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Internet addictions: A real medical menace?

Started by Tricia Lea, March 25, 2008, 02:44:03 PM

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Tricia Lea

Alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and even shopping are all candidates for medical treatment and are recognized as genuine mental disorders, so what about the Internet? Internet addiction -defined as "excessive gaming, sexual pre-occupations, and email/text messaging" - is becoming so common that at least one psychiatrist says it merits inclusion in psychiatry's official handbook of mental illness, the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders."

Dr. Jerald Block of the Oregon Health and Science University is the latest voice pushing for this inclusion, noting that tech junkies display genuinely debilitating behavior, including drug-like cravings, withdrawal, and a constant need for more and better gear - just like a substance addict might exhibit.

But other doctors comment that Internet addiction, while it may be real, is too new of a condition and needs further study before being medically classified. There might be something to this: No one wants people being medicated or institutionalized if they aren't genuinely ill.

The "Manual of Mental Disorders" won't be published again until 2012, but an early draft will arrive for public comment in 2009. Meanwhile, mind docs say the problem is growing, now possibly affecting up to 10 percent of Internet users. Recent studies are surprising, indicating the problem is worst not among game-obsessed teens, but rather among middle-aged women who stay at home, constantly on the computer as a way of connecting to the outside world.

Is computer use (or computer downtime) causing a problem in your life? If so, you might be an addict. But you'll have to wait a few more years to find out for sure.


Saw this on yahoo front page and thought it interesting


I probably spend an hour of my day online...  I just have to have that hit... ya know?
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan

Backseat Radio

I'm definately an internet addict.  If my internet is completely shut off I go nuts.  When I got out of college I didn't have internet at home so my first month I was having major withdraws.  I'm trying to break away from the internet community cause of the damage its doing to me but having to do it bit at a time cause if I go cold turkey (as I'd like to do) I'd go nuts from the withdraw symptoms.


I do love my internet, but I can do without. If there is other stuff to do, especially if there is other people around, I can shut it down and not worry about it.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I actually sometimes wish I didn't have internet acess. Not because I'm addicted to it or anything. I go days without going online sometimes and always go at least a week without getting online when we go on vacation every June. I just sometimes feel like I could get out more if I didn't have things I have to take care of online. Plus, I do have friends I've made online. I don't know. It's just something I think about sometimes.
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


im an addict.... my computer was down for like 2 weeks yea i watched all the movies in my house and was kinda sad lol ..... o and i like check to see if i have messages and log into my space every time i walk past my computer haha

Backseat Radio

Quote from: Niki on March 26, 2008, 08:19:04 AM
I actually sometimes wish I didn't have internet acess. Not because I'm addicted to it or anything. I go days without going online sometimes and always go at least a week without getting online when we go on vacation every June. I just sometimes feel like I could get out more if I didn't have things I have to take care of online. Plus, I do have friends I've made online. I don't know. It's just something I think about sometimes.

I wish sometimes that I didn't have internet access either or at least had never been introduced to the concept of chats and discussion boards.  I get sick and tired of how much control the internet community has over my time, my emotions, and my spiritual well being.


I think that when you find yourself in that situation, its best to take a step back and find other things to keep you occupied. 

I can live with or without it.  I love that I can pay my bills online through my bank accounts and msnbc is my daily news source.

Other than checking my emails, and the ocassional social networking sites - I really don't have much time in my day to spend on here.
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan

Backseat Radio

I'm very definately all for using the tools on the internet like email to keep contact with friends and relatives, online banking, checking weather, reasearching something (like hotel rates which is what I've spent the last half hour or so doing).   Unfortunately our society is so internet dependent that we can't completely get away from having to use certain internet things.

Where I've been running into trouble with the internet is its become my social area too.  Now that I'm wanting to get away from the internet what do I fill that time with?  Here's what my mind keeps comming up against in trying to find things to fill that time. . warning:  spew of fustration ahead...   

Non church social places (bowling alleys, skating rinks, ect) - these were always deemed to be off limits by the old school apostolic ideas I was raised in so breaking that is a scary thing for me.

Getting more involved in my home church - this is off limits because they don't consider me as being right with God simply because of the tongues issue.  Because of that I'm banned from doing much more than attend services.

social stuff by other churches - With this I run into the whole "don't get involved in other churches"  that eliminates small bible study groups or social groups like a singles support group with other churches.  the church I go to has nothing of the sort.

reading - this would be an option except for I dispise reading.  To me reading is a necessary torment, not pleasure

sewing/knitting/crochetting - I don't know how to do any of these and truthfully don't know where to learn to do them

furthering education - to me this is more of a serious thing than social.  The friends I did have in college live far enough away that getting together all that much with them is pretty impractical.

Having a pet or plants to care for - both of these are off limits now due to allergies in the family

What kind of fun stuff is there to do offline?


Quote from: bsr on March 27, 2008, 03:54:51 PM
I'm very definately all for using the tools on the internet like email to keep contact with friends and relatives, online banking, checking weather, reasearching something (like hotel rates which is what I've spent the last half hour or so doing).   Unfortunately our society is so internet dependent that we can't completely get away from having to use certain internet things.

QuoteNon church social places (bowling alleys, skating rinks, ect) - these were always deemed to be off limits by the old school apostolic ideas I was raised in so breaking that is a scary thing for me.

well I don't think that those are the happening places anymore, anyway ... at least for people you're age...

QuoteGetting more involved in my home church - this is off limits because they don't consider me as being right with God simply because of the tongues issue.  Because of that I'm banned from doing much more than attend services.

maybe start by finding another church where you're more welcome....

Quotesocial stuff by other churches - With this I run into the whole "don't get involved in other churches"  that eliminates small bible study groups or social groups like a singles support group with other churches.  the church I go to has nothing of the sort.

again - maybe you should really invest your time in finding another church...

Quotereading - this would be an option except for I dispise reading.  To me reading is a necessary torment, not pleasure

doesn't the internet require much of the time reading? If it were such a torment - the internet wouldn't be such an addiction would it?

Quotesewing/knitting/crochetting - I don't know how to do any of these and truthfully don't know where to learn to do them

I tried learning how to crochet once... its dull trust me.

Quotefurthering education - to me this is more of a serious thing than social.  The friends I did have in college live far enough away that getting together all that much with them is pretty impractical.

is continuing your education out of the question?

QuoteHaving a pet or plants to care for - both of these are off limits now due to allergies in the family

I am not really sure that would take you away from the internet either.... If lessening your time on the internet is truly your goal, I would work on getting out of the house first.

Try taking walks at the park, going shopping (offline of course) finding new friends...

Before I met Travis, I spent much more time at home when I wasn't at work or with my friends. Now I pretty much just sleep here, and love the days when I am just doing nothing but staying home... I barely have time for myself these days..

QuoteWhat kind of fun stuff is there to do offline?

There is a whole world out there... What sort of things did you used to do before you discovered the internet?

Why don't you try working out, meeting new people, join a club or organization, go to the movies (if its not against your principals)...

go to concerts, maybe travel and visit some of your old friends....

religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan


When I hear of people getting trapped into websites like... anotherlife, it really freaks me out.

I cannot imagine wasting my life, living vicariously through an "avatar".
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan


Hi My name is Eric, and im an Internetaholic.

Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you

Backseat Radio

This is in reply to Cherie's post(reply #9)  as I don't want to quote and confuse things all up with a super long post...

Finding a new church...
I've actually been considering that for a while but not gotten up the courage to actually do it.  I've been at the aljc I attend now for about 8 months and its just not working out.  the people and the pastor are kind to me but I still feel very much out of place.  I dont have a social group I feel I belong with there.  As I said earlier I'm forbidden from getting involved much past attending services because of the speaking in tongues issue.  I'm also finding I'm not comfortable with some of the ideas taught there and how some things are presented.

Reading and Internet...
For me internet is more interactive than just simply reading which is why I don't mind it.  If a site or post does involve too much reading and isn't well broken up or in readable font/colors I usually skip it or just skim thru it.  By reading I mean to sit down and read some kind of book which some like my mom find pleasurable.  to me reading books is torture and I only do it for whats necessary (spiritual matters or schooling)

Continuing education...

Continuing my education isn't out of the question for me.  I just don't see school as much of a social avenue  at least not the kind of schools I could drive to from here with out costing myself an arm and a leg just for gas to drive there.   

What did I do before online...
Before I got introduced to the internet I was still in school which took up a lot of my time.  I was also very much involved in church doing sunday school teaching, leading thursday night services, doing music for services, and even going to camps, conferences, and rallies.  I'd like to get back into this kind of involvement with a church but because of my differences in beliefs I don't think an apostolic church would be open to me being involved like that now.

Your list of suggestions...
the things you listed were also on the list of "don't get involved in" when I was growing up so trying them is pretty scary for me just yet.  When I was in school I was involved in a few groups/clubs like band, choir, academic superbowl, fellowshp of christian athletes (even though I'm not an athlete), intervarsity Christian fellowship, campus ministry.  Now that I'm not in school I don't have the first clue what kind of stuff might be available as far as organizations/clubs that a person could just join up with.

Backseat Radio

Quote from: Chérie on March 27, 2008, 04:53:57 PM
When I hear of people getting trapped into websites like... anotherlife, it really freaks me out.

I cannot imagine wasting my life, living vicariously through an "avatar".

I was doing similar through an online id in a chat room

Tricia Lea

Some ideas could be, look for oppertunites to volenteer your time, A local hospital usally has opertunities and even there the oppertunities vary, like helping with patients (passing out reading material, and other stuff) and for those that dont like working around patients ( some dont want to potentaly be around blood and stuff) there are other things like desk work, Giving visitors directions to rooms and plenty of other oppertunities. 
Food pantries and non profit thrift stores usally need volenteers and there are plenty of places to volenteer and that can help be out off the house and help a person feel good about theirselves too


Shoot, museums are always looking for volunteers. Everything from sitting in a room to be security to teaching, to cataloging, to computer work. Libraries are always looking for volunteers. Most cities have volunteer offices that list all the places in town who use volunteers and are looking for them. Hospitals are just the tip of the iceburg.

Like to try art? There are stores like Michael's that teach one-time art classes, craft classes, etc.

You could take one class at a local school. Or community education classes which are usually held in local schools after hours.

You can get involved in your community on various levels.

You could take walks. If you walk the same way and the same time of day, you are likely to meet others to talk to. Our complex has a playground where I can sit and talk to the mothers while their kids are playing.

You can go to the library. There is more going on there than books. There are lectures and classes, too.

Museums have classes often, too. Different one-time classes you can try to see if you like something. If you don't like it, you've learned something about it. I've taken ceramics classes which is something that is too expensive for me to continue, but I made a few things that were fun to do.

Find out if there are any shut-ins in your area. People need people and shut-ins are virtually cut off from the world. Talking to people who have lived longer than you is so interesting. They knew people you only heard about, they know the history of your town/city. They have lots of interesting stories. Maybe even about your own family. Or you could find someone older in your own family to give you a run-down on your family history.

Volunteer for meals on wheels. Sometimes people want to have a "partner" when they volunteer, so you don't always have to drive.

I find knitting and crocheting fun, but not everyone does. But you could take a class to at least try it.

Computer classes.  You can learn more about your own computer and what it can do for you. I'll guess that most of us don't use even half the available things on our own computers.

Check out the YWCA or YMCA. See what classes they have. Maybe open gym time to play with others your age. Many of these facilities have day care centers and after school programs that welcome volunteers.

Some local schools have after school homework clubs. They also use people who want to come in and help kids. They are usually only manned by one teacher who can become overwhelmed.  Some kids just need to have someone listen to them read, or explain how to add or subtract. It's not always complicated.

You don't have to read books, you could go to the library and thumb through magazines. I've found magazines I never knew existed. I'm a history nut, so I found some that were history based. They're fun to look through.

Buy or borrow a bike. Go for bike rides and discover your own city/town. Find things you never knew existed. There was this contest in the paper, once back home, that showed things on buildings. I rode around looking for the things in the paper. I never realized that I had never looked up at some of the buildings. There was a giant pineapple on one building I never knew was there. I had lived there my whole life and I never knew this golden pineapple was the centerpiece of one of our downtown buildings. There were many with colored tile near the tops of the buildings that were neat designs.

join a sports team. Even if you're not really into it. My daughter joined softball. She developed some really good life-long friends by joining a team. She wasn't very good but she had fun being part of a group.

Join a bunch, or start a group, of women who want to get together a couple of times a week to do things. Exercise, reading clubs, craft groups, actually any interest can fit here.

One of these days you're going to wake up and be 50 years old and find you have done NOTHING with your life. You need to go out and explore your world, not spend it sitting at a computer or in front of a television. Don't waste your life like that. That's not what God intended.

The computer is a tool. I love the fact that I don't have to go to the library to research anymore. I can do it from home. I like to "meet" people from around the world on the computer. I like kidding around with people, and finding patterns for my crafts, etc. But it doesn't run my life, and I have so many interests outside the computer that if it died, I'm miss it some but I wouldn't be left with nothing to do.

My dad only had one interest, reading. When he got in his 70's and his eyesight got bad, he had nothing to do. He laid around watching TV all the time. He just wasn't interested in anything else. It was sad. I tried to get him to do other things, but he just wasn't interested.

Young people have generally lost the ability to communicate in person because of computers and all the other "toys" out there.

Backseat Radio

I do own a bike but haven't ridden it much since my car accident a few years ago.  Getting out on my bike might help me get back in shape some.  Another thing that got mentioned on another forum I'm still part of is going for walks or to parks which I think is good cause the sunshine will help the depression I battle with.

As for relationships with older folks  I have a next door neighbor lady I've been emailing some and when it gets warmer again I plan go to over and sit with her on her porch and spend time with her.... speaking of which i need to drop her a note.

I'll probably post more when I get off work


Lots of great ideas, Sis.

There are things I've thought about getting involved in. Stuff I can do alone though. I'm not much for being around people often. lol I'm kind of a loner.

I'd like to go for walks at a park, paint, more photography (most of what I take pictures of now are my kids, pets, trees and flowers in my yard, and vacation photos). I'd really love to travel more. To Europe and New Zealand. If only I had the time and money. *sigh* It's my biggest dream. I'd love to see all those beautiful places I've only seen in pictures and hear the lovely accents in other countries. lol :)

I've also thought about volunteering at the hospital's nursery (love newborn babies), but I don't know how that works. If it even would.
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


Computer classes.  You can learn more about your own computer and what it can do for you. I'll guess that most of us don't use even half the available things on our own computers.

Oh Sis trust me, there is so much you can do with a computer, if you take the time to sit down and learn it.  *grins*  But then again, I'm a computer networking person, I know tons of little tricks you can do with programs to get them to do things lol.
Stupidity is a global epidemic.


Quote from: Niki on March 27, 2008, 09:13:33 PM
Lots of great ideas, Sis.

There are things I've thought about getting involved in. Stuff I can do alone though. I'm not much for being around people often. lol I'm kind of a loner.

I'd like to go for walks at a park, paint, more photography (most of what I take pictures of now are my kids, pets, trees and flowers in my yard, and vacation photos). I'd really love to travel more. To Europe and New Zealand. If only I had the time and money. *sigh* It's my biggest dream. I'd love to see all those beautiful places I've only seen in pictures and hear the lovely accents in other countries. lol :)

I've also thought about volunteering at the hospital's nursery (love newborn babies), but I don't know how that works. If it even would.

Just go to the hospital's main desk and ask where the volunteer department is. Most of them have their own staffers.

You mentioned photography. I think it's awsome to pick one subject and take pictures of them. I saw a whole exhibit of doors in one city. It was an old city so the doors were all historic looking. I've been trying to think of one subject of my own to take pictures of.

Quote from: Hat on March 27, 2008, 09:29:08 PM
Oh Sis trust me, there is so much you can do with a computer, if you take the time to sit down and learn it.  *grins*  But then again, I'm a computer networking person, I know tons of little tricks you can do with programs to get them to do things lol.

So when does class start? I'm game.


I've been so addicted to the internet over the winter, but, now that it's Spring I'll be spending less and less time on it. I've found many things to take up my time. Working is my big thing. I drive people too and from various types of appointments, I love it, I get to meet new people all day long. I've been reading more. Getting ready to get new sneakers so I can start walking in the afternoon. Soon it will be warm enough to spend lots of time outside. I can't wait, because to be honest, the online life is really boring!!!!  :-?
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


Backseat Radio

thanks guys for the suggestions to help me get out of my igloo.


Was talking to Nessas Mama cuz of all the snow they got this year.

Backseat Radio

Quote from: Sis on March 28, 2008, 05:42:05 PM
Was talking to Nessas Mama cuz of all the snow they got this year.

I know but sometimes being cooped up in the house for so long in the winter feels about like living in an igloo out in the middle of nowhere.