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Especially for the Ladies

Started by apsurf, September 26, 2008, 04:20:09 PM

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Hmmm...what could I put in this thread?  well, I will just post it,

Something I got from eharmony, While maybe not all of this we agree with, but it is something for you girls to look at and think about!   

10 Signs He's Into You
Just because he doesn't bring you flowers twice a week or serenade you by moonlight doesn't mean that he's not into you. These signs will let you know that he's smitten.
Wondering if that cutie you're dating digs you for real? The clues to knowing if he's genuinely into you aren't the big, showy gestures you might think. So stop keeping score on flowers, gifts, and fancy dinners.

Instead, pay attention to the little things, especially your potential boyfriend's behavior both on dates and in between. Check out the following 10 signs that show your sweetie's really into you.

1. He Calls for no Reason

If your guy's really into you, he doesn't wait five days after a date to call you. Instead, he calls you whenever he feels like it, even if it's just to say hi and see how your day is going. If you've been dating a lot of players recently, this new, emotionally available behavior may seem startling. Don't criticize or judge it. Instead, enjoy it!

2. He Actively Seeks out your Company

Not only does your guy call if he's really into you, but he also makes an effort to see you regularly. And it's not just about having a hot date on Saturday night. When a guy genuinely likes you, he wants to spend time with you, regardless of what you do together. So if your cutie invites you to hang out and watch movies at his place, get coffee after work, or meet at the Laundromat on Sunday night so you can keep each other company while washing your clothes, chances are good that he's into you. If you feel comfortable, reciprocate by seeking out his company.

3. He Makes Time for you in his Life

Even in our overly scheduled modern-day lives, if a guy's into you, he makes time for you. So if he calls to say he's going away on a business trip for a few days but would like to see you before he goes, wants to talk while he's away, or is intent on making plans once he returns, all signs point to the fact that he's honestly into you. Make sure you make time for your man, regardless of your own busy schedule.

4. His Friends know about You

Chances are, you've dated the kind of guy who showers you with attention and gifts and also chases you incessantly, but never introduces you to the other people in his life. While this behavior may be confusing, the truth is that when a guy is really into you, he includes you in his entire life. That means his friends know about you. And not just how hot or sexy you are, but how interesting, funny, and amazing you are. As time goes on, he not only tells his friends about you, but he introduces you to them and makes you a part of his inner circle. Show your appreciation by making an effort to get to know his friends.

5. He Takes the Time to get to know your Friends

Not only does a guy who's into you share his friends with you, but he takes the time to get to know and appreciate your friends. And while a player might seize the opportunity to flirt with your girlfriends, a guy who's really into you shows genuine interest in your gal pals while reserving his affection for you only. Let him know that you appreciate him by returning his affections.
6. He Maintains eye Contact

When you're with your sweetie, a sure sign that he's into you is his ability to comfortably make and maintain eye contact. If a guy has ulterior motives or just isn't interested in who you really are, he won't bother looking you in the eye. So if your cutie catches and keeps your gaze, smile and return his gaze, enjoying the fact that he's really into you.

7. He Leans in when you're Talking

Not only will your man maintain eye contact if he's into you, but his body language will be equally telling. If he leans in when you talk, keeps his torso facing you, maintains eye contact, and doesn't cross his arms and legs defensively, he's showing you his emotional availability and interest through his body. Be sure to practice the same kind of physical communication with your own body language.

8. He Listens

If your potential boyfriend's body language tells you that he's into you, the next sign to look for is how well he listens and responds to you. Is the conversation always all about him or does he ask you questions, seek out your opinion, and genuinely seem interested in what you have to say? When a guy's really into you, he not only makes you a part of the conversation, but he also asks for your input, listens intently, and responds appropriately. Let your love interest know that you're interested by listening and responding to him, as well.

9. He Regularly Touches You

While a player may engage in inappropriate levels of PDA, a guy who's really into you may be less demonstrative. However, that doesn't mean he won't touch you at all. In fact, if you're dating someone who's really into you, he'll routinely touch your arm when he's talking, stroke your back reassuringly, and hold your hand when the time is right. These displays of affection show respect, intimacy, and interest. If you feel comfortable, let him know you're interested by gently touching him in a similar fashion from time to time.

10. He Takes an Interest in your Interests

A surefire way to know if your man sees a future with you is if he takes an interest in your interests. Even if it's something that doesn't appeal to him, like Pilates, painting, or your Portuguese language lessons, he'll encourage you to pursue your interests and ask you about them. Be sure to return the favor and engage him about his own interests. So there you have it – ten surefire signs that the guy you're dating is really into you. Once you educate yourself on the signals that matter, you'll be better equipped to see and sift through the superficial players in your environment and then identify the genuine gems worth dating.


Ya know... I'm always amazed people actually take the time to write lists like that. I want to tell them "Well, DUH." *grin*

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Signs SHE isn't interested

She says she's not looking for a boyfriend

This is a tricky one. "I'm happy where I am right now" is one we've all heard but are quick to question. It's a nice way for her to say she's off limits. However, she might change her mind once she meets someone she's interested in. But don't count on it being you.

In a similar vein, a woman with low interest level may talk about a past relationship drama that suggests she's not rushing to get into a new one.

She keeps highlighting how busy she is

This is probably the most classic subtle signal of all: her life is too hectic to accommodate a relationship. She says she's really busy at work, she works long hours, or simply can't make the commitment. She might say this before you actually ask her out, as a preemptive strike. If you get this excuse more than once, then you can throw in the towel.

Less subtle variations exist, such as spurting excuses not to give you her phone number. She may say that she doesn't have a cell phone, that she lives with a roommate, that she just moved into a new place and therefore has no personal line for intimate chats. Or she can also just give you a wrong number and get off easy.

She says she doesn't like guys who...

are shorter than her, are older than her, are in between jobs, have a beard, listen to Creed... whatever the comment, it will be one that applies directly to you. If she does throw a compliment your way, she may try to neutralize it with a negative hit, or a subtle comment of disapproval.

She talks about other men

This can take many forms, so stay alert. She may say she has a lot of guy friends and does activities with them a woman would normally do with her boyfriend. This shows that she likes the company of men as friends, which is what she might very well label you.

She may also mention that you remind her of her brother or guy friends, or go on about the other men she's interested in (which curiously, are nothing like you).

She gets you to talk with her friend

If the woman pushes you into talking with her much less alluring gal pal, it's the closest act to tossing you away without saying a word. But look on the bright side. You might get something going with the friend, if you don't mind second place.

She says she has to leave

If she's restless and fidgety and she keeps looking at her watch, looks around the room for something or someone, and seems generally uncomfortable where she is, i.e. near you. Should you still have doubts, they should be promptly dispersed as she suddenly leaves, mumbling something about having to be somewhere.

She says she's expecting people

In other words, there's little chance she'll be spending any alone time with you. If she emphasizes that these people will be arriving shortly, it's your red card, so gently excuse yourself.

She's not talkative

If she limits all  her answers to "yes" and "no," never bothering to elaborate, you have a flat liner. Ditto if she doesn't ask you questions and shows no interest in what you have to say. Especially telling is her body language. If she crosses her arms and legs, leans away from you, you're probably boring her. Now if she taps her foot or fingers impatiently with the rhythmic precision of a ticking clock, get out before she blows up.

She keeps looking around

When a woman is interested, she puts in the effort by giving you her full attention. If she's aching to end the conversation with you, looking for someone else to chat with,  chances are she's not interested in you.




Quote from: SippinTea on September 26, 2008, 06:47:43 PM
Ya know... I'm always amazed people actually take the time to write lists like that. I want to tell them "Well, DUH." *grin*


way too many girls think that they need to be showered with material things though when they need to read the REAL signs that show he is interested.  If I would have went into dating thinking that that is how a man shows he likes you--well I would be real disappointed now that Im married and broke!  LOL

My husband doesn't bring me flowers much.  He doesn't shower me with gifts.  It doesn't mean he doesn't love me--the little things he DOES--those mean the world to me.


I'm more flattered by my husband helping with house work more than any gift in the world!


Quote from: myhaloisintheshop on September 26, 2008, 09:09:05 PM
My husband doesn't bring me flowers much.  He doesn't shower me with gifts.  It doesn't mean he doesn't love me--the little things he DOES--those mean the world to me.

Exactly. It's the little things that become the huge things, and that mean the most. :)

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!

Amelia Bedelia

Amen Ruby - DUH!  LOL  friend and I were just talking last week about how so many of the job interview or self help books are really just basic "duh!" information but because they take the time to write it down it suddenly becomes enlightening and profound... lol

I get flowers, chocolates, show tickets, dinner at nice places...

but do they bother to tell their mother I exist?  Rarely.   :sadbounce:
nothing worse than being someone's secret

Its not unreasonable to want someone thats proud to be associated with ya right?  LOL

For the immature guys I think they've just been afraid I would get along far too well with their mother,  and they are probably right...  :P and then the pressure would be on   :biglaugh:


*reads Number 10 on Brandon's list*

Hmmm...  no WONDER I'm still single!!!!!

*goes to find a place that has Portuguese language lessons*


If I remember to use it in my next investigation, I have some great material about Lady Elona, that could give credence to a potential supposition that she is a Lady Playa.  :o

John  :waving:

The Purple Fuzzy


Quote from: Newsman on October 05, 2008, 12:33:11 AM
If I remember to use it in my next investigation, I have some great material about Lady Elona, that could give credence to a potential supposition that she is a Lady Playa.  :o

John  :waving:


What on earth do you have on me, mister?!?!?!?!!?


Hmm... it could have something that started  with a trip to oklahoma!!


What might that be, pray tell?!?!!?!?



* iridiscente can't wait to find out either!


:eyebrow:  I guess we will find out at the same time.




Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on September 28, 2008, 10:18:11 AM
For the immature guys I think they've just been afraid I would get along far too well with their mother,  and they are probably right...  :P and then the pressure would be on   :biglaugh:

Well, when you came to big mac on your trip across the nation, my mom thought you were cute and pointed that out to me.  So I assume you would have gotten along well with her!


So is the pressure on, Brandon?

And John...  :waiting:


Nah.....I think my mom has almost given up hope I will ever think about settling down.   Besides I rather play online games like tropical terror or metrowars or battleknight.