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Ipad vs Tablet vs Notebook

Started by awilkes05, October 29, 2012, 08:14:52 PM

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Ok! So, yea, I could just google and research to get all of my answers, but I want to hear from the folks who have one of these items  .

Our Wedding Event business is kinda beginning to kick off.  What we are looking for is something that we can take w/ us to our consultations w/ our brides that is not too bulky (smaller than a laptop), but not too small either and easy to carry. We would need Microsoft Word on it and it has to have internet access.  Not wi-fi only though.  Some places that we go don't always have wi-fi and we would need internet connection to show something.   It would also need to be something that we could put a jumpdrive into and show pics, etc and I need to be able to save files on it etc.

I've heard that the Ipad doesn't have WORD but that you can download it w/ an app or something.  Is that true? Anyone know how much the app is? Wouldn't the Tablet or a Notebook have it already installed? What is the real difference between all 3?

Any info is greatly appreciated.  I really want to hear from the ones that have one of these items.  How is it working for you? What is your main use for it?

Thanks in advance everyone!!!!
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."



1.  Micro$oft Word:  You don't have to have Microsoft Word, just a word processor.  Preferably one that opens all kinds of word documents.  Most platforms have those, and they are free.  For regular computers (windows, mac, linux) the go-to is Libre Office.  Not only will it open Microsoft Word (and other programs) documents, it will save as all those other formats so you can take the file to a computer with Microsoft Word and open it.  Libre Office also does all the other stuff - spreadsheet, powerpoint, database, etc.  Mind you, this is for a REAL COMPUTER:  If you opt for a tablet or smartphone do the research first and see what programs are available for the one you're looking at.

2.  Internet connection:  Specifically you will want a 3G or 4G connection.  Some netbooks (like a laptop, only a lot smaller) have a 3G internet connection built in.  Basically this gives you internet wherever your friends are able to use their smartphones online, i.e. over a cell phone network.   Almost all smartphones and many tablets have it.  For my laptop I use an AT&T USB stick that does the same thing, gives me internet through the cell phone (3G) network.

3.  Ease of use:  If you want something that just plain works, get an iPad.
... excuse me.  Would someone please pick Chel up off the floor?  The poor girl just fainted.
Despite popular opinion, I do not automatically hate iStuff.  I just object to the "It's what everyone is using, it's popular, you should get one" mentality that is common these days.  I also find the price a bit steep for anything Apple.  But if you can afford it, if you don't need anything above basic functionality and if you just want it to work right the first time with no hassle, iPad would be the best bet.

4.  Versatility:  If you want something that can do anything, get a netbook.  It's smaller than a laptop, but runs a real Windows system, so all the standard programs you are used to running on a computer will actually run.  There are some fairly cheap netbooks out there today running Windows 7, and now that Windows 8 is about to come out those will probably be even cheaper.  They are noticeably slower than a normal laptop or desktop, but they are more than fast enough to run your video or slideshow presentation.  They will not have a CD drive, but then neither will a tablet or smartphone.

5.  Portability:  For presentations I would NOT recommend a smartphone.  Screen too small, programs too limited, speed much, much too slow.  If a netbook is still too big and you can't afford an iPad, do some research on tablets and find one that can run the display program you want.  Some tablets run Android, but you should look into which version a given tablet is running and what programs are available for *that specific version* of Android.  Not all Androids are created equal...  There are some tablets that run Windows, but it's usually a stripped-down version of Windows - Windows Lite.  Again, do some research on what that Windows version can run.

Personally I'd say go with a netbook. But it's your call.  Whichever way you go, good luck with your business.   :cool:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


By the way, the line between tablets and netbooks has gotten a bit blurred lately.  Many "tablets" these days come with a swing-out keyboard on the back, and many "netbooks" can fold back the keyboard and function as a tablet.  Technically you could get something that works fine as a tablet, but runs a full Windows 7.  It might be officially called a tablet, might be marketed as a netbook...
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Purple Fuzzy

I'm hoping to get a Samsung Galexy tablet soon.


What cell carrier do you have?  For the service, that will be the key to what tablet you use.  Most offer iPads or a Android tablet. 

iPads have no built in USB ports, but only a few Android ones do.  Most will work with a standard bluetooth keyboard.  If you want to present yourself well, use a tablet (with a NICE case), just make sure you dont have the screen littered with games.  A prospective client will think "All they do is play angry birds."  LOL

Word, or some alternative is probably available.  With either, you can use a program to sync your documents via wifi or cell service to a home computer.  Google offers Google Drive which I use (free) and there are many others available.  Evernote is one.

Think about the USB option though...I went with a android tablet because of the USB option.  In retrospect, you can do everything you want with cell service and preparation before, ie, upload it to the tablet, have it accessible via evernote or google drive.  A iPad would have done me just as well.
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I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Unless they are wanting to plan an Angry Birds wedding.  In which case, cover the screen with Angry Birds.  :ugly:


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I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Quote from: minnesota68 on October 30, 2012, 04:00:44 PM
iPads have no built in USB ports, but only a few Android ones do. 

