
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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Public/private/home schools.

Started by Envelope, March 07, 2007, 02:51:55 PM

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i'm reading a lot about public schools being "clique-ish".... isn't that how everything is?!  :smirk:  there are cliques at work, in the mall, at church, and at any school.  my mom taught me not to be one of those people.  i was friends with druggies, art freaks, nerds, cheerleaders, jocks, military brats, you name it.... i had TONS of friends.  i was more shunned at church than in public school.  unfortunately growing up in my church if you weren't related to the "right" person, or have lots of money, you were looked down on and frequently not included.  nobody at school ever teased me for not wearing "Keds" :smirk:  fortunately that has changed a LOT since then, but there are still some small "elite" groups.  one of the absolute worst cliques i've ever run into was when i worked at the courthouse as a college student.  it was like all the women in the office i worked in had some sort of secret club going on..... they ridiculed me about my skirts, not wearing make-up, not cutting my hair, and anything else they could come up with... there was an instance where a girl's cat had kittens, and the mother cat got hit by a car.  she was afraid the kittens wouldn't survive cuz they were only a week old, so i mentioned that my s-i-l (who we lived with at the time) had a cat still nursing her kittens and maybe she would take them.  well she took them and one of the girl from work's kittens died.  i was hailed as the "cat killer" from then on.  i even went back up there a couple years later to look up a file on someone, and a lady that remembered me said "you haven't killed any more cats have you?!"  :roll:

anyway.... just don't let cliques sway you in one direction or another cuz i assure you, they're everywhere   ;)
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


Quote from: acjmom on March 08, 2007, 02:10:08 PM
i was more shunned at church than in public school.  unfortunately growing up in my church if you weren't related to the "right" person, or have lots of money, you were looked down on and frequently not included.

I've experienced a lot of that in Houston churches. If you don't have money or the right last name, it's a lot harder to "fit in". Not everyone is like that, but I think the ones that do behave that way are so vocal and obvious that it seems like everyone has that opinion. It's really sad b/c I've seen a lot of people backslide, or new comers end up leaving because of the rejection.  :smirk2:

Quote from: acjmom on March 08, 2007, 02:10:08 PM
anyway.... just don't let cliques sway you in one direction or another cuz i assure you, they're everywhere   ;)

Unfortunately, you're right. It's just something in life we all have to deal with at one time or another.


I remember when we would go to camp in the summer, you always knew which kids came from a few certain churches because they were so, well, snotty.  One particular church especially.  it seemed like every young person in taht church was rich and wanted everyone else to know it.  You could almost hear a groan coming form all the "normal" people when their bus would pull up every year.  And then there were the kids that didn't think they were anything unless they could get in with that group.  You have to make friends with someone from that church or you just aren't anybody :roll:
I never experienced that as much at public school, but it was the same every single year at church camp.


Well, for now BOTH girls will be going to Preschool this fall.

Kaitlynn will be Pre-K from 9-12 MWF
Hannah will be Preschool form 9-11 T/TH

Kaitlynn is Handling herself VERY well.  I am trying to teach her what is right without her condemning others (it's kind of hard concept for a 4 year old.)  Anyway, At christmas time, the teacher bought all the girls a play Necklace set, and when I got to school to pick Kaitlynn up, Miss charity told me that Kaitlynn had politely told her that she could Not wear the necklace, but that she could play with it.  I indeed told her that she could keep it and play with it at home (she likes to hang them on doorknobs!! LOL).  I KNOW that Miss charity has noticed that Kaitlynn ALWAYS has a dress on, but she hasn't asked me about it or anything.......Kaitlynn tells me all the time....."Mommy, I'm an Apostolic girl" and the other girls aren't......and that's it..........she plays with all the girls and gets along with everyone!  I want it to be that way ALLLLLL through school!!



I got soooo many questions at school about how I dressed and what I believe.  I want my boys to have a foundation strong enough that they can face those questions and stand for what they believe with pride.

That is one reason I am for public schooling--its a great witnessing tool.  I don't mean when they are in high school either.  I had kids asking questions when I was in elementary school.  I witnessed to 2 teachers in middle school.


yes! Andrew is 8 and you all may be sick of hearing it but when Andrew got baptized last fall, he told all kinds of people at school.   There's no doubt that somebody noticed how he just beamed with joy.  And other kids have brought up stuff like trinity with him and he has had scriptures to tell them.  Now, Andrew is not very assertive with strangers so it takes having friendships for him to open himself up.  I don't know that he would ever learn that and have those experiences if I home schooled him because the kids he would be friends with would be church kids. 

It does all depend on your circumstances.  We just have to be careful that while we are trying to "keep" them, we don't keep them weak.  Which in some cases is completely irrelevant.

If you remember, last year I started a thread like this.  You know what it came down to?  Seeking God and asking HIM what we needed to do.  I could've pro'ed and con'ed all day about each type but it comes down to: have you asked God what He thinks? and what was His answer?  We can't see 5 years down the road, but He can.


Basically, tonight after church, God opened up a small space of time and I addressed this Particular concern of mine with our pastor.  He told me that he knows EXACTLY how we feel...........and WILL definately be in MUCH prayer with us as we make a decision over the next year!!  He said that they struggle a LOT with doing the Home schooling stuff, and that some days for him and his wife are AWFUL......he wasn't trying to dissuade me or persuade us not to....just wants us to do what's right for OUR own kids!!

