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Started by iridiscente, January 29, 2009, 05:35:08 PM

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Did you know what a Margay was? Aren't they cute? This is a cultural discussion because they live mostly in Brazil or Eastern South America.  :smirk:

QuoteMost notably the Margay is a much more skillful climber than its relative, and it is sometimes called the Tree Ocelot because of this skill. Whereas the Ocelot mostly pursues prey on the ground, the Margay may spend its entire life in the trees, leaping after and chasing birds and monkeys through the treetops. Indeed, it is one of only two cat species with the ankle flexibility necessary to climb head-first down trees (the other being the Clouded Leopard). Its ankles can turn up to 180 degrees,[4] it can grasp branches equally well with its fore and hind paws, and it is able to jump considerable distances. The Margay has been observed to hang from branches with only one foot.


aww. Is that a full grown one or a baby?


That would make a pretty coat.....


His paws are big, so I assume it's a baby and will get much bigger.


From the parallels in the article I'd think it'd grow to about the size of an ocelot.


Quote from: Sis on January 29, 2009, 08:14:27 PM
His paws are big, so I assume it's a baby and will get much bigger.
I think it's a baby too. It has a beautiful coat! and eyes!


I love the shape of the ears!!

And the big eyes! And that big nose...I want one!

I wonder how my Ebs would like it?
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I know, when I first saw it my reaction was "Can those be pets!?"

The Purple Fuzzy

Not sure I'd want that climbing everywhere. :o


[insert]voice of practical reason [/insert]

Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on January 30, 2009, 12:31:01 AM
Not sure I'd want that climbing everywhere. :o

The Purple Fuzzy

It is cute, at least while it's small. ;)


Lots of things are like that!

The Purple Fuzzy

True. ;)

Even actions.


Lol.. like lying or something.
Have you ever had a pet "lie" that grew up and ate you for supper?
That would make a cool kids book. Sorta like the Veggie Tale story of The Rumor Weed.

The Purple Fuzzy

I was thinkging about how an action is cute when a llittle kid does it but not when they get older.


hmmm. I wonder what/who made you think of that. :smirk:

The Purple Fuzzy

Sales reps?  Ariel?  dunno...


that is adorable! however, so are children til they take a hunk out of your arm.


When the mouth opens and if there's no food around, you're supposed to move!   :laughhard:


The first pic looks like he has some attitude.


Dina:  My brother does a kids sermon on his pet sin, Herman.  He's small at first, but demanding and hungry.  He has to get things to feed him and do things with him, and play with  him, and then as he gets bigger, he becomes more demanding and takes over his life.  He needs toys and games and more food and...

The junk man comes by sometimes and asks if he has anything to get rid of.  The answer is always "no" because he needs it all for his pet.

Can't remember the full ending, but the junk man finally comes and takes away the sin, and then all the other stuff can leave the house so it will be clean again.

That's the jist of it, anyway.


That sounds like an awesome object lesson, too. I can picture it to be a great skit!!!


From what he told me, it really was.


Quote from: RainbowJingles on April 02, 2009, 07:15:18 AM
Dina:  My brother does a kids sermon on his pet sin, Herman.  He's small at first, but demanding and hungry.  He has to get things to feed him and do things with him, and play with  him, and then as he gets bigger, he becomes more demanding and takes over his life.  He needs toys and games and more food and...

The junk man comes by sometimes and asks if he has anything to get rid of.  The answer is always "no" because he needs it all for his pet.

Can't remember the full ending, but the junk man finally comes and takes away the sin, and then all the other stuff can leave the house so it will be clean again.

That's the jist of it, anyway.