
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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In Fourteen Hundred Ninety Two, Columbus Posted in Sharing 472

Started by Chseeads, November 05, 2012, 02:37:23 PM

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Unlocky schmocky.

Went and voted on the way to granny's.  Had the option of paper ballot or machine.  I opted for machine, as that's what I've always used before.  They only had one machine this time, and it was a different one than what had been in the past.  And I had to wait for a lady that was voting at it to get done. 

Went and did a little stuff at granny's and sat around there awhile.  Came home.  Just at a bean platter.

Need to go tend fowl and such.

The Purple Fuzzy

Our voting machines are strange.  They should make them easier to use. Like an IPhone or computer.


The place where I vote is on the outskirts of town...close to Alabama cause we lived near there before we lost the I didn't change my registration that close to election, I just drove out there. Most places in town were PACKED and had an hour or more wait in line, even early this morning. But I drove up, maybe 30 cars in the parking lot, went in, there were 5 computer voting tablet machines set up, people all around, but I went to the table marked A-L, the lady looked up my name in her binder, I signed my name to the list, I was number 256 and it was already 9am! The lady gave me a card to put in the side of the tablet thing, I voted, handed the card back, got my sticker and left.

The whole thing took less than 10 minutes.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I didn't even have to show any identification. Anyone could have voted for me today if they knew my name and address on my card.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I had to show ID. 

The machine they had this time had a scroll dial thing that you used to move your "cursor," so to speak, up and down the list on the screen.  They had some machine that they printed you off a little slip of paper with a 4 digit number on that you had to enter first to start your ballot up. 

In the past they had always had 2 or 3 machines.  Sometimes I think they had one that was different than the others, but I had always used the same type...  It had like a big paper ballot inside of it and buttons along the sides on the machine that you'd push next to what showed up on the page showing at the time....then you'd advance to the next page and a new sheet would roll up, and so on. 


I still need to go get the fowl tended.


The Purple Fuzzy

That's the kind we had.  I didn't like the the way you had to turn the wheel to scroll.


This time it looked like a huge iPad. Seriously. It was touch screen.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I just got back from voting. One advantage to living way out here in the sticks is no waiting....I think the record number cast at my preceint in the past was around 110.  :biglaugh:
We had a traffic jam today. I had to actually wait for a machine. (They use two at our polling place). I think they said I was number 75 for the day, and their "rush hour" ain't hit yet.  :P I was gonna wait 'til Lou got in, but was afraid she'd find a yardsale or something and be too late to vote, and I'd have had a stroke. I've not missed a chance to vote since I turned 18. So we'll be headed back, as soon as she gets home.  :P

Kinda felt bad about one race- a incumbent who is actually a friend, although we have different party affiliations, and a member of the party I usually agree with challenging him. I REALLY liked the challenger, and would've voted for him in a heartbeat, had his opponent not been someone I've known for ever, that I know will not vote party line, but will do what he feels is right....still it hurt voting against the young man. Hopefully he'll try again when my friend steps down- assuming of course that my friend does not get the boot this time.  :P

And I showed I.D. although we are not required to. They request it, but I could tell them no. BUT- since when they proposed a law requiring I.D. in my state I was a VERY vocal proponent of it- it was voted down-, it would be more than a bit hypocritical to complain about showing it.
Never mind the fact that the poll workers all know me by name and one is in fact shirt tail relation, they carefully ask and compare picture, name and address. Regardless of the fact that if I'd moved the whole community would know before I got the first load loaded. :laughhard:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison


I don't see what in the world the big deal is about not wanting to have to show ID to vote.  You have to show it to do all kinds of business transactions, what's the difference?  Except for those that are out to be fraudulent and would put a kink in their plans, but for law-abiding citizens what's it hurt?  I don't understand the outcry.

There was like 6 poll workers at my place, and I didn't know a one of them from Adam. 


Indiana has been declared a Romney win already.

I feel a small sense of accomplishment.  lol


Or it's "projected" anyways.....  Not totally official.


KY is projected Romney win too....looking at KY by county the southeast part of KY, coal mining area and stuff, Romney is eating Obama for lunch.


Quote from: Chseeads on November 07, 2012, 12:21:14 AM
KY is projected Romney win too....looking at KY by county the southeast part of KY, coal mining area and stuff, Romney is eating Obama for lunch.
That makes sense. Obama has not been the most friendly to the coal industry. Hard to vote for a man that is taking food off of your table. :smirk2:

And I'm with you on the no big deal to show's not like it is going to kill anyone to go get an i.d., even though I don't know anyone that doesn't have one already. They sure don't mind showing one to get benefits....
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison



I'm proud to be a coal miner's daughter.....


Yeah, I don't know anybody specifically that doesn't have an ID of some sort.  Even if they don't have a driver's license, they have a plain ID card. 

God forbid we weed out the illegals and crooks from voting.  :roll:


Quote from: Chseeads on November 07, 2012, 12:31:43 AM

God forbid we weed out the illegals and crooks from voting.  :roll:
I'm gonna make my only pointed comment here......I'm sorry if this joke offends anyone. In fact, I will "tiny size it so you have to WANT to read it to see it. :laughhard:.....

"Shame on you Cheese. If we do that the Democratic party will be cut in half"  :o
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison



I voted early. I voted for Obama again. It is what it is.

Only 2 more days of work until my 4 day weekend  :cool:
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali


The Purple Fuzzy


Quote from: Roscoe on November 07, 2012, 12:38:01 AM
Quote from: Chseeads on November 07, 2012, 12:31:43 AM

God forbid we weed out the illegals and crooks from voting.  :roll:
I'm gonna make my only pointed comment here......I'm sorry if this joke offends anyone. In fact, I will "tiny size it so you have to WANT to read it to see it. :laughhard:.....

"Shame on you Cheese. If we do that the Democratic party will be cut in half"  :o

Buahahaha!! That was stinking hilarious!

Anyhow. I did NOT vote for Obama. If anyone is counting GP votes or something. I would rather almost ANYone than Obama. I mean seriously, there are NO good choices this year. But since we already know Obama is bad news, I figure we should at least allow someone else the chance to show their true colors.  :smirk2: Totally cynical about the whole thing right now. And so sick of all the political garbage I'd like to.... like to.... like to.... I dunno. Something terrible. ;)

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


LOL  You know what I find hilarious? 

Maybe a year ago, our church prayed, travailed against the Mormon spirit.  It's HQ is here.  We battle it.  And then Mitt Romney loses.  I think God answered our prayer, just not the one people flip flopped on.


I know all the numbers aren't in yet but I think it validates all who don't vote when M.Romney actually has won (so far) the popular vote. But since the electoral college voted for Obama, that who is president.  Actually they don't officially vote for another month I believe.  So this is really all for our entertainment and distraction.

Times get worse and more people start to call on God. 

But Hey!  People who voted for Obama are feeling like winners!  Perhaps celebrating how we'll all be funding teenage girls' abortions w/o parental consent.   


Obama finally pulled ahead on the popular vote by a little bit. 

And speaking of the feeling of winning and abortions and all that...  This was posted by a gay guy that used to work at the nuthouse:

So happy Obama won!! What a victory for gay rights!! What a victory for women!


God's going to get the glory when it's all said and done. 

First openly gay senator was elected too and tons of states voted for legal gay marriage.

The natural disasters are going to increase that's for sure.