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Why is there an Elder Bachelor's Association and not an Elder Bachelorette's??

Started by Jallen, March 16, 2009, 05:00:07 AM

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Quote from: SippinTea on March 17, 2009, 12:44:25 AM
And right there we have the number one reason some men never marry.

No, I'm not being rude. I'm being serious.

When every woman is equal to you, and none stand out... well, *shrug* why SHOULD they pay you any special attention? Ya know?

Just a thought.

It's easy for you to criticize... you probably grew up in the church. For some of us who are First Generation Apostolics it's not so easy to open up to someone... not only to them but especially to their family, because a marriage is a family affair.


Quote from: MelodyB on March 17, 2009, 04:01:17 AM

THATS why I HATE the edit!! I had it all figured out, and posted before I saw YOUR post, and now it looks like I copied you, and I told us that we were resourceful young ladies, and to figure it out, and I DID, and now it looks like I didnt.

No, the little "time edited" mark proves you beat me, lol. I'd even forgotten the paperclip avatar...wonder what that was all about??


Ahh, to venture where I probably should not! :)

Fair Lady (SippinTea, not Jallen),

   When I read his response, I thought it was a courteous kind of flirtatious line that a man who wants to keep his options open gives in the presence of a group of Ladies, and well-delivered, at that!

   Also, perchance to him, and other Apostolic men, ALL Apostolic women DO stand rays of beauty in a shadowed that so ill for a man to think? That he has not come to the point yet, where One of those Ladies shines forth with an extra beauty, especial to his perception?

   I think I've shared with you the theory one writer had about Sir John Chandos that he felt might explain why the stedfast knight never married..but how many Apostolic men of ripe old age do you know, that have never been married?

   Nwlife and myself you have met; Vince (World Traveller,) you have seen post.. but the number of men 30+ in the Apostolic ranks who never married, I would venture, would be an exceedingly small percentage of the overall male population in church.

John  :waving:

Quote from: SippinTea on March 17, 2009, 12:44:25 AM
Quote from: Jallen on March 16, 2009, 10:23:44 PM
Quote from: RainbowJingles on March 16, 2009, 10:06:36 PM
And most importantly... who do you want to be raffled off to?
Oh, I'm not too picky... I'll let you ladies hash it out amongst yourselves... in a garden of flowers, who can choose?  :teeth:

And right there we have the number one reason some men never marry.

No, I'm not being rude. I'm being serious.

When every woman is equal to you, and none stand out... well, *shrug* why SHOULD they pay you any special attention? Ya know?

Just a thought.



Quote from: Newsman on March 17, 2009, 04:57:41 AM
    When I read his response, I thought it was a courteous kind of flirtatious line that a man who wants to keep his options open gives in the presence of a group of Ladies, and well-delivered, at that!

   Also, perchance to him, and other Apostolic men, ALL Apostolic women DO stand rays of beauty in a shadowed that so ill for a man to think? That he has not come to the point yet, where One of those Ladies shines forth with an extra beauty, especial to his perception?
True, on both counts.
I want to marry but if I never do I'll still be satisfied... because the Holy Ghost means more to me than all this world could ever be. And if I could trade this Holy Ghost for the harems of Solomon it would be no contest. I love the Lord; He is all I need.


And as a note of frivolity in all of that Jallen...

Can you imagine what it would've been like in Solomon's harem?

That many women all and only one man.     And it was probably catty, mean spirited and YUCK

*shudders at the thought*



Quote from: Chinadoll on March 17, 2009, 01:59:38 PM
And as a note of frivolity in all of that Jallen...

Can you imagine what it would've been like in Solomon's harem?

That many women all and only one man.     And it was probably catty, mean spirited and YUCK

*shudders at the thought*

I hear what you're saying, and if you put a group of 21st century American women in that arrangement then yes, I believe it would be hard for them (American women have more in common with Spartan women than Middle Eastern women).
But I don't believe it was that way in Solomon's court. The Queen of Sheba, after seeing all that Solomon had and did, said even his servants who waited his table were blessed.... so clearly the harem wasn't a place of misery. Lots of factors to consider.


Quote from: Newsman on March 17, 2009, 04:57:41 AM
   When I read his response, I thought it was a courteous kind of flirtatious line that a man who wants to keep his options open gives in the presence of a group of Ladies, and well-delivered, at that!

Perhaps you're right, Sir John. :)

Even so, I stand by my original statement that men shouldn't be surprised when they don't get the individual attention they want when they use that approach. But I'm looking at it with a female brain, and who said they're always right anyway? Not this gal, that's for sure. ;) 

Quote from: Newsman on March 17, 2009, 04:57:41 AM

Your mileage may vary?


"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Quote from: Sis on March 17, 2009, 01:34:22 AM
Yeah, be a sunflower in the garden.

Sunflowers are pretty!!!

Hmmm, I wonder what type of flower I am.... or do we get to pick?  :biglaugh:

Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.


Quote from: Newsman on March 17, 2009, 04:57:41 AM
Ahh, to venture where I probably should not! :)

Fair Lady (SippinTea, not Jallen),

   When I read his response, I thought it was a courteous kind of flirtatious line that a man who wants to keep his options open gives in the presence of a group of Ladies, and well-delivered, at that!

