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Never Ending Song. Add Your Verse...

Started by Mrs. Yosemite, April 28, 2008, 01:52:07 AM

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Mrs. Yosemite

 :reaction:Lordy Mercy, ya'll. What are we gonna do with him!?? I see right now that I'm gonna have to put him under 'mouse arrest'! He's been on here today and gone berzerk and used up ALL the smilies.   
<a href="" target="_blank">" border="0

The Purple Fuzzy

Maybe you should use your flyswatter that you mentioned in another thread on HIM. ;)


I bought a blue one like this in Memphis Tennessee.

Tricia Lea

on the scales again,
seems that number's higher than its ever been
I need to go to the buffet again
but this time I wont get on the scales again


Mrs. Yosemite

Hey I like your swatter better.  :thumbsup2: I would stay on here and chat, but ya'll know how it is. Being a wife is exausting. Wash Iron Fetch Etc. I'M TARRD!

<a href="" target="_blank">" border="0" border="0" border="0" border="0" border="0" border="0" border="0

nite ya'll

Mrs. Yosemite

Quote from: Tricia Lea on May 06, 2008, 05:01:50 AM
on the scales again,
seems that number's higher than its ever been
I need to go to the buffet again
but this time I wont get on the scales again

:laughhard: AWWW You Done WENT & KILLED US! HAHA Thats GOOD. I knew you would come up with a good'n! Wait Till Yosemite See's that.

<a href="" target="_blank">" border="0

The Purple Fuzzy

On GP again
Wonder if those girls have found some men
Seems it's crazier than it's ever been
Just can't wait to get on GP again.


Tricia Lea


My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther