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Type 2 diabetes

Started by Tricia Lea, December 11, 2010, 02:09:55 AM

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Tricia Lea

After I had my thyroid surgery this summer, I was told I have type 2 diabetes.
I am learning to eat better. Its been a change, On the good side I am loosing some weight. Just wondering anyone else have diabetes, How are you at glucose control.
They tell me if I loose enough weight I might be able to come off the medication. I am only on Metformin and would love to not have to take anything if possible.
How do you plan meals and snacks?
Just looking for ideas


The nutritionists won't say this, they're even opposed to it, but it's been proven over and over, if you cut starches from your diet, or at least cut way down, your blood sugar will stabilize. There's a new study out this fall that also confirms this. Starch turns to sugar in your system and your body treats it like any other sugar. So cutting down on starches will control your blood sugar better. It's also good for those who are insulin resistant.

See: for some great information and recipies.

Tricia Lea

I have been cutting back on bread. I have a friend who is also type 2 and shes cut almost all starches and is doing good. Thanks

Ps. sorry for responding laete, I read this when you first posted and thought I responded then  but thats what I get for thinking lol