   Also, perchance to him, and other Apostolic men, ALL Apostolic women DO stand rays of beauty in a shadowed that so ill for a man to think? That he has not come to the point yet, where One of those Ladies shines forth with an extra beauty, especial to his perception?

John  :waving:

That is so sweet John!!!  Awwwwww! :grin:
Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.


Middle Eastern women are more catty than we Americans. I was surprised at the gossip and backstabbing that goes on after the hugging and welcoming.  They put American women to shame when it comes to cattiness.


I don't think women have changed that much over the centuries.

Not to malign my own gender but women can be very backstabbing and catty.

I wouldn't have liked to hang in that harem.



*hugs* John for his kind ways of speaking an easily prickly subject. Something else I like about Newsman, he doesn't take things too personally and tries to stay objective and gentlemanly even when he disagrees!


Quote from: Chinadoll on March 17, 2009, 10:34:54 PM
I don't think women have changed that much over the centuries.

Not to malign my own gender but women can be very backstabbing and catty.

I wouldn't have liked to hang in that harem.


I agree with ya, Nai! It's the nature of someone who is a bit more emotional than their counterparts.


Probably to answer your question, is
1. women don't generally admit to ever aging
2. they deny they are aging to their dying day
3. they haunt anyone who ever said they were aging.

where does the elder bachelorette's have their meetings?

Any singles retreat that is ever organized!!  They usually are the only ones who show up! :hypocrite: :laughhard:
Only through faith in the Grace of God through Jesus Christ am I saved. No other means and no other actions changes the predestination of my soul.

UPDATE:  I finally did find my wife.  Just waiting now to bring her to the USA!


You don't know much about women, do you?   I'm 105 and proud of it.


Quote from: nwlife on March 18, 2009, 02:12:57 AM
Any singles retreat that is ever organized!!  They usually are the only ones who show up! :hypocrite: :laughhard:
Is that true?? I need to start going to those things!


I've shared this before, but...

Not long after I got in church (I was already 25, for those of you who don't know me,) and may have been that same year, a couple of the Ladies from our church went to a singles retreat here in OK.

It turned out there  were 77 women, and Four men... and I Wasn't One Of Them!

Arrggghhhh!!!!! :flamingmad:

John  :waving:



What's keeping you from other retreats?  The numbers might be in your favor, still!


Lady Sis,

   That is rather a pet peeve of mine, and I'm in what I think is either a sizeable yet silent minority, or perhaps even a majority.

   I feel too many of our singles events are set up as church functions for singles. I think they are meant with absolutely the best of intentions, but not organized fom a 'singles' perspective so much as an organized church event.

   Now, I'm not advocating wild and liscevious behaviour, far form it.

   Here's an example, though probably an extreme one, of a singles retreat I attended; registration was early to  mid-Friday afternoon..I should have been there earlier, and gotten more chat time in..late afternoon was choir practice, we had our banquet, then church service..the minister stressed there was no reason anyone should be out after midnight, which put somehting of a crimp in my normal staying up til the early morning hours with other singles, playing games, laughing, I go back to the cabin before midnight.

   The next morning, the same minister asks how many were still up.out after midnight..then said he knew how it felt, or something close to that. That morning, breakfast, then first church sercice, a break to check out/get to a (in my case, at least,) minister-taught class..back all together for the last church sevrice..we probably had lunch, then left.

   If I want to go to church services, I can do that a lot closer to home. It's not my idea of a maximum enjoyable time.. others like it quite well, so it is cool for them.. I haven't been to a singles retreat since 2000, methinks.

John  :waving:


Quote from: Sis on March 18, 2009, 06:04:58 AM
What's keeping you from other retreats?  The numbers might be in your favor, still!
So, it's acceptable to just approach a young woman at one of these "retreats" and start chatting her up? That's considered acceptable by her family, pastor, etc?


HUH?  Where'd you get that?  Did I say any of that?  *shakes head*

Mr Newsman, you need to go to Minnesota where they go snowmobiling and play while on the retreats. You might not meet women, but you could have some fun. Yes, they do have church, too, but they allow ample time to get together to play, too. Most of the girls go shopping! LOL


What's wrong, Jallen?

If I express an interest to converse with a woman at a singles retreat, and it's not in accordance with what she wishes or those she follows have instructed her, I have faith she can tell me so in a polite yet clear way, which I would respect.

At singles retreats in OK that I used to go to, your pastor had to sign off on you going, so if they didn't want their saints to talk to the opposite sex, you would think they'd tell them not to go.

Some really don't go to them to meet the other sex, just their gal-friends, and that's cool.

At the risk of souding overly carnal, I didn't go to singles retreats to just meet some new guys to go fishing with...YMMV.

John  :waving:

Quote from: Jallen on March 18, 2009, 06:46:11 AM
Quote from: Sis on March 18, 2009, 06:04:58 AM
What's keeping you from other retreats?  The numbers might be in your favor, still!
So, it's acceptable to just approach a young woman at one of these "retreats" and start chatting her up? That's considered acceptable by her family, pastor, etc?
