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7 Hospitalized From Filthy Office Fridge

Started by The Purple Fuzzy, May 13, 2009, 01:58:51 AM

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The Purple Fuzzy

ABC News
7 Hospitalized From Filthy Office Fridge
Calif. office worker decides to clean fridge full of rotten food, but smell sends 7 to hospital
The Associated Press

SAN JOSE, Calif.

An office worker cleaning a fridge full of rotten food created a smell so noxious that it sent seven co-workers to the hospital and made many others ill. Firefighters had to evacuate the AT&T building in downtown San Jose on Tuesday, after the flagrant fumes prompted someone to call 911. A hazmat team was called in.

What they found was an unplugged refrigerator that had been crammed with moldy food.

Authorities said an enterprising office worker had decided to clean it out, placing the food in a conference room while using two cleaning chemicals to scrub down the mess. The mixture of old lunches and disinfectant caused 28 people to need treatment for vomiting and nausea.

Authorities said the worker who cleaned the fridge didn't need treatment — she can't smell because of allergies.

Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures


There is something to be said for allergies but that's about all.  :laughhard:



I can't help but laugh. They are about our fridge at work. Now I see why - I guess. hahahahaha..


I've never seen such filth. hmmm.... people are so lazy and forgetful these days. I just don't get how people can deal with filth. you should see some of the homes I go into. one of my pet peeves is seeing grubby handles on a fridge door, or mildew growing in the door seal.


Mildew can happen overnight here. The air is much moister a LOT of the time. My allergies go crazy when it rains, or even cloudy and high humidity.


i clean my house daily. i cannot stand to think there might be mildew lurking in some crevice of my fridge or shower- hubby calls me bleach queen.

World Traveler

Sometimes it is possible to just forget about things. A while back I was cleaning out my fridge when I decided to open up the crisper. I didn't expect to find anything. I couldn't ever remember putting anything in there. But there was something. Two somethings actually. They were vacuum sealed packages of fresh mixed veggies. (You know, cauliflower, broccoli, etc like you buy at the store). Anyway, there were no more veggies to be seen. Each package had nothing but a brown colored water in it. Everything had turned to water.
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.



its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


lol..... gross vince! I dunno.... maybe I am weird, but I check my fridge every 2 or 3 days to make sure there's nothing icky growing in there. *shrugs* But I thought that was something most people do.  Now I am questioning my normal state of being. lol.


The Purple Fuzzy


lol! I was treated for OCD when I was younger but I think I outgrew most of it... I am very very clean. lol. when my house gets dirty I come near to a coronary. and smells. oh man. *gag*



  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Whew! I thought someone was going to accuse me! How long can balogna stay good in the heat, if you go ahead and stick it in the fridge later?

John  :waving:


well, I suppose if you're brave enough to eat balonga in the first place, it may not



Ahh, but, Lady Melodya, I'm not as fortunate as your husband, who has a wonderful wife that sees that he's not reduced to balogna or coldcuts for dinner, unless I want to go out and hit the pizza buffet or somesuch :(


Actually, other than the holidays, the last home-cooked meal I had may have been at the DuBois just before? Thanksgiving.

I've not starved away, of course..there's always restaraunts, drive-thrus, microwavable stuff...and balogna! :)

John  :waving:

Quote from: MellowYellow on June 22, 2009, 07:51:23 AM
well, I suppose if you're brave enough to eat balonga in the first place, it may not


World Traveler

You won't believe what I found in my fridge today!! I still need to catch it before I can tell you, though. I think it used to be tuna.

Ha ha. Just kidding.
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


Quote from: World Traveler on June 23, 2009, 02:41:05 PM
You won't believe what I found in my fridge today!! I still need to catch it before I can tell you, though. I think it used to be tuna.

Ha ha. Just kidding.


Quote from: Newsman on June 23, 2009, 08:40:03 AM
Ahh, but, Lady Melodya, I'm not as fortunate as your husband, who has a wonderful wife that sees that he's not reduced to balogna or coldcuts for dinner, unless I want to go out and hit the pizza buffet or somesuch :(

Actually, other than the holidays, the last home-cooked meal I had may have been at the DuBois just before? Thanksgiving.
I've not starved away, of course..there's always restaraunts, drive-thrus, microwavable stuff...and balogna! :)
John  :waving:

Do you know how many times I have offered to cook and let you try it out?  too many to count!
Only through faith in the Grace of God through Jesus Christ am I saved. No other means and no other actions changes the predestination of my soul.

UPDATE:  I finally did find my wife.  Just waiting now to bring her to the USA!