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Prayer and Fasting

Started by Tricia Lea, July 26, 2010, 10:11:33 PM

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Tricia Lea

 I would love to see your thoughts and scripture on prayer and fasting. Its something  I have been thinking about a lot.

It just seems to me that so much has changed from a long time ago when it was  late night prayer meetings to now its often a 15-30 prayer meeting before service if that.
Even fasting has come from a full days fast or more to fast a meal or fast certain things like caffeine
Why the change?

I am not trying to knock anything. Its just something that has been reeling in my head. I heard someone use the term one day that we live in an age of microwave Christianity. Where we try to make everything convenient. Do you think that's true. Thoughts anyone?

Edited to correct spelling


I think that is true.  But not everyone.

I love Isaiah 58.  It's not so much about the suffering at all but about denying OUR pleasure to instead minister to someone else, whether "spiritually" or practically. 

In an age where people count calories instead of eating real food in moderation, their bodies are hard pressed to handle cold turkey fasts.  So much chemicals from processed foods and medications saturate people's bodies these days.  People are addicted to caffene instead of just coffee drinkers.  People also don't take the time to fast correctly so they get sick and seriously can't handle fasting completely.

But with common sense, knowledge and a sincere heart, it can and is done, with amazing results. 

We were just talking here about throwing an open ended prayer mtg. together.  The reality is, many people just aren't that desperate for God.  They are content taking life as it comes, even when it's hard, rather than interceding for a miracle.  There is SO much that God would do more in if we would just really pray!

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Hmmm... Interesting topic... and I am interested what input people have...  :grin:

Feed The Bachelors 2010


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


I don't fast as much as I should.  I normally only fast if I am asked to...but when I have fasted (sincerely, of course) God has truly moved.  I have been thinking about fasting more recently....just to get closer to God on my own.  My church went on the Daniel's fast for 3 weeks earlier this year and God is still moving mightily in our services.  There are so many ways to fast doesn't have to mean you don't eat any food.  I believe God is still honored with any sacrifice you give Him, if you are truly sincere in your sacrifice.  I heard something on the radio today that was goes along with the comment made about "a microwave society"... the preacher said something to the effect of... We as Christians do not need to be like microwave dinners...where you are hot on the outside but ice cold on the inside....  I was Amen-ing the radio. Lol.