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Judge orders homeschoolers into government education

Started by Babs, March 07, 2008, 10:57:05 AM

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A little piece of trivia...

Oklahoma is the only state where homeschooling is protected under the state constitution.
"Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys." ~Anonymous~

"Courage is not the absence of fear; rather the understanding that something else is more important than fear" ~Ambrose Redmoon~


I didn't know any state did. That's kewel.

I was in on the beginning of the homeschool push. The government schools fought but finally the people won. They had a choice for the first time. I'd hate to see them lose it.


Quote from: BenJammin on March 09, 2008, 07:11:31 AM
A little piece of trivia...

Oklahoma is the only state where homeschooling is protected under the state constitution.

thats true, but i still saw alot of families go through alot because they homeschooled. its better than most states but needs improvement
Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.


My experience, there are some classes that no teacher can get control over without a cat of nine tails and permission to use it along with tear gas!


Which reflects directly on the discipline (or lack thereof) of said class. I think a lot of people decide to homeschool their kids for the wrong reasons, or without counting the cost.

They most likely didn't realize what they had to be prepared for. "The readiness is all", after all.


My theory goes along these lines:

What is freedom?  What is diversity?  Human beings are not little cookie cutter clones.  I don't give a rat's posterior for 'social skills', name me one that does anything important.

As far as that goes what defines a 'social skill' anyway?  Talking?  Playing team sports?  Understanding good sportsmanship and manners?  Bleah, any social skill can be taught with just a very few friends and some adults.  This is simple, folks.

Oh, but the commie weirdos say, your children need to be brought up to where they don't "hate" our little social agenda [even though it has resulted in a drugged-to-death population because the human mind is perfectly capable of seeing through Baloney].  Use "gaydar" for an example.  How does it work?  Who knows?  But it DOES, which means humans can see through baloney with spirit.

They need to be taught to absolutely obey their masters with alacrity and to think wrong is right and vice versa, and we can't brainwash them if you insist on keeping them safe from us [even though the youngsters are instinctively fighting the system by walking into our schools and opening fire.  They don't know why they are angry, they don't know why the system is corrupt, they just do].

They don't know what "The Great Experiment" is, and those who do haven't the brains left to wonder what an "experiment" is and why one was "needed".  Say "New World Order" and all you get is a bunch of eye-rolling and "conspiracy nut" comments. 

But humanity is not a bunch of animals, we are more, and the bunch of psychologists and sociologists responsible for this travesty need to dangle at the end of a rope and will if they keep prodding.

Leave us humans alone.  First, for youse atheists and evolutionists, think for a moment.  If humanity has been around for a hundred million years, our rulers are attempting to destroy 100 million years of hardwired evolution with some stupid socio-economic matrix of pure unadulterated bull puckey.

It is not going to work, humanity is going to rebel and destroy them utterly.

Look up a pleasant feller by the name of Jeremy Bentham if you don't believe me.  Ever hear of something called the Panopticon?  Neither has anyone else but the socio-psychologist freaks and those who give a rip enough to actually crack those antiquated things called history books.

Secondly, how do you think the explosion of tech in the twentieth century happened in this country?  Amazing isn't it, how most of these brilliant folk were not run through the state-funded Communo-capitalist propaganda matrix.  They all were from diverse backgrounds.  Some of the most brilliant men in history were relatively "uneducated".  What does this mean? 

To put it bluntly, it means the education system we have here is poop.

Lastly, are human beings cookies or clones?  No.  Does any one human have the authority or right to determine the course of any other human's life or destiny?  Again, no.  Can we place a value on human life or freedom?  A thousand times NO!!!!  I don't care how much pressure they put on, I will never surrender.

They will learn that humanity is free and will remain so, much to their sorrow.

They think they're so smart, hiding behind the curtain, telling us to ignore the little man back there behind it.  Unfortunately for them, none of us are the folks they put on their yellow brick road.  When the masses rise, death and destruction is the only things these "elite" will reap.


I can definitely say that while I don't agree with violence to change things, others will not agree. 

Further, the dangers inherent in dumbing down the populace only makes them more dangerous.  A stupid person will kill you quicker than a smart one. 

I further will not be anywhere around here if that happens, I don't want to be caught up in something like that.  I have kids to protect.  Mob rule prevents that.

Just because someone can see something inevitable coming, doesn't mean they support it or wish it would happen.  On the contrary, I wish I could prevent it and that humanity could somehow solve it's problems without resorting to killing one another.

Problem is, some people think they're better or more human or somehow more worthy of life than others.  THEY are the problem.


Ridiculous! Thats what I say! I was homeschooled! I turned out almost normal! lol
Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you


"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel



This stuff is scary.

I'm not certified.

But I teach at the church school.




"We will fight them on the beaches" Tsalagi, your post reminded me of Winston Churchill's speech to the troops. Amen!

Well I'm gonna homeschool my kids, I don't care if I'm not qualified. I went to a 'Christian' private school...the amount of emotional abuse I copped, it made me withdraw into myself and it's only by God's grace that I've got any self confidence and self-esteem at the moment. School social life in the early years is so important to be nurturing instead of the playground child heirarchy and bullying especially if you're a sensitive, initially bright child - well that is soon squashed along with any individuality or spirit...homeschooling is one way to eliminate that. And in school you get beaurecrats in the making, you either fall in behind or become ostracized for not having the 'right' attitude or thinking or behaviour or personality. The social culture in schools really is dumbed down, as a child, I loved to read, the school library became my haven, sanctuary and refuge which broadened my vocabulary and turn of speech, but heaven forbid I use that in front of my 'peers', the result was mockery. Too dumb to know an intelligent insult.
Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be



Quote from: upcchris on April 17, 2008, 02:16:00 AM
"We will fight them on the beaches" Tsalagi, your post reminded me of Winston Churchill's speech to the troops. Amen!

Well I'm gonna homeschool my kids, I don't care if I'm not qualified. I went to a 'Christian' private school...the amount of emotional abuse I copped, it made me withdraw into myself and it's only by God's grace that I've got any self confidence and self-esteem at the moment. School social life in the early years is so important to be nurturing instead of the playground child heirarchy and bullying especially if you're a sensitive, initially bright child - well that is soon squashed along with any individuality or spirit...homeschooling is one way to eliminate that. And in school you get beaurecrats in the making, you either fall in behind or become ostracized for not having the 'right' attitude or thinking or behaviour or personality. The social culture in schools really is dumbed down, as a child, I loved to read, the school library became my haven, sanctuary and refuge which broadened my vocabulary and turn of speech, but heaven forbid I use that in front of my 'peers', the result was mockery. Too dumb to know an intelligent insult.

I thought about that a minute, and on second run though I decided that the Amorphous Blob ain't gonna rise after all - being, after all - a blob.  :-?  Hot diggety. 

Remember the little experiment with the rats and the levers and treats?

We have one like that, every couple of years we push the lever and get a new set of rats.  :monkey2:


Quote from: Sis on March 08, 2008, 07:05:41 PM
It's simple, Brandon. If a teacher has no control over his/her classroom he/she is totally ineffective.
But it is my experience also when  a teacher is striving to get the control, and starting to make headway in that direction,  many times what very few tools that are allowed to be used, will be taken away.


Quote from: Tsalagi on April 17, 2008, 04:15:39 AM
Quote from: upcchris on April 17, 2008, 02:16:00 AM
"We will fight them on the beaches" Tsalagi, your post reminded me of Winston Churchill's speech to the troops. Amen!

Well I'm gonna homeschool my kids, I don't care if I'm not qualified. I went to a 'Christian' private school...the amount of emotional abuse I copped, it made me withdraw into myself and it's only by God's grace that I've got any self confidence and self-esteem at the moment. School social life in the early years is so important to be nurturing instead of the playground child heirarchy and bullying especially if you're a sensitive, initially bright child - well that is soon squashed along with any individuality or spirit...homeschooling is one way to eliminate that. And in school you get beaurecrats in the making, you either fall in behind or become ostracized for not having the 'right' attitude or thinking or behaviour or personality. The social culture in schools really is dumbed down, as a child, I loved to read, the school library became my haven, sanctuary and refuge which broadened my vocabulary and turn of speech, but heaven forbid I use that in front of my 'peers', the result was mockery. Too dumb to know an intelligent insult, but only because they insulted me first - well I shouldn't say that about them, it's not nice to insult anybody, but I'm not going to be all 'politically correct on moral, spiritual and biblical issues.

I thought about that a minute, and on second run though I decided that the Amorphous Blob ain't gonna rise after all - being, after all - a blob.  :-?  Hot diggety. 

Remember the little experiment with the rats and the levers and treats?

We have one like that, every couple of years we push the lever and get a new set of rats.  :monkey2:

1st sentance: ???

Yup, the cry of the schooled masses "we have no mind or opinion left, control us and tell us what our opinion is"
Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be



Quote1st sentance: :huh:

I was talking about my rant post.  I had been reading some rather inflammatory material; and was just thinking to myself that if it ever got out as general knowledge that 'the pipple' would rise up and riot a la French Revolution.  Then the more I thought about it the thought occurred to me that it's just not gonna happen - for the most part 'the pipple' couldn't care less who runs the show or what they're doing.

Just so long as they get their NASCAR, WWE and UFC fights.  Or whatever brand of bread-and-circus they favor.

Just so long as they get to push a button every couple of years to 'elect' new twits. 

It seems as though the guys in government have no concept of real life, they keep making more and more stupid legislation and only go back to make a token effort to revise said legislation whenever someone catches them with their hand in the cookie jar and raises such a big stink about it that they get embarrassed.

THAT only happens whenever a bigwig on the opposing side of said legislation gets angry about something, maybe not even the legislation - just something - and gets the 'news' outlets affiliated with their 'party' to steamroll the opponent.

But the more I look at it, being angry because the government and politics in general are made up of loonies is kinda dumb.  It's like being angry at the dumpster because it's full of garbage.

IMO, if the general population won't vote, won't take time to check out the candidates, their backgrounds and beliefs; and absolutely 100% vote their conscience instead of party line they are doomed.

They aren't interested enough to even vote, most of them.  Why should I get mad about them being stupid anymore?

When will they have had enough?  When they're being loaded onto cattle cars?  Nope, not even then.

There is already legislation in the books that if interpreted strictly would mean the death of every Christian in America.  You can holler all you want, nobody's listening.


Until it's them that's in pain, but by then its too late and nobody else cares, because at least it's not them.

It's scriptural, love will wax cold, brother against brother father against son, children againt their parents...but that's been happenning for years. As long as there's no confrontation, people are happy, even if society stinks

Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be
