
Did you sleep well? No, I made a few mistakes. -Steven Wright

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What Is Working Well In Your Chuch?

Started by Newsman, April 21, 2011, 08:14:13 AM

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   Please share what programs, initiatives, efforts or whatever is working well in your local Apostolic churches.

   Different things reach people in different ways and leves. Door knicking may work better in one town/for one church than another.
   Please share what you feel is working well in reaching out to souls from the local churches you are part of!




1.) Prayer
2.) Prayer
3.) Prayer

And the proceed to step two

1.) Be nice to people who visit your church
2.) Be nice
3.) Did I mention be nice

Step three

Love people. When a Person comes in your doors, show them love and kindness. Don't worry about how they are dressed or who they are. Love them and let them feel that you care.

No one should ever come to church and never been be acknowledged.

Step Four

Follow up.

A letter from the pastor
A phone call from someone
Someone stops by for 3 minutes to give them a thank you for visiting gift ( Box of candy, homemade cookies, and a church card) and an invite to come back.  No more than 5 minutes.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." (Vader)

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf (Orwell and Churchhill)

The Never Ending Battle


I can't really say that anything has been just working by leaps and bounds, but do have at least one success story that I've mentioned in sharing resulting from the mailings I did at Christmastime. 

Sent out mailings as a Christmas "card" greeting, offering some Christmas cheer, as well as offering prayer for any needs, open invite to visit us, etc. etc.  Out of roughly 800 and some that successfully reached a valid address in the community around here, there was one guy that just within the couple months called (which I sent a postcard note thanking him for the call afterwards) and came and visited and has visited several times.  He calls every once in a while to chit chat too. 

He has a Christian background, raised Nazarene, and has attended many other churches just looking to see what all is out there, and recently has attended a "charismatic" church that used to be apostolic.  He's a nice guy, bachelor in his 60's (could be Newsman in a few more years :P ), and has had glowing remarks to say about us.  He's got a friend he's trying to get to come and said he's told others about us as well. 

So while it wasn't a huge direct response to the mailing effort, it counts as a success.  Never know, he might somehow win a bunch of people in himself.  Never know what a seed will produce down the road....  He made a statement to me last night  actually to the effects that if I didn't do anything else, I'd made a difference to him.  So, that's successful.  :)

The Cold Water Kid

Quote from: Newsman on April 21, 2011, 08:14:13 AM
...Door knicking may work better in one town/for one church than another.
What is that you say? "Door kicking'? Lol, we have not tried that yet, but it just might work. I bet if me and a few brothers got out there and kicked some doors in it would shake things up!

(Sorry John, I am just playing around. I thought I saw "door kicking" and it struck me as humorous, I mean, can you imagine??  :biglaugh:)

But seriously, I think Scott is right. It is all about prayer. If our prayer life is right, we find God using us in all kinds of ways, and it doesn't take weeks or months... usually it is more like hours. But we do not want to pray, at least our flesh doesn't. I mean, if you made a list of the flesh's favorite things to do, prayer would be down there near the bottom somewhere close to dieing. Can anyone here say their prayer life is what it should be and yet they do not see God using them to draw souls?


Well prayer seemed to work for Brooklyn Tabernacle.  You've heard of them right, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, has a lot of albums for sale, very good music (I have 11 albums... so far.)  They started out as a very small church in a beat-up part of the city.

The pastor wrote a book recently, can't remember the name of it, that details all the changes that happened after he slated prayer service as the most important service the church has.  To make a long book short, they are where they are now (and with the anointing in their music that they have now) because they started taking prayer very, very seriously.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


This may sound incredibly cheesey or cliché but what is working here is helping people find their niche and then supporting them to go at it.  That means a diversity of ministries, services, outreaches, seminars. Often taught by a visiting minister who is successful in that, which I know is a luxury.

From that, the biggest evangelistic thing we have going for us is the saints reaching those around them.  From the compassion ministries that goes to the less fortunate. To the divorce care, grief care, ACTS program, prison ministry, nursing mothers classess.  Our cell groups have won people as a group because someone came to a cell group in someone's house for awhile before they ever decided to come to church. 

And yet there are still areas that as far as I know, are not being reached.  Thank God, there is more than one church family in this city!  Hopefully, what we may not be doing, they are and visa versa.

For example.  I am not a great greeter.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE people, but I'm not good at small talk.  Now, if it's needed, I can do it and people who don't know me think I fit that well.. lol, but inside it's like pulling teeth. But, with all these new converts, somebody needs to spend some time with them, teach them a Bible study, partner w/ them in prayer, etc.  THIS I thoroughly enjoy! I cannot express how passionate I am about seeing someone grow in God, not just get baptized/HG.

I have 2 ladies around my neighborhood that have come to church w/ someone else and would like a Bible study, so I'm the contact.  Hopefully, it will come together to teach them, and I'll be able to get them connected with others in the church to support them as they grow. 

I DO want to be a soul winner, and I would very much like to win some souls to the Lord.  But boy oh boy was it a huge unnecessary weight off my shoulders when I was taught and realized that there are different ways to win souls besides getting them in the doors. 

All the above I believe are only successful by prayer and fasting however like everyone else has said.  In fact I believe that is why we are having success.  Because prayer and fasting has gone on, someone was moved to start these programs, and they are working.

We have averaged around 500 for awhile.  The last 5 weeks we have been over 500.  I know it's not about numbers, guys.  Our level 1,2,3 discipleship classes are full though and someone has been baptized almost every week this year, and many getting the Holy Ghost.  Our sanctuary can seat 700ish but our parking lot is overflowing, down the road.  I think that's our next project. And while we are growing, I can't forsee us continuing to grow w/o also breaking off and starting some more churches at some point also.

If that is intimidating to someone, let me just say, we are in a metro, lots of people and suburbs in this area.  I know a church in IA that avg. the same amount for 20+ yrs. but they have turned out some fantastic ministers. Same number, but not just the same people.


Quote from: MellowYellow on April 22, 2011, 07:24:45 PM

I DO want to be a soul winner, and I would very much like to win some souls to the Lord.  But boy oh boy was it a huge unnecessary weight off my shoulders when I was taught and realized that there are different ways to win souls besides getting them in the doors. 

if everyone could learn that right there, it would make a world of difference to the world!

its not enough just to get people to "church" or God. If you just introduce them, get the baptized and full of the HG and then walk away, to me that is worse than spiritual abortion.

to birth someone into the family and walk away is murder plain and simple.

so many end up leaving church and/or God because to them its empty past the initial salvation experience.

there are so many areas and so many things people can find to do that will help reach and keep people active. write cards/letters if you are shy. some people are good at phone calls.

the main thing i have learned since i had the strokes and became home bound for a time was, just dont forget about them.

when you dont see someone for a few days, going on a week, call them, drive by their house/work, something. go out to eat, ask them to go for a walk, picnic something! anything!

its the no more contact that is killing folks more than any other one thing i see.

i know i struggled because i never felt a part of the group. only time they spoke was if i was in a service. so when i was no longer able to leave my house, i became a forgotten one. in 4 months, not one person (even after they found out why i was not in services) called, came by, checked on me.

that right there is why our churches will not grow.

we know how to reach them, teach them how to get saved, baptize them.

but after that we walk to drop them and move on to the next person.

got to have some kind of followup processes. even seasoned saints need help and encouragement, why would the newcomer or home bound not?

stop and put yourself in those shoes, can you go weeks, months, years and never hear from people that claim to be your brothers and sisters?

trust me, i lived it for months, its maddening.

if you win them, care for them, or at the very least find someone to take up where you left off before you go to someone new.

Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.

The Cold Water Kid

Quote from: MellowYellow on April 22, 2011, 07:24:45 PM
For example.  I am not a great greeter.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE people, but I'm not good at small talk.  Now, if it's needed, I can do it and people who don't know me think I fit that well.. lol, but inside it's like pulling teeth.
I have a similar problem. I can have a focused conversation with relative ease, one of my professors even called me a natural teacher, but invite me over to just hang out? I would rather take a whipping. Plus, I blush and panic in social situations so easily it is pityful; just walking into a crowded church puts my system in high alert. Put me on the front row and it hinders my worship because I am distracted by the possibility of being scrutinized from behind... it is going to get better though.


I stand that the best soul winning happens when they walk thru the door of your church.

How does your church treat new people?

I've heard of churches that send people home to change clothes!

I've heard of churches that ask "why are you here?

Treat them right when they come through the door, treat them with respect, kindness and friendship and there is a better chance of them returning.

We can teach bible studies, we can invite people to church, we can witness all day long, but when they walk through the door if we treat them right you just might retain them.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." (Vader)

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf (Orwell and Churchhill)

The Never Ending Battle

Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: Psalm_97 on April 21, 2011, 11:07:50 PM
Well prayer seemed to work for Brooklyn Tabernacle.  You've heard of them right, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, has a lot of albums for sale, very good music (I have 11 albums... so far.)  They started out as a very small church in a beat-up part of the city.

The pastor wrote a book recently, can't remember the name of it, that details all the changes that happened after he slated prayer service as the most important service the church has.  To make a long book short, they are where they are now (and with the anointing in their music that they have now) because they started taking prayer very, very seriously.
Prayer works period but I would hardly compare a charismatic, church, inc., soul mill like BT to the struggles of a true bible-based church that holds beliefs on things

The Cold Water Kid

Thanks for speaking up Amelia. I was thinking about buying some of these CDs after the glowing reference (no offense Psalm_97), but after looking at their website I would not want them; they do not look Apostolic, nor are they listed on


They are not apostolic, but their music is anointed.  And you'd be surprised how many churches have the power of God behind them that don't officially go under the UPCI or other apostolic organization flag.
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

The Cold Water Kid

Quote from: Psalm_97 on April 23, 2011, 05:46:53 PM
And you'd be surprised how many churches have the power of God behind them that don't officially go under the UPCI or other apostolic organization flag.
I do not doubt that at all; I love independent churches!
Quote from: Psalm_97 on April 23, 2011, 05:46:53 PM
They are not apostolic, but their music is anointed.
This statement, not so much... but that's me.


For that matter, you'd be surprised how many "Baptist" churches baptize in Jesus' name and get the Holy Ghost.  Some churches, the name over the door doesn't mean what you might think - just as some "apostolic" churches, even churches that are still in the UPCI aren't really apostolic. 

Which is one good reason I never tell Baptist/Catholic/Methodist/etc jokes.  ;)
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:


True Amelia, we're going to see "rave" reviews of success from churches who aren't true bible-based church that holds beliefs on things, w/ or w/o labels.

So back to the question...

And Scott, I agree, Lots of people say we are a very friendly church.  I love that, cause we really do care.

Amelia Bedelia

I've visited BT and have a friend that goes there.  "anointed" is not a term I would use to describe their music, sermons or services.  The verse that comes to mind whenever I've been around BT or those that attend BT would be how the lukewarm make God nauseous. 

Knowing you CWKid I really don't think it would be up your alley  ;)

People can pen and produce all sorts of moving music regardless of their spiritual walk so if the music helps or touches you in your walk then I would attribute that to you and not the music so much.

Churches, social clubs, bars, offices, restaurants etc. all do well when the people emulate Christ.  People are drawn to Christ-like qualities wherever they are.  Make sure your church has them plus truth and substance.

The Cold Water Kid

It is good to see that living in that silly city has not robbed you of your wisdom Amelia!

(I am just teasing; I am sure NYC is a lot more interesting than here. Once I finish my masters I will be looking for a nice college town somewhere, preferably somewhere cooler!)

Amelia Bedelia

har har.  if anything its given me more   :P

The Cold Water Kid

Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on April 23, 2011, 11:35:11 PM
har har.  if anything its given me more   :P
Well you know what they say - "What doesn't kill you..."  :lol: