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Started by Michae1, August 20, 2010, 03:46:14 PM

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After a cursory reading... it doesn't "feel" right. Not going by emotions, but something doesn't jive.

I'll really study it when I get time and respond then.

Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?


While I understand and can go along with the posters definition of "noah's ark", I do not agree with the rest of the post.

The beast with seven heads and ten horns being Israel... can't see it Biblically. The Book speciffically says this beast is the forth/final one that subdues the entire world. The Book calls this beast - and the satanic system - Babylon. Israel is never called Babylon! Is/has she been overcome and ruled by Babylonish methods? Yes. Is she a member - as is the rest of the world governments - of Babylon? Yes. Is she identified as Babylon? No. He's wrong on this.

The Book says that the last week will conclude with the coming of the Messiah; Son of David; King of Israel; to rule the Earth. IF this week had truly begun in 1993 & ended in 2000 - why are we not being ruled physically by Jesus Christ?

No, he is flagrantly in error here.

I do not see any need to go on. While the situation between the Israeli's and Palestinians may share some hint of what is coming through the door; it in no way fulfills the entire scripture.

Sorry Michael. You need to chuck this and allow the Holy Ghost to truly give you understanding.

Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?


Have a nice day.


Quote from: Michae1 on August 22, 2010, 10:10:29 PM

Without actually quoting your words onli-one-jehovi, this is a reply to them.

Today I sat down, for the first time in all my years, to actually explain in detail how I arrived at my conclusions. It is a pretty lengthy presentation and it requires examples to be given.

This was to be another letter, which quite possibly would have been posted everywhere just like "Our Noah's Ark." Also, since we are fast approaching the days I have been waiting for, I believe it will not be of much use anyway as I have already stated the high points.

Why did I bother to write this post reply? I thought it was so peculiar, that you might be interested. M

Well, thanks for attempting to answer. I was looking forward to a bit more detailed explanation.
Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?


it sounds more like trying to fit events into scripture rather than holding the integrity and totallity of scripture up.  While the details of prophesy seems veiled often until hindsight, it is never so complicated.  I'm having a hard time believing that fulfilled scripture can only be caught by those who scrutinize news, rather than hold a Biblical world view & weigh major events.


Have a nice day.


Ascertions w/o scriptural back up. It's not that you disagree with mainstream preachers per se, I don't agree 100% with them either. It's that there is absolutely zero scriptural witness. And if I remember correctly - Arafat didn't form the PLO {palestinean liberation army} until late 1967. And the Arab nations have been in a constant state of war with Israel beginning 1948 - not 1967. The Palestineans are the new kids on the block. The ones the Arab nations refuse to assimulate for political reasons.

No, still incorrect on this. Gonna have to have way more believable conjecture than so far presented. come up with some meaningful scriptural/physical backing and I'll consider it.

Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?


Have a nice day.


Quote from: onli-one-jehovi on August 23, 2010, 08:47:55 PM
Ascertions w/o scriptural back up. It's not that you disagree with mainstream preachers per se, I don't agree 100% with them either. It's that there is absolutely zero scriptural witness..............No, still incorrect on this. Gonna have to have way more believable conjecture than so far presented. come up with some meaningful scriptural/physical backing and I'll consider it.
I'm just curious. Does anyone else have a different opinion, or does everyone feel the same way as onli-one-jehovi? I am referring to the quote that I have absolutely zero scriptural witness.  M



After reading your application of Scriptural prophecies to current events, it seems to be that you're going to great lengths to try to make the Scriptures "fit" - but in the end, there really isn't a match.

In my opinion, when the fulfillments of the prophecies finally come, it won't be necessary to try to make the fit happen: it will be apparent to Spirit-filled students of the Scriptures how the prophecies are being fulfilled.

Of course, that's just my opinion.  We won't really know exactly how the prophecies will be fulfilled until it actually happens.
"You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."
- Augustine


Have a nice day.


I have to agree, nothing in the first post fits prophecy in the Bible.  Every time a disaster happens some people start proclaiming "end-time!"  Every time a dictator rises to power someone declares him to be the antichrist.  And every time they do they yank verses out of context and say those verses prove they are right.  Me, I'm not going to bother looking for the bad things because I don't have any interest in being part of them. 

We are given prophecy to guide, and in this case the Bible clearly tells us why the prophecy was given.  The Bible specifically says that when you see these things happening to look up, for your redemption is drawing near.  The Bible does NOT say to track evil and predict who will do what.  That does not profit anybody anything - the believers already believe and the unbelievers will not be scared into church by such. 

