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Scavenger Hunt

Started by myhaloisintheshop, February 20, 2008, 12:12:36 AM

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We are having a mall photo scavenger hunt for our youth group.

does anyone have ideas of things to find or do?

Any help would be appreciated!


What do you mean? They take photos of things they find? Or they have to find photos in and around the mall?


It can vary.

They are in small groups and they take pictures of things or them doing actions in the mall.

Example:  Pose like a manequin, Find an employee named Bill......


With that second one, if Bill is a looker or scruffy, they may want to bring him back.  :hypocrite:


UMMMMM Yall may want to re-think this unless you clear it with the mall first...our kids did this about 3 weeks ago and got the mall security all in an uproar.

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


in some states it is illegal to take pictures in a public place like that. i know it is here
Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.


That's riiiiight! The Mall Of America doesn't allow pics. I took some anyway. What they didn't know won't hurt me. LOL I even did some video there.



I had called back  a few months ago and the mall had told us that it was fine.  The kids just couldn't go into jewelry stores and whatnot and they told us that there were a few craft stores that would not let us take pictures. 

But I called this morning and a lady said that 2 weeks ago they had a group come in that just caused havoc.  She would strongly advice for us to wait a while and call back.   She said right now some of the stores would not take kindly to teens having a scavenger hunt.

So now I don't know what to do.  I guess we could still take them to the mall and just have fun or try to do a scavenger hunt around town--but with this town....phooey! 


How about a city-wide scavenger hunt? Just give them a list and let them go wherever. Divide into groups and go with a driver.


Our youth group did a photo scavenger hunt.  We split the youth into two groups with two digital cameras riding in two different church vans.  We had a list of things to find and take pictures of such as a police car with its lights on, railroad lights on, 3 people blowing a bubble at the same time, a Christmas tree, everyone going down a slide, a Hummer, everyone taking a drink from a water hose at the same time, things like that.  They got so many points for each picture that they came back with and the one with the most points won.  Along with it we went had clues to get to different members houses where another clue was waiting, i.e. to go to my parents house the clue was a bottle of water (last name has the word water in it), another family's last name is Clark, we used a Clark candy bar, one couple had a new baby, we used a diaper and a bib for the clue.  We had a blast and everyone is wanting to do it again.


me and my friend megan were running around the mall the other day taking stupid pix...... we were layin n the beds and in the tubs and riding the toys.... noone said anything to us and we took pix of it.... but it was only 2 of us so idk if that makes a diff? but it sounds like it could be fun lol


You should post some of the pics you took. Sounds like you had some fun. :thumbsup2:


theyre stuck on my cam with my other like 500 pix hahaha ill EVENTUALLY get em i promise hhaha


Quote from: shoecrazy on February 20, 2008, 10:51:12 PM
Our youth group did a photo scavenger hunt.  We split the youth into two groups with two digital cameras riding in two different church vans.  We had a list of things to find and take pictures of such as a police car with its lights on, railroad lights on, 3 people blowing a bubble at the same time, a Christmas tree, everyone going down a slide, a Hummer, everyone taking a drink from a water hose at the same time, things like that.  They got so many points for each picture that they came back with and the one with the most points won.  Along with it we went had clues to get to different members houses where another clue was waiting, i.e. to go to my parents house the clue was a bottle of water (last name has the word water in it), another family's last name is Clark, we used a Clark candy bar, one couple had a new baby, we used a diaper and a bib for the clue.  We had a blast and everyone is wanting to do it again.

This sounds like a lot of fun! 


our youth group did a scavenger hunt one time at church, we had to find some of the most random things...

bobby pin
drum stick
music stand
endtime magazine

and tons was pretty fun though

dont know if that helps u at all... :pound:
~* You see the real me, hiding in my skin, im broken from within, unveil me completely, im loosening my grasp, theres no need to mask my frailty cuz You see the real me...*~


Now I want to find some people and have a scavenger hunt.  :laughhard:


ha i could totally find pretty much everything kay said in my pew alone (we carry EVERTYHING in our purses lol)


No purses allowed on the hunt, then.  :hypocrite:


but thats where i keep my camera............. lol and my money, what if i need food or to take a pic? lol


something i did with several youth groups and always went over really well was a bigger and better hunt

we would split the group into several groups, normally around 4-8 groups

then you pick out something to give them to start out with, one time we used a paper clip. we gave each group one paper clip.

then they were given a time limit and told, take this paper clip and see what you can trade it for that is bigger and better. each stop they trade what they currently have for something else that is bigger and better.

whatever group comes back with the biggest and best thing wins.

we let them take pictures along the way and the kids had a blast. what made the game so much more interesting is to see what people would think was bigger and better than what the group came to them with. back when we did it, we went door to door basically, but it could be done in a mall setting as well. main thing is, the group cant ask for certain things they want, they have to take whatever they are given and take it to the next place/person.
Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.


we've done something similar to that before it was fun to do the house to house b/c we got to meet new ppl and it was in hte winter some ppl had cocoa :P i think im gonna do something like this when im bored.... lol


Wasn't there a guy who did that and ended up with a house or something?

That sounds like fun. Maybe I'll just grab some kids and do it to see what we end up with.


yeah if i remember the story right he started out with a green paper clip lol
Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.



i remember that guy he made it on VH1's internet superstars lol but kudos to him! i have paperclips lol