What Was The Most Embarrassing Or Funniest Thing That Happened At Church?

Started by Mrs. Yosemite, May 09, 2008, 09:03:56 PM

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Mrs. Yosemite

My cousin told me that she was at church one night and a preacher was preaching. He threw his leg way up high in the air and shouted WHOO GLORY! His shoe went flying up in the air and came back down and hit him in the top of the head!!  :laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard:


The Purple Fuzzy

We had this older guy, probably in his 70s, that went to our church.  He wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.  He had this "adopted" daughter that was probably in her late 30s to 40s that came with him to church some.   She was worse off mentally than he was.
Well, apparently, one evening she was wearing a new dress or something, because there was a price tag or something sticking out.  They were sitting down toward the front in the middle set of pews.  He starts trying to get this tag off the daughter's dress.  He couldn't seem to get it.  Finally he got up on the pew on one knee and tried to bite it off with his teeth!  I was laughing so hard my shoulder's were shaking.  I could just see him getting that little plastic thing that attaches the tag hung in his false teeth and imagine them dangling from her shoulder.   :laughhard:


We have a guy in our church who is not really bright in some ways. He doesnt notice things that you and I notice. He usually passes gas in church whenever he needs to, but it's no big deal to him, nor is it even funny to him. To him its just a common thing.  Man, he has had some thunderous mishapes from time to time, but he just goes right along like it nothing happened.

I don't know if anyone else in the church has ever told him that he's not suppose to do that, or if they know how to gently bring the subject up. I don't know if our Pastor has mentioned it to him. I feel it's not my place straighten that sort of thing out. haha

The whole pew behind where he sits is usually empty unless there is someone who doesnt "know". One night my grandpa in his 80's came in and sat down and propped his walking cane up against the pew in front of him.  And Papaw was the type to say what he thought.

One Sunday morning during Sunday School, Pop says out loud during church, " Somebody needs to go to the barn!!"   Yep, we all knew what had happened. I thought I was going to have to crawl UNDER the pew.

ooops, this is Mrs. Yosemite, forgot to sign yosemite out.
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther



I was at the church I was attending full time a while back, and while gathering some of my stuff from the music section as I was taking it home, the founding bishop's wife came up to chat. (she is in her late 70's if not early 80's). Well, she took a step to my left and lo and behold- as she was doing so she asked me a question (I forget), but as I look up to answer her slip fell to the floor. I turned bright red with laughter (trying not to laugh out loud!), and she doesn't miss a beat, she said "at least I can still make young men blush"!!!! She is a sweet heart!!!!


Quote from: nwlife on May 21, 2008, 09:21:42 AM
she said "at least I can still make young men blush"!!!!

That's absolutely great...lol.

We have two little boys at our church, one of whom is my two year old nephew.  When we started potty training him, we told him to let us know when he had to go potty.  We've maintained this course of action.  A few months back, Caden jumps up excitedly from the pew and yells, "Sissy, I hafta go pee-pee!"  I thought I was going to die.  I don't know if embarrasment, the urge to discipline him, or the desire to laugh held first place, but I scooped him up and headed to the restroom as the congregation attempted to choke back their giggles.

About a week before that, the other little boy, Joe-man, as we call him, wanted to come sit with Caden and play.  His grandmother told him he had to wait until the Pastor, Joe-man's great-grandfather, finished the sermon.  Joe-man gets this thoughtful expression on his face before loudly yelling, "Shut up, Papa!  I want to see him and I can't until you're quiet."  Karen did her best to muffle his outburst, but Joe-man just yelled louder.  A hush fell over the crowd and everyone, including the Pastor chuckled for a good minute or two.

Ah, the joys of Terrible Twos and Terrorizing Threes...

Mrs. Yosemite

HA!! Oh man we would have a really long thread if people told what all their kids have done. lol

My grandma told me several times down thru my years how I embarrassed her in church when I was 3. She said there was this very long winded preacher who preached and preached until almost 1:00 one Sunday morning. She said when he was closed his bible and started walking away from the pulpit, I yelled out "THANK GOD!".  I wonder if Grandma probably stuck her head in her purse.


My Mother likes to tell that when I was 2 I was standing on the pew, and I had emptied all the stuff out of the bag that had all my toys and things in it, and I had it on my head. The pastor stopped preaching and had everyone turn and look at my new hat, and how cute it was. :roll:

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Mrs. Yosemite


I doubt it...I was always the kid who wanted all the attention. Im not like that now at all though... *cough*
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Tricia Lea

I can remember somthing my brother did. Growing up before my parents divorced, we went to a presberterian church. Well they had a time for the kids to come up fromt each sunday morning. Once my brother was the last one to come up one morning so the preacher there asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up, Well my dad had taught him somthing not so nice to say when ppl asked what he wanted to do so heres the edited version of what my brother who was 4 at the time said in front of a whole church    Drink liquer, chase women and (edited) like that.  Needless to say my mom and dad sunk down in their pews hoping to not be noticed and that was the last so called cute saying dad taught my brother lol


Guess that'll teach him not to think teaching his kid something like that is cute.  :laughhard:

My little brother came with my mother to a Christmas play the Sunday School was putting on in the evening one year. My brother was about 2 or 3 at the time. I was 4 1/2 years older. I was in the angel choir. We opened with a song, while Mary, Josheph, and the wisemen came down the aisle.

