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"Supreme" Idiots in California

Started by jdcord, June 08, 2008, 01:11:24 AM

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On the way into work tonight I heard a show on AM radio called "Handel on the Law", and the host began the show by mentioning a case before the California Supreme Court - concerning two doctors (fertility specialists) that are being sued by two lesbian women for their refusal to artificially inseminate them (based on the religious and moral objections of said doctors). 

The host mentioned that by the questions, as well as the manner of questioning, being conducted by the Court's members, it seems clear that they are going to rule in favor of the plaintiffs - on grounds of the following principle (which I base on the very questions and comments presented by the Court's members):  that as business owners/providers, any service that is provided must be made available to everyone, regardless of the religious beliefs of the provider(s), and that if said providers have a problem with that they should have chosen a different profession. 

....... I kid you not with that last part; that really was their attitude - and not just their attitude, but at least one of them even stated so, explicitly!

Now then, putting aside the specifics of the religious objections themselves, such a ruling would  still  be ridiculous on the following grounds:

1.  By the very ideals and principles upon which this country was founded, it is nothing short of tyranny for a government to demand and force business owners (by rule of law) to provide services to customers and under circumstances wherein that same provider, if left to their own personal discretion, would never do so otherwise.

2.  The Constitution provides no grounds or circumstances upon which an individual's religious rights would suddenly cease or otherwise become inconsequential - meaning that, per the Constitution, an individual's religious rights extend even to their place of business (and by extension to any business transactions and/or decisions).  Therefore, it is clearly unconstitutional to claim that religious rights are somehow automatically negated the moment we arrive at work.

And it is equally unconstitutional to claim that certain professions are somehow exempt from the 1st Amendment, and that all individuals entering into that profession must leave their religious rights "at the door", and must (by force of law) perform whatever tasks or duties are requested or required of them, regardless of any moral or religious objections they may have.

and finally, ......

3.  The women were NOT denied treatment.  They were merely denied treatment by those two specific doctors.  The procedure they desire is most certainly still available to them, as I'm sure that in a state like California there is no shortage of fertility clinics.  Those two women have every right to go to any of the numerous other available fertility clinics that would, I'm sure, be more than happy to assist them.

In other words, this case is not about the availability or non-availability of certain medical procedures - it is about nothing less than crushing anyone that would dare to stand up and object to the political and social(istic) agendas of certain political groups .... it is about silencing any and all opposition through fear and intimidation.  ..... And apparently the "Supreme Idiots" in California are all too eager and willing to shred the Constitution and play along.


As sad as it is to say, here's hoping that another group of "Supreme Idiots" - those at the U.S. Supreme Court - will have the courage to overturn the seemingly inevitable (and unconstitutional) decision soon to be handed down by the California Supreme Court.


Wanda:   Two wrongs don't make a right.
Cosmo:   But three rights make a left,...


yep and it aint gonna stop there!! just wait until another national emergency when fema instucts their trained ministers to preach romans 13 and comply with orders to go into consintration camps and give up their guns!!  ohhhhh i got more where that came from too!!  see for yourself what the supream courts are doing at prison      -yo
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther


Man, wish I could sue the doctors who refuse the treatment of choice for people who have thyroid problems. But I guess thyroid isn't one of the top 10 on the PC scale, is it?   :laughhard: