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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Started by newkris, May 19, 2007, 01:56:41 PM

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what do you guys know about rheumatoid arthritis?  my daughter-in-law was just diagnosed with it.  i have looked at the clinical descriptions and some of the drugs used for treatment.  oh my word . . .she can't take any of them!  well, okay, that's a mom statement.  i'm sure she could take them, but wow . . .there's gotta be another way.

anyone have any natural remedies?  websites for information?  any ideas? 
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


Human Proof--Cod Liver Oil Can Slow, or Even Reverse, the Onset of Arthritis
For the first time, scientists have found human proof showing that cod liver oil aids in slowing down, and may even reverse, the destruction of joint cartilage in patients who suffer from osteoarthritis, a painful and often disabling condition.

The study consisted of 31 patients scheduled to receive total knee joint replacement surgery. Half were given two daily capsules of 1,000 mg extra strength cod liver oil and the other half given placebo oil capsules for a 10- to 12-week period. During the time of the surgery, researchers collected samples of the participants' cartilage and joint tissue from their knees to study and analyze.

Results from the study show 86 percent of pre-operative patients with arthritis who took the cod liver oil capsules had absent or significantly reduced levels of enzymes that caused cartilage damage, as opposed to 26 percent of those given a placebo capsule. Results also showed a reduction in certain enzymes that cause the patients to suffer from joint pain among those who took the cod liver oil.

The findings suggest that cod liver oil could delay the onset of osteoarthritis, and it could play a major role in reducing the number of knee and hip replacements carried out. Further, taking cod liver oil would likely reduce the harmful symptoms associated with osteoarthritis.

EurekAlert! February 12, 2004

Exercise Benefits For You

Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are continually plagued with pain due to the swelling and destruction of their joints. However, research has indicated that exercise may be a reliable treatment for this inflammatory condition.

Although little has been discovered on the influence exercise has on the small joints of the hands and feet, it is well known that exercise benefits:

Physical and emotional capacity
Functional ability
In a study, researchers divided more than 300 RA patients into two separate groups: a high-intensity exercise group and a regular exercise group. Both groups showed an increase in the number of damaged joints in their hands and feet. Three factors were evident among the patients who experienced the pain increase.

These factors included:

Worse existing damage than others before the trial began
Higher disease activity during the study
A decrease in aerobic fitness
Based on the study, researchers concluded that RA patients who engage in a long-term high-intensity weight-bearing exercise program, which involves aerobic fitness, did not increase the rate of joint damage in their hands and feet. In fact, researchers claim such exercises could provide a protective effect of the joints on the feet.

Future research will be conducted to see if these exercises are safe for patients with prostheses and/or extensive damage to the large weight-bearing joints. In the meantime, doctors are encouraged to recommend rigorous exercise to patients with RA.

Yahoo News November 3, 2004


Spirituality May Help Relieve Pain Of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Patients who use religion or spirituality to cope with the chronic pain of rheumatoid arthritis can reduce their pain and boost their sense of well being, preliminary.

The report found that patients who felt a desire to be closer to God, felt touched by the beauty of creation or reported other daily spiritual experiences were more likely to be in a good mood and to have social support.

Individuals who used religion as a key coping strategy for their pain reported much higher levels of

*disease-related support

One might expect that people coping with chronic illness or chronic pain might find it difficult to maintain a positive outlook or feel connected to God or the beauty of life.

The results of this study suggest otherwise.

Persons who reported being able to control and decrease pain using positive religious and spiritual coping strategies were less likely to experience joint pain and more likely to experience positive mood and higher levels of social support.

In addition, these patients used positive religious and spiritual strategies for coping with their disease more much more frequently than they used negative religious and spiritual coping strategies, for example "God is punishing me for my sins,".

The authors stress that the types of spiritual experiences patients reported using in their diaries were not "unusual phenomena, such as seeing visions or having out of body experiences, but rather spiritual experiences that ordinary people have in the context of daily life."

The study suggests that understanding the daily spiritual and religious experiences of patients is important in key to understanding their experience of their disease.

Journal of Pain
.April, 2001;2:101-110

Drug Giant Admits Another Arthritis Painkiller Increases Heart Risks
Pfizer announced that patients who took a high dosage of Celebrex, its top moneymaking painkiller, were in the higher risk bracket for heart attacks. This announcement was made right on the heels of the withdrawal of its one-time big competitor, Vioxx, which was stripped from store shelves in September.

Pfizer admitted that one of two cancer trials revealed an increased cardiovascular risk over placebo, while the other trial revealed no greater cardiovascular risk.

The results of this study prompted one cardiologist to discontinue prescribing Celebrex and all other COX-2 inhibitors.

Celebrex and Vioxx fall into the category of painkillers known as cox-2-inhibitors. These drugs have gained extensive popularity among arthritis sufferers due to their effectiveness in alleviating arthritis pain without side effects such as upset stomach and bleeding.

A spokesperson from Pfizer stated the company had no plans to remove Celebrex from the market. Celebrex also just so happens to be one of the biggest moneymakers for the drug company pulling in $1.9 billion in sales in 2003. Bextra trailed close behind with total sales of $687 million.

When problems with Bextra arose, the FDA took action by placing warning labels on the bottles warning patients of potential heart problems linked to taking the drug in people who had recently undergone heart bypass surgery. In regard to the announcement on Celebrex, the FDA responded by saying they would be studying the new data on Celebrex before taking any necessary actions. Until these actions are determined, they encouraged doctors to offer alternative treatments.

Pfizer, on the other hand, has plans in the works to conduct an extensive trial next year to verify the heart-safety of Celebrex in arthritis patients who recently experienced a heart attack.

USA Today December 17, 2004

Yahoo News December 17, 2004


I've also read articles that say a hidden allergy to grains (Celiac disease) can also contribute to arthritis. Many people don't know they're allergic until they get checked.

celiac disease, a genetic disease that is a severe form of gluten intolerance that results in intestinal complications, may effect as many as one in thirty-three people.

Most people are unaware that there are many reactions to wheat, aside from celiac disease, that can cause health problems. Most of us are addicted to breads, bagels, pizza, pasta, waffles and pancakes and would rather die than give them up, and many people do just that -- die from the side effects of eating wheat!

But eliminating gluten from your diet is no small task. The good news is that food manufacturers are finally realizing there's a growing need for a variety of gluten-free breads and foods. Some are using soy flour, which isn't exactly healthy, either.


I THINK that glucosamine also helps. My dad has some kind of arthritis from an old injury where he smashed his shoulder up - and he takes something each day that REALLY helps. I think it's glucosamine but I'm not 100% sure...


You have to watch that stuff, though. It's a salt and it can make you retain water and swell up. I took some because of the joint pain that hypothyroidism causes. My feet were so swollen I couldn't wear shoes. It started on the day I was moving to NY. Of all times for something like that to happen.

I quit taking it, and it took two weeks for my feet to get back to their normal size.

I'm not the type to retain water, either.


My dad's never had that problem!!


I know a lot of people don't but when I told the doc, she said she's heard it a lot.