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Apostolic women can cook...

Started by The Cold Water Kid, March 09, 2010, 05:14:07 AM

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The Cold Water Kid

Apostolic/ Pentecostal women have a reputation for being great cooks. Are you? If there's something you or a family member makes really well tell us about it (recipes welcome if you don't mind sharing)!


Buttermilk fried chicken

Marinate chicken in a mix of buttermilk, garlic, paprika, and a crushed bay leaf.  Overnight is best.

Take chicken out and let drip a bit, like off a cookie cooling rack.

Dip in egg & then a flour mixture that has a pinch of salt and baking powder.  Repeat for extra crunchies.

Fry in Med-High heat, in a good oil like peanut oil. 

The Cold Water Kid

Wow, I've been trying to figure out how to marinate, batter and cook good fried chicken! Thank you! I've been soaking them in buttermilk and battering them in a pre-made mix I bought at Sam's (Zataran's I think) but I knew there had to be a better way.

Do you put the seasonings on the pieces and then put the pieces in the buttermilk, or just add the seasoning to the buttermilk?


I add it to the buttermilk.  Sometimes I use a gallon baggie, sometimes a tupperware.

If you're doing bone in chicken you need the heat a bit lower  & cook longer than boneless.


Oven Fried Chicken

Make a mixture of horseradish (or mayo), mustard and salt (or tony's/slap yo mama...etc) to rub over chicken

You can add a slight bit more seasoning to the chicken at this point if you like it really salty, but there's no need. Good flavor with the horseradish

Crush cornflakes and put in chicken. You can roll them in or do like shake and bake.

Put on baking sheet and bake on 350. I use boneless skinless chicken thighs and cook for 15 minutes on each side. If you are using bone in chicken it takes a lot longer. The chicken comes out really moist on the inside and crunchy on the outside.

The Cold Water Kid

The oven baked chicken recipe sounds good too. I remember years ago an experienced chef told my dad he battered his catfish in mustard and pepper (and I assume flour and salt too).

Have either of you ever made your own sauerkraut? Sauerkraut you buy at the grocery store has usually been pasteurized which kills the beneficial bacteria. I've got an idea for a sauerkraut maker built out of PVC pipe... the crock ones on are about $140.00. I'll probably pick up the materials tomorrow.


I don't like sauerkraut so I'm not one to ask.

The oven fried chicken is a weight watchers recipe that I've adapted a bit. It's still good for u tho

The Cold Water Kid

Italian spaghetti sauce

3 t olive oil (or favorite oil)
2 pads garlic
1 onion
1 can tomato paste
2 lbs hamburger
1 can skinless tomatoes
1 can tomato soup
1 t cinnamon
2 t chili powder

Heat oil, add garlic & onion. Fry till golden brown. Add tomato paste & hamburger. Cook till meat is done. Remove from heat & transfer to pot. Add tomatoes, tomato soup, cinnamon & chili powder. Cover & simmer for 1 1/2 hours. After cooking add 1/2 cup of stuffed green olives if desired. Salt to taste.

My grandmother got this recipe from someone at the Italian embassy in the late 70's. You wouldn't think cinnamon would work in spaghetti, but it's delicious!