One thing that always bugs me about people who keep predicting gloom and doom end-time stuff, they never tell people what we can do about it.  It's the same thing that bugs me about conspiracy theorists.  Shouting "Something is wrong!" is no good if you can't tell people what to do about it.  In this case are we supposed to be doing something to stop these end-time events?  If so, what?  Should we be building bunkers and stocking them with provisions? 

The charge leveled by someone else about trying to make scripture fit seems valid too.  When prophecy is fulfilled no stretching will be needed to make prophetic scripture fit.  Consider the prophecies about Israel becoming a nation.  For years and years theologians tried to figure out what they meant.  I mean really, a literal nation of Israel reforming was totally ludicrous.  But if it didn't mean what it literally said, what did the Bible mean?  There was a lot of stretching of scripture to try to fit different theories back then.  Then one day we woke up and - well, whataya know, the Jews have come together and there is a nation of Israel again!  No, we won't need to wonder "IF" a prophecy pertains to something going on today.  When it happens it will be as clear as a bell, just like all things prophesied that have already happened are clear.

Speaking of stretching scripture to "fit" current facts... Anyone remember a book titled "88 reasons why the rapture will be in 1988"? 
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Well, wisdom & scripture tells us to be looking for the warning signs preceding Jesus' return. The fact that they are predominantly "bad things" is simply a testament against a sin-filled society. How can we know our redemption draws near if we cannot be bothered to watch for the signs? Since men's hearts will be failing for fear of the things coming upon the earth – shouldn't we be able to give reason for the hope we possess? Shouldn't we be ready with the correct answer to "Why is this happening?" Tracking the evil and comparing a predictable course to scripture, gives witness to the validity of the Word of God.

No, we can't stop these events, but what we must do is: Get prepared! Scripture warns us that physical preps will profit little and only for a short time. Stocking up provisions is a wise and prudent thing to do. At the rate our money is being inflated, saving a few pennies just might make a difference. Only for a short time, though. No matter what, our trust must be 100% upon the LORD.

Our message is that of John the Baptist: Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Nothing is more important than being spiritually prepared. All other things will pass away.

The point of all gloom & doom end-time stuff is to complete the refinement process in the saints. We've all been asleep. We've all awoken to lamps needing trimmed. The journey to the Bridegroom is taking us out into the darkness to meet Him. Only the wise have the oil to illuminate the shadows. The foolish brought no oil and cannot comprehend the hour. Such see current events through the lens of the past; it's always been this way and will continue to be so. For them, prophetic signs and fulfillments are not connected to daily events. 

According to scripture – deception will rule the hour. Having not a love for the truth will cause many to be deceived. Most people – including saints – will not see fulfilled prophecy "clear as a bell". Jesus specifically gave us the timeline of His return. He said the generation that sees the fig tree blossom will not pass away till all things are fulfilled. A generation is 70 yrs according to Psalms and 1947-48 was the blossoming of the fig tree Israel. That puts His return no later than 2017-18. In spite of that, many – if not most – Christians continue to view His return to be "someday". Thus is fulfilled scripture that says: To those who do not watch, I will come as a thief in the night. In a moment you looked not for me. We can't afford not to watch, in spite of the bother.

Yep, "88 reasons" is another case of a slumberous virgin not yet having added new oil. Besides clarity coming the closer we get to the end; failure to study and comprehend scripture and its types, easily led to this fiasco. And still does, to a degree.

The Feasts of Passover and Pentecost were fulfilled to the day at His first appearance. The Feasts of Trumpets will also be fulfilled to the day at His second appearance. These feasts occur in the Fall of the year. Types and shadows reveal hidden truth.

Jesus said He would return on the last day. There are seven days in a week {according to creation} each lasting 1000 years. We've already passed six of them and begun the seventh in 2001. He also resurrected from the dead on the third day. He's been gone two days {2000 years} and begun the third. Hmm... seven days – six are over; three days – two are over. 2001 began the seventh day from Adam and third day from Christ. Returning on the last day of the week and resurrecting on the third. Maybe all these calamities increasing in intensity {like birth pangs} at this time really do mean something. Maybe it's not like it's been before. Maybe we all need to examine ourselves and get our spiritual house in order. It looks like the climax of mankind's history is about to occur.

While the picture is constantly being fine-tuned and brought into focus, there is absolutely no doubt we are in the season of His return to physically establish the Kingdom of God on earth. We are the last generation.
Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?


Quote from: Michae1 on March 28, 2011, 07:16:43 PM

   If anyone takes this thread seriously, now would be a good time to start watching.

I take the warning signs seriously, not the original conclusion. Regardless though, the Islamic caliphate is growing daily. We could see the Ez, Obadiah, Psalms 83 war before long.
Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Young man, how is it that you do not?