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Covid is being mean in Sharing 517!

Started by MelodyB, January 14, 2022, 01:54:31 PM

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My daughter is bored to tears. I am relaxing. In the campground. Nearly no cell phone  service and I managed to log on to wifi only when I am in a certain place.
So peaceful.
Steaks just came off the charcoal grill.
Burgers on it. And I have a new archeological/biblical novel I've not read before,just basking in front of the motorhome.
This is why I bought this thing.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

Backseat Radio

I've felt like garbage most of the week so not done much other than sleep. I did spray bleach water on the moss growing on my siding to kill that off but haven't had the energy or motivation to scrub any of the siding. Finished "Reimagining Church" by Frank Viola. He has some good thoughts but his writing is way too wordy and repetitive.

Backseat Radio

Been a good day.  Had lunch with my parents.  Then spent the evening baking cookies for a coworker's birthday and preparing my lunch to take to work tomorrow.

The Purple Fuzzy

My kids threw me a surprise birthday party this weekend. My son and his kids are still here. :)


Back @work. Feeling rough like I partied all weekend or something, haha. Woke up with a headache and feeling tired. Hopefully that goes away.

Saturday was a whirlwind. Left their house at 9am and didn't make it back until 12.50 hours later. Placed flowers on all the family graves, visited with extended family, ate at Western Sizzlin in Harrison, and a lot of driving time, haha. Had church with them on Sunday and it was a great message. Plus nice to see people. :) Drove home that afternoon and worked some more on the house yesterday. Hoping to start on the next room's purge on Thursday.


So close to our area, Nelle.
Fuzz, we had discussed coming to your party and wanted to, but fuel prices limited our travel.
Chey got "sick" and we wound up coming home early. I'm a bit ticked, still feel it was more "I am bored and no wifi, so I'll get sick" type of thing. I know part of it was real, but it was funny, once home, she asked about going to stay the night at two different cousin's houses. No, ma'am. If you too sick to let dad unwind at a beautiful Ozark campground, you too sick to go somewhere else. As a result I was not the most popular father in town Sunday and Monday.
Back at work dealing with folk again. Trying to be godly and give grace where appropriate, in keeping with "What would Jesus do?" philosophy.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

I'm so glad God gives children to young folks and not us older folks. My energy levels aren't what they used to be.


Went last night and finished hanging the new chandeliers at church. Back at work today, tired as I can be. It's like my energy left early. Church tonight, then homeward bound. Thankful it's a short week this week.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Does anybody in your church know how to play a chandelier? I thought it took years to learn.

"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I can play 'em beautifully. Nothing to it after you get the hang of it and know which switch to hit. :ugly:

 Morning all. Said chandeliers may be universally hated if crowd size is any correlation. Lord, we didn't have anyone there last night. Some of the regulars were sick, and not counting the musicians and preachers, I think we had four saints present, and maybe 6 or 7 kids. This out of a church that usually runs from the upper 30s to the low 50s.
I'm ready for people to not be sick and to put church and God as a priority in their lives again. :pound:
 Back at work. One day closer to my week off.....
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Friday again woot! After today I am on vacation!! Double woot!
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


I've got one more week before I can say that.
But I am thankful it is Friday. And it is beautiful.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Quote from: Roscoe on May 28, 2022, 10:54:03 PMMy daughter is bored to tears. I am relaxing. In the campground. Nearly no cell phone  service and I managed to log on to wifi only when I am in a certain place.
So peaceful.
Steaks just came off the charcoal grill.
Burgers on it. And I have a new archeological/biblical novel I've not read before,just basking in front of the motorhome.
This is why I bought this thing.

Reminds me of this one comic I saw where these two friends were walking through the woods. One of them kept checking her phone and saying, "still one bar." Finally she said, "woohoo, no bars!"

Her friend said, "you know you could just turn your phone off."

She replied, "if I'm going to be out of touch I have to earn it."
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Purple Fuzzy


Hello. It's Monday. Thankful this is a short week. I'm ready for my car show and some time off.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Good morning, all. Off to court....Hope y'all have a great day! It's beautiful hot and sunny here but the weatherman says that storms are a'coming from the area Newsman lived at...
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

Supposed to be hot and sunny here, too. No chance of rain in our forecast, though.



I'd like a nap, but won't get it in this corporate world, haha.

We were supposed to get a shipment yesterday from Sams with our cats' Temptation Treats, but either FedEx didn't quite deliver it or someone took it off our porch. Looked all over our yard and vehicles, but no package in sight. Contacted Sams today and they've shipped out a new one. Hopefully this one makes it all the way inside the house and no cats riot, hahaha. Thank goodness I try to order before I actually run out.


Ate a huge cinnamon roll that I should not have.
Took a Tylenol PM last night for hip pain. Regretted it this morning when I woke with a hang over.
It's rained like 5 inches in the last two days here. I'm over it. As an added bonus apparently it's the weather that's causing my hip to hurt.
Spent all day in court yesterday. Having to people today. Being a grump naturally, with the added hip pain, is making it a trial. LOL
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

The Purple Fuzzy

It's funny how the weather affects your body as you get older.


I'm still here. Nothing to report so I haven't been reporting it.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Here. Yesterday was a pain. Wound up in court in another county, was there until 6 pm, had to rush to church. All of my ministers and half my saints were sick. I think we had 18 present. I had to teach a bible study somewhat unprepared. Thankfully, the whole " instant in season and out" thing proved faithful.  Now- tonight- wedding rehearsal. Tomorrow-wedding. Sunday- church- then I'm good for a week of antiques autos and friendship.
And I threatened the girl in the wedding. She stated they weren't writing their own vows, they'd just repeat after me. I told them if that was the case, I might sneak in, "I, (bride's name), do solemnly vow, to pay the pastor $200 weekly..."

I was a fan of the idea. Somehow it met instant resistance. :laughhard:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Last night I dreamed that I had to get by on 10 times the amount I contributed to church. It sure was tough getting through a whole year on $520...
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I think I'd like that deal Lynx. 🤣
Hi all. Made it through the wedding.  Got complimented by an aged attendee who said it was the best marriage sermon she'd  ever heard. I blushed and "aw shucks" 'd it.
Got up today,picked up some chow chow.
Found that my usual spots at the swap meet  were for all intents underwater.
So I traded up and bought swap meet spots. More level ground, not as wet...and now I might as well haul some of my excess  parts up and sell them too.

Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Home from Indiana. But without my car... sigh. The engine was shot. But thankfully for me Kia has a lifetime warranty on their engines. So it's getting replaced for free(ish). But it's in Indiana and will possibly take approximately 2 weeks...

There is a possibility that they will ship it back to Texas for me. Please pray that happens lol.
I can't afford to drive back to Indiana and back again in 24 hours. :(

Driving thru Arkansas I saw "state police hq" more than once. Made me think of Bobby lol

But boyfriend passed family inspection lol. Now he can propose. He says could happen in a week. Could be a month. :roll:
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-