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Security and what have we forgotten?

Started by apsurf, April 27, 2007, 05:22:09 AM

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What is it that gives a woman security in life?  Is it strong finances? Someone to share the home? Material comfort? To Feel wanted? To Feel Needed?

How does the guy end up trying to provide?   WOrking long hours? WOrking two jobs?  a tub full of dirty socks and unmentionables?

What does he forget?  A word in the morning rushed at the door? A call at noon  during lunch hour? A flower on mother's day?

A song was written some years back that said "You had me from hello" But the song if memory says right, that hello was spoken by the woman, not by the man.

Man has forgotten how to pursue, we think one letter, one call is all that it will take, and after the infamous words, "I DO"   we think for all time we don't have to always say "I Love You."

A book once quoted to a point.... "women will give up financial security for emotional security."  

We have forgotten that the gentleness that we had, will melt the heart faster then chocolate being nuked for dinner. WHile we may not have to show strong emotionalism,
that is not our makeup, our wireing, but we must be reprogrammed to not shut it off either.  We must be willing to show in the quiet and crazy moments the strength we have, by opening to the lady in our life, the shell that in which we hide.
We must show on a consistant basis that we do care, not with just words, but words and actions as well. 

For as a song said, the children was proud of the small house and yard, proud of the old clunker car, they just wanted daddy home.   

Are we willing to tell our bosses no, to tell our church, to tell our friends no, in order to spend time with our family?  THere are times we must just break away, to reconnect our souls to the ones we care to claim as our own.  

But how does that apply to us that are single, and no change in that regard on the horizon?
Well, have you thought about grandma lately?  How about the old man down the street whose wife is in the nursing home and cant remember his name?   The widow across town, whose child called only last decade from prison? 

There are many we can connect to as family,  wheather we are single or married.   And we must show them now in practice as singles, or we will apply the same disasterous lessons when and if we ever marry. 

BTW Got a date on dinner for grandma.


Quote from: nwlife on April 27, 2007, 05:22:09 AM
But how does that apply to us that are single, and no change in that regard on the horizon?
Well, have you thought about grandma lately?  How about the old man down the street whose wife is in the nursing home and cant remember his name?   The widow across town, whose child called only last decade from prison? 

Wow! Very thought-provoking!

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


I agree ST .. Filling your life with others is one of the best solutions to a lonely heart. Sure, we're human and sometimes we're all wish upon a star (figurately speaking) for 'that' someone but I'm not discontented because I have so many people to 'share my life with' at the moment. I would take the cut in pay to spend time with my family and friends - now don't get me wrong, I don't ~want~ to live in the poorhouse ;) - but there isn't any money on earth worth family.

Great post, Nwlife - You're got many great points there!


 :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: Two thumbs up on that post Brandon........I would have given more but I ran out of hands.....Oh wait here ya go :great:


I know this is somewhat off topic but it does include Brandon's thoughts..

QuoteA book once quoted to a point.... "women will give up financial security for emotional security."

I've thought about this. Do we really or would we really?  Generally speaking, women probably do and would (I think so), but individually, would we? 

I'm done work shortly so I'll be back later.. ;)


I would. Money comes and money goes, but a stable relationship is forever.

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel

Amelia Bedelia

there once was a time I would have had to think about that a little longer because I admit financial security is important to me

but I can handle financial insecurity just fine as long as I have emotional security and a trustworthy relationship


I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


Quote from: Rae on April 29, 2007, 10:49:31 PM
I know this is somewhat off topic but it does include Brandon's thoughts..

QuoteA book once quoted to a point.... "women will give up financial security for emotional security."

I've thought about this. Do we really or would we really?  Generally speaking, women probably do and would (I think so), but individually, would we? 

I'm done work shortly so I'll be back later.. ;)

its sad that some feel forced to make a choice between the two


I think it's sad too.. I've watched some choose the financial security over the emotional though.

Like AB, I admit that financial security is important to me - and that doesn't mean I want to be rich .. I just want to be able to live comfortably without the hassle of financial worries  ... But IF I had to choose, I'd choose emotional security. Financial instability is far more damaging than emotional instabilities - it takes more to fix a wounded spirit than bank account.

Amelia Bedelia

yep... you can find ways to get more money

I want someone who can handle any financial insecurity without damaging our emotional security


Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on April 30, 2007, 01:26:51 AM
yep... you can find ways to get more money
I want someone who can handle any financial insecurity without damaging our emotional security

AB, sometimes you have such a way with words.  :thumbsup2:

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel

Amelia Bedelia


Security, just a word
something though to be said
if bills are paid
a home over my head
and all there is daily
is water and bread
Is not my life complete?
Capitalism has seemed
to make us so figity
but yes, I am very partial
to airconditioning!!!