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Started by EmmazMommy, January 22, 2007, 03:54:20 PM

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Isabelle loves table food!!  I gave her some whole wheat pasta the other day and she was loving it!!  LOL  Josh was giving her little bits of chicken too!!  If you think about it, you don't chew with your front teeth though so why does it matter if they have teeth to eat anyway, right?  I'm gonna buy her some yogurt at the store today.  Noah used to just LOVE yogurt!

Hey Jennie, I thought you weren't supposed to do citrus fruits until after a year because of the acid or something??  Referring to the orange juice.. Just wondering if maybe I'm crazy... LOL


Quote from: CRStrom on January 22, 2007, 11:49:21 PM
Just wondering if maybe I'm crazy... LOL

Well if that's all you're uncertain of, allow us to put your mind at ease......


your not supposed to give 'em orange juice until after the first birthday cuz there's some kind of disorder it can cause...... i'm thinking reye's syndrome?  i'm not sure though.... maybe that's the one from raw honey  :-\
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


I've been giving anthany the baby yogurt, he loves it.
I also started giving him the diced baby food this week.  He is doing pretty well with that too.

He'll eat anything i give him.  Sometime he doesnt' like something, will make horrible faces, but he still keeps eating it!


all of mine did that too when they were babies, but once they went to only table food they got super picky  :smirk2:  abigail started coming out of the pickiness around 4 or 5, and i'm hoping and praying that jolie & jonas do too.
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


Now that Westley is 5, he's just now started to be picky.  He used to would eat anything, now he adds daily to his list of things he doesn't like.  The good thing about him though, he'll try anything at least once, and most of his favorite foods are healthy foods.

When zakary was a baby, he would eat anything and everything.  Then about the time he turned 2, he got extremely picky.  There is only a few things he will eat, and it's mostly junk food. 


Noah can be extrememly picky.  It drives me crazy!!  I have to force him to eat healthy food.  Yesterday I decided he needed to have oatmeal for breakfast.  It took over an hour of fighting but he ate it all.  And then asked for oatmeal this morning and gobbled up two helpings!!  LOL

Isaac is a pig and will eat anything you put in front of him!!  I love that!! I was afraid he would be like Noah but he's not.  As a matter of fact, sometimes we can use Isaac to get Noah to eat!!  LOL "Look Noah, Isaac LOOOOVES vegetables, don't you want some?"!!  LOL

Isabelle seems to like most foods... she won't eat carrots but I think it's the texture.  She had yogurt for the first time today and just loved it!!


Chase is super picky.  One day I got so aggravated and told him to make me a list of the foods he doesn't like.  Bryen said  The lists of foods he does like is shorter--maybe he should write that one down for ya.

Bryen is starting to not like some things.  He doesn't care for spagetti or things with a lot of cheese.  Other than that he isn't picky.

Dylan is only picky when it comes to sandwiches.  No cheese, no mayo, no mustard.

Eric isn't picky at all.  I love it!


About the orange juice. I'm new at all this.. never done it before! lol. All I know to do is whatever my doc tells me. Or what I read. She said oj was fine and I haven't read anything about it. But then again I never knew to look for an article about it! But since ya'll have had babies before... I have no doubt that you are right. I'll have to look something up on that asap. Don't wanna give my Noah something that could harm him! Thanks so much!


And Jenny it may in fact be alright now.    Sometimes they do more research and retract what they said was potientally harmful.   I heard the OJ thing when Bryen was a baby but not so much when Eric was. 


it also may be something like, no fresh squeezed oj but the pasturized store-bought stuff is ok (or vice versa).... i dunno for sure.  i never fully checked it out.... just didn't give it to 'em cuz the doc said no cow's milk, oj, or raw honey until past the 1st birthday.  i know the milk thing is just cuz cow's milk can be difficult for them to digest prior to one year.  between the honey and oj, i think one was supposed to cause botulism, and the other was rye's syndrome.  haven't checked it out recently though.... happy hunting  :teeth:
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


Honey is linked to botulism.

I would think the acid in the orange juice would be hard on his stomach at that age.  It might cause diarrhea and  a diaper rash.  But if it's watered down good enough, i guess it's ok.  If it hasn'tbothered him yet.  I've just never seen OJ in the baby juices.  I figured there was probably a reason for that :grin:

I make most of Anthany's baby food.  I thought about corn, but i noticed in the baby food, you never seen corn.  I asked the nutritionist about it and she said the reason is because it is hard to digest and has almost no nutrional value.  Corn goes straight through the system.  So I didn't make him any.    Anyway, my point is that before I make something for Anthany (juice or food) I check the baby food aisle and see what is available.  I figure that is the stuff that is good for him to eat, so that's what i make.


Well I guess mostly I figured it was safe because we got it in the baby aisle. It is the Gerber 100% juice. Which is what the doctor said to give him. So I figured if Gerber put it out in the baby juice it would be safe.


I was reading up on the OJ thing and it's actually not recommended until 9months to a year due to allergy problems.  Obviously he has had no problems so you are probably just fine to give it to him.  I have never seen OJ in the baby food stuff either.  I do know that I gave Noah hawaiian delight and he projectile vomited THAT all over me so I didn't give him any more citrus fruit until he was like 18 months!!  Now he's fine with it.

There's been a huge discussion recently on one of my parenting message boards about strawberries.  They are HIGHLY allergenic and most Drs don't reccomend feeding strawberries until at least a year, yet there are TONS of gerber baby foods that have strawberries in them.  Isn't that stupid??

Oh and Kimberly, on the baby yogurt.  I read that you don't have to buy the specific "baby yogurt", just have to be sure that it is made with whole milk and doesn't have too much extra sugar.  Of course, I stood in the yogurt section of my grocery store forever one day reading all the labels and didn't find ANY with whole milk... all with either low fat or skim.  But just to keep in mind.  Oh and I just learned that recently... I used to feed Noah regular old yogurt but I guess they (especially my skinny kids) need the fats in the whole milk.

They definitely change the food recommendations and regulations all the time... it's hard to stay up to date!!


Ash had a really funny situation when she was young (maybe only two) when she projectile vomited strawberries all over Ant's tan coloured sweater at the zoo!! but she wasn't allergic, it was just a one-off thing...

I saw a baby almost choke on a piece of mango one time - it's meant to be OK because it's so soft (apparently) but this baby had it stuck and couldn't/didn't swallow!!


Westley just recently had an allergic reaction, we're assuming to his antibiotic, omnicef.  It is flavored with strawberries and i wondered if that is actually what caused the reaction.  I've been thinking about giving hiim strawberries to see.  He's eaten strawberries before and they didn't bother him, but he had also had that antibiotic before and it not bother him.

I noticed the baby yogurt i bought said it was made with whole milk.  It was the same price as regular yogurt, so i figured i might as well buy it as opposed to the regular.  I got the yobaby, it also has fruit and cereal in it. He likes it really well


Yeah, that's the kind that I bought too but it's much more expensive than the regular or even the "kids" yogurt at our stores... hmmm!!

On the allergy... didn't I read somewhere recently that it actually takes more than one exposure to something to show it's allergy??


Quote from: littlegal on January 25, 2007, 09:00:44 PM
Westley just recently had an allergic reaction, we're assuming to his antibiotic, omnicef.  It is flavored with strawberries and i wondered if that is actually what caused the reaction.  I've been thinking about giving hiim strawberries to see.  He's eaten strawberries before and they didn't bother him, but he had also had that antibiotic before and it not bother him.

I would think it's more likely to be a reaction to something else rather than the flavouring - probably the actual drug... But you could always give him a strawberry to check... what was his reaction to it??


usually medications aren't flavored with actual strawberries, etc. .... it's something artificial.  was it colored kim?  could be the actual medicine, or the dye.  if it was strawberry flavor, i would imagine it had red dye which is a very common allergy for kids.
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


The ads for omnicef always feature strawberries and information about strawberries, that why i though it might be real strawberries instead of a strawberry flavoring.

Whatever was wrong with him, he itched constantly for close to 3 weeks straight.  Two different doctors couldn't come up with any reason for the itching they both just said it was probably the omnicef, even though the itching started the day after he finished the antibiotic and last for 3 weeks after.  There wasn't anything else we could find that could have been causing it.   They figured it was probably the medicine because it can stay in the system for a long time after it is finished.