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Pedal to the floor in Sharing 504!

Started by Lynx, June 07, 2016, 10:40:00 PM

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The Purple Fuzzy


 The kids coaxed me into taking them camping last night. Borrowed a spare tire from Kim, just in case. Nearly to the campsite, I rounded a curve and heard a "thump". Tire jumped out of Rusty's shallow bed and disappeared into the underbrush. Looked last night until dark, the went back and looked this morning for a hour or better. Stupid thing vanished into thin air. Now I have to  1) tell kim I lost her wheel and tire and 2) replace it with another spare I had, and 3) go to the junkyard to find a replacement. She won't be happy. Neither am I.
 And to make matters worse, after setting up and them swimming for a bit, around 9 o'clock they decided they didn't want to camp after all, so I wound up de-camping and go home. Lord.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


News from my corner of the net:

I tried a new idea for dessert. The church was my guinea pig because we had a church dinner today. I took the crust from a fudge revel bar recipe, but instead of oats I ground them into oat flour. Then I put some chocolate pudding on top of that, but I doubled the eggs and added some cream cheese to the mix, then I threw in a bag of chocolate chips just for fun. Then I baked the whole mess, let it cool, then put some whipped cream and chocolate on top of that.

The crust turned out to be a bit much. Next time I do it with half the crust and twice the pudding.

Linux Mint 18 is out! Hooray!  This means nothing to normal people, but to a nerd it means a must-download. Unfortunately I blew through my 5-gig-per-month faster than a friend of mine blows through a speed limit, so my data flow is severely restricted right now. Hooray for bit torrents that don't care about interruptions! I'll get the 1.7 gigabyte system file sometime tomorrow morning, according to my torrent manager.

After church dinner I got home... and realized I had left a flash drive at church that I had to have. Le sigh. Went back to church and it was a good thing I did go back to get that flash drive, because someone had left the fellowship hall door unlocked.

I'm glad it wasn't one of those low-profile flash drives. If you lose one of those, good luck! "Let's see... was it in this computer, or that one, or did I leave it in the computer in the sound booth...?"
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I was dragging so much and almost decided to skip church yesterday. Last minute I got dressed and went. It was one of those services where you feel like the pastor has read your mail so to speak.

We are almost finished with that blasted porch! Today we are going to do yard work for Ms Wilma then to my FIL's house for a cookout. Tonight we are meeting up with friends from church for the city fireworks.
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


It's raining  here. Very dreary kinda day. Have ribs in the smoker for later. Guess im just gonna lounge around today.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


Went to Ms. Wilma's. Finished up some planting for her and painted her steps. Went ahead and watered her flowers for her as well since she's not feeling well today. As we were leaving she went above and beyond to bless us financially. We can now pay our electric, a credit card, and get some groceries and put gas in our vehicles. I'm so glad I decided to really buckle down with my tithe. I told husband I had to tithe from the amount given today and he looked at me like I was crazy.

I currently have 11 bug bites. Hope I don't get Zika virus!

Plus we had to replace the seal on our toiley. Now there will be no leaking or that uncomfortable rocking because the prior bolts were too short! Woo-hoo!
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


I am not easy to surprise or amaze, but something happened today that blew my mind!

Many a moon ago - about 10 years worth of moons ago, in fact - I used to work at a factory that currently is not in business here. For a short time we had a coworker there who was... well, I won't say what kind of church he went to, but it was well known for being strict about things that every other church doesn't even consider an issue. This guy was always looking for a debate. I mean actively looking; he would continually say things to bait people into arguments about the church standards he wanted to argue about. He was forever disparaging others for not believing as he did, and he made it very clear that the reason he was putting them down was because they didn't believe as he did.

I would always deflect the impending arguments for two reasons. One, I didn't think they would profit anything. "A man convinced against his will/is of his own opinion still" you know. The second, more important reason is because I remembered something Paul said. He was talking about people who believe certain things are bad and people who don't. He said if someone believes something is a sin, but that something is perfectly fine, if the man does it believing it is a sin then it is a sin to him. Doesn't matter if there's nothing in the world wrong with that thing, if he does it believing he shouldn't do it then it's a sin to him. So if I somehow WAS successful in debating this guy into a corner, I might be talking him into doing something he still believed in his heart was wrong. I thought that would not only be unprofitable, but a very wrong thing to do. So every time he tried to start a debate with me I would always demur.

Today I was outside changing the external trash can and this guy walks up to me. He introduced himself as the guy I used to work with and he starts talking about how he used to always argue with people about that stuff, and he apologizes for all the times he tried to start an argument. Ten years later. Totally out of the blue.


We had a nice chat and I got to explain to him why I always deferred debates back then. He would not have understood it back then but he understood well now. And I think he looked a lot better now than he did back then. He looked happier now.

