
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. -Steven Wright

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Finally, it's over

Started by dnr1128, November 05, 2008, 06:44:49 AM

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Well folks, better get used to saying "President Obama," since that's what we'll be saying for the next four years.  Here are a few of my thoughts, feel free to comment and share yours.

First off, this election will bring change to this country.  We all know that.  What kinds of change, to what degree this nation moves closer to being a socialistic country, only time will tell.  However, we can be certain that we will lose some freedoms, morality in law will be eroded further, and government will intrude further on the lives of private citizens.  We can expect a weakened military and more terror attacks on US interests around the world, and God forbid, on our homeland. 

Since the campaign is over, I blame (aside from my fellow Americans for being unable or unwilling to see through the rhetoric) the Obama victory on the national Republican party.  It has as an organization moved away from the conservative values to which it used to adhere, and moved to a more centrist position.  No longer does it believe in the Constitution as the foundation law for our country.   In addition to that, I place significant blame on the so-called "religious right", the James Dobsons, the Gary Bauers, and others who only vote based purely on a few specific issues (abortion, gay marriage, etc), and in large part ignore other important issues (immigration, economics, etc), and supported a moderate candidate, Gov. Huckabee, for the GOP nomination.  That support split the party vote, and allowed another moderate, John McCain, to gain the nomination.  After that took place, the same people didn't want to support McCain.  Some people you just can't please. 

But, regardless of all that, for us as Christians, our hope is not in Washington.  After the outcome became clear, Julie and I walked our dogs out to the end of the driveway and enjoyed the clear, cool night, and talked about this event.  For many people, both liberal and conservative, their hope is in what happens in DC, and being able to get their man into office.  Not so for us.  We are not of this world, our hope is not to be found in mans government.  Scripture teaches that God rules in the affairs of man, and the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord.  Regardless of who is in the Oval Office, God is our trust, and we live in the palm of His hand.
Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.


If that's true and not media hype, it MIGHT mean that anyone who disagrees with the government (the president) will get either shut out or harassed by HIS media.

Churches will probably not be tax exempt anymore. If we're going to be allowed to have churches. I fear for our freedoms.

The man hates free enterprise. Hates the United States. Doesn't care about the constitution. Maybe he's the next Hitler.  *groan*


yes. and after he rounds up all the white people to work camps, he's going to set fire to washington, sell hawaii to the chinese, burn the declaration of independence and release the 4 horses spoken of in revelations to all corners of the earth.

its the end of days!  :tantrum:
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan


I dislike Florida right now. I REALLY dislike Florida. I feel like I betrayed my country, eventhough I did my part to try and stop the Obamanation.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I feel the same way about Iowa.


Dani... He won't sell Hawaii. They voted for him.

And thanks for those remarks about our trust being in God, Dinner. Someone else mentioned (newkris, I believe) that in another thread I think..

Reminds me of that verse... says something like 'Be still and know that I am God." We give Him us, our trusts, our worries, our joys in life.. He's still God. :)

But yay - it's over! :) Now I can go back to viewing regularly scheduled television programming - without those annoying ads! haha.. And those YARD signs! :) Mine never came, so I can sooo complain, LOL.


Quote from: Nelle on November 05, 2008, 07:33:17 AM
Dani... He won't sell Hawaii. They voted for him.

haha - no, he'll sell Alaska back to the Ruskies.  Get back at Palin. ;)


Alaska still isnt decided yet.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Go ahead! Make fun but he hates this country. He has said many things about it. Doesn't care about the constitution, hates free enterprise and wants to take your hard-earned dollars and give them to people who won't work.

But we'll see IF he really won, and if he did, let's see how much damage he can do in four years.


He did win Sis, with the electoral votes, AND John McCain conceded right before they got Cali. He DID win.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


I'm thinking John McCain's concession about seals it.  Unless the vast left-wing conspiracy had a gun to McCain's back at his press conference.   :cool:


McCains concession speech was a good speech tho... and yea Obama won it wasn't even a close win lol


Not EVEN close...once we lost Ohio, it was over.

McCains speech was VERY good, and he made Sarah cry.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Yea he did :( and i liked her.....


haha.. Aww.. :/

I missed the concession speech, but I saw Obama's speech. For some reason, I'm listening to MSNBC's Live Coverage, haha. I never like listening to it... but.. I dunno. haha.

Palin is neat. She'll continue to succeed elsewhere. :)



"Over"?  Did you say "over"?  Nothing is over until we decide it is!  .... Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??  Heck no!  And it ain't over now.  'Cause when the goin' gets tough ... errrrrr ... [thinks hard] ... the tough get goin'!  Now, who's with me?           :loopy:

............ But seriously, folks - it's definitely not "over".  In fact, it is only beginning.


Wanda:   Two wrongs don't make a right.
Cosmo:   But three rights make a left,...


Quote from: jdcord on November 05, 2008, 08:45:01 AM

............ But seriously, folks - it's definitely not "over".  In fact, it is only beginning.


Unfortunately that's true. And half of it might not even show up during his four years in office. Like so many times in the past, when a president does something, good or bad, it doesn't become final until the next president takes office.... and he usually takes credit, too.  :sadbounce:


Quote from: Sis on November 05, 2008, 07:39:05 AM
Go ahead! Make fun but he hates this country. He has said many things about it. Doesn't care about the constitution, hates free enterprise and wants to take your hard-earned dollars and give them to people who won't work.

