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Things to do to the car at a wedding...

Started by sunlight, December 12, 2007, 11:05:10 PM

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The Purple Fuzzy

I think the car has been decorated at every wedding that I've ever been to, just some worse than others.


*nod*  But "decorating" - IMHO - doesn't include obliterating the windshield so that you can't see, or obstructing the entrance to the door, or making it so that the car isn't drivable.  *shrug*  Just my opinion for what it's worth.  Other opinions may vary.

True "decoration" should be pretty, as the word decoration implies, and a wedding getaway car should reflect the fact that the couple got married among friends who were happy for them on their special day, not bent on revenge for whatever pranks had been pulled on them in the past.  When a lady walks out of a church feeling the most elegant she has ever felt in her life, it just seems that the car should at least SLIGHTLY match the way she feels.

Just my :twocents: about how I feel about MY wedding.  Others obviously feel very differently.  And like I said, I think some of it has to do with how I was raised.


Quote from: RainbowJingles on January 13, 2009, 12:41:17 AM
Maybe it was the way my Mom always reacted to things like that, but I think I would feel completely disrespected if someone did that to my car (the way Dina's was) on my wedding day.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'd be good at keeping my feelings about it inside, either!  The post-it one wasn't too terrible, but to walk out to a trashed car that I had to struggle to get into while I was wearing the most expensive dress that I'd ever owned in my life...  Ugh.  That just makes me feel awful to think about it.

Of course, I generally don't involve myself in any practical jokes because of those feelings.  I don't want the "favors" returned to me, and I pray that people take those types of things into consideration.

And I pray that I marry someone who hasn't been actively involved in creaming and TPing other people's cars at their weddings.  lol
I didn't like it, but there's no way I was going to let that ruin my day. I knew with my brother and cousins that I wouldn't have a chance for anything else.


Quote from: The Purple Fuzzy on January 13, 2009, 12:45:12 AM
I think the car has been decorated at every wedding that I've ever been to, just some worse than others.
You should tell about what you sneaky folks did. And what happened to your van...


Quote from: RainbowJingles on January 13, 2009, 12:41:17 AM
Maybe it was the way my Mom always reacted to things like that, but I think I would feel completely disrespected if someone did that to my car (the way Dina's was) on my wedding day.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'd be good at keeping my feelings about it inside, either!  The post-it one wasn't too terrible, but to walk out to a trashed car that I had to struggle to get into while I was wearing the most expensive dress that I'd ever owned in my life...  Ugh.  That just makes me feel awful to think about it.

Of course, I generally don't involve myself in any practical jokes because of those feelings.  I don't want the "favors" returned to me, and I pray that people take those types of things into consideration.

And I pray that I marry someone who hasn't been actively involved in creaming and TPing other people's cars at their weddings.  lol

That's how I felt when I read about Mexican restraunts having the nerve to smear whipping cream over someone's face. I KNOW I wouldn't hide it. I'd walk out.

The same about wedding cake. I don't know when the tradition turned so ugly, but it was the tradition for the bride to feed the groom a piece and the groom to do the same at the same time.  This smashing cake in each other's face is just totally tasteless and could ruin the dress if enough of it was used.  Some people have no class. :rofl:


Yeah... I really hate it when people smash cake in each other's faces. I feel like, "whoa, that marriage got off to a good start!"


Quote from: iridiscente on January 13, 2009, 01:31:41 AM
Yeah... I really hate it when people smash cake in each other's faces. I feel like, "whoa, that marriage got off to a good start!"

:laughat:  Never thought of it that way! :rofl:


My brother, his best man, and I guarded his car so well at his wedding that I think my SIL was a bit disappointed when she found out that it might not even get decorated at ALL.  lol  We hadn't planned anything for the car, so I was out at like midnight the night before the wedding getting soap and streamers and balloons because he finally just flat out asked her if she minded it being decorated.  I think her response surprised him a bit, and the best man ended up doing some basic tasteful decorations and writing "just married" on it in soap.


Quote from: iridiscente on January 13, 2009, 01:31:41 AM
Yeah... I really hate it when people smash cake in each other's faces. I feel like, "whoa, that marriage got off to a good start!"

I saw a wedding where that was really the case.  Apparently they hadn't discussed it in advance, and the bride got angry when the groom was being playful and smashed it, and she walked out.  The poor groom just looked stunned.  Yes, it was an indicator of the tone of the (now-ended) marriage.

And I agree with the custom of feeding one another as a symbol of the fact that you will be serving one another, but the custom (as many customs that have to do with God and marriage in America) has been really turned on its ear in that it's become the "cake-smashing ceremony" instead of the opportunity to show your love for one another and the fact that you will lovingly serve one another simultaneously for the good of both of you.


*Hugs* Elona because she thinks that way too.

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


* iridiscente hugs ruby because she thinks that way too.


Maybe I take life too seriously sometimes, but to me, a wedding/marriage is a sacred thing--a gift from God--and there's no need to make it crude and/or crass. I like seeing people happy and having fun at weddings, but most pranks I've seen played at weddings get carried WAY too far. *shrug* And the cake thing... yeah, the smashed cake thing has always made me cringe.

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Well, if thinking like you posted is "taking life too seriously" then I guess I take life way too seriously.  lol

I've always wanted a church service for my wedding: a true time of asking for the blessing of the Almighty God upon my marriage, not a time of creating a string of funny moments or practical jokes to make everyone laugh (or feel sorry for that poor couple who has friends without boundaries).  Yes, there will likely be humorous moments about my wedding, or things that will make people smile, as well as moments when things will go wrong that we can laugh about, BUT I really don't want other people planning elaborate practical jokes or little "surprises" on my wedding day.  It would be like practicing a solo song for a big youth convention.  If you're not asked to sing, then it's likely not appropriate.

If I don't incorporate certain traditions into my wedding, it's likely because I don't want it there because I've researched the origin and don't feel that it would glorify God, or because I feel that it would distract from people feeling the presence of the LORD in the wedding (yes, there are even things about the reception that I would like to remain focused on God instead of it just being a party atmosphere).

*steps down off my soapbox*

You may now continue with the regularly scheduled car decorating thread.  I really don't have anything against decorating the car.  lol  I just think things like that can go WAY too far.


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8

The Purple Fuzzy


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8


$2,000 or best offer. New engine and other stuff.


Oh...thats not bad at all...


If only I had the money...


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8


What do you do with all your money?  Hire hitmen for squirrels?  You should have some money.....



Quote from: Chseeads on January 14, 2009, 05:13:47 PM
What do you do with all your money?  Hire hitmen for squirrels?  You should have some money.....

Pay bills.


And I dont.

Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8