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First year of marriage

Started by angelofthe_lordz, October 07, 2006, 02:56:00 PM

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What I don't understand is this:  if putting the seat up is so easy, then why is putting it down so hard for women?  If it's down when you go in, put it up.  If it's up, put it down.  It's not exactly rocket science, but yet women still act like the simple act of putting it down is too difficult for them to conquor.  Apparently they don't look at the toilet before they sit down...maybe one day a snake will come out and bite them, and if they'd only've looked, it wouldn't have happened. 
Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.

Amelia Bedelia

contain the spray
close the LID

maybe that should be my campaign slogan...




Quote from: dnr1128 on December 15, 2006, 04:50:44 AM
What I don't understand is this:  if putting the seat up is so easy, then why is putting it down so hard for women?  If it's down when you go in, put it up.  If it's up, put it down.  It's not exactly rocket science, but yet women still act like the simple act of putting it down is too difficult for them to conquor.  Apparently they don't look at the toilet before they sit down...maybe one day a snake will come out and bite them, and if they'd only've looked, it wouldn't have happened. 

Personally I find it rather nasty to go in someone's house and see the toilet lid up....If I have to use their bathroom I don't want to put my hands in who knows what...I don't like putting my hands i my own pee, much less someone elses.
My husband does pretty well with the toilet lid thankfully.


certainly.  optimally, I think the lid and all should be left down when not in use.  That's just the best, hygenically and asthetically, thing to do.  However, what gets me is how women gripe at men for not putting it down, when putting it up is just as easy to do. 
Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.


LOL...ya'll are cracking me up!!  My husband always puts the seat down!!!  So, I don't have to worry about it.....

The reason I don't leave the lid "down" all the time, is my daughters have a hard time opening it without dropping it on their fingers when they go potty by themselves (one is 4 the other is 2).  My 2 year old likes "going by herself"!!! 



Nick and I just finished moving in our belongings to our first home together today. And Just yesterday, we got into it... (before, we'd just have to stay at my parent's or his.)... So... I  am sure now, more than ever, we are gonna have a rough first year.

Nick is a typical guy. he leaves stuff around, he lets the dog on our new suede comforter, he doesn't wipe his feet. He doesn't rinse his glasses out, nor does he use coaster... and he watches Football constantly... or dumb wrestling... but I love him, and as to the pros and cons of marriage, the pros always outweigh the cons...

Hang in there...



Brandon and I have been married since January of 2005. (We did the actual ceremony in December of 2005, but were legally married in Jan.) And I gotta say, maybe we're the exception, but it wasn't hard at all adjusting to each other's habits.

I think the only thing we've had to work on is the fact that when we have a disagreement I want to get it out and over with right then and he wants to have some time to think about it.

We've been very blessed in having a smooth transition into marriage.  :grin:


Can somebody please pass the salt........ooooooops....sorry! did it again....


well, my husband and i just got married in November '05.
adjustments? sure we had to make some. with me, it didnt bother me to have someone sleep in the same bed as me. my husband, on the other hand, was so used to living on his own and sleeping in bed alone and coming or going as he pleases at any time of the day or night. i think he had the bigger adjustment to make than me. i was looking forward to all the newness and difference. of course, he was too, but like i said, he had a harder time adjusting. but it really didnt take him long actually. and we've had our disagreements but no real arguements...nothing major anyway.
we're both doing really good. and we shop(recreationaly) wisely and use the money wisely.bills come first. of course everyone knows that. and being married and just starting out, wisdom is one of the best key factors to making a marriage work!!!!!!  or at least i think so.
trasitions and adjustments, i think they're just another adventure in the marriage. thats the way i feel about it anyway.


Quote from: dnr1128 on December 15, 2006, 05:18:44 PM
certainly.  optimally, I think the lid and all should be left down when not in use.  That's just the best, hygenically and asthetically, thing to do.  However, what gets me is how women gripe at men for not putting it down, when putting it up is just as easy to do. 

Yeah they say that you should put the lid down before flushing cause it sprays all over the bathroom otherwise........not the best thing for the place where ya keep your toothbrush.....So, purely for health reasons it's better to at least put the lid down for that part of it lol



Quote from: dnr1128 on December 15, 2006, 04:50:44 AM
What I don't understand is this:  if putting the seat up is so easy, then why is putting it down so hard for women?  If it's down when you go in, put it up.  If it's up, put it down.  It's not exactly rocket science, but yet women still act like the simple act of putting it down is too difficult for them to conquor.  Apparently they don't look at the toilet before they sit down...maybe one day a snake will come out and bite them, and if they'd only've looked, it wouldn't have happened. 

My wife and I have an "arrangement".  She likes to take baths and I like to take showers.  When she takes a bath, she folds the shower curtain up so it's out of the tub and out of the way.  It's her job to put the curtain back down so it's ready when I take my shower.  If she leaves the curtain up, then I get to leave the toilet seat up (and vice versa).  So far, she hasn't fallen into the toilet in the middle of the night.
Move along, nothing to see here.


its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain


Well...our first (and half) years of marriage was like (lemme put it this way)hell on earth.  Not only going through the "marital adjustment" stage, we were also going through our "Christianity growth spurt", since we were just baby Christians back then.  So it wasn't only hard, it was shocking, but with our love to one another it's worth it.  Indeed we're so thankful and even gobsmacked sometimes that we made it through, and though there are still rough patches at times it's smooth sailing from here compared to then.


mvausey, how long have you been married now?? Just wondering!!


The Purple Fuzzy


Quote from: newkris on October 08, 2006, 03:15:41 AM
it was then that i realized i had a choice to make. i could be angry at him for being a "messy" - of which i'm not - or i could choose another battle and learn to close stuff and put stuff away behind him.
my classic battle.


Quote from: iridiscente on November 05, 2008, 07:34:36 AM
Quote from: newkris on October 08, 2006, 03:15:41 AM
it was then that i realized i had a choice to make. i could be angry at him for being a "messy" - of which i'm not - or i could choose another battle and learn to close stuff and put stuff away behind him.
my classic battle.

I'm very fortunate. Stevebert picks up after himself. He puts things away. Most of the time not in the place he found them but he will put them away.

He even rinses off his dishes. I have even caught him rinsing off my dishes.


Quote from: Sis on November 05, 2008, 10:43:45 AM
Quote from: iridiscente on November 05, 2008, 07:34:36 AM
Quote from: newkris on October 08, 2006, 03:15:41 AM
it was then that i realized i had a choice to make. i could be angry at him for being a "messy" - of which i'm not - or i could choose another battle and learn to close stuff and put stuff away behind him.
my classic battle.

I'm very fortunate. Stevebert picks up after himself. He puts things away. Most of the time not in the place he found them but he will put them away.

He even rinses off his dishes. I have even caught him rinsing off my dishes.
I'm glad that my husband at least tries! It could be LOTS worse. Plus, he's so sweet he makes up for it with a lot of good qualities!


Stevebert even puts the seat down. As a matter of fact, the last time the seat was left up it was ME who did it.   :laughhard:  :laughhard:


this thread was started a lifetime ago. 

a l ot happens in two years. 

\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.
