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Started by MJinAK, October 05, 2010, 09:35:36 PM

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I find it kind of funny that this is a section all about health and there isn't a single thing about this. Is there anyone else out there who either is or has a family member or good friend that is an amputee? Once there are ten replies, I will tell my dad's story.


My dad lost both legs to diabetes.

This area has been cleaned out several times, so all the older stuff is gone.

Why are you surprised that nobody posted about amputees? It's not on the average person's mind unless someone they know has had one.

BTW!  Welcome to the nuthouse.


I guess I just figured that with so many ppl on here others would havetalked about it... Thanks for the welcome!


Not sure anyone else has encountered it. Not a bad subject, though.


Mel's dad has had toes amputated.  And we did all talk about that, just in a different thread. :grin: not one dedicated to it.

I have a lot of amputated friends. I am a nurse. :grin:
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Oh, ok. My cousin's a nurse...


I've got several friends that are amputees. I never felt compelled to chat about it. *shrug* Doesn't seem that important. It fact, most of the time I forget they're "missing" pieces of themselves.

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


I know, yeah that. :grin: It's good that people's real worth isn't dependent on whether they have a "whole" body or not. :grin:
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Yeah, I guess I'm just interested in the field of medicine... To some degree


It's quite an interesting field... there is always something new to be learned, that's for sure!
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


And now there are 10 replies... tell us your dad's story...
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


So 11 years ago, this december, my parents were on their way home from a ministers retreat of some sort. They were the only ones in the car. It hit black ice and they started sliding, my mom was able to correct it, this happened again.

The third time, she couldn't correct. The car hit the guardrail and went into the ditch rolling 3 times. My mom was pushed under the steering wheel by the airbag. The force was so great that my dads door came off and his shoelaces came out but his shoes stayed on his feet.

Eleven feet of guardrail ended up in the car with them, coming in and twisting up between them going out through the windsheild, coming in again and stopping an inch away from my dads chest.

The next day they amputated his right leg just below the knee  and it was a long fight to keep the left leg.


I love my miracle-working God!


and how has he adapted to it? how does he get around?
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


He has an prosthetic leg, and beleive it or not works on an oil platform with 9 flights of stairs... It turned out that they got three families into church by witnessing to the nurses at the hospital.


I agree with Ruby. I know lots of people who are missing this or that, but I just don't think about it. It's not who they are, I forget mostly.

Like Chel said, my Dad is missing some toes due to being a diabetic. But eventhough I see home daily, I almost forget sometimes and I'll catch a glimpse of his foot sometimes propped on the coffee table with his sock off and it will startle me cause I had forgot! LOL
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


aww man! I meant to ask to see it and I forgot!
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


He would have showed you!!

You can see it next time! :)
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I always forget that Anna's legs are fake until she makes her sister Marsha mad and Marsha steals them. [and yes. this is a true story.]
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


My cousin and her fiancee were taking a shortcut to the downtown arena. They had just picked up her engangement ring and were going to a concert.  They were cutting through the railroad yard. He went under the coupling between two trains. She didn't want to but followed. The train started and cut off her foot at the ankle. When she was in the hospital, he came in and broke up with her. He said he didn't want to live with a cripple. Lovely, huh? 

She was just out of high school, too.  That was several years ago. She's done fine. She's a nurse, and walks without even a limp.


Oh, wow... That's so sad!  :cry:


Quote from: MJinAK on October 05, 2010, 09:35:36 PM
I find it kind of funny that this is a section all about health and there isn't a single thing about this. Is there anyone else out there who either is or has a family member or good friend that is an amputee? Once there are ten replies, I will tell my dad's story.

My dad had his right leg amputated in 2007. He had a blood disorder that caused blood clots. He died March 20, 2009 - 9 days before my 23rd birthday. He got around pretty well with just his left leg. He tried using a prosthetic leg but it hurt too bad. After his surgery, they found that they had not cut the bone down enough so he had to have another surgery to correct it. It was pretty hard on him and the last year of his life was spent almost 100% in a wheelchair. He had a good sense of humor with it all though :)