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Single Men are Like Waffles... Single Women are like Spaghetti?

Started by (R.I.P.) YooperYankDude, February 14, 2010, 03:16:56 AM

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(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Anyone ever read this book... picked it up, because as a single guy I wanted to know why I was reduced to a breakfast food... and the single ladies got be a gourmet Italian food...

Lots of interesting insights in this book, and wondering if anyone has every read it...

Feed The Bachelors 2010

The Purple Fuzzy


never read it but I would wonder why the men get to be the sweet light- morning food while the women are the heavy evening food.  But then it might seem like a visual statement too?  Men may be compartmentalized like the squares on a waffle, one flavor, not complicated, while women are intertwined with deep flavors of contrast (sauce to noodles).

hahaha, let us know how it goes, I know marriage books but come up short when asked about reads that address specifically singles.


I've read it, Yooper.  Made a lot of sense.  Guys compartmentalize.  Girls mix everything together.  Guys can go to a box with NOTHING (*gasp*) and be perfectly happy.  Girls let everything get all mixed up and tossed together and it all runs togetherandtheproblemsthatseemtotallyunrelated somehow mix together.

Yeah.  It's an interesting read for sure.

I have lots of books for singles, as I work with the singles ministry in my church, but I've started to read more books on relationships in general now.  Seems to help more than the singles books at times.  The book "Love and Respect" changed my life.


Oh yeah!
The Five Love Languages is a great read, too.
I bought the Singles version, but haven't read it yet.


Only through faith in the Grace of God through Jesus Christ am I saved. No other means and no other actions changes the predestination of my soul.

UPDATE:  I finally did find my wife.  Just waiting now to bring her to the USA!

Amelia Bedelia

*goes to take another look at the settings on the waffle maker*  I knew there had to be bigger reason why I love that appliance


*shaking my head at AB*

And I shoulda known Brandon would show up with his fork in this thread.  lol


(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Well... ya know what they say... the quickest way to guys heart is through his stomach... lol

Feed The Bachelors 2010


*cooks some waffles and spaghetti*

Wait a minute...  that doesn't sound very appetizing to me!  lol  You ever imagine what that kind of journey would REALLY look like??!??!??!??!??  *gag*

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Actually waffles and Ice cream are much better, or waffles and cream of chicken soup... but not waffles and spaghetti...

but the book totally points to guys compartmentalizing everything... and gals mixing all things together...

Never did understand how they could want a pickle and watermelon shake at 3 in the morning... lol...

Feed The Bachelors 2010

Amelia Bedelia

waffles don't have to be sweet, its all what you put in the batter - you could make garlic waffles that would go really well with spaghetti...

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Garlic waffles...? Hmmm... first time I have thought about that... wouldn't do too well to have Garlic breath that early in the mornin though... I think that is why spaghetti is an evening meal.

Feed The Bachelors 2010

Amelia Bedelia

is there ever really a good time of day to have garlic breath?   

As an alternative I'm thinking one could do a cinnamon sugar-glaze spaghetti creation that would go well enough with sweet breakfast waffles

wow this thread makes me hungry

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

That is sounding more and more like a funnel cake... which uses waffle batter, and looks like deep fried spaghetti... so is that like the perfect person?

A mix between the norm (waffles) and the completely complicated spaghetti...?

Feed The Bachelors 2010

Amelia Bedelia

I was kinda thinking of funnel cake too... but they always leave me feeling unfulfilled and a little sick so I really hope thats not what the goal is

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Funnel cakes are awesome... but I always stop at one as to not hurt my stomach too much... too much of a good thing is bad...

Peanut Butter and Chocolate fudge is even better... but only in small amounts... I wonder how that would taste on a waffle...?

***Getting this digressing from the topic thing down good...*** lol

Feed The Bachelors 2010

Amelia Bedelia

use less sugar in the batter and make it on the crispier side and it would probably taste awesome and hold up to the added weight of the peanut butter and fudge quite nicely

it will get back to the topic eventually, don't worry

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Anyone taken the test of what your 5 love languages are... there is a link... ... it would be interesting to see the differences in guys / gals... lol

Fudge is good by itself... as are Ginger Bread houses with all the fixins...

Feed The Bachelors 2010

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Guess ya gotta pretend you are married to take it though... lol...

Feed The Bachelors 2010

Amelia Bedelia

I didn't know they had an online test  LOL  I perused the book a couple years ago.   Just base it off your last relationship and how you wished it would have gone  LOL   My scores were pretty accurate I'd say, all words of affirmation and no gifts  LOL

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Yup... actual scores for an actual theoretical test... lol

Your Scores
6   Words of Affirmation
10   Quality Time
3   Receiving Gifts
5   Acts of Service
6   Physical Touch

Quality Time
In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, "I love you," like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there–with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby–makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

Lol... I guess I'd say it is pretty accurate considering I didnt know how to respond to a few of the questions... lol. Like the land of make believe, but without the train and Mr. Rogers... lol (Some may not know who or what that is... you didnt miss too much... lol)

Feed The Bachelors 2010

Amelia Bedelia

My Scores
10    Words of Affirmation
7    Quality Time
0    Receiving Gifts
5    Acts of Service
8    Physical Touch

Words of Affirmation
Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, "I love you," are important–hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

I'm going to go take the guy's test and see ya'lls questions

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

LOL... great idea... I should take the guys test too... OOOPS :biglaugh:

Just kiddin... took the guys test... lol

Feed The Bachelors 2010