My brother shouted, "Hey! There's Robin Hood..." My mother clamped her hand over his mouth but he pulled it away and finished, "And his merry men!"

I was embarassed. Devistated. I thought I'd never live it down. LOL I did!


hahahahahha!!   :laughhard:    well mary men or mam, thats a gooden. hahahaha
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther


A couple of years ago this lady had come to church with her almost 3-year old granddaughter, and right in the middle of the sermon you hear the kid call out, "Grandma, I just [let gas]! All of a sudden you hear one or two people giggle, then all of a sudden almost the whole congregation was laughing and my pastor missed it, and he's the type not to get angry but stop and ask what's so funny, so someone shouts it out. The poor grandma was dark red

About the Kermit outfit comment, I get called that at church all the time too, b/c I used to wear this neon green jacket.

One time I stepped on the hem of my really long skirt getting onto the platform and pulled my skirt down.

Another time I tripped and fell straight over the snare drum and knocked the floor tom over

This past winter we had a visiting evangelist with his wife and teenage son. After service the evangelist and his son and some of us young people got into a snowball fight after church and his son through a snowball at me that it my skirt right between the legs and ripped it down... everyone was just cracking up laughing, including the evangelist.

Before music practice one Sunday morning my pastor's wife (and worship leader) started praying, and out comes, "Thank you God for this food, I ask that you bless it..." and I looked up at her confused but she kept going so I just bowed my head again and kept praying... poor thing was so tired. She eventually realized what she had said though

During music practice one time my pastor told his son (who's like my brother bc my pastor adopted me when I was in high school so we're really close) to bring his toy remote control tarantula to church and made it crawl up the platform towards me. Never have they seen someone scream and jump up so fast I about threw the drum sticks at him

Speaking of drums, there's been services that have been really good and I've gotten off the platform with sweat stains on my clothes. Good thing I'm not easily embarrassed or I would have not raised my hands all service.

We once had an evangelist who everyone knew was single and wanted me to hook up with, but I said no you don't flirt with evangelists lol... well after service this older lady comes and tells me that the evangelist "had eyes for me". About two or three months later I invited a friend from work to church, and he looked kind of like the evangelist, and I guess the lady thought so bc she kept winking at me while I was on the platform, as if to say, "Good job!"

"When satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future."


I can't think of anything embarrassing that happened to me at church

unless you count that time I got in a fight with the evangelists son.  People still talk about that. lol

Mrs. Yosemite

Wow Nessie!

Some of the very same things that have happened to you have happened to me too!  I also play drums at my church and one night I testified and started to sit back down,  but I sat too far back on the stool and fell over, You never heard such crashings and banging around. Sounded like a bull in a marching band. One of my sticks flew over and landed in the bapstry. Our pastor whirled around like WHAT IN THE WORLD!

One Sunday morning after church some kids were outside throwing snowballs, ( little snowballs) and our Pastor's wife was going toward her car when somebody threw a snowball at me and I ducked, It Hit our Pastor's wife in the back of the neck and it went down her collar!!!  (oops) it was ON THEN!

And it also happened to me one night I was knelt at the alter praying. I had on a big skirt with an elastic waist band. The heel of my shoe was on the hem of my skirt when I stood up and pulled my skirt part of the way down before I grabbed it!  WHEW that was close!!

Mrs. Yosemite

OH I JUST REMEMBERED and I had forgot All about this one!!!

One night a woman of another faith/denomination or whatever came to our church. Some of the Holy Ghost filled people were shouting and then this lady comes out of her pew shouting too. Her wig fell off! She reached down picked up her wig and put it back on. Then went back to shouting and never skipped a beat! hahaha  :laughhard: :laughhard:

I guess if that hadve been me, I'd have just kicked it under the pew.


Mrs. Yosemite

We had a visiting preacher one night not long ago who's wife had just had a baby. He was preaching so hard that his forhead was sweating. He reached in his pocket to grab his hankerchef and patted his forehead with it. He had a funny look on his face when he noticed it was a pamper!  :biglaugh:


bev,,,,,,i remember the mint thing

luke drooled m and ms on my pastors shoes...shortly after he had announced no FOOD, CANDY, OR DRINKS in the sanctuary....my mil had thought it was necessary for him to have the m&ms....lol
he was still little...luckily

i had on a flow-ey skirt 1 night...went to the bathroom and came out with part of the back tucked into my panty hose...

we had an older woman fall down the platform stairs 1 time...shouldnt be funny....but..........it was

pastor confused the saying *pitched their tents* before....it was quite funny...he ALWAYS says funny stuff...i need to write it all down
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain few...lol...


its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain few...lol...


Quote from: *mesipie* on May 23, 2008, 05:39:42 AM

pastor confused the saying *pitched their tents* before....it was quite funny...he ALWAYS says funny stuff...i need to write it all down

He's probably glad you don't.


Quote from: Chseeads on May 26, 2008, 02:01:59 AM
Quote from: *mesipie* on May 23, 2008, 05:39:42 AM

pastor confused the saying *pitched their tents* before....it was quite funny...he ALWAYS says funny stuff...i need to write it all down

He's probably glad you don't.

yeah probably
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain few...lol...