 PMI did my deviled eggs like Mom does: the yolk all smashed, dash of mustard, mayo, salt/pepper, splash of Worcestershire, and a splash of pickle juice. Delicious.  :clap:
That would also be good.

I do mine a different way each time.

I found pickled pepper juice is pretty good to use in deviled eggs. Only problem now is, what to do with the pickled peppers. I don't like them.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Purple Fuzzy

Deviled eggs sound good. My kiddos left this morning. I still have a little chocolate pie and sweet potato pie left. Everything else went with the kiddos.


Still got alot of turkey and dressing left. All else is pretty much history. Did alot of nothing today. Enjoyable..
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Everyone disappear? Or just too full to speak?
Yesterday Lou and I enjoyed some Black Friday shopping. It may be black friday for retailers as they are finally making a profit, but for my bank account it's black friday for a different reason. Lawd. It's turned into a depression...

Got home, did some decorating- fancied up the window boxes with greenery, poinsettias and bows; put up the "M&M" cutouts that are our family tradition; and made a delicious banana pudding.
Today- taught Sunday school to a record crowd, since Bro Clayton was sick. Unfortunately, it was NOT the record crowd I wanted- it was a record low. Sixteen. From a church that usually has 35 to 40, and recently has been closer to the 50s.
I hope they come tonight.
I'm at the office, studying.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

Just spent yesterday recuperating and today I'm trying to get things back in order. I've already washed 3 loads of bedding/towels.


Got all of my indoor Christmas decor up. It's been too cold to do the outside stuff. And I need payday cus I think I'm gonna need another extension cord.

Thanksgiving was quiet over here. Just me and the hubbs. And he went to work at midnight Thanksgiving night. They did 350k on black friday. With the normal average of other stores in his district doing 150k. lol The store here is always sooo busy.
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


Quote from: Roscoe on November 26, 2023, 05:26:50 PMEveryone disappear? Or just too full to speak?
Grandma dislocated her shoulder.
I have gone to w*rk and come home.
I have gone to church and come home.
Grandma averages 30 times per 10 minutes asking the same question over and over.
That's about it.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Ouch Lynx that sounds fun.

Taking a 1/2 day today to drive back to Dallas. I need to see a dr and earliest I could see one in new town was Jan 30th and I'm having pain/issues. So hubbs made me make an appointment with old dr to see her sooner. Bleh.
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-