
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. -Steven Wright

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Ask a Rooster!!

Started by MelodyB, May 24, 2008, 07:41:29 AM

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Soooo do you like GP so far... :bigcheese:

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


It is fun.  A nice site, and it helps I know a few people on here already.
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


You poor thing.  How did you get to know strange, weird, and wonderful people like US?!?!?!?!  :o


Quote from: RainbowJingles on May 24, 2008, 07:49:23 AM
You poor thing.  How did you get to know strange, weird, and wonderful people like US?!?!?!?!  :o

I think you get all the Credit for that one.  :laughhard:
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


Oh brother.  I HATE credit.  It's evil.  I MUCH prefer cash!


Didnt you just say on the phone that you wanted the credit for inviting him here? :hypocrite:
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


This is the ask a rooster thread.  I am not a rooster, so therefore I do not have to answer that question.  :D


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Sir. Crowsalot!  how are you doin?

what color is your motorcycle?
do you know how to go up stairs on your crutches?
you know... you could always turn around, sit down, and scooch.... :laughhard: - and if you do, can you get someone to video it and stick it on youtube? :bigcheese:
do you like rubber duckies?
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!

Mrs. Yosemite

I Say, I Say, I Say, ya'll are distractin' me while I'm a-tryin to work!

The Purple Fuzzy

How did you get pulled into this site? ;)


Quote from: practicalme on May 24, 2008, 04:18:39 PM
How did you get pulled into this site? ;)

Probably kicking and screaming but since he's on crutches, it wasn't too big a fight. :couch:


Quote from: sunlight on May 24, 2008, 03:09:00 PM
Sir. Crowsalot!  how are you doin?

what color is your motorcycle?
do you know how to go up stairs on your crutches?
you know... you could always turn around, sit down, and scooch.... :laughhard: - and if you do, can you get someone to video it and stick it on youtube? :bigcheese:
do you like rubber duckies?

I am doing well, recovering slowly, but well.

It is a Red Motorcycle.  Yea I know wrong color.  LOL

No, sorry to disappoint you, but no video of me is going on youtube... unless someone would have gotten the accident.  Now that would have been cool.  LOL

And Last and certainly least.  LOL The big Question.... What are my feelings towards Rubber Duckies.... Well i have some friends who are real Rubber Duckie fanatics.  And Yet others do not like them and think that they are for babies.... Personally I stand with my friends on the issue.  LOL
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


Quote from: Sis on May 24, 2008, 05:12:08 PM
Quote from: practicalme on May 24, 2008, 04:18:39 PM
How did you get pulled into this site? ;)

Probably kicking and screaming but since he's on crutches, it wasn't too big a fight. :couch:

No, just a short preview of what was being said about me on the site.... figured I needed to join and prove them right.  LOL
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.



how does it feel to be a rooster?
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Quote from: sunlight on May 24, 2008, 07:32:40 PM

how does it feel to be a rooster?

Better then being a chicken.  LOL
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


How did you achieve the elevated status of rooster after having been labeled a chicken for so long?  Was it when my *cough* friends started admiring you and you started crowing?


Quote from: RainbowJingles on May 24, 2008, 10:15:21 PM
How did you achieve the elevated status of rooster after having been labeled a chicken for so long?  Was it when my *cough* friends started admiring you and you started crowing?

LOL, no I think it was because I registered for the site.  They decided I was better then a Chicken.  but not by that much.   :disco: :disco:

But what can I say, your friends are nice to me.... when they are not picking on me.  LOL
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


lol  Not often, I'm sure, Chel.


Nope, not often at all.

So how did you break your leg?
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Well since I am sure it would come out in an Investigation if I did not fess up anyway, I will give you the run down.

I purchased my First Motorcycle on Thursday night, and picked it up Friday moring.  Now this was my first day ridding a motorcycle, and after a few hours ridding in the country.  A friend and I decided to take our motorcycles and ride up to the Church's annual Men's retreat.

It was a fantastic very fun ride until the final turn, when I turned onto the private road off the main road, I was going to slow for how steap the road was, and my motorcycle started rolling back on me, so I accelerated, and unfortunatly I over accelerated, and shot accross the road and up the side of the mountain.  I ended up standing in the ditch right off the road, holding my motorcycle up on just the back wheel.  ANd as I twisted to lay the motorcycle down, my foot remained planted.  And I broke my leg in several places, and my ankle.

That was one month ago yesterday. 

I now have a metal cage around the leg bone, two screws that come up through the ankle into the leg bones, and two screws holding the leg bones in place.

In about 7 more weeks I get the two screws in the leg bone removed... then I get to start working on walking again.

It gets rather boring laying around, even working from home is not... the best distraction.  LOL

So as I slowly recuperate, I look forward to fun times... in about 6 months when I am 100%

And just for kicks.
Things you do not want your doctor to tell you.

We put the leg bone together like a puzzle, needing to tap the final piece into place.

HA, but on the other hand, I was described as VERY alert in my admitting paperwork.  LOL
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


*shudders* How dreadful! Poor guy. :(

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


Quote from: SippinTea on May 25, 2008, 03:43:26 AM
*shudders* How dreadful! Poor guy. :(


Yea it was no fun.  Once I had my motorcycle on the ground, I picked up my leg, saw my boot just sort of dangling at the end of the leg, So I looked back and called to the friend who was safely still on his motorcycle, I broke my leg, call 911.  Then layed down on the side rode, and waited.

No Blood at the accident, so that made things easier.  LOL

Once I got settled down, I called my friend over, and we started praying and worshiping God.  Then would chat for a bit, and more guys would arrive, and we would have another prayer session.  It was great.

An off duty sheriff stopped as he was driving by because he saw my bike and me down on the ground, and came over to see if everything was alright and make sure an ambulance was called.  Then he stood off to the side, sort of uncomfortable about all these crazy men, praying and worshiping.  LOL I would have so loved if my leg would have just popped back together, but I guess maybe God wanted me to slow down for a bit.  Some rest has been nice.
The early bird get's the worm, but who wants to eat a worm.


haha.  I love how you in your description of the accident you added "it was great!"  When taken out of context, as it will be since this is GP and that is how things are done around here, that statement alone would make an interesting investigation.