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Important Labor Question

Started by jquillen, April 23, 2007, 02:46:25 PM

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I've got a question for all the veteran moms.

I'm 3 days over and until now I haven't experienced any contractions at all.

Today I woke up with this constant lower back pain mainly on the right side.  It's like a shooting kinda pain that doesn't go away.

Is this a sign of labor?  It hurts all the time whether I'm sitting or standing.

I called my Dr's office but the Dr. isn't in until later today.  The nurse said it doesn't sound like I'm in labor and that I should relax and call back this afternoon if the pain doesn't go away.

Thank you in advance for any advice! 



I'd say that nurse doesn't know what she is talking about.  I'm kind of worried that she works there.  Lower back pain like that is one of the number one symptoms of the beginning of labor.


That is what I would say also!


Shooting pain on the right side that doesn't go away sounds more like sciatica or kidneys to me.  Maybe try to relax in a warm bath or apply a heat pad to it and see if it helps.

I had back labor and it was more of a dull pain, not shooting.


I agree, the lower back pain for labor tend to be dull not sharp shooting.  The baby may be putting pressure on a nerve back there too.  Once you pass that due date, the baby really seems to grow a lot. 

Are you having an other oddities that you haven't had until this last week?  I lost my appetited the evening before I went into labor.  I ate some cheetos and and orange and felt like I was NEVER giving  3am and POP! there I went from a nice round belly to looking like a water balloon held by the


When I was in labor it started out in my back, and like the others said, it was dull also and not shooting. Shooting pain does sound like a nerve. Please keep us updated!


Thanks for all the replies.

I took a warm shower and relaxed and the pain has gone away.  I haven't really had any other pre-labor signs.  I haven't had much of an appetite but that's been like that for the past week or so.

I'm so ready for this kid to come.  I have an appt. Thursday morning and my Dr. said they would induce Thursday or Friday.

Thanks again ladies!  It's nice to have a group of people that I can ask questions.


I can completely relate to you! I suffered pretty bad in the end of my pregnancy, but it seemed like Aiden would never get here! The doctor told me at an appointment that if Aiden didn't come on his own they'd induce me in two weeks, and I kept thinking, "Oh he will definitely come before they induce me." But yeah, they induced me. LOL! I know how impatient it makes ya! Good luck and enjoy these last few days of quiet. Ha ha.


i agree.... a sharp shooting pain on one side sounds like your sciatic nerve.  however, being on the right side your gallbladder is also a possibility.  does it run through your hip and down your thigh, or just stay in the back area?
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


I thought typically the sciatica would bother you during a good majority of the pregnancy (it sure did with mine)  So I never considered that with it just coming all of a sudden like that.


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?