Kinda boosted my faith in humanity. Not completely restored it of course, but helped it out a good little bit, for sure.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I got the sunburn yesterday. OUCH!!!

Thought we had our toiley fixed. Woke up today to water in the floor. Some moron put more flooring on top of the already existing floor like a bunch of lazy people. Now we have to go back in and remove enough of the top flooring so the seal will ACTUALLY seal. GRRRR!!!

Went downtown for the fireworks last night. Got there early to wonder around. Saw lightening in the distance. Checked my weather app and there was a severe storm coming our way. We power walked back to the car and within 2 minutes the dang thing hit!
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


Yeah, it was raining lightly here... but people were still out to see the fireworks. Crazy. I rolled my eyes and rolled away to my home.

What was I even doing out? I was at work until 9pm last night. On holidays there's this mysterious illness that sweeps through the population - particularly virulent, it seems, in the workforce - and people stay away from work in droves. I was at work until late on the 4th of July last year, if memory serves. I'm not complaining, as I will be getting overtime pay this week. :cool:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I worked yesterday too. I didn't really do much but I was here 6 hours. For the holiday overtime. Sho need the monies.

I didn't do anything last night. I was in a grumpy state.

Storm woke me up about 1. Lightening was so bright and kept cracking near me. Ugh.
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


All you people who wish you had something to do... I could sure use your help. Just let me know and we will work out a deal... Lol.
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Who's wishing for more to do? I got a full plate. My problem is triage.

People called in at work again today - allegedly sick, and I bet they really do feel unwell, but I suspect the cause is not a bacterium or virus... >.> So I'm staying late again.

Yay, money! :D
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I have plenty to do. It's been a busy day, dealing with wayward souls. A trying day, to be truthful. And I wound up working over an extra 15 minutes, which doesn't sound like much, but lord it feels like it. :pound:
 Now- I'd LIKE to be installing the starter solenoid that came in today onto the Studebaker. BUT- I have got to get something together for tomorrow night. And I have nothing..
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


I had a lovely weekend. Except the fact we lost another Saint to death. :sadbounce:

He's doing fabulous now though, so we really have no reason to be sad. He had a very aggressive cancer the past few years.

Other than that it was awesome and my holiday was great. I'm just not as spry as I used to be, because staying out after 10 and then getting to work at 5am the next day almost killed me. I was dragging so bad, made a bunch of mistakes at body just shut down when I got home. I went home, put on pjs, ate lunch and dozed in and out in the recliner till bedtime. Lol

Today I'm more awake, but I'm still gonna do nothing after I get off.

Middle age is not fun. Lol
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Hey Bobby, speaking of those wayward souls... Are you allowed to preach a little at work? "Hey I know this great plan that will help you kick that habit. It's worked for literally millions of people." :teeth:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Another reason Heather should not reproduce: I could have literally BEAT husband's dog yesterday and not felt bad about it. At all. She jumped our fence and went terrorizing small children [she's people scared] around the neighborhood. Took 25 minutes to get that idiot back to the house. Almost made me late to work. I will not discuss how swiftly I drove back roads to get there as their is an officer of the law on this board. Got home and the same dog had gotten on our kitchen counter and pulled a package of Chikfila honey mustard down and decided to open and eat it all over my favorite blanket on my chair. I told her the next time she jumps the fence she better keep going. I'm not doing this again. She was a large reason that I had to move from his dad's house years ago. Ugh.

Day off that I don't really need. I lost a day thanks to the holiday. We'll make it work.
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


:hi: Ugh. Last night was dead and dry. Woulda thought I'd ventured off into another denomination, one that isn't lively at all. I take part of the blame- seemed like I couldn't get the message I had across effectively. Oh well. Everyone has those times I guess.
Now I'm back at work. I'll see a few of these knuckleheads, hopefully help the few that want to be helped, and start the process to "help" a few that won't comply with their conditions back into prison, er, compliance.
 I really like this job, but lord it is paperwork intensive, with more than it's share of idiots.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


The last season of Criminal Minds is on Netflix!!!!!

In other news, we had a crazy person decide to start shooting at random cars on our main 4 lane in town around 2 am this morning. Killed a paper courier and injured 3 more, including a police officer. I'm waiting for it to hit trending on FB.

Bella jumped the fence again this morning on Brandon. We agree on a plan of attack, then he is lazy and everything I've done is...poof...gone.  :roll:
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


Quote from: HeatherB on July 07, 2016, 11:02:14 PMThe last season of Criminal Minds is on Netflix!!!!!

In other news, we had a crazy person decide to start shooting at random cars on our main 4 lane in town around 2 am this morning. Killed a paper courier and injured 3 more, including a police officer. I'm waiting for it to hit trending on FB.

