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Hair website

Started by Charlene, August 28, 2006, 03:04:12 PM

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LOL Jenn!!  Actually, my hair is VERY long  (between my rear and my knees and I'm 5'10")  but is also getting very thin.  It used to be at least 3x at thick as it is now!!

Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: MellowYellow on September 29, 2006, 03:25:33 PM
Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on September 29, 2006, 03:44:32 AM
if it wasn't supposed to be there, it wouldn't grow right? 

well, tell that to the women who's body grows hair above their lip?  I wouldn't recommend they leave that.
well women are just an exception all over
society is just kinder to guys in that regard


thats what I meant Christie(is this how u spell ur name? geesh is that your name? how terrible am I? lol) , lol a whole lotta hair meaning very long. So it makes your chinese bun bigger!
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


close, it's Christi! 

I guess to some it seems like a lot but it just used to be SO much thicker... oh well...


Quote from: CRStrom on September 30, 2006, 10:11:50 AM
I guess to some it seems like a lot but it just used to be SO much thicker... oh well...

I know what you mean, Christi!  My hair used to be really thick when I was younger, but as I grow older and it gets longer, it is getting thinner.  I really like the Chinese Bun.  When this thread first started, I began to do that hair-do.  I got so many compliments on it. 


Hey Christi, Where's those pics?
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


Sorry April.  I had a family emergency and I am at my mom's house (210 miles away).  My camera arrived safely at my house yesterday and my husband will be bringing it to me tonight.  I'm working on it!!


You know, I thought about that after I posted this.  I read what was going on (or what I think is going on) in another thread. I didn't mean to sound inconsiderate. Sorry.
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


Oh no, don't worry about it!!!  I'm really excited to be getting my new camera tonight!!


I played with my hair the other night....trying to do different "versions" of the bun.....bear in mind I took them myself again so they aren't very good.....

?? maybe a bit more like Christi's?  NOt sure.....

twisted it before I wrapped around sticks....don't like it though because of the big "hump"....LOL

my normal "do"....I do tend to wrap over the sticks and then doesn't pull my hair as tight that way....

I really like the hairsticks !!!


USAF Wifey

Hair Care and some good tips!! Check it out!


I don't get why they have CD's of girls with long hair to buy?

What do you guys think of the lady who didn't wash her hair for 11 years?


I only made it so big so we could read it. 

So what do ya'll say, soap boycott?    :laughhard: :laughhard: :laughhard:


Ugh that is SO nasty... she only even rinses in with water every couple of months????  No way... I'm sorry but her hair has to stink!!  ewww

On a parenting board that I frequent there was a thread recently about how often you shower and there was this lady who said she only showered once a week and never used shampoo on her hair.  She also took care of her kids the same way.  Oh and no deoderant!!  I'm sorry but that's just nasty!!


I try to wash my hair as little as possible because that way it seems healthier to me... but I can't imagine NEVER washing it - that's crazy!!

In some ways, I can imagine that maybe for some people, it might work to just rinse it - but even then, I'd wanna be rinsing it at LEAST once or twice a week!!!!

My skin always feels better when I use LESS soap on it rather than more...


Her hair doesn't look to bad, but, I have to agree with CRStrom, her hair has to STINK.
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


And I'm sure that if I didn't wash/condition my hair and didn't run a comb/brush through it more than once a day, it would be full of rats... ughhhhh

I don't wash my hair every day either, maybe 2-3 times a week unless I've been sweaty or something (which isn't very often, LOL).  I have perfect skin and I never use soap on my face... maybe every week or two I will do a mask or a special facial cleanser or something but I also don't have oily skin.  If I had oily skin, I would have to wash it at least daily.


i have very oily skin and hair, so that definately would not work for me..... if i go more than 3-4 days without washing my hair it looks like i poured cooking oil on my head  :smirk:  i also can't wash it every day though cuz it gets too dry and frizzes at the bottom; also just too much trouble.  i don't know how that woman's hair looks as good as it does.... i think she's lying, especially if it doesn't smell funky.
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


I've gotta wash my hair often enough so that it's not greasy, but not so often that it's frizzy too - SOOOO annoying!!

I'm going to invest in some of those intensive hair moisturisers when I go to Hong Kong, because something about the water or air there makes my hair frizz SOOOOOOO much worse than Australia!!!


I saw that article - I thought it was disgusting! I wash my hair every other day; every day dries my hair out WAAAY too much, and washing less than every other day makes my hair look uber greasy.

Nik, definitely try out intensive moisturizers! I always pack along a bottle when I go places, because my hair is curly and it will frizz like nobody's business when I go through a climate change. :biglaugh: A little bit of a creme pomade worked through the hair does well for cutting on back the frizz, too.


Quote from: CRStrom on October 18, 2006, 04:38:19 AM
  I have perfect skin and I never use soap on my face... maybe every week or two I will do a mask or a special facial cleanser or something but I also don't have oily skin.  If I had oily skin, I would have to wash it at least daily.

I don't use soap on my face either. I never have because no matter what I use would break me out. I only use lukewarm water to wash my face. I've only had a few pimples, and that was at a certain time of month, and never had greasy or oily skin.
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


Christi.....oh Christi!!!!!

     Several weeks ago (or longer) you Promised us some pics of your hairdo!!!  We're all waiting in suspense!!!!   :hypocrite:



BOL!!  I forgot... I am at work, alone and cameraless... I will either have Josh do it tomorrow or tonight or bring my camera tomorrow and have the night girl do it when she gets here.  SORRY!!!!



Shut it Seth!

I've been ILL... I'm actually hoping to make a video instead of just photos but my nose is all stuffy and I don't wanna be on tape sounding like this!!