Thank you SO much for telling me this :-).  That pretty much cancels out the Ipad for me.

QuoteWhat cell carrier do you have?  For the service, that will be the key to what tablet you use.  Most offer iPads or a Android tablet. 

I am currently w/ AT&T.  Can you tell me more about how that would play a part?

QuoteWith either, you can use a program to sync your documents via wifi or cell service to a home computer.  Google offers Google Drive which I use (free) and there are many others available.  Evernote is one.

Never heard of Evernote.  I will be checking into that in the near future.

QuoteIf you want to present yourself well, use a tablet (with a NICE case), just make sure you dont have the screen littered with games.  A prospective client will think "All they do is play angry birds."  LOL

Lol.  Thanks so much for the suggestion!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions, thus far.  It really, really helps me!  I've never been an "I" fan.  Had the I-phone and hated it.  Someone told me that if I didn't like the Iphone then I would hate the Ipad b/c its just a bigger version of the Iphone lol.  I've never used Android.  I currently have a Windows phone and LOVE it.  I would love to find a tablet w/ that Operating system. 

Isaac- Thanks for all that info.  I will have to re-read everything again to really grasp it haha.
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


No need.  Given the data provided in your latest post, I can sum it all up in a short version. 


Get a Windows 7 tablet.  :cool:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Quote from: Psalm_97 on October 31, 2012, 01:13:28 AM
No need.  Given the data provided in your latest post, I can sum it all up in a short version. 


Get a Windows 7 tablet.  :cool:

Actually, my wife uses a Windows 7 tablet for work.  Its not bad, but unfortunately in the tablet world, AT&T (awilkes05's carrier) only offers iPad and a few Android devices.

Quote from: awilkes05 on October 30, 2012, 09:17:16 PM
Quote from: minnesota68 on October 30, 2012, 04:00:44 PM
iPads have no built in USB ports, but only a few Android ones do. 

Thank you SO much for telling me this :-).  That pretty much cancels out the Ipad for me.

Actually, I was not trying to steer you away from iPads, or to any particular tablet.  As I mentioned before, you can use evernote/google drive or a plethora of other options to handle all the things you think you need a jump drive for.  Just research out what you need vs. what you want, and you might see a better option.

If you really want a USB drive, it might limit your options because:

QuoteWhat cell carrier do you have?  For the service, that will be the key to what tablet you use.  Most offer iPads or a Android tablet. 

I am currently w/ AT&T.  Can you tell me more about how that would play a part?

You mentioned needing internet access.  To do that, you need a cell service.  Now, one more option that might be worth checking is if you have a smart phone, and a existing data plan, use that as a portable wifi hotspot.  That would open up your choices of tablets considerably.  If that was a option, I'll sell you a great Toshiba Thrive Android tablet...  :freaky2:

Also, if that was a option, look into the windows tablet.  It might be the easiest way to handle it all.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


I wondered if I'd have to go w/ something that AT&T supported or not w/ me wanting the internet and all. I have no problem changing carriers though.  Been wanting to do that for a while, actually.  :smirk2:

QuoteActually, I was not trying to steer you away from iPads, or to any particular tablet.
Oh, I know!  :).  The reason why I said that about the Ipad is b/c I think that we're really going to need a USB port.  Well, let me make sure I am understanding correctly when you say "USB port." To me, that means that if something has an USB port, then, you can insert a jump drive and view files, pics etc.  If it does not have an USB port, then, you cannot do any of those things.  Is that right  ???

Sounds like I would LOVE the Windows tablet.  Are there any other options for having full internet access w/ that even though AT&T doesn't support it? Or, have you already answered that? lol.  Nevermind...just read the last sentece haha.

Who knew it'd be so hard! So many choices.  Thanks again for all of the info, guys  :).  You've given us lots to think about and I really appreciate it.  :thumbsup2:

"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."

The Purple Fuzzy


As I mentioned before, you can get cellular internet through an AT&T supplied USB modem.  It was made for Windows computers, but works flawlessly on all my Linux computers.  It's a little stick, like a flash drive, that broadcasts like a smartphone.  Basically it gives you internet through the cell phone network, like a smartphone's internal 3G chip. 
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


So...another question! Lol. On any of these tablets, are u able to download internet filters? The downfall of my Windows phone is that I can download an app that's a filter but it's basically just a web browser. So, if you are not using THAT browser then you are not "protected". I don't want anything like that. I want something that will protect whether I am using Firefox, IE, or whatever.

Thanks again! I'm sure I wouldn't get as much detailed info from a store rep as what you guys are giving me  ;)
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


If you get a tablet that is running a full Windows 7, it will function like a laptop or desktop.  This includes all programs that run in Windows, including filters.

That is a good point though, one many should consider if they value internet filters.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I know you don't really NEED more complexity, but...  if you have to have internet wherever you are going, you should look up (insert cell phone company here) coverage in your area.  If you're in a big city you're probably good to go, but even AT&T doesn't reach everywhere, and there are some places where you can only get signal from one or two companies. 

The big companies (Verizon, AT&T, etc) all have little USB modems that will work with any computer, laptop or full Windows 7 tablet, and they all have coverage maps you can look up online.  And most of them have a 30 day trial, so you can get one and you're not stuck if it doesn't work in your area.  :)

And from personal experience I can attest that AT&T has great tech support.  I don't know about Verizon personally, but I hear theirs is good too.  Haven't heard about any others.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


So...just a FYI, we chose to go with a Samsung Galaxy tablet using our phone as the hotspot.  Too early to tell if i like it or not. :-)

Thanks again for all of the suggestions!
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


If you need help making it work - specifically finding the program you need to do what you want - Google is an ever-present help in time of trouble.  :)
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."

The Purple Fuzzy

I ended up with an IPad with the help of my kiddos. :D


By the way, whatever notebook or tablet you're going to get, now is a great time.  Windows 7 tablets and notebooks are really cheap because Windows 8 is out.

And speaking of which, I played with a Windows 8 notebook... *shudder*  Stick with Windows 7 until they get the bugs worked out.  Good thing Win7 computers are so cheap right now.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


Speaking of tablets, we have YET to have the full advantage of ours. 

I HATE At&T.  But, for us, they are the best service provider for what we need.  Thier customer service stinks royally, though.

This is the very short version of an almost 2 week ordeal.  Started Thanksgiving Eve, actually. 2 reps told us BEFORE we bought our Galaxies that our HTC Surround phones would be compatible w/ the galaxy b/c it had a hot spot option.  One rep went as far as to tell me that she "took it upon herself" to call HTC and make SURE that these phones would work for what we wanted and she said that they told her yes.  So, we went ahead and made the purchases.  Fast forward to Friday.  We had to call another department to get everything set up w/ our tabs.  They informed us that they couldn't do anything over the phone b/c our HTC's did not have the hotspot option. They suggested we take it to the local AT&T store and see what they could do.

So, we took it there and they informed us that there was NOTHING that they could do b/c (and I may mess this us b/c I don't know the correct terminology) the Galaxy tab does not have a sim card slot (????) and that was the only way that a tab would be compatible w a phone that does not have a hotspot.  So, here we have our phones that doesn't have a hot spot AND a tab that doesn't have a sim card slot, so, we basically got the tablets for nothing.  There was nothing else that could be done other than return them and get something else.  The thing about that is, we got these for a good price (we thought), but we couldn't afford to get anything more expensive and nothing cheaper would work for us.

So, that same Friday, my hubby spoke w/ 2 reps.  One said that they would send us 2 hotspots for free and that it wouldn't change our monthly bill amount.  The other said that they would send us 2 phones that were compatible w/ the tabs.  He told them that he would discuss w/ me and let them know. forward to Monday, we spoke w/ a rep and he told us that he couldn't give the same options. Oh. My. Goodness. We were livid at this time.  And, of course, everytime you talk to them, you have to hold on for forever.  So, we were on our way to work and coudn't talk anymore.

So, I called last Monday night and asked to speak directly to a team leader.  I explained to him everything that went on.  He wanted to do the free hot spot option, but, again, that doesn't fit in our budget.  So, he ended us sending us 2 FREE Galaxy 3S phones (overnight and waiving all attached fees) and a 200 credit on our bill  :clap:.  So, that made us feel a little better b/c it was all over.  So, we thought.  :roll:  We have yet to recieve our "overnighted" phones.  That's another story there.

I hate, HATE giving up my Windows phone.  I'm kinda getting the "feel" of Android but it doesn't compare to the Windows (to me).  Everyone is saying that we have awesome phones coming and to get them for free is a fantastic deal.  Idk. I'd rather have Windows lol. But, thank God we'll FINALLY have something that will work w/ our Galaxy tabs.  And, this way, we'll get the full benefits of both devices b/c we have a Galaxy phone AND a Galaxy tabs.

Yes, that was the short version.  We won't talk about the wrong price quotes (multiple times), the wrong items shipped (Sim card for Apple Ipad...why??? lol) and the rude reps we got.
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."


Sounds like an AT&T store that didn't really know what they were doing.  Many stores with an AT&T sign out front are franchise owners.  Try going to the next town over and seeing if they know what they are doing. 

I live in a small town, but there is a larger town east and a larger town west of me, both with AT&T stores.  The one to the east is very professional, low waiting time, has everything together, they know about what they are selling and how to use it.  The one to the west... you have to wait forever, and basically you'll get "I don't know."
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


I'm sorry, I didn't clarify that all of the above reps were over the phone except for the one time I mentioned that we went into the store.  It was the over the phone rep that suggested we try the store.  The store is the place that told us about the Sim slot.
"Take me to that place Lord, to that secret place, where I can be with YOU.  You can make me like You."