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Dust and ashes

Started by upcchris, April 20, 2010, 12:21:00 PM

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Is the Iceland Volcano eruption affecting any part of the US? I know it's heavily affecting Europe...just wondering how far it's traveled.
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Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

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Yesterday my news station said it is expected to pass over North America but not affect the U.S.

I work at a Christian School and one of our parents is a Piolet for UPS. She said that a co-worker piolet of hers was over seas making a delivery when the volcano errupted and he missed his daughters wedding! I would be so sad!


I'm guessing since weather travels from West to East, that most of it would blow toward Europe and very little South.

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

I feel sorry for the people that are being affected by it.

However, I wouldn't mind being closer, or having some of the after affect of the ash blown sky high... usually the sunrise and sunset photos after volcanic eruptions are AWESOME...

Feed The Bachelors 2010


 :smirk2: True...but be careful what you wish would mean planes being grounded over there too and the airlines losing even more. And the dust and ash in the air can't be good for anyone including the environment.

We had a dust storm over here last year...I had to walk through it to get to work...wish I thought to bring a was just after it rained too, so the dust stuck to was all orange/ dissipated by the end of the day, but almost everything was all it was so freaky waking up and seeing what was like orange fog everywhere.
Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be


(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Excellent points... :grin:

I don't take pleasure from all those people being grounded, and airlines losing money... I feel bad for them.

I wouldn't want all the effects, just enough so that I could get a few killer shots of a sunrise or sunset  :grin:

I don't do well in dust storms either...

As far as the dust not being good for the environment, I don't think they have found a way to stop the natural volcanic eruptions that have been taking place for a few thousand yrs...

All I can say is that I think Iceland has just used up their carbon footprint and most of rest of the worlds as well, for the next 15 yrs with the eruption of their volcano... drat them... they should have done more to stop it from erupting... perhaps they should have thrown Paris Hilton into it to appease the Volcano minions...


Feed The Bachelors 2010


 :laughhard: Oh My Word! *Ahem* :nono:

I suppose if our lungs can handle the current level of car can handle a bit of dust and ash far....far...away from the volcano. And your right about the sunsets making an awesome photo...also awesome is ladder lightning  :great:

But I digress. The volcano erupting is a vivid reminder that humanity does not and cannot control nature. God is always in control. True, Greenhouse gases don't exactly help. I'm slightly concerned what the results of the eruption will do to flight prices...and I feel sympathy for all those that were stranded, especially those that needed to get back for their weddings.
Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be



I wish I was down on the Gulf Coast today. They are suppose to try and burn off some of the oil slick from the oil rig explosion. I bet there will be some great pictures this afternoon if they go through with it. I would love to be able to get some pictures of that.
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(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Yes, lightning is awesome for photos as well, and I have a habit of storm chasing when I know a storm is nearby... but I am unfamiliar with "ladder lightning"...

What is it?

While I do admit that exhaust from the various forms of transportation is not great... at the same time, Horses and other animals give off high levels of Methane Gas... which admittedly is not the greatest thing for the environment either.  

And obviously, I probably will not be riding a bike to the wonderful "Land Down Under" anytime soon, which would mean you couldn't fulfill your dream of being a tour guide (yes... I know that was high on your list of things to do in this lifetime... Be a tour guide to some crazy YankYooperDude...  :grin:  )

So all in all... I am not sure that for long distance travel at least, that we have many alternatives...

Feed The Bachelors 2010


I remember the dust fall out from Mt. St. Helen's.  A friend gave us a small jar with some of the dust in it from the volcano.

But it made the sun look red for awhile. It must do awsome things with sunrises and sunsets.

I also love lightning pictures. We get some good shows because of the airport. They must have lightning rods or something because every storm that has lightning, which is very few, you see a lightning show from that direction.

Wished I had a good camera when I was living on a hillside overlooking Lake Superior. The lightning is awsome. One time it hit behind us, over the top of my car, and to the lake.  Although I hear it's really backwards from the ground up. LOL


Quote from: YooperYankDude on April 28, 2010, 02:25:35 PM
Yes, lightning is awesome for photos as well, and I have a habit of storm chasing when I know a storm is nearby... but I am unfamiliar with "ladder lightning"...

What is it?

While I do admit that exhaust from the various forms of transportation is not great... at the same time, Horses and other animals give off high levels of Methane Gas... which admittedly is not the greatest thing for the environment either.  

And obviously, I probably will not be riding a bike to the wonderful "Land Down Under" anytime soon, which would mean you couldn't fulfill your dream of being a tour guide (yes... I know that was high on your list of things to do in this lifetime... Be a tour guide to some crazy YankYooperDude...  :grin:  )

So all in all... I am not sure that for long distance travel at least, that we have many alternatives...

*embarrassed laugh*...I've really put my foot in my mouth, huh? ;) I'm not a greenie, the convenience of the modern vehicle engine is just too...well...convenient.

I call this lader lightning...probably not an accurate name edit: no, on further reasearch it's called forked lightning
Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be


(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Quote from: taco_harvell on April 28, 2010, 02:18:33 PM
I wish I was down on the Gulf Coast today. They are suppose to try and burn off some of the oil slick from the oil rig explosion. I bet there will be some great pictures this afternoon if they go through with it. I would love to be able to get some pictures of that.

That would be exciting... I wonder how easily the flames will be able to be noticed.

When I lived in Utah, the mountain caught fire in 2003, I was able to go and sit on a bridge that was under construction and photograph the fire at night.

It was sad, because lots and lots of homes were burned to the ground, and every time one went up in flames you could tell because there would be an explosion.

Thankfully, as far as I am aware, there weren't any casualties...

Feed The Bachelors 2010