But we'll see IF he really won, and if he did, let's see how much damage he can do in four years.

So Obama hates America huh?  I am trying to wrap my mind around how you can possibly know this to be true...and I am failing.  During the worst parts of George Bush's presidency (when he was making decisions that were disasterous to the American people) I never had the gall to say that he "hated" America. 

So...I guess now the only thing to do is to sit back and wait (maybe even hope) for something bad to happen so you can say "I told you so". 

QuoteUnfortunately that's true. And half of it might not even show up during his four years in office. Like so many times in the past, when a president does something, good or bad, it doesn't become final until the next president takes office.... and he usually takes credit, too. 


*wipes away tear*

Talk about covering your bases...This way if things are looking good during Obama's administration, you can still say "Just wait until the bad stuff happens".  You could keep saying that up until Armageddon itself...and still be right.  Bravo.

Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state. -Noam Chomsky

Brother Dad

Neville Johnson:

Whatever we condone, we come under the power of.  When a leader endorses abortion or homosexuality, that leader gives those spirits free reign in whatever authority he functions in.

If a president endorses abortion, he gives permission for murder to flood the nationbecause those spirits have been given permission by the highest authority in the land.

A governor of a state will do the same.  Also if a pastor endorses abortion, he brings the entire congregation under that spirit.

What a husband and wife endorse through what they vote for will affect their household.  This is the principle.

As a husband, it is important that you understand that what you condone opens the door to those spirits to flow in.  If you condone righteousness, you allow the angels of God to flow in and do their work.  That is why you need to continue to pray.  This thing is not settled.

God has some great things for this nation.  It just depends what route you are going to take.  There are some good times ahead for the church for those who choose right. Your destiny will be affected by how you vote.

I received this email yesterday.  The authors name is at the top.  It is from a  Charismatic preacher but is still very true.  God will be with us according as we ourselves have done.  You are can do nothing except vote for what we feel is right.  After we have done that it will determine how the blessing of God will fall on us as individuals.  Our concern is that we each voted our heart and what we really felt to be the right thing.  God will take care of those who do right.   Our destiny as an individual is far more important to God than who won an election.  Our hope and trust should always stay with Jesus Christ.  Our prayers should be for our leaders no matter who they are or what they stand for. 
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Brother Dad

Now it is time to see if all the so called Christians really believe and stand for what they say they do, or if it all just a lot of talk.  Prayer is more important than your vote.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


Quote from: Brother Dad on November 05, 2008, 03:29:49 PM
Neville Johnson:

Whatever we condone, we come under the power of.  When a leader endorses abortion or homosexuality, that leader gives those spirits free reign in whatever authority he functions in.

If a president endorses abortion, he gives permission for murder to flood the nationbecause those spirits have been given permission by the highest authority in the land.

A governor of a state will do the same.  Also if a pastor endorses abortion, he brings the entire congregation under that spirit.

What a husband and wife endorse through what they vote for will affect their household.  This is the principle.

As a husband, it is important that you understand that what you condone opens the door to those spirits to flow in.  If you condone righteousness, you allow the angels of God to flow in and do their work.  That is why you need to continue to pray.  This thing is not settled.

God has some great things for this nation.  It just depends what route you are going to take.  There are some good times ahead for the church for those who choose right. Your destiny will be affected by how you vote.

First of all, this Neville Johnson guy is a raving lunatic.

Secondly - McCain wasn't going to do anything about abortion. So in that sense - he supported it. Abortion isn't even an issue anymore, except for the Christian Right.

I believe that abortion is a viable procedure in some cases. I don't believe that it should be used for birth control.

religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan

Brother Dad

I am not talking about the abortion issue.  I am talking about the part that your vote will effect your individual life.  Not the outcome of the election.  If abortion was all we as a country had to be concerned with we would have very little problems.  But the fact is, whatever a person allows or condones will effect the outcome of their individual life.  Again the writer uses abortion not me.  If I voted what I feel in my heart to be right, I don't need to worry about the outcome of the election.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Brother Dad

Quote from: Chérie on November 05, 2008, 03:41:33 PM

Secondly - McCain wasn't going to do anything about abortion. So in that sense - he supported it. Abortion isn't even an issue anymore, except for the Christian Right.

And you are right there was not a whole lot of difference in the two except age.  The point is did we vote for what we felt to be right.  If so stand behind Obama and pray for God to Bless America as we should no matter who won.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


As far as abortion goes, Roe v. Wade should be overturned and the issue sent back to to states where it really belongs.  Allow the people of the individual states to have a say in what the laws of that particular state are.
"Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys." ~Anonymous~

"Courage is not the absence of fear; rather the understanding that something else is more important than fear" ~Ambrose Redmoon~


Quote from: BenJammin on November 05, 2008, 05:29:20 PM
As far as abortion goes, Roe v. Wade should be overturned and the issue sent back to to states where it really belongs.  Allow the people of the individual states to have a say in what the laws of that particular state are.

wow you have got some lofty hopes there.

hate to shatter your dreams but it won't ever happen.
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan