*GASP* Chel and Burrito are Taking the Dive in Sharing 485!

Started by mini, July 17, 2013, 05:55:13 PM

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The Purple Fuzzy


Quote from: Newsman on July 26, 2013, 09:49:58 AM
My two bananas and peanuts w/ diet dr. pepper for late/early snack-meal don't sound as good now.

Leaving on vacation shortly. Roscoe, I'm coming thru your area later this morning if you habve nothing going on, I coulod mjeet yopu for late breakfast early lunch in Morrilton or Conway. I'm on my way with a changed route, of course... Currently I'm planning on heading over to Tennessee to Shiloh. Isaac, I don't now what part of TN you live in.

I may go to Texas next week, and there seems like there is something going n there two weeks from tomorrow, if memory serves me correctly! :)
Southwest TN.  If you go through Jackson, lemme know.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I saw something that would make any car enthusiast cry.  A guy used a pair of vice grips in place of a missing steering wheel. 
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Cleaning house. My brother and his family will be here tomorrow morning. Well, tonight actually, but they are going to the hotel tonight...I may meet them there and go swimming.... but they will be here tomorrow at the house so I gotta get it straight.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Oh...and the dumb stupid idiot excuse for a dog peed on dads brand new recliner last night.

I hate him.

Have I mentioned that lately?
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Get a cat.  My mother has had cats for the entirety of my life, and we have never had that problem with them. :cat:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Purple Fuzzy

She HAD a cate but it died. She can't get rid of the dog cause its her mom's.

Backseat Radio

when I was a kid my family had a cat that would poop on the couch rather in the litter box


I would rather have a cat. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Im just waiting for the day he keels over and I convince mom into another cat.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


And Im upset at my brother. Which my distress will be immediately relieved when I see my Niece tomorrow...but still.

We were supposed to go swimming. SO he calls when he gets in town and says the are here, and to get ready, they are gonna grab some food, and then call me to meet them at the hotel. So I get all ready, shower and stuff and I even cut a pair of my sweats to make some long swim shorts for myself cause I wont be caught dead in a swim suit...not just cause of modesty issues either...*cough*

So Im ready and waiting and waiting and waiting, and I finally decide to call him back and see if he forgot about me or whatever, and he says that they JUST got to the hotel (By then its 10pm) and that they ate too much at the restaurant and so they might still go swimming, and when they get in the room and talk it out they will let me know.

He hasnt called back yet. I gave up. He could have at least called and said they decided not to. no big. But dont say you are gonna call and then leave me hanging. I HATE THAT. (in any situation)

I havent been swimming in over 5 years. I was really looking forward to it, and now Im just disappointed.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I could loan you my cat. With her track record in hunting, she would probably assume the dog was a small rabbit and dispatch it for you.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


If I understand it right, the Catholic Church has now decided to get into a sort of banking business.  I find this interesting with the times we are living in. That is just starting in England, I believe.


Melody, don't the hotel pools close at 10?  It's been years since we've been swimming at one but I don't think they were open all night. Not nice of him to leave you hanging either way.

Other news:  God is still providing but Nathan needs a steady job soon. He applied for one at which he is qualified and would be decent money. They are still reviewing apps they said. We want the Lord's will more than anything.

Got the Pentecostal Herald in the mail today. I had to put it down it stirred me so much. They have really rose the quality of that magazine.


Ever since I got my license I've been getting a variety of magazines.  The Herald is pretty good, I must say.

About the banks, I thought the Vatican had its own bank for some time now.  I could be wrong though... I can't remember where I heard it.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


:hi: Chey is 7 years old today. Lord, she is growing up fast. Had a wonderful visit with Newsman yesterday as he floated through our area, bringing rain with him.....today I must go endure the day at the inlaws for Chey's birthday party. They are wonderful people, but I am weird and uncomfortable around more than a few people. Bah.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


You seemed to hold your own when us wingnuts descended on your fair town, and we were more than a few.
Quote from: Roscoe on July 27, 2013, 01:52:23 PM
Had a wonderful visit with Newsman yesterday as he floated through our area, bringing rain with him.....
So THAT'S why we have a forecast of isolated thunderstorms!  Hope it doesn't interfere with our plans.  Shiloh is a rather large park and we will probably be there most of the day.  Newsman will have to do most of the talking though, I know little about the civil war.  They got a museum, movie, live demonstrations of old rifles, trails all over the place, etc, etc, etc...

Speaking of museums... does it seem suspicious to anyone else that Bobby chose to live so close to a car museum?  Hmm...  I'm sure it's just a coincidence. 
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Mel-come to TN and I will take you over to Bobba's pool. That's where we swim. Private back yard. Fire pit. She is constantly feeding us. Its nice.

Meller-The beginning of this week was nuts at work. We couldn't figure it out then a lady who works at the [human] hospital pointed out it was the full moon. I never believed in anything that went along with the 'full moon' theories until I started working at CVS years ago and now especially at the animal hospital. It makes people cray cray....

Some issues around my house have been resolved. Brandon is now driving his 'new' car. I got to drive it yesterday after he had his eye exam. SO much easier to drive than that horrid Prelude. Teresa will no longer be visiting at our house. As soon as Mike gets his car [in the next few weeks to month] he will be going to see her at her house. She still hates me for some reason. Told Brandon the other day she liked it better when he dated this one girl from high school 10 years ago for 3 months. She apparently buttered Teresas bread the right way. Of course that relationship was also fueled on drug use....

Why do I keep getting crazy families who hate people who go to church?!?!?!? [mine included!!!!]
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


Quote from: Psalm_97 on July 27, 2013, 02:01:44 PM
You seemed to hold your own when us wingnuts descended on your fair town, and we were more than a few.
That was different. YOU were all weird too,and thus cancelled out MY weirdness. These are- gasp- normal people. Well, mostly. Except for a few quirks. :lol:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


There is no canceling out weirdness. You just didn't notice it because you are also weird.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Just got home from a wedding. I'm usually not a crier but I boo hoo-ed.
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


This under-collar shoulder pocket totally pwns shirt front pockets, for the simple reason that my phone doesn't fall out when I bend over to pick something up from the floor.  I should have gotten shirts like this years ago.

In local news, Newsman has landed, we saw a cannon fired, saw a lot of other cannons and watched a movie that gave a 50 minute overview of the battle of Shiloh. 

Newsman claims he doesn't know a lot, but if you get him started talking he actually knows quite a bit.  (Don't tell him I said that though.)
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


 Speaking of Newsman.....

He doesn't really look like he is the "Grumpiest of Grumpies" here..... In fact, he looks spectacularly UNGRUMPY. Of course, a pic with a princess will tend to make most men ungrumpy..... :P
And for the facebook challenged.....here's a pic of Princess' Birthday present. And yes, she picked it out- she just has  the good taste to prefer the retro side of life, like Daddy. :P
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


I had one like that! Only I had a banana seat and streamers!
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?