Heading straight to Netflix tomorrow.  Lol

And we had crazy shootings downtown Dallas tonight too. There was a protest rally about the other black shootings in LA/MN. And two snipers opened fire, wounding 11 policemen, 4 dead. So sad. Sigh.

Be careful Roscoe. Sigh.
 "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
-Alexander Den Heijer-
"When I wait, you strengthen my heart."
-Psalms 27:14-


My heart hurts this morning to hear of Dallas. To be candid, I've tried to see things from the perspective of the Black Lives Matter group. And I understand the anger. What I don't understand is how the people that are peaceful good people that protest with them don't condemn the violence.
 Newflash- ALL lives DO matter. Black, white, green, yellow- they are all souls in need of a Savior.
 Instead, they get activists that don't work stirring up hatred between races. My opinion only- Black Lives Matter has at its core became a terrorist group.
The police shooting folks has happened and will continue to happen. When Officers feel threatened and in fear for their lives, they shoot to stop the threat. On the latest shootings, the New Orleans shooting, from what I have seen, I can see why the officers shot him. On the Minnesota shooting- I can't make that call, cause all we see is the aftermath. It APPEARS that the officer may have overreacted. But you know, given the vitriol that police are facing, it puts every officer in America on edge. And people on edge react explosively.
I see things differently after wearing the badge for so long. I have friends of every race that pin that badge on, and NONE of them are looking for a different race to target. All of them are wondering this morning about whether or not it's worth pinning the badge on. Because for all the bravado and bluster, they really wanted to make a change for the better in their community. And they didn't try to do that by burning down convenience stores and looting them, or shooting innocent people who came to an event simply to protect the protestors.

 I'm thankful God took me off the street as a cop. However, I still carry that gun, and will continue to do so. People have gone nuts. Time to prepare yourself...for everything. And the first stop should be a prayer closet. If there is any doubt where you stand with God, lock yourself in and make your salvation sure. Because you can't stop a bullet in mid flight so you can repent.

May God have Mercy on my beloved country, and may he comfort the hurting this morning, be it the officers, or the good people that lost someone. As for the thugs that killed innocents- I have no words for them. My human side says that the scum should die and do it quickly.
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


.....and we had another shooting last night...oh and our 3rd armed robbery in a week...

on 2nd thought Mel, you may not want to move here.

Just my 2 cents from my perspective on life, we have racist cops running around here. A lot of them. I'm honestly surprised we haven't had any of the senseless murders around here.

Bella tried to jump the fence again this morning, however Momma Bear even with her bowl of Fruity Pebbles was way too quick for her. Score 1 for me!
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


We had the radiator replaced in our van a few weeks ago. The van has been acting weird since then. Took it in to a 2nd mechanic (this time to someone we trust a lot more). Mechanic #1 is someone we don't know, but he bought the shop from an older fellow we liked who had been really good to us. HUGE mistake. Via mechanic #2 we learned that mechanic #1 hadn't replaced the radiator correctly... it's leaking on both sides... the hoses are leaking... the wiper issue that had been annoying us is because he didn't replace the cowling correctly after the radiator job... and he didn't mount the AC dryer correctly either. BEYOND ANNOYED. It's supposed to be under warranty, but at this point I don't really want such an incompetent imbecile touching my van. Aaaanyhow. Mechanic #2 says that with the work currently needing to be done, and knowing that the transmission is showing some interesting signs of issues (known to go out on Dodge Caravans between 150K - 200K anyhow, and ours is at 200K) we'd really be doing better to just replace the family vehicle now. So now we get to look for a family van that will seat 7, and also hound mechanic #1 to refund our money and/or make it right. Did I mention I'm annoyed??

So much for posting happy thoughts only, Ruby. :updown:

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Wow, that stinks... Ben has a van that he is going to be selling... Lol
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Ruby I've been there, complete with the whole grandfathering-in thing. A preacher friend of mine is also a mechanic, and I took my car to his shop for a time. Then he left the shop in capable hands while he went to work at a factory, mostly for insurance reasons. Then the capable hands moved on and... less capable hands, let's say... were working there. Took me an extra $80 at a different mechanic to fix the mess they made when they were trying to change a Ford Windstar's spark plugs.

But ever since obamacare made that workplace insurance untenable, my friend the preacher/mechanic is back and all is well.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I'm ready for school to start please. My summer job has gone to pot. I'm getting sent home after only working 2 hours. Losing complete shifts. I had considered working up until dad's chemo treatment in August but I've now been told that he won't have enough time for me then due to a former employee coming back. We are already not making it bill wise this summer and I WILL be going to see my family with my dying father in August. I haven't seen them in 11 years and then only briefly at my uncle's funeral. They were here for only 2 days. The last time I spent any significant time with them was 17 years ago. This time in life has taught me that family time is precious.
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali