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A Poem by SarahBee

Started by sarahbee, October 17, 2007, 01:42:13 AM

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With trembling fingers I grasp the veil
Ripped from top to bottom
Its like energy surging through
Its very fibers
What lies beyond? What lies within?
I've wondered all this time
Beyond- unseen glory
Beyond- power of God
Beyond- Nothing I'll ever understand
Beyond- pure holiness
How do I get there?
What can I do?
My hand holds the veil, I am almost.. almost..
Fire and love
I feel it
What is inside?
What holy terror
What enlightened darkness
What fierce compassion
Will I discover?
What emptiness will be filled
That I've clung to, to always remain
A victim?
How holy will I become
When I look at Him and see my unholiness
But thru my love for Him
I long to see myself made holy?
What characteristics will He take from me?
How will my very personality change?
How much will my temper cease...
I find I speak softly after I pray...
I've sought it all my life...
But I lack the courage
To just


A Tare

The Harvester
The Lord of the harvest
The Master of the field
He is up the road
He is coming
I'm not ready
With a gasp
I've lost my breath
As His gentle Presence comes
His decided feet heard
I turn
I see before me the field
So unprepared
So white
But so unprepared
My face contorts into frustration
Over a moment
Come too soon in my heart
Then to realize
I am a tare.


Tear Stained Pages

Word of God,
Open Your pages to me
Reveal to me the character,
The reality, the beauty
Of it all now, and all that will be
Fastening my eyes
On the black and the white
Your words reach to me
They teach my fingers to fight
Sharpness, firmness, truth
It is You, it is You.
And to find Your words
Is to find the things that are true.
I am sure
You, Word of God, are the heart
The very heart of God
And the Great Artist's art.
Passionately, let me reach for You,
Weep over Your pages
These ancient words from over ages
Hear the shofar blow
The feet in the sandy pathway
The bleating of sheep
And the voice of God as a Friend
A Judge, a God a.. a Friend.
What do You say?
Oh, Word of God.


Quote from: sarahbee on October 17, 2007, 01:42:13 AM
Fire and love

I like that.

I mean, all three poems are good, but for some reason that one little line just jumped out at me.  :)
"You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."
- Augustine


Yeah. I had a big thing for awhile about fire and love. I went through the Bible and made all these connections with scriptures concerning fire and love and stuff.. it's kind of like it was a personal revelation of something for me.. (I don't mean a doctrinal personal revelation etc. lol)  I guess it's a reference to God's passionate love for mankind.. something along those lines.. :)

Thanks. :)


nice poems sis. i liked the tear stained pages.  :great:
Religion is worthless until it is able to move outside the walls.

My latest blog post.



  HUGS HUGS HUGS... I need to come on here more....... HOW have you been Congratulations on your marriage and all i LOVE ya girl (  OK i sound hysterical i am sorry but WOW i mis ya girl)

*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"


*laughs* at first I was like.. WHO on EARTH is this? lol.. *HUGS* thank you.. did we get you an invitation? I know I intended for it to be.. but I was at Bible College and it was kind of up to my mom and there were things forgotten and missed and all that jazz.. *sigh* just so you know.. if you didn't get an invitation.. you were invited.. lol


Quote from: sarahbee on October 17, 2007, 08:38:01 PM
*laughs* at first I was like.. WHO on EARTH is this? lol.. *HUGS* thank you.. did we get you an invitation? I know I intended for it to be.. but I was at Bible College and it was kind of up to my mom and there were things forgotten and missed and all that jazz.. *sigh* just so you know.. if you didn't get an invitation.. you were invited.. lol

I figured you would get it if i gave you HUGS  lol we have had that HUG thing for years so yeah lol

Thanks ... Amanda and Kaylyn told me about it so i was informed funny thing was i was up by Garrett ( i think that is where i was) but yeah i sill LOVE you. * HUGS HUGS*

awhile before i found out you where getting married or even had a man i knew you did just by the way you where talking LOL. 
*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"


By the way I was talking???  :o lol


Crying Mascara
She's crying mascara
And the world is forever changed
Another soul is born again
Another soul has found the way
A little more God
Is within mankind
Now, she's crying mascara
And thusly, I cry.
Cry mascara, world
Cry out the alcohol
Cry out all the tears of joy
That have never before appeared
Flood hell with your tears
Let satan understand
The more he hurts you
The more it will come back at him
When you are born again.

Hands on My Face
Your hand covered Moses' face
He would not see death
When He saw You.
I want to see Your glory also
I want to know what Your hand feels like
Let me know the lines of your hand
On my face
Let me know the scars
That poured out grace
Let me know, let me know
The hands of a Carpenter,
The hands of the Creator,
The hands. Your hands,
On my face
On my heart
Glory shone
I am not alone
For Your hands are on my face.


The phrase has tumbled about my mind today
"Feels like home to me."
I remember what feelings I would call home
I feel home and it wasn't home in a place
Or anything
It was Home in God
I know who He is, and I know what He feels like
And that was Him
It feels like Home to me.
Where I belong.
The place I come from.


This darkness is a darkness
To surpass and consume all other darkness
As we lay down lives for convenience
We forget the battle is a dark one
We forget we are in a battle.
We stand idly by as live are consumed
Consumed in the destructive fire and morbidity
Of a fallen angel
We forget there is a darkness
When we never choose to pierce it
Piercing the darkness with light
Is the thing we most fear
When will we grow up
And stop being afraid of the dark?
Where are the mighty warriors
Who will delve into the darkness
Of intercession
To bring light in a dark world?!


Quote from: sarahbee on October 18, 2007, 12:12:29 AM
Hands on My Face
Your hand covered Moses' face
He would not see death
When He saw You.
I want to see Your glory also
I want to know what Your hand feels like
Let me know the lines of your hand
On my face
Let me know the scars
That poured out grace
Let me know, let me know
The hands of a Carpenter,
The hands of the Creator,
The hands. Your hands,
On my face
On my heart
Glory shone
I am not alone
For Your hands are on my face.

That was amazing, Sarah. I like it.  :great:

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


sarahbee, i know you, too, but i didn't know you were a poet.  although i can't say i'm surprised.  i wonder if you recognize who i am yet.  here's a couple of hints . . . john and thi newman . . . wi jr. camp . . .  .  hhhhmmm . .  .  :pwink:  any ideas, yet?

smallword, GP is.  in fact, you may find that you know terp, too.

fun to see you here.  i had heard you were married, too.  good news travels fast. 

keep writing . . .good stuff, kiddo.  good stuff!
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


Quote from: newkris on October 18, 2007, 12:55:27 AM
sarahbee, i know you, too, but i didn't know you were a poet.  although i can't say i'm surprised.  i wonder if you recognize who i am yet.  here's a couple of hints . . . john and thi newman . . . wi jr. camp . . .  .  hhhhmmm . .  .  :pwink:  any ideas, yet?

smallword, GP is.  in fact, you may find that you know terp, too.

fun to see you here.  i had heard you were married, too.  good news travels fast. 

keep writing . . .good stuff, kiddo.  good stuff!

Oh I knew who you were when I saw your name.. :) I wasn't sure if you'd remember me or not. :)  Long time no.. uh.. see.. ;) :)

thanks for the encouragement.. :) 


of course i remember you.  you are one of my favorite people.  i had the pleasure of watching you grow from a gangly girl to a lovely young lady!  so many good jr. camp memories!  i feel sorry for all the people who didn't live during that particular slice of time because i'm sure WE had the BEST experiences ever!! 

\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


I know sarah the best though.. I went to high school with her.. :) we were tight but if we spent more then 20 hours together we'd start to fight.. then she went to bible college and got to cool for me.. I still love her and pray for her though.. Now I don't really hang out with anyone but middle aged ladies... everyone my age got to cool for me.. I love you Sarah!!! Pm me and give me your address and stuff so I can write to you.



GP is a pretty small world.

Welcome Sarah! Enjoy yourself.  :)

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: amanda18 on October 18, 2007, 02:31:27 PM
I know sarah the best though.. I went to high school with her.. :) we were tight but if we spent more then 20 hours together we'd start to fight.. then she went to bible college and got to cool for me.. I still love her and pray for her though.. Now I don't really hang out with anyone but middle aged ladies... everyone my age got to cool for me.. I love you Sarah!!! Pm me and give me your address and stuff so I can write to you.

went to high school with you? slight exaggeration.. lol.. but it did feel like it didn't.. It was fun to come around the corner from choir and meet with you until my mom came for me.. unless I was crabby.. lol:D

and.. too cool for you? maybe you got too cool for me.. ;)  You know what I think it was.. I think it was a year away from each other made me feel almost unfamiliar.. :( 

Quote from: newkris on October 18, 2007, 11:28:45 AM
of course i remember you.  you are one of my favorite people.  i had the pleasure of watching you grow from a gangly girl to a lovely young lady!  so many good jr. camp memories!  i feel sorry for all the people who didn't live during that particular slice of time because i'm sure WE had the BEST experiences ever!! 

I remember when you told me that! :) "gangly girl to a lovely young lady".. It meant alot to me.
I do miss that "slice of time".. I like how it is now.. but really miss the way it used to be.. (assuming we're talking about jr. camp? lol..)


O to Jr Camp twas the best of times twas the worst of times... NOT to many of those but yeah lol

   that was some of the best years of my life but it was only 7 years ago for me that i had my last year as a camper.... How i miss it yet how i crave the upcoming years to come in my life...

*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"


whoa.. waxing poetic... lol

7 years ago? wow, it doesn't seem like it's been that long... :(


If I Marry

If You want me married
Let him smell of Israel
Let him be dusty in heart with the scent of worship
Lingering in his hair
Let his eyes be zealous and from another world
Let the blood of Jewish prophets and American patriots
Flow through him in some way
Let his footsteps be that of mysterious
His words seasoned with salt
And flow like oil
Let his life be consumed
Like the bush that burned
But did not turn to ash
Let there be a gentle strength
A healing power, a wisdom
In his hands
May his spirit be dignified
Yet after the heart of God
That I would wak in the middle of the night
To find him dancing for You
In the living room
To find him on his knees in intercession
May he be a man of honor
And humility
That his life will move to the soundtrack
Of ancient flute and harp
Atop the drum and tambourine
The shofar.
Song of Zion
That says,
"I am in love with Yahweh
Let us play
And let us live for Him."
I want him to be
A man of God.


With My Fingers

I opened It.
There It lays.
I got lost
In between the black and white
I found the roads
Roads of ancient days
So worn through the years
But, lo! The beauty of it.
God, I love Your Word
It is my passion, my hunger
Look at Its streets
Into which I am absorbed
Let me grasp this soil and feel it